(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Generic open Term open Univ open Evd open Declarations open Environ open Instantiate open Closure exception Redelimination exception Elimconst type 'a contextual_reduction_function = env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr type 'a reduction_function = 'a contextual_reduction_function type local_reduction_function = constr -> constr type 'a contextual_stack_reduction_function = env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr list -> constr * constr list type 'a stack_reduction_function = 'a contextual_stack_reduction_function type local_stack_reduction_function = constr -> constr list -> constr * constr list (*************************************) (*** Reduction Functions Operators ***) (*************************************) let rec under_casts f env sigma = function | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> DOP2(Cast,under_casts f env sigma c, t) | c -> f env sigma c let rec local_under_casts f = function | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> DOP2(Cast,local_under_casts f c, t) | c -> f c let rec whd_stack x stack = match x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whd_stack cl.(0) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_stack c stack | _ -> (x,stack) let stack_reduction_of_reduction red_fun env sigma x stack = let t = red_fun env sigma (applistc x stack) in whd_stack t [] let strong whdfun env sigma = let rec strongrec t = match whdfun env sigma t with | DOP0 _ as t -> t (* Cas ad hoc *) | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strongrec c) (* Faut differencier sinon fait planter kind_of_term *) | DOP2(Prod|Lambda as oper,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) -> DOP2(oper,strongrec c1,DLAM(na,strongrec c2)) | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strongrec c1,strongrec c2) | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map strongrec cl) | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map strongrec cl) | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strongrec c) | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map strongrec c) | VAR _ as t -> t | Rel _ as t -> t in strongrec let local_strong whdfun = let rec strongrec t = match whdfun t with | DOP0 _ as t -> t (* Cas ad hoc *) | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strongrec c) | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strongrec c1,strongrec c2) | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map strongrec cl) | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map strongrec cl) | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strongrec c) | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map strongrec c) | VAR _ as t -> t | Rel _ as t -> t in strongrec let rec strong_prodspine redfun env sigma c = match redfun env sigma c with | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(na,b)) -> DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(na,strong_prodspine redfun env sigma b)) | x -> x (****************************************************************************) (* Reduction Functions *) (****************************************************************************) (* call by value reduction functions *) let cbv_norm_flags flags env sigma t = cbv_norm (create_cbv_infos flags env sigma) t let cbv_beta env = cbv_norm_flags beta env let cbv_betaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betaiota env let cbv_betadeltaiota env = cbv_norm_flags betadeltaiota env let compute = cbv_betadeltaiota (* lazy reduction functions. The infos must be created for each term *) let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t = norm_val (create_clos_infos flgs env sigma) (inject t) let nf_beta env = clos_norm_flags beta env let nf_betaiota env = clos_norm_flags betaiota env let nf_betadeltaiota env = clos_norm_flags betadeltaiota env (* lazy weak head reduction functions *) (* Pb: whd_val parcourt tout le terme, meme si aucune reduction n'a lieu *) let whd_flags flgs env sigma t = whd_val (create_clos_infos flgs env sigma) (inject t) (* Red reduction tactic: reduction to a product *) let red_product env sigma c = let rec redrec x = match x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> DOPN(AppL,Array.append [|redrec (array_hd cl)|] (array_tl cl)) | DOPN(Const _,_) when evaluable_constant env x -> constant_value env x | DOPN(Evar ev,args) when Evd.is_defined sigma ev -> existential_value sigma (ev,args) | DOPN(Abst _,_) when evaluable_abst env x -> abst_value env x | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec c | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(x,b)) -> DOP2(Prod, a, DLAM(x, redrec b)) | _ -> error "Term not reducible" in nf_betaiota env sigma (redrec c) (* linear substitution (following pretty-printer) of the value of name in c. * n is the number of the next occurence of name. * ol is the occurence list to find. *) let rec substlin env name n ol c = match c with | DOPN(Const sp,_) -> if sp = name then if List.hd ol = n then if evaluable_constant env c then (n+1, List.tl ol, constant_value env c) else errorlabstrm "substlin" [< print_sp sp; 'sTR " is not a defined constant" >] else ((n+1),ol,c) else (n,ol,c) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if path_of_abst c = name then if List.hd ol = n then (n+1, List.tl ol, abst_value env c) else (n+1,ol,c) else (n,ol,c) (* INEFFICIENT: OPTIMIZE *) | DOPN(AppL,tl) -> let c1 = array_hd tl and cl = array_tl tl in Array.fold_left (fun (n1,ol1,c1') c2 -> (match ol1 with | [] -> (n1,[],applist(c1',[c2])) | _ -> let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in (n2,ol2,applist(c1',[c2'])))) (substlin env name n ol c1) cl | DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) -> let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in (match ol1 with | [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Lambda,c1',DLAM(na,c2))) | _ -> let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Lambda,c1',DLAM(na,c2')))) | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) -> let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in (match ol1 with | [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Prod,c1',DLAM(na,c2))) | _ -> let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Prod,c1',DLAM(na,c2')))) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,llf) = destCase c in let rec substlist nn oll = function | [] -> (nn,oll,[]) | f::lfe -> let (nn1,oll1,f') = substlin env name nn oll f in (match oll1 with | [] -> (nn1,[],f'::lfe) | _ -> let (nn2,oll2,lfe') = substlist nn1 oll1 lfe in (nn2,oll2,f'::lfe')) in let (n1,ol1,p') = substlin env name n ol p in (* ATTENTION ERREUR *) (match ol1 with (* si P pas affiche *) | [] -> (n1,[],mkMutCaseA ci p' d llf) | _ -> let (n2,ol2,d') = substlin env name n1 ol1 d in (match ol2 with | [] -> (n2,[],mkMutCaseA ci p' d' llf) | _ -> let (n3,ol3,lf') = substlist n2 ol2 (Array.to_list llf) in (n3,ol3,mkMutCase ci p' d' lf'))) | DOP2(Cast,c1,c2) -> let (n1,ol1,c1') = substlin env name n ol c1 in (match ol1 with | [] -> (n1,[],DOP2(Cast,c1',c2)) | _ -> let (n2,ol2,c2') = substlin env name n1 ol1 c2 in (n2,ol2,DOP2(Cast,c1',c2'))) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> (warning "do not consider occurrences inside fixpoints"; (n,ol,c)) | DOPN(CoFix _,_) -> (warning "do not consider occurrences inside cofixpoints"; (n,ol,c)) | _ -> (n,ol,c) let unfold env sigma name = let flag = (UNIFORM,{ r_beta = true; r_delta = (fun op -> op=(Const name) or op=(Abst name)); r_iota = true }) in clos_norm_flags flag env sigma (* unfoldoccs : (readable_constraints -> (int list * section_path) -> constr -> constr) * Unfolds the constant name in a term c following a list of occurrences occl. * at the occurrences of occ_list. If occ_list is empty, unfold all occurences. * Performs a betaiota reduction after unfolding. *) let unfoldoccs env sigma (occl,name) c = match occl with | [] -> unfold env sigma name c | l -> match substlin env name 1 (Sort.list (<) l) c with | (_,[],uc) -> nf_betaiota env sigma uc | (1,_,_) -> error ((string_of_path name)^" does not occur") | _ -> error ("bad occurrence numbers of "^(string_of_path name)) (* Unfold reduction tactic: *) let unfoldn loccname env sigma c = List.fold_left (fun c occname -> unfoldoccs env sigma occname c) c loccname (* Re-folding constants tactics: refold com in term c *) let fold_one_com com env sigma c = let rcom = red_product env sigma com in subst1 com (subst_term rcom c) let fold_commands cl env sigma c = List.fold_right (fun com -> fold_one_com com env sigma) (List.rev cl) c (* Pattern *) (* gives [na:ta]c' such that c converts to ([na:ta]c' a), abstracting only * the specified occurrences. *) let abstract_scheme env (locc,a,ta) t = let na = named_hd env ta Anonymous in if occur_meta ta then error "cannot find a type for the generalisation"; if occur_meta a then DOP2(Lambda,ta,DLAM(na,t)) else DOP2(Lambda, ta, DLAM(na,subst_term_occ locc a t)) let pattern_occs loccs_trm_typ env sigma c = let abstr_trm = List.fold_right (abstract_scheme env) loccs_trm_typ c in applist(abstr_trm, List.map (fun (_,t,_) -> t) loccs_trm_typ) (*************************************) (*** Reduction using substitutions ***) (*************************************) (* 1. Beta Reduction *) let rec stacklam recfun env t stack = match (stack,t) with | (h::stacktl, DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c))) -> stacklam recfun (h::env) c stacktl | _ -> recfun (substl env t) stack let beta_applist (c,l) = stacklam (fun c l -> applist(c,l)) [] c l let whd_beta_stack = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(name,c2)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (x,[]) | a1::rest -> stacklam whrec [a1] c2 rest) | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_beta x = applist (whd_beta_stack x []) (* 2. Delta Reduction *) let whd_const_stack namelist env sigma = let rec whrec x l = match x with | DOPN(Const sp,_) as c -> if List.mem sp namelist then if evaluable_constant env c then whrec (constant_value env c) l else error "whd_const_stack" else x,l | (DOPN(Abst sp,_)) as c -> if List.mem sp namelist then if evaluable_abst env c then whrec (abst_value env c) l else error "whd_const_stack" else x,l | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l) | x -> x,l in whrec let whd_const namelist env sigma c = applist(whd_const_stack namelist env sigma c []) let whd_delta_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x l = match x with | DOPN(Const _,_) as c -> if evaluable_constant env c then whrec (constant_value env c) l else x,l | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) l else x,l | (DOPN(Abst _,_)) as c -> if evaluable_abst env c then whrec (abst_value env c) l else x,l | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l) | x -> x,l in whrec let whd_delta env sigma c = applist(whd_delta_stack env sigma c []) let whd_betadelta_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x l = match x with | DOPN(Const _,_) -> if evaluable_constant env x then whrec (constant_value env x) l else (x,l) | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) l else (x,l) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) l else (x,l) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match l with | [] -> (x,l) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | x -> (x,l) in whrec let whd_betadelta env sigma c = applist(whd_betadelta_stack env sigma c []) let whd_betaevar_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x l = match x with | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) l else (x,l) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if translucent_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) l else (x,l) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c l | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl l) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match l with | [] -> (x,l) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | DOPN(Const _,_) -> (x,l) | x -> (x,l) in whrec let whd_betaevar env sigma c = applist(whd_betaevar_stack env sigma c []) let whd_betadeltaeta_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOPN(Const _,_) -> if evaluable_constant env x then whrec (constant_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (match applist (whrec c []) with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> (match whrec (array_last cl) [] with | (Rel 1,[]) -> let napp = (Array.length cl) -1 in if napp = 0 then (x,stack) else let lc = Array.sub cl 0 napp in let u = if napp = 1 then lc.(0) else DOPN(AppL,lc) in if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,[]) else (x,stack) | _ -> (x,stack)) | _ -> (x,stack)) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_betadeltaeta env sigma x = applist(whd_betadeltaeta_stack env sigma x []) (* 3. Iota reduction *) type 'a miota_args = { mP : constr; (* the result type *) mconstr : constr; (* the constructor *) mci : case_info; (* special info to re-build pattern *) mcargs : 'a list; (* the constructor's arguments *) mlf : 'a array } (* the branch code vector *) let reducible_mind_case = function | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) | DOPN(CoFix _,_) -> true | _ -> false (* let contract_cofix = function | DOPN(CoFix(bodynum),bodyvect) -> let nbodies = (Array.length bodyvect) -1 in let make_Fi j = DOPN(CoFix(j),bodyvect) in sAPPViList bodynum (array_last bodyvect) (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies) | _ -> assert false *) let contract_cofix (bodynum,(types,names,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length bodies in let make_Fi j = mkCoFix (nbodies-j-1,typedbodies) in substl (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies) bodies.(bodynum) let reduce_mind_case mia = match mia.mconstr with | DOPN(MutConstruct (ind_sp,i as cstr_sp),args) -> let ncargs = (fst mia.mci).(i-1) in let real_cargs = list_lastn ncargs mia.mcargs in applist (mia.mlf.(i-1),real_cargs) | DOPN(CoFix _,_) as cofix -> let cofix_def = contract_cofix (destCoFix cofix) in mkMutCaseA mia.mci mia.mP (applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs)) mia.mlf | _ -> assert false (* contracts fix==FIX[nl;i](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1....Bk}) to produce Bi[Fj --> FIX[nl;j](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1...Bk})] *) (* let contract_fix = function | DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect) -> let nbodies = Array.length recindices in let make_Fi j = DOPN(Fix(recindices,j),bodyvect) in sAPPViList bodynum (array_last bodyvect) (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies) | _ -> assert false *) let contract_fix ((recindices,bodynum),(types,names,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length recindices in let make_Fi j = mkFix ((recindices,nbodies-j-1),typedbodies) in substl (list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies) bodies.(bodynum) let fix_recarg ((recindices,bodynum),_) stack = if 0 <= bodynum & bodynum < Array.length recindices then let recargnum = Array.get recindices bodynum in (try Some (recargnum, List.nth stack recargnum) with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" -> None) else None let reduce_fix whfun fix stack = let dfix = destFix fix in match fix_recarg dfix stack with | None -> (false,(fix,stack)) | Some (recargnum,recarg) -> let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg') = whfun recarg [] in let stack' = list_assign stack recargnum (applist recarg') in (match recarg'hd with | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) -> (true,(contract_fix dfix,stack')) | _ -> (false,(fix,stack'))) (* NB : Cette fonction alloue peu c'est l'appel ``let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg') = whfun recarg [] in'' -------------------- qui coute cher dans whd_betadeltaiota *) let whd_betaiota_stack = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (x,stack) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in let (c,cargs) = whrec d [] in if reducible_mind_case c then whrec (reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf, stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack in if reduced then whrec fix stack else (fix,stack) | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_betaiota x = applist (whd_betaiota_stack x []) let whd_betaiotaevar_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if translucent_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (x,stack) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in let (c,cargs) = whrec d [] in if reducible_mind_case c then whrec (reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack in if reduced then whrec fix stack else (fix,stack) | DOPN(Const _,_) -> (x,stack) | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_betaiotaevar env sigma x = applist(whd_betaiotaevar_stack env sigma x []) let whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma = let rec bdi_rec x stack = match x with | DOPN(Const _,_) -> if evaluable_constant env x then bdi_rec (constant_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then bdi_rec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then bdi_rec (abst_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> bdi_rec c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> bdi_rec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (x,[]) | (a::m) -> stacklam bdi_rec [a] c m) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in let (c,cargs) = bdi_rec d [] in if reducible_mind_case c then bdi_rec (reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix bdi_rec x stack in if reduced then bdi_rec fix stack else (fix,stack) | x -> (x,stack) in bdi_rec let whd_betadeltaiota env sigma x = applist(whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma x []) let whd_betadeltaiotaeta_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOPN(Const _,_) -> if evaluable_constant env x then whrec (constant_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Evar ev,args) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) stack else (x,stack) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then whrec (abst_value env x) stack else (x,stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whrec c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (match applist (whrec c []) with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> (match whrec (array_last cl) [] with | (Rel 1,[]) -> let napp = (Array.length cl) -1 in if napp = 0 then (x,stack) else let lc = Array.sub cl 0 napp in let u = if napp = 1 then lc.(0) else DOPN(AppL,lc) in if noccurn 1 u then (pop u,[]) else (x,stack) | _ -> (x,stack)) | _ -> (x,stack)) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in let (c,cargs) = whrec d [] in if reducible_mind_case c then whrec (reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf,stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack in if reduced then whrec fix stack else (fix,stack) | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_betadeltaiotaeta env sigma x = applist(whd_betadeltaiotaeta_stack env sigma x []) (********************************************************************) (* Conversion *) (********************************************************************) type conv_pb = | CONV | CONV_LEQ let pb_is_equal pb = pb = CONV let pb_equal = function | CONV_LEQ -> CONV | CONV -> CONV type 'a conversion_function = env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constraints (* Conversion utility functions *) type conversion_test = constraints -> constraints exception NotConvertible let convert_of_bool b c = if b then c else raise NotConvertible let bool_and_convert b f = if b then f else fun _ -> raise NotConvertible let convert_and f1 f2 c = f2 (f1 c) let convert_or f1 f2 c = try f1 c with NotConvertible -> f2 c let convert_forall2 f v1 v2 c = if Array.length v1 = Array.length v2 then array_fold_left2 (fun c x y -> f x y c) c v1 v2 else raise NotConvertible (* Convertibility of sorts *) let sort_cmp pb s0 s1 = match (s0,s1) with | (Prop c1, Prop c2) -> convert_of_bool (c1 = c2) | (Prop c1, Type u) -> convert_of_bool (not (pb_is_equal pb)) | (Type u1, Type u2) -> (match pb with | CONV -> enforce_eq u1 u2 | CONV_LEQ -> enforce_geq u2 u1) | (_, _) -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible let base_sort_cmp pb s0 s1 = match (s0,s1) with | (Prop c1, Prop c2) -> c1 = c2 | (Prop c1, Type u) -> not (pb_is_equal pb) | (Type u1, Type u2) -> true | (_, _) -> false (* Conversion between [lft1]term1 and [lft2]term2 *) let rec ccnv cv_pb infos lft1 lft2 term1 term2 = eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf infos term1) (lft2, fhnf infos term2) (* Conversion between [lft1]([^n1]hd1 v1) and [lft2]([^n2]hd2 v2) *) and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 = let (lft1,(n1,hd1,v1)) = appr1 and (lft2,(n2,hd2,v2)) = appr2 in let el1 = el_shft n1 lft1 and el2 = el_shft n2 lft2 in match (frterm_of hd1, frterm_of hd2) with (* case of leaves *) | (FOP0(Sort s1), FOP0(Sort s2)) -> bool_and_convert (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0) (sort_cmp cv_pb s1 s2) | (FVAR x1, FVAR x2) -> bool_and_convert (x1=x2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2) | (FRel n, FRel m) -> bool_and_convert (reloc_rel n el1 = reloc_rel m el2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2) | (FOP0(Meta n), FOP0(Meta m)) -> bool_and_convert (n=m) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2) (* 2 constants, 2 existentials or 2 abstractions *) | (FOPN(Const sp1,al1), FOPN(Const sp2,al2)) -> convert_or (* try first intensional equality *) (bool_and_convert (sp1 == sp2 or sp1 = sp2) (convert_and (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) al1 al2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))) (* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *) (match search_frozen_cst infos (Const sp2) al2 with | Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2) | None -> (match search_frozen_cst infos (Const sp1) al1 with | Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2 | None -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible)) | (FOPN(Evar ev1,al1), FOPN(Evar ev2,al2)) -> convert_or (* try first intensional equality *) (bool_and_convert (ev1 == ev2) (convert_and (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) al1 al2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))) (* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *) (match search_frozen_cst infos (Evar ev2) al2 with | Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2) | None -> (match search_frozen_cst infos (Evar ev1) al1 with | Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2 | None -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible)) | (FOPN(Abst sp1,al1), FOPN(Abst sp2,al2)) -> convert_or (* try first intensional equality *) (bool_and_convert (sp1 = sp2) (convert_and (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) al1 al2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2))) (* else expand the second occurrence (arbitrary heuristic) *) (match search_frozen_cst infos (Abst sp2) al2 with | Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2) | None -> (match search_frozen_cst infos (Abst sp1) al2 with | Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2 | None -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible)) (* only one constant, existential or abstraction *) | (FOPN((Const _ | Evar _ | Abst _) as op,al1), _) -> (match search_frozen_cst infos op al1 with | Some def1 -> eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, fhnf_apply infos n1 def1 v1) appr2 | None -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible) | (_, FOPN((Const _ | Evar _ | Abst _) as op,al2)) -> (match search_frozen_cst infos op al2 with | Some def2 -> eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, fhnf_apply infos n2 def2 v2) | None -> fun _ -> raise NotConvertible) (* other constructors *) | (FOP2(Lambda,c1,c2), FOP2(Lambda,c'1,c'2)) -> bool_and_convert (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0) (convert_and (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1) (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c2 c'2)) | (FOP2(Prod,c1,c2), FOP2(Prod,c'1,c'2)) -> bool_and_convert (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0) (convert_and (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2 c1 c'1) (* Luo's system *) (ccnv cv_pb infos el1 el2 c2 c'2)) (* Inductive types: MutInd MutConstruct MutCase Fix Cofix *) (* Le cas MutCase doit venir avant le cas general DOPN car, a priori, 2 termes a base de MutCase peuvent etre convertibles sans que les annotations des MutCase le soient *) | (FOPN(MutCase _,cl1), FOPN(MutCase _,cl2)) -> convert_and (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2) | (FOPN(op1,cl1), FOPN(op2,cl2)) -> bool_and_convert (op1 = op2) (convert_and (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos el1 el2) cl1 cl2) (convert_forall2 (ccnv (pb_equal cv_pb) infos lft1 lft2) v1 v2)) (* binders *) | (FLAM(_,c1,_,_), FLAM(_,c2,_,_)) -> bool_and_convert (Array.length v1 = 0 && Array.length v2 = 0) (ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) c1 c2) | (FLAMV(_,vc1,_,_), FLAMV(_,vc2,_,_)) -> bool_and_convert (Array.length v1 = 0 & Array.length v2 = 0) (convert_forall2 (ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2)) vc1 vc2) | _ -> (fun _ -> raise NotConvertible) let fconv cv_pb env sigma t1 t2 = let t1 = strong (fun _ _ -> strip_outer_cast) env sigma t1 and t2 = strong (fun _ _ -> strip_outer_cast) env sigma t2 in if eq_constr t1 t2 then Constraint.empty else let infos = create_clos_infos hnf_flags env sigma in ccnv cv_pb infos ELID ELID (inject t1) (inject t2) Constraint.empty let conv env = fconv CONV env let conv_leq env = fconv CONV_LEQ env let conv_forall2 f env sigma v1 v2 = array_fold_left2 (fun c x y -> let c' = f env sigma x y in Constraint.union c c') Constraint.empty v1 v2 let conv_forall2_i f env sigma v1 v2 = array_fold_left2_i (fun i c x y -> let c' = f i env sigma x y in Constraint.union c c') Constraint.empty v1 v2 let test_conversion f env sigma x y = try let _ = f env sigma x y in true with NotConvertible -> false let is_conv env sigma = test_conversion conv env sigma let is_conv_leq env sigma = test_conversion conv_leq env sigma let is_fconv = function | CONV -> is_conv | CONV_LEQ -> is_conv_leq (********************************************************************) (* Special-Purpose Reduction *) (********************************************************************) let whd_meta metamap = function | DOP0(Meta p) as u -> (try List.assoc p metamap with Not_found -> u) | x -> x (* Try to replace all metas. Does not replace metas in the metas' values * Differs from (strong whd_meta). *) let plain_instance s c = let rec irec = function | DOP0(Meta p) as u -> (try List.assoc p s with Not_found -> u) | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper, irec c) | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper, irec c1, irec c2) | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper, Array.map irec cl) | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper, List.map irec cl) | DLAM(x,c) -> DLAM(x, irec c) | DLAMV(x,v) -> DLAMV(x, Array.map irec v) | u -> u in if s = [] then c else irec c (* Pourquoi ne fait-on pas nf_betaiota si s=[] ? *) let instance s c = if s = [] then c else local_strong whd_betaiota (plain_instance s c) (* pseudo-reduction rule: * [hnf_prod_app env s (Prod(_,B)) N --> B[N] * with an HNF on the first argument to produce a product. * if this does not work, then we use the string S as part of our * error message. *) let hnf_prod_app env sigma t n = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t with | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,b)) -> subst1 n b | _ -> anomaly "hnf_prod_app: Need a product" let hnf_prod_appvect env sigma t nl = Array.fold_left (hnf_prod_app env sigma) t nl let hnf_prod_applist env sigma t nl = List.fold_left (hnf_prod_app env sigma) t nl let hnf_lam_app env sigma t n = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t with | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b)) -> subst1 n b | _ -> anomaly "hnf_lam_app: Need an abstraction" let hnf_lam_appvect env sigma t nl = Array.fold_left (hnf_lam_app env sigma) t nl let hnf_lam_applist env sigma t nl = List.fold_left (hnf_lam_app env sigma) t nl let splay_prod env sigma = let rec decrec m c = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c with | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(n,c_0)) -> decrec ((n,a)::m) c_0 | t -> m,t in decrec [] let splay_arity env sigma c = match splay_prod env sigma c with | l, DOP0 (Sort s) -> l,s | _, _ -> error "not an arity" let sort_of_arity env c = snd (splay_arity env Evd.empty c) let decomp_n_prod env sigma n = let rec decrec m ln c = if m = 0 then (ln,c) else match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c with | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(n,c0)) -> decrec (m-1) (Sign.add_rel_decl (n,outcast_type a) ln) c0 | _ -> error "decomp_n_prod: Not enough products" in decrec n Sign.empty_rel_context (* Check that c is an "elimination constant" [xn:An]..[x1:A1](

MutCase (Rel i) of f1..fk end g1 ..gp) or [xn:An]..[x1:A1](Fix(f|t) (Rel i1) ..(Rel ip)) with i1..ip distinct variables not occuring in t keep relevenant information ([i1,Ai1;..;ip,Aip],n,b) with b = true in case of a fixpoint in order to compute an equivalent of Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] as [yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](F bn..b1) == [yip:Bip]..[yi1:Bi1](Fix(f|t)[xi<-ai] (Rel 1)..(Rel p)) with bj=aj if j<>ik and bj=(Rel c) and Bic=Aic[xn..xic-1 <- an..aic-1] *) let compute_consteval env sigma c = let rec srec n labs c = match whd_betadeltaeta_stack env sigma c [] with | (DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(_,g)),[]) -> srec (n+1) (t::labs) g | (DOPN(Fix((nv,i)),bodies),l) -> if List.length l > n then raise Elimconst else let li = List.map (function | Rel k -> if array_for_all (noccurn k) bodies then (k, List.nth labs (k-1)) else raise Elimconst | _ -> raise Elimconst) l in if (list_distinct (List.map fst li)) then (li,n,true) else raise Elimconst | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,lapp) -> (match destCase mc with | (_,_,Rel _,_) -> ([],n,false) | _ -> raise Elimconst) | _ -> raise Elimconst in try Some (srec 0 [] c) with Elimconst -> None (* One step of approximation *) let rec apprec env sigma c stack = let (t,stack) = whd_betaiota_stack c stack in match t with | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase t in let (cr,crargs) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma d [] in let rslt = mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(cr,crargs)) lf in if reducible_mind_case cr then apprec env sigma rslt stack else (t,stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma) t stack in if reduced then apprec env sigma fix stack else (fix,stack) | _ -> (t,stack) let hnf env sigma c = apprec env sigma c [] (* A reduction function like whd_betaiota but which keeps casts * and does not reduce redexes containing meta-variables. * ASSUMES THAT APPLICATIONS ARE BINARY ONES. * Used in Programs. * Added by JCF, 29/1/98. *) let whd_programs_stack env sigma = let rec whrec x stack = match x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> if occur_meta cl.(1) then (x,stack) else whrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (x,stack) | (a::m) -> stacklam whrec [a] c m) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase x in if occur_meta d then (x,stack) else let (c,cargs) = whrec d [] in if reducible_mind_case c then whrec (reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf}) stack else (mkMutCaseA ci p (applist(c,cargs)) lf, stack) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix whrec x stack in if reduced then whrec fix stack else (fix,stack) | x -> (x,stack) in whrec let whd_programs env sigma x = applist (whd_programs_stack env sigma x []) exception IsType let is_arity env sigma = let rec srec c = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c with | DOP0(Sort _) -> true | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | _ -> false in srec let info_arity env sigma = let rec srec c = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c with | DOP0(Sort(Prop Null)) -> false | DOP0(Sort(Prop Pos)) -> true | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | _ -> raise IsType in srec let is_logic_arity env sigma c = try (not (info_arity env sigma c)) with IsType -> false let is_info_arity env sigma c = try (info_arity env sigma c) with IsType -> true let is_type_arity env sigma = let rec srec c = match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c with | DOP0(Sort(Type _)) -> true | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c')) -> srec c' | _ -> false in srec let is_info_type env sigma t = let s = t.utj_type in (s = Prop Pos) || (s <> Prop Null && try info_arity env sigma t.utj_val with IsType -> true) (* Pour l'extraction let is_info_cast_type env sigma c = match c with | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> (try info_arity env sigma t with IsType -> try info_arity env sigma c with IsType -> true) | _ -> try info_arity env sigma c with IsType -> true let contents_of_cast_type env sigma c = if is_info_cast_type env sigma c then Pos else Null *) let is_info_sort = is_info_arity (* calcul des arguments implicites *) (* la seconde liste est ordonne'e *) let ord_add x l = let rec aux l = match l with | [] -> [x] | y::l' -> if y > x then x::l else if x = y then l else y::(aux l') in aux l let add_free_rels_until depth m acc = let rec frec depth loc acc = function | Rel n -> if (n <= depth) & (n > loc) then (ord_add (depth-n+1) acc) else acc | DOPN(_,cl) -> Array.fold_left (frec depth loc) acc cl | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.fold_left (frec depth loc) acc cl | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> frec depth loc (frec depth loc acc c1) c2 | DOP1(_,c) -> frec depth loc acc c | DLAM(_,c) -> frec (depth+1) (loc+1) acc c | DLAMV(_,cl) -> Array.fold_left (frec (depth+1) (loc+1)) acc cl | VAR _ -> acc | DOP0 _ -> acc in frec depth 0 acc m (* calcule la liste des arguments implicites *) let poly_args env sigma t = let rec aux n t = match (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(_,b)) -> add_free_rels_until n a (aux (n+1) b) | DOP2(Cast,t',_) -> aux n t' | _ -> [] in match (strip_outer_cast (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t)) with | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(_,b)) -> aux 1 b | _ -> [] (* Expanding existential variables (trad.ml, progmach.ml) *) (* 1- whd_ise fails if an existential is undefined *) exception Uninstantiated_evar of int let rec whd_ise sigma = function | DOPN(Evar ev,args) when Evd.in_dom sigma ev -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whd_ise sigma (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) else raise (Uninstantiated_evar ev) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_ise sigma c | DOP0(Sort(Type _)) -> DOP0(Sort(Type dummy_univ)) | c -> c (* 2- undefined existentials are left unchanged *) let rec whd_ise1 sigma = function | DOPN(Evar ev,args) when Evd.in_dom sigma ev & Evd.is_defined sigma ev -> whd_ise1 sigma (existential_value sigma (ev,args)) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> whd_ise1 sigma c (* A quoi servait cette ligne ??? | DOP0(Sort(Type _)) -> DOP0(Sort(Type dummy_univ)) *) | c -> c let nf_ise1 sigma = strong (fun _ -> whd_ise1) empty_env sigma (* A form of [whd_ise1] with type "reduction_function" *) let whd_evar env = whd_ise1 (* Same as whd_ise1, but replaces the remaining ISEVAR by Metavariables * Similarly we have is_fmachine1_metas and is_resolve1_metas *) let rec whd_ise1_metas sigma t = let t' = strip_outer_cast t in match kind_of_term t' with | IsEvar (ev,args as k) when Evd.in_dom sigma ev -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then whd_ise1_metas sigma (existential_value sigma k) else let m = DOP0(Meta (new_meta())) in DOP2(Cast,m,existential_type sigma k) | _ -> t'