(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Generic open Term open Sign open Evd open Constant open Inductive open Environ let is_id_inst ids args = let is_id id = function | VAR id' -> id = id' | _ -> false in List.for_all2 is_id ids args let instantiate_constr ids c args = if is_id_inst ids args then c else replace_vars (List.combine ids (List.map make_substituend args)) c let instantiate_type ids tty args = { body = instantiate_constr ids tty.body args; typ = tty.typ } (* Constants. *) (* constant_type gives the type of a constant *) let constant_type env k = let (sp,args) = destConst k in let cb = lookup_constant sp env in instantiate_type (ids_of_sign cb.const_hyps) cb.const_type (Array.to_list args) let constant_value env k = let (sp,args) = destConst k in let cb = lookup_constant sp env in if not cb.const_opaque & defined_constant env k then match cb.const_body with | Some v -> let body = cook_constant v in instantiate_constr (ids_of_sign cb.const_hyps) body (Array.to_list args) | None -> anomalylabstrm "termenv__constant_value" [< 'sTR "a defined constant with no body." >] else failwith "opaque" let mis_lc mis = instantiate_constr (ids_of_sign mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps) mis.mis_mip.mind_lc (Array.to_list mis.mis_args) let mis_lc_without_abstractions mis = let rec strip_DLAM = function | (DLAM (n,c1)) -> strip_DLAM c1 | (DLAMV (n,v)) -> v | _ -> assert false in strip_DLAM (mis_lc mis) let mis_type_mconstructs mispec = let specif = mis_lc mispec and ntypes = mis_ntypes mispec and nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in let make_Ik k = DOPN(MutInd(mispec.mis_sp,k),mispec.mis_args) and make_Ck k = DOPN(MutConstruct((mispec.mis_sp,mispec.mis_tyi),k+1), mispec.mis_args) in (Array.init nconstr make_Ck, sAPPVList specif (list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes)) (* Existentials. *) let name_of_existential n = id_of_string ("?" ^ string_of_int n) let existential_type sigma c = let (n,args) = destEvar c in let info = Evd.map sigma n in let hyps = evar_hyps info in instantiate_constr (ids_of_sign hyps) info.evar_concl (Array.to_list args) let existential_value sigma c = let (n,args) = destEvar c in let info = Evd.map sigma n in let hyps = evar_hyps info in match info.evar_body with | Evar_defined c -> instantiate_constr (ids_of_sign hyps) c (Array.to_list args) | Evar_empty -> anomaly "a defined existential with no body" let const_abst_opt_value env sigma c = match c with | DOPN(Const sp,_) -> if evaluable_constant env c then Some (constant_value env c) else None | DOPN(Evar ev,_) -> if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then Some (existential_value sigma c) else None | DOPN(Abst sp,_) -> if evaluable_abst env c then Some (abst_value env c) else None | _ -> invalid_arg "const_abst_opt_value" let mis_typed_arity mis = let idhyps = ids_of_sign mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps and largs = Array.to_list mis.mis_args in instantiate_type idhyps mis.mis_mip.mind_arity largs let mis_arity mispec = let { body = b; typ = t } = mis_typed_arity mispec in DOP2 (Cast, b, DOP0 (Sort t))