(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Term open Evd open Sign open Environ (*i*) (* Instantiation of constants and inductives on their real arguments. *) val instantiate_constr : named_context -> constr -> constr list -> constr val instantiate_type : named_context -> types -> constr list -> types (*s [constant_value env c] raises [NotEvaluableConst Opaque] if [c] is opaque and [NotEvaluableConst NoBody] if it has no body and [Not_found] if it does not exist in [env] *) type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result val constant_value : env -> constant -> constr val constant_type : env -> 'a evar_map -> constant -> types val constant_opt_value : env -> constant -> constr option (*s [existential_value sigma ev] raises [NotInstantiatedEvar] if [ev] has no body and [Not_found] if it does not exist in [sigma] *) exception NotInstantiatedEvar val existential_value : 'a evar_map -> existential -> constr val existential_type : 'a evar_map -> existential -> constr val existential_opt_value : 'a evar_map -> existential -> constr option