(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mb | _ -> raise Not_path let rec replace_first p k = function | [] -> [] | h::t when p h -> k::t | h::t -> h::(replace_first p k t) let rec list_split_assoc k rev_before = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (k',b)::after when k=k' -> rev_before,b,after | h::tail -> list_split_assoc k (h::rev_before) tail let rec list_fold_map2 f e = function | [] -> (e,[],[]) | h::t -> let e',h1',h2' = f e h in let e'',t1',t2' = list_fold_map2 f e' t in e'',h1'::t1',h2'::t2' let type_modpath env mp = strengthen env (lookup_module mp env).mod_type mp let rec translate_modtype env mte = match mte with | MTEident ln -> MTBident ln | MTEfunsig (arg_id,arg_e,body_e) -> let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in let env' = add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in let body_b = translate_modtype env' body_e in MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,body_b) | MTEwith (mte, with_decl) -> let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in merge_with env mtb with_decl and merge_with env mtb with_decl = let msid,sig_b = match (Modops.scrape_modtype env mtb) with | MTBsig(msid,sig_b) -> let msid'=(refresh_msid msid) in msid',(subst_signature_msid msid (MPself(msid')) sig_b) | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb in let id,idl = match with_decl with | With_Definition (id::idl,_) | With_Module (id::idl,_) -> id,idl | With_Definition ([],_) | With_Module ([],_) -> assert false in let l = label_of_id id in try let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in let before = List.rev rev_before in let env' = Modops.add_signature (MPself msid) before env in let new_spec = match with_decl with | With_Definition ([],_) | With_Module ([],_) -> assert false | With_Definition ([id],c) -> let cb = match spec with SPBconst cb -> cb | _ -> error_not_a_constant l in begin match cb.const_body with | None -> let (j,cst1) = Typeops.infer env' c in let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env' cb.const_type in let cst2 = Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type typ in let cst = Constraint.union (Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1) cst2 in let body = Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val) in SPBconst {cb with const_body = body; const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env' body false false); const_constraints = cst} | Some b -> let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Declarations.force b) in let cst = Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1 in let body = Some (Declarations.from_val c) in SPBconst {cb with const_body = body; const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env' body false false); const_constraints = cst} end (* and what about msid's ????? Don't they clash ? *) | With_Module ([id], mp) -> let old = match spec with SPBmodule msb -> msb | _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l) in let mtb = type_modpath env' mp in let cst = try check_subtypes env' mtb old.msb_modtype with Failure _ -> error_with_incorrect (label_of_id id) in let equiv = match old.msb_equiv with | None -> Some mp | Some mp' -> check_modpath_equiv env' mp mp'; Some mp in let msb = {msb_modtype = mtb; msb_equiv = equiv; msb_constraints = Constraint.union old.msb_constraints cst } in SPBmodule msb | With_Definition (_::_,_) | With_Module (_::_,_) -> let old = match spec with SPBmodule msb -> msb | _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l) in begin match old.msb_equiv with None -> let new_with_decl = match with_decl with With_Definition (_,c) -> With_Definition (idl,c) | With_Module (_,c) -> With_Module (idl,c) in let modtype = merge_with env' old.msb_modtype new_with_decl in let msb = {msb_modtype = modtype; msb_equiv = None; msb_constraints = old.msb_constraints } in SPBmodule msb | Some mp -> error_a_generative_module_expected l end in MTBsig(msid, before@(l,new_spec)::after) with Not_found -> error_no_such_label l | Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_with_incorrect l and translate_module env me = match me.mod_entry_expr, me.mod_entry_type with | None, None -> anomaly "Mod_typing.translate_module: empty type and expr in module entry" | None, Some mte -> let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in { mod_expr = None; mod_user_type = Some mtb; mod_type = mtb; mod_equiv = None; mod_constraints = Constraint.empty; mod_retroknowledge = [] } | Some mexpr, _ -> let meq_o = (* do we have a transparent module ? *) try (* TODO: transparent field in module_entry *) match me.mod_entry_type with | None -> Some (path_of_mexpr mexpr) | Some _ -> None with | Not_path -> None in let meb,mtb1 = translate_mexpr env mexpr in let mtb, mod_user_type, cst = match me.mod_entry_type with | None -> mtb1, None, Constraint.empty | Some mte -> let mtb2 = translate_modtype env mte in let cst = check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2 in mtb2, Some mtb2, cst in { mod_type = mtb; mod_user_type = mod_user_type; mod_expr = Some meb; mod_equiv = meq_o; mod_constraints = cst; mod_retroknowledge = []} (* spiwack: not so sure about that. It may cause a bug when closing nested modules. If it does, I don't really know how to fix the bug.*) (* translate_mexpr : env -> module_expr -> module_expr_body * module_type_body *) and translate_mexpr env mexpr = match mexpr with | MEident mp -> MEBident mp, type_modpath env mp | MEfunctor (arg_id, arg_e, body_expr) -> let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in let env' = add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in let (body_b,body_tb) = translate_mexpr env' body_expr in MEBfunctor (arg_id, arg_b, body_b), MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg_b, body_tb) | MEapply (fexpr,mexpr) -> let feb,ftb = translate_mexpr env fexpr in let ftb = scrape_modtype env ftb in let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor ftb in let meb,mtb = translate_mexpr env mexpr in let cst = check_subtypes env mtb farg_b in let mp = try path_of_mexpr mexpr with | Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path mexpr (* place for nondep_supertype *) in let resolve = Modops.resolver_of_environment farg_id farg_b mp env in MEBapply(feb,meb,cst), (* This is the place where the functor formal parameter is substituted by the given argument to compute the type of the functor application. *) subst_modtype (map_mbid farg_id mp (Some resolve)) fbody_b let translate_module env me = translate_module env me let rec add_module_expr_constraints env = function | MEBident _ -> env | MEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) -> add_module_expr_constraints (add_modtype_constraints env mtb) meb | MEBstruct (_,mod_struct_body) -> List.fold_left (fun env (l,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item) env mod_struct_body | MEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) -> Environ.add_constraints cst (add_module_expr_constraints (add_module_expr_constraints env meb1) meb2) and add_struct_elem_constraints env = function | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env | SEBmodule mb -> add_module_constraints env mb | SEBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb and add_module_constraints env mb = (* if there is a body, the mb.mod_type is either inferred from the body and hence uninteresting or equal to the non-empty user_mod_type *) let env = match mb.mod_expr with | None -> add_modtype_constraints env mb.mod_type | Some meb -> add_module_expr_constraints env meb in let env = match mb.mod_user_type with | None -> env | Some mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb in Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env and add_modtype_constraints env = function | MTBident _ -> env | MTBfunsig (_,mtb1,mtb2) -> add_modtype_constraints (add_modtype_constraints env mtb1) mtb2 | MTBsig (_,mod_sig_body) -> List.fold_left (fun env (l,item) -> add_sig_elem_constraints env item) env mod_sig_body and add_sig_elem_constraints env = function | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env | SPBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env | SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb; msb_constraints=cst} -> add_modtype_constraints (Environ.add_constraints cst env) mtb | SPBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb