(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Univ open Term open Declarations open Environ (*i*) (*s The different kinds of errors that may result of a malformed inductive definition. *) type inductive_error = (* These are errors related to inductive constructions in this module *) | NonPos of env * constr * constr | NotEnoughArgs of env * constr * constr | NotConstructor of env * constr * constr | NonPar of env * constr * int * constr * constr | SameNamesTypes of identifier | SameNamesConstructors of identifier * identifier | NotAnArity of identifier | BadEntry (* These are errors related to recursors building in Indrec *) | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis of bool * sorts * inductive | BadInduction of bool * identifier * sorts | NotMutualInScheme exception InductiveError of inductive_error (*s The following functions are utility functions to check and to decompose a declaration. *) (* [mind_check_names] checks the names of an inductive types declaration i.e. that all the types and constructors names are distinct. It raises an exception [InductiveError _] if it is not the case. *) val mind_check_names : mutual_inductive_entry -> unit (* [mind_extract_and_check_params] extracts the parameters of an inductive types declaration. It raises an exception [InductiveError _] if there is not enough abstractions in any of the terms of the field [mind_entry_inds]. *) val mind_extract_and_check_params : mutual_inductive_entry -> Sign.rel_context val mind_extract_params : int -> constr -> Sign.rel_context * constr val mind_check_lc : Sign.rel_context -> mutual_inductive_entry -> unit (* [mind_check_arities] checks that the types declared for all the inductive types are some arities. *) val mind_check_arities : env -> mutual_inductive_entry -> unit (* [cci_inductive] checks positivity and builds an inductive body *) val cci_inductive : env -> env -> path_kind -> int -> bool -> (identifier * typed_type * identifier list * bool * bool * typed_type array) list -> constraints -> mutual_inductive_body