(* $Id$ *) open Util open Names open Univ open Generic open Term open Sign open Declarations open Environ open Reduction type inductive_instance = { mis_sp : section_path; mis_mib : mutual_inductive_body; mis_tyi : int; mis_args : constr array; mis_mip : one_inductive_body } let build_mis ((sp,tyi),args) mib = { mis_sp = sp; mis_mib = mib; mis_tyi = tyi; mis_args = args; mis_mip = mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi } let mis_ntypes mis = mis.mis_mib.mind_ntypes let mis_nparams mis = mis.mis_mib.mind_nparams let mis_index mis = mis.mis_tyi let mis_nconstr mis = Array.length (mis.mis_mip.mind_consnames) let mis_nrealargs mis = mis.mis_mip.mind_nrealargs let mis_kelim mis = mis.mis_mip.mind_kelim let mis_recargs mis = Array.map (fun mip -> mip.mind_listrec) mis.mis_mib.mind_packets let mis_recarg mis = mis.mis_mip.mind_listrec let mis_typename mis = mis.mis_mip.mind_typename let mis_typepath mis = make_path (dirpath mis.mis_sp) mis.mis_mip.mind_typename CCI let mis_consnames mis = mis.mis_mip.mind_consnames let mis_inductive mis = ((mis.mis_sp,mis.mis_tyi),mis.mis_args) let mis_typed_lc mis = let sign = mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps in let args = Array.to_list mis.mis_args in Array.map (fun t -> Instantiate.instantiate_type sign t args) mis.mis_mip.mind_nf_lc let mis_lc mis = Array.map body_of_type (mis_typed_lc mis) (* gives the vector of constructors and of types of constructors of an inductive definition correctly instanciated *) let mis_type_mconstructs mispec = let specif = mis_lc mispec and ntypes = mis_ntypes mispec and nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in let make_Ik k = mkMutInd ((mispec.mis_sp,ntypes-k-1),mispec.mis_args) and make_Ck k = mkMutConstruct (((mispec.mis_sp,mispec.mis_tyi),k+1), mispec.mis_args) in (Array.init nconstr make_Ck, Array.map (substl (list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes)) specif) let mis_type_nf_mconstruct i mispec = let specif = mis_lc mispec and ntypes = mis_ntypes mispec and nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in let make_Ik k = DOPN(MutInd(mispec.mis_sp,ntypes-k-1),mispec.mis_args) in if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors in the type"; substl (list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes) specif.(i-1) let mis_type_mconstruct i mispec = let specif = mis_typed_lc mispec and ntypes = mis_ntypes mispec and nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in let make_Ik k = DOPN(MutInd(mispec.mis_sp,ntypes-k-1),mispec.mis_args) in if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors in the type"; typed_app (substl (list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes)) specif.(i-1) let mis_typed_arity mis = let hyps = mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps and largs = Array.to_list mis.mis_args in Instantiate.instantiate_type hyps mis.mis_mip.mind_nf_arity largs (* let mis_arity mispec = incast_type (mis_typed_arity mispec) *) let mis_arity mis = body_of_type (mis_typed_arity mis) let mis_params_ctxt mispec = let paramsign,_ = decompose_prod_n_assum mispec.mis_mib.mind_nparams (body_of_type (mis_typed_arity mispec)) in paramsign let mis_sort mispec = mispec.mis_mip.mind_sort let liftn_inductive_instance n depth mis = { mis_sp = mis.mis_sp; mis_mib = mis.mis_mib; mis_tyi = mis.mis_tyi; mis_args = Array.map (liftn n depth) mis.mis_args; mis_mip = mis.mis_mip } let lift_inductive_instance n = liftn_inductive_instance n 1 let substnl_ind_instance l n mis = { mis_sp = mis.mis_sp; mis_mib = mis.mis_mib; mis_tyi = mis.mis_tyi; mis_args = Array.map (substnl l n) mis.mis_args; mis_mip = mis.mis_mip } (* [inductive_family] = [inductive_instance] applied to global parameters *) type inductive_family = IndFamily of inductive_instance * constr list type inductive_type = IndType of inductive_family * constr list let liftn_inductive_family n d (IndFamily (mis, params)) = IndFamily (liftn_inductive_instance n d mis, List.map (liftn n d) params) let lift_inductive_family n = liftn_inductive_family n 1 let liftn_inductive_type n d (IndType (indf, realargs)) = IndType (liftn_inductive_family n d indf, List.map (liftn n d) realargs) let lift_inductive_type n = liftn_inductive_type n 1 let substnl_ind_family l n (IndFamily (mis,params)) = IndFamily (substnl_ind_instance l n mis, List.map (substnl l n) params) let substnl_ind_type l n (IndType (indf,realargs)) = IndType (substnl_ind_family l n indf, List.map (substnl l n) realargs) let make_ind_family (mis, params) = IndFamily (mis,params) let dest_ind_family (IndFamily (mis,params)) = (mis,params) let make_ind_type (indf, realargs) = IndType (indf,realargs) let dest_ind_type (IndType (indf,realargs)) = (indf,realargs) let mkAppliedInd (IndType (IndFamily (mis,params), realargs)) = applist (mkMutInd (mis_inductive mis),params@realargs) let mis_is_recursive_subset listind mis = let rec one_is_rec rvec = List.exists (function | Mrec i -> List.mem i listind | Imbr(_,lvec) -> one_is_rec lvec | Norec -> false | Param _ -> false) rvec in array_exists one_is_rec (mis_recarg mis) let mis_is_recursive mis = mis_is_recursive_subset (interval 0 ((mis_ntypes mis)-1)) mis (* Annotation for cases *) let make_case_info mis style pats_source = let constr_lengths = Array.map List.length (mis_recarg mis) in let indsp = (mis.mis_sp,mis.mis_tyi) in let print_info = (indsp,mis_consnames mis,mis.mis_mip.mind_nrealargs,style,pats_source) in (constr_lengths,print_info) let make_default_case_info mis = make_case_info mis None (Array.init (mis_nconstr mis) (fun _ -> RegularPat)) (*s Useful functions *) let inductive_path_of_constructor_path (ind_sp,i) = ind_sp let ith_constructor_path_of_inductive_path ind_sp i = (ind_sp,i) let inductive_of_constructor ((ind_sp,i),args) = (ind_sp,args) let index_of_constructor ((ind_sp,i),args) = i let ith_constructor_of_inductive (ind_sp,args) i = ((ind_sp,i),args) exception Induc let extract_mrectype t = let (t,l) = whd_stack t [] in match t with | DOPN(MutInd ind_sp,args) -> ((ind_sp,args),l) | _ -> raise Induc let find_mrectype env sigma c = let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma c [] in match t with | DOPN(MutInd ind_sp,args) -> ((ind_sp,args),l) | _ -> raise Induc let find_minductype env sigma c = let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma c [] in match t with | DOPN(MutInd (sp,i),_) when mind_type_finite (lookup_mind sp env) i -> (destMutInd t,l) | _ -> raise Induc let find_mcoinductype env sigma c = let (t,l) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma c [] in match t with | DOPN(MutInd (sp,i),_) when not (mind_type_finite (lookup_mind sp env) i) -> (destMutInd t,l) | _ -> raise Induc (* raise Induc if not an inductive type *) let lookup_mind_specif ((sp,tyi),args as ind) env = build_mis ind (lookup_mind sp env) let find_rectype env sigma ty = let (mind,largs) = find_mrectype env sigma ty in let mispec = lookup_mind_specif mind env in let nparams = mis_nparams mispec in let (params,realargs) = list_chop nparams largs in make_ind_type (make_ind_family (mispec,params),realargs) type constructor_summary = { cs_cstr : constructor; cs_params : constr list; cs_nargs : int; cs_args : rel_context; cs_concl_realargs : constr array } let lift_constructor n cs = { cs_cstr = (let (csp,ctxt) = cs.cs_cstr in (csp,Array.map (lift n) ctxt)); cs_params = List.map (lift n) cs.cs_params; cs_nargs = cs.cs_nargs; cs_args = lift_rel_context n cs.cs_args; cs_concl_realargs = Array.map (liftn n (cs.cs_nargs+1)) cs.cs_concl_realargs } let get_constructor (IndFamily (mispec,params)) j = assert (j <= mis_nconstr mispec); let typi = mis_type_nf_mconstruct j mispec in let (args,ccl) = decompose_prod_assum (prod_applist typi params) in let (_,vargs) = array_chop (mis_nparams mispec + 1) (destAppL (ensure_appl ccl)) in { cs_cstr = ith_constructor_of_inductive (mis_inductive mispec) j; cs_params = params; cs_nargs = rel_context_length args; cs_args = args; cs_concl_realargs = vargs } let get_constructors (IndFamily (mispec,params) as indf) = Array.init (mis_nconstr mispec) (fun j -> get_constructor indf (j+1)) let get_arity (IndFamily (mispec,params)) = let arity = mis_arity mispec in destArity (prod_applist arity params) (* Functions to build standard types related to inductive *) let build_dependent_constructor cs = applist (mkMutConstruct cs.cs_cstr, (List.map (lift cs.cs_nargs) cs.cs_params)@(rel_list 0 cs.cs_nargs)) let build_dependent_inductive (IndFamily (mis, params)) = let nrealargs = mis_nrealargs mis in applist (mkMutInd (mis_inductive mis), (List.map (lift nrealargs) params)@(rel_list 0 nrealargs)) (* builds the arity of an elimination predicate in sort [s] *) let make_arity env dep indf s = let (arsign,_) = get_arity indf in if dep then (* We need names everywhere *) it_prod_name env (mkArrow (build_dependent_inductive indf) (mkSort s)) arsign else (* No need to enforce names *) prod_it (mkSort s) arsign (* [p] is the predicate and [cs] a constructor summary *) let build_branch_type env dep p cs = let base = appvect (lift cs.cs_nargs p, cs.cs_concl_realargs) in if dep then it_mkProd_or_LetIn_name env (applist (base,[build_dependent_constructor cs])) cs.cs_args else it_mkProd_or_LetIn base cs.cs_args