(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* id = id' | _ -> false in List.for_all is_id inst let instantiate sign c args = let inst = instantiate_named_context sign args in if is_id_inst inst then c else replace_vars inst c (* Vérifier que les instances des let-in sont compatibles ?? *) let instantiate_sign_including_let sign args = let rec instrec = function | ((id,b,_) :: sign, c::args) -> (id,c) :: (instrec (sign,args)) | ([],[]) -> [] | ([],_) | (_,[]) -> anomaly "Signature and its instance do not match" in instrec (sign,args) let instantiate_evar sign c args = let inst = instantiate_sign_including_let sign args in if is_id_inst inst then c else replace_vars inst c let instantiate_constr sign c args = if Options.immediate_discharge then c else let sign = List.map (fun (sp,b,t) -> (basename sp,b,t)) sign in instantiate sign c args let instantiate_type sign tty args = type_app (fun c -> instantiate_constr sign c args) tty (* Constants. *) (* constant_type gives the type of a constant *) let constant_type env sigma (sp,args) = let cb = lookup_constant sp env in (* TODO: check args *) (* instantiate_type cb.const_hyps *) cb.const_type (*(Array.to_list args)*) type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result let constant_value env (sp,args) = let cb = lookup_constant sp env in if cb.const_opaque then raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque); match cb.const_body with | Some body -> instantiate_constr cb.const_hyps body (Array.to_list args) | None -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody) let constant_opt_value env cst = try Some (constant_value env cst) with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None (* Existentials. *) let name_of_existential n = id_of_string ("?" ^ string_of_int n) let existential_type sigma (n,args) = let info = Evd.map sigma n in let hyps = info.evar_hyps in (* TODO: check args [this comment was in Typeops] *) instantiate_evar hyps info.evar_concl (Array.to_list args) exception NotInstantiatedEvar let existential_value sigma (n,args) = let info = Evd.map sigma n in let hyps = info.evar_hyps in match evar_body info with | Evar_defined c -> instantiate_evar hyps c (Array.to_list args) | Evar_empty -> raise NotInstantiatedEvar let existential_opt_value sigma ev = try Some (existential_value sigma ev) with NotInstantiatedEvar -> None type evaluable_reference = | EvalConst of constant | EvalVar of identifier | EvalRel of int | EvalEvar of existential let mkEvalRef = function | EvalConst cst -> mkConst cst | EvalVar id -> mkVar id | EvalRel n -> mkRel n | EvalEvar ev -> mkEvar ev let isEvalRef c = match kind_of_term c with | IsConst _ | IsVar _ | IsRel _ | IsEvar _ -> true | _ -> false let destEvalRef c = match kind_of_term c with | IsConst cst -> EvalConst cst | IsVar id -> EvalVar id | IsRel n -> EvalRel n | IsEvar ev -> EvalEvar ev | _ -> anomaly "Not an evaluable reference" let evaluable_reference sigma env = function | EvalConst (sp,_) -> evaluable_constant env sp | EvalVar id -> evaluable_named_decl env id | EvalRel n -> evaluable_rel_decl env n | EvalEvar (ev,_) -> Evd.is_defined sigma ev let reference_opt_value sigma env = function | EvalConst cst -> constant_opt_value env cst | EvalVar id -> lookup_named_value id env | EvalRel n -> lookup_rel_value n env | EvalEvar ev -> existential_opt_value sigma ev exception NotEvaluable let reference_value sigma env c = match reference_opt_value sigma env c with | None -> raise NotEvaluable | Some d -> d