(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* string let hash_sub hstr id = hstr id let equal id1 id2 = id1 == id2 let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module IdOrdered = struct type t = identifier let compare = id_ord end module Idset = Set.Make(IdOrdered) module Idmap = Map.Make(IdOrdered) module Idpred = Predicate.Make(IdOrdered) (* Names *) type name = Name of identifier | Anonymous (* Dirpaths are lists of module identifiers. The actual representation is reversed to optimise sharing: Coq.A.B is ["B";"A";"Coq"] *) type module_ident = identifier type dir_path = module_ident list module ModIdOrdered = struct type t = identifier let compare = Pervasives.compare end module ModIdmap = Map.Make(ModIdOrdered) let make_dirpath x = x let repr_dirpath x = x let empty_dirpath = [] let string_of_dirpath = function | [] -> "<>" | sl -> String.concat "." (List.map string_of_id (List.rev sl)) let u_number = ref 0 type uniq_ident = int * string * dir_path let make_uid dir s = incr u_number;(!u_number,String.copy s,dir) let debug_string_of_uid (i,s,p) = "<"(*^string_of_dirpath p ^"#"^*) ^ s ^"#"^ string_of_int i^">" let string_of_uid (i,s,p) = string_of_dirpath p ^"."^s module Umap = Map.Make(struct type t = uniq_ident let compare = Pervasives.compare end) type label = string type mod_self_id = uniq_ident let make_msid = make_uid let repr_msid (n, id, dp) = (n, id, dp) let debug_string_of_msid = debug_string_of_uid let refresh_msid (_,s,dir) = make_uid dir s let string_of_msid = string_of_uid let id_of_msid (_,s,_) = s let label_of_msid (_,s,_) = s type mod_bound_id = uniq_ident let make_mbid = make_uid let repr_mbid (n, id, dp) = (n, id, dp) let debug_string_of_mbid = debug_string_of_uid let string_of_mbid = string_of_uid let id_of_mbid (_,s,_) = s let label_of_mbid (_,s,_) = s let mk_label l = l let string_of_label = string_of_id let id_of_label l = l let label_of_id id = id module Labset = Idset module Labmap = Idmap type module_path = | MPfile of dir_path | MPbound of mod_bound_id | MPself of mod_self_id | MPdot of module_path * label let rec string_of_mp = function | MPfile sl -> "MPfile (" ^ string_of_dirpath sl ^ ")" | MPbound uid -> string_of_uid uid | MPself uid -> string_of_uid uid | MPdot (mp,l) -> string_of_mp mp ^ "." ^ string_of_label l (* we compare labels first if both are MPdots *) let rec mp_ord mp1 mp2 = match (mp1,mp2) with MPdot(mp1,l1), MPdot(mp2,l2) -> let c = Pervasives.compare l1 l2 in if c<>0 then c else mp_ord mp1 mp2 | _,_ -> Pervasives.compare mp1 mp2 module MPord = struct type t = module_path let compare = mp_ord end module MPset = Set.Make(MPord) module MPmap = Map.Make(MPord) (* Kernel names *) type kernel_name = module_path * dir_path * label let make_kn mp dir l = (mp,dir,l) let repr_kn kn = kn let modpath kn = let mp,_,_ = repr_kn kn in mp let label kn = let _,_,l = repr_kn kn in l let string_of_kn (mp,dir,l) = string_of_mp mp ^ "#" ^ string_of_dirpath dir ^ "#" ^ string_of_label l let pr_kn kn = str (string_of_kn kn) let kn_ord kn1 kn2 = let mp1,dir1,l1 = kn1 in let mp2,dir2,l2 = kn2 in let c = Pervasives.compare l1 l2 in if c <> 0 then c else let c = Pervasives.compare dir1 dir2 in if c<>0 then c else MPord.compare mp1 mp2 module KNord = struct type t = kernel_name let compare =kn_ord end module KNmap = Map.Make(KNord) module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KNord) module KNset = Set.Make(KNord) module Cmap = KNmap module Cpred = KNpred module Cset = KNset let default_module_name = "If you see this, it's a bug" let initial_dir = make_dirpath [default_module_name] let initial_msid = (make_msid initial_dir "If you see this, it's a bug") let initial_path = MPself initial_msid type variable = identifier type constant = kernel_name type mutual_inductive = kernel_name type inductive = mutual_inductive * int type constructor = inductive * int let constant_of_kn kn = kn let make_con mp dir l = (mp,dir,l) let repr_con con = con let string_of_con = string_of_kn let con_label = label let pr_con = pr_kn let con_modpath = modpath let mind_modpath = modpath let ind_modpath ind = mind_modpath (fst ind) let constr_modpath c = ind_modpath (fst c) let ith_mutual_inductive (kn,_) i = (kn,i) let ith_constructor_of_inductive ind i = (ind,i) let inductive_of_constructor (ind,i) = ind let index_of_constructor (ind,i) = i module InductiveOrdered = struct type t = inductive let compare (spx,ix) (spy,iy) = let c = ix - iy in if c = 0 then KNord.compare spx spy else c end module Indmap = Map.Make(InductiveOrdered) module ConstructorOrdered = struct type t = constructor let compare (indx,ix) (indy,iy) = let c = ix - iy in if c = 0 then InductiveOrdered.compare indx indy else c end module Constrmap = Map.Make(ConstructorOrdered) (* Better to have it here that in closure, since used in grammar.cma *) type evaluable_global_reference = | EvalVarRef of identifier | EvalConstRef of constant (* Hash-consing of name objects *) module Hname = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = name type u = identifier -> identifier let hash_sub hident = function | Name id -> Name (hident id) | n -> n let equal n1 n2 = match (n1,n2) with | (Name id1, Name id2) -> id1 == id2 | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> true | _ -> false let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module Hdir = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = dir_path type u = identifier -> identifier let hash_sub hident d = List.map hident d let rec equal d1 d2 = match (d1,d2) with | [],[] -> true | id1::d1,id2::d2 -> id1 == id2 & equal d1 d2 | _ -> false let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module Huniqid = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = uniq_ident type u = (string -> string) * (dir_path -> dir_path) let hash_sub (hstr,hdir) (n,s,dir) = (n,hstr s,hdir dir) let equal (n1,s1,dir1) (n2,s2,dir2) = n1 = n2 & s1 = s2 & dir1 == dir2 let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module Hmod = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = module_path type u = (dir_path -> dir_path) * (uniq_ident -> uniq_ident) * (string -> string) let rec hash_sub (hdir,huniqid,hstr as hfuns) = function | MPfile dir -> MPfile (hdir dir) | MPbound m -> MPbound (huniqid m) | MPself m -> MPself (huniqid m) | MPdot (md,l) -> MPdot (hash_sub hfuns md, hstr l) let rec equal d1 d2 = match (d1,d2) with | MPfile dir1, MPfile dir2 -> dir1 == dir2 | MPbound m1, MPbound m2 -> m1 == m2 | MPself m1, MPself m2 -> m1 == m2 | MPdot (mod1,l1), MPdot (mod2,l2) -> equal mod1 mod2 & l1 = l2 | _ -> false let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) module Hkn = Hashcons.Make( struct type t = kernel_name type u = (module_path -> module_path) * (dir_path -> dir_path) * (string -> string) let hash_sub (hmod,hdir,hstr) (md,dir,l) = (hmod md, hdir dir, hstr l) let equal (mod1,dir1,l1) (mod2,dir2,l2) = mod1 == mod2 && dir1 == dir2 && l1 == l2 let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) let hcons_names () = let hstring = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hashcons.Hstring.f () in let hident = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hident.f hstring in let hname = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hname.f hident in let hdir = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hdir.f hident in let huniqid = Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniqid.f (hstring,hdir) in let hmod = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hmod.f (hdir,huniqid,hstring) in let hkn = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hkn.f (hmod,hdir,hstring) in (hkn,hkn,hdir,hname,hident,hstring) (*******) type transparent_state = Idpred.t * Cpred.t let empty_transparent_state = (Idpred.empty, Cpred.empty) let full_transparent_state = (Idpred.full, Cpred.full) let var_full_transparent_state = (Idpred.full, Cpred.empty) let cst_full_transparent_state = (Idpred.empty, Cpred.full) type 'a tableKey = | ConstKey of constant | VarKey of identifier | RelKey of 'a type inv_rel_key = int (* index in the [rel_context] part of environment starting by the end, {\em inverse} of de Bruijn indice *) type id_key = inv_rel_key tableKey