(* $Id$ *) open Util open Generic open Term open Inductive open Sign open Environ open Instantiate open Reduction (* In the following, each time an [evar_map] is required, then [Evd.empty] is given, since inductive types are typed in an environment without existentials. *) let mind_check_arities env mie = let check_arity id c = if not (is_arity env Evd.empty c) then raise (InductiveError (NotAnArity id)) in List.iter (fun (id,ar,_,_) -> check_arity id ar) mie.mind_entry_inds let sort_of_arity env c = let rec sort_of ar = match whd_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty ar with | DOP0 (Sort s) -> s | DOP2 (Prod, _, DLAM (_, c)) -> sort_of c | _ -> error "not an arity" in sort_of c let allowed_sorts issmall isunit = function | Type _ -> [prop;spec;types] | Prop Pos -> if issmall then [prop;spec;types] else [prop;spec] | Prop Null -> if isunit then [prop;spec] else [prop] let is_small_type t = is_small t.typ let failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes v = for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do for k = n to n + ntypes - 1 do if not (noccurn k v.(i)) then raise (InductiveError (NonPos (k-n+1))) done done; anomaly "failwith_non_pos_vect: some k in [n;n+ntypes-1] should occur in v" let check_correct_par env nparams ntypes n l largs = if Array.length largs < nparams then raise (InductiveError (NotEnoughArgs l)); let (lpar,largs') = array_chop nparams largs in for k = 0 to nparams - 1 do if not ((Rel (n-k-1))= whd_betadeltaiotaeta env Evd.empty lpar.(k)) then raise (InductiveError (NonPar (k+1,l))) done; if not (array_for_all (noccur_bet n ntypes) largs') then failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes largs' let abstract_mind_lc env ntyps npars lc = let lC = decomp_DLAMV ntyps lc in if npars = 0 then lC else let make_abs = list_tabulate (function i -> lambda_implicit_lift npars (Rel (i+1))) ntyps in Array.map (compose (nf_beta env Evd.empty) (substl make_abs)) lC let decomp_par n c = snd (decompose_prod_n n c) let listrec_mconstr env ntypes nparams i indlc = (* check the inductive types occur positively in C *) let rec check_pos n c = match whd_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty c with | DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(na,d)) -> if not (noccur_bet n ntypes b) then raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)); check_pos (n+1) d | x -> (match ensure_appl x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> let hd = array_hd cl and largs = array_tl cl in (match hd with | Rel k -> check_correct_par env nparams ntypes n (k-n+1) largs; if k >= n && k if (noccur_bet n ntypes x) then Norec else Imbr(sp,i,imbr_positive n mi largs) | err -> if noccur_bet n ntypes x then Norec else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n))) | _ -> anomaly "check_pos") and imbr_positive n mi largs = let mispeci = lookup_mind_specif mi env in let auxnpar = mis_nparams mispeci in let (lpar,auxlargs) = array_chop auxnpar largs in if not (array_for_all (noccur_bet n ntypes) auxlargs) then raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)); let auxlc = mis_lc mispeci and auxntyp = mis_ntypes mispeci in if auxntyp <> 1 then raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)); let lrecargs = array_map_to_list (check_param_pos n) lpar in (* The abstract imbricated inductive type with parameters substituted *) let auxlcvect = abstract_mind_lc env auxntyp auxnpar auxlc in let newidx = n + auxntyp in let _ = (* fails if the inductive type occurs non positively *) (* when substituted *) Array.map (function c -> let c' = hnf_prod_appvect env Evd.empty "is_imbr_pos" c (Array.map (lift auxntyp) lpar) in check_construct false newidx c') auxlcvect in lrecargs (* The function check_param_pos is exactly the same as check_pos, but with an extra case for traversing abstractions, like in Marseille's contribution about bisimulations: CoInductive strong_eq:process->process->Prop:= str_eq:(p,q:process)((a:action)(p':process)(transition p a p')-> (Ex [q':process] (transition q a q')/\(strong_eq p' q')))-> ((a:action)(q':process)(transition q a q')-> (Ex [p':process] (transition p a p')/\(strong_eq p' q')))-> (strong_eq p q). Abstractions may occur in imbricated recursive ocurrences, but I am not sure if they make sense in a form of constructor. This is why I chose to duplicated the code. Eduardo 13/7/99. *) and check_param_pos n c = match whd_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty c with (* The extra case *) | DOP2(Lambda,b,DLAM(na,d)) -> if noccur_bet n ntypes b then check_param_pos (n+1) d else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)) (******************) | DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(na,d)) -> if (noccur_bet n ntypes b) then check_param_pos (n+1) d else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)) | x -> (match ensure_appl x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> let hd = array_hd cl and largs = array_tl cl in (match hd with | Rel k -> check_correct_par env nparams ntypes n (k-n+1) largs; if k >= n & k if (noccur_bet n ntypes x) then Norec else Imbr(sp,i,imbr_positive n mi largs) | err -> if noccur_bet n ntypes x then Norec else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n))) | _ -> anomaly "check_param_pos") (* check the inductive types occur positively in the products of C, if checkhd=true, also check the head corresponds to a constructor of the ith type *) and check_construct check = let rec check_constr_rec lrec n c = match whd_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty c with | DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(na,d)) -> let recarg = (check_pos n b) in check_constr_rec (recarg::lrec) (n+1) d | x -> (match ensure_appl x with | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> let hd = array_hd cl and largs = array_tl cl in if check then (match hd with | Rel k -> check_correct_par env nparams ntypes n (k-n+1) largs; if k = n+ntypes-i then List.rev lrec else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)) | _ -> raise (InductiveError (NonPos n))) else if array_for_all (noccur_bet n ntypes) largs then List.rev lrec else raise (InductiveError (NonPos n)) | _ -> anomaly "ensure_appl should return an AppL") in check_constr_rec [] in let (lna,lC) = decomp_DLAMV_name ntypes indlc in Array.map (fun c -> (* try *) check_construct true (1+nparams) (decomp_par nparams c) (* with InductiveError err -> explain_ind_err (ntypes-i+1) lna nparams c err *)) lC let is_recursive listind = let rec one_is_rec rvec = List.exists (function Mrec(i) -> List.mem i listind | Imbr(_,_,lvec) -> one_is_rec lvec | Norec -> false | Param _ -> false) rvec in array_exists one_is_rec let cci_inductive env env_ar kind nparams finite inds cst = let ntypes = List.length inds in let one_packet i (id,ar,cnames,issmall,isunit,lc) = let recargs = listrec_mconstr env_ar ntypes nparams i lc in let isunit = isunit && ntypes = 1 && (not (is_recursive [0] recargs)) in let kelim = allowed_sorts issmall isunit (sort_of_arity env ar.body) in { mind_consnames = Array.of_list cnames; mind_typename = id; mind_lc = lc; mind_arity = ar; mind_kelim = kelim; mind_listrec = recargs; mind_finite = finite } in let packets = Array.of_list (list_map_i one_packet 1 inds) in { mind_kind = kind; mind_ntypes = ntypes; mind_hyps = get_globals (context env); mind_packets = packets; mind_constraints = cst; mind_singl = None; mind_nparams = nparams }