(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* try conv_leq false env t1 t2 with NotConvertible -> raise (NotConvertibleVect i)) () v1 v2 let check_constraints cst env = if Environ.check_constraints cst env then () else error_unsatisfied_constraints env cst (* This should be a type (a priori without intension to be an assumption) *) let type_judgment env c t = match kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiota env t) with | Sort s -> {utj_val = c; utj_type = s } | _ -> error_not_type env (make_judge c t) let check_type env c t = match kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiota env t) with | Sort s -> s | _ -> error_not_type env (make_judge c t) (* This should be a type intended to be assumed. The error message is *) (* not as useful as for [type_judgment]. *) let assumption_of_judgment env t ty = try let _ = check_type env t ty in t with TypeError _ -> error_assumption env (make_judge t ty) (************************************************) (* Incremental typing rules: builds a typing judgement given the *) (* judgements for the subterms. *) (*s Type of sorts *) (* Prop and Set *) let judge_of_prop = mkSort type1_sort let judge_of_prop_contents _ = judge_of_prop (* Type of Type(i). *) let judge_of_type u = let uu = Universe.super u in mkType uu (*s Type of a de Bruijn index. *) let judge_of_relative env n = try let (_,_,typ) = lookup_rel n env in lift n typ with Not_found -> error_unbound_rel env n (* Type of variables *) let judge_of_variable env id = try named_type id env with Not_found -> error_unbound_var env id (* Management of context of variables. *) (* Checks if a context of variables can be instantiated by the variables of the current env *) (* TODO: check order? *) let check_hyps_inclusion env f c sign = Context.fold_named_context (fun (id,_,ty1) () -> try let ty2 = named_type id env in if not (eq_constr ty2 ty1) then raise Exit with Not_found | Exit -> error_reference_variables env id (f c)) sign ~init:() (* Instantiation of terms on real arguments. *) (* Make a type polymorphic if an arity *) (* Type of constants *) let type_of_constant_knowing_parameters_arity env t paramtyps = match t with | RegularArity t -> t | TemplateArity (sign,ar) -> let ctx = List.rev sign in let ctx,s = instantiate_universes env ctx ar paramtyps in mkArity (List.rev ctx,s) let type_of_constant_knowing_parameters env cst paramtyps = let ty, cu = constant_type env cst in type_of_constant_knowing_parameters_arity env ty paramtyps, cu let judge_of_constant_knowing_parameters env (kn,u as cst) args = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in let () = check_hyps_inclusion env mkConstU cst cb.const_hyps in let ty, cu = type_of_constant_knowing_parameters env cst args in let () = check_constraints cu env in ty let judge_of_constant env cst = judge_of_constant_knowing_parameters env cst [||] (* Type of a lambda-abstraction. *) (* [judge_of_abstraction env name var j] implements the rule env, name:typ |- j.uj_val:j.uj_type env, |- (name:typ)j.uj_type : s ----------------------------------------------------------------------- env |- [name:typ]j.uj_val : (name:typ)j.uj_type Since all products are defined in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions and no upper constraint exists on the sort $s$, we don't need to compute $s$ *) let judge_of_abstraction env name var ty = mkProd (name, var, ty) (* Type of an application. *) let make_judgev c t = Array.map2 make_judge c t let judge_of_apply env func funt argsv argstv = let len = Array.length argsv in let rec apply_rec i typ = if Int.equal i len then typ else (match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env typ) with | Prod (_,c1,c2) -> let arg = argsv.(i) and argt = argstv.(i) in (try let () = conv_leq false env argt c1 in apply_rec (i+1) (subst1 arg c2) with NotConvertible -> error_cant_apply_bad_type env (i+1,c1,argt) (make_judge func funt) (make_judgev argsv argstv)) | _ -> error_cant_apply_not_functional env (make_judge func funt) (make_judgev argsv argstv)) in apply_rec 0 funt (* Type of product *) let sort_of_product env domsort rangsort = match (domsort, rangsort) with (* Product rule (s,Prop,Prop) *) | (_, Prop Null) -> rangsort (* Product rule (Prop/Set,Set,Set) *) | (Prop _, Prop Pos) -> rangsort (* Product rule (Type,Set,?) *) | (Type u1, Prop Pos) -> begin match engagement env with | Some ImpredicativeSet -> (* Rule is (Type,Set,Set) in the Set-impredicative calculus *) rangsort | _ -> (* Rule is (Type_i,Set,Type_i) in the Set-predicative calculus *) Type (Universe.sup Universe.type0 u1) end (* Product rule (Prop,Type_i,Type_i) *) | (Prop Pos, Type u2) -> Type (Universe.sup Universe.type0 u2) (* Product rule (Prop,Type_i,Type_i) *) | (Prop Null, Type _) -> rangsort (* Product rule (Type_i,Type_i,Type_i) *) | (Type u1, Type u2) -> Type (Universe.sup u1 u2) (* [judge_of_product env name (typ1,s1) (typ2,s2)] implements the rule env |- typ1:s1 env, name:typ1 |- typ2 : s2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s' >= (s1,s2), env |- (name:typ)j.uj_val : s' where j.uj_type is convertible to a sort s2 *) let judge_of_product env name s1 s2 = let s = sort_of_product env s1 s2 in mkSort s (* Type of a type cast *) (* [judge_of_cast env (c,typ1) (typ2,s)] implements the rule env |- c:typ1 env |- typ2:s env |- typ1 <= typ2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- env |- c:typ2 *) let judge_of_cast env c ct k expected_type = try match k with | VMcast -> vm_conv CUMUL env ct expected_type | DEFAULTcast -> default_conv ~l2r:false CUMUL env ct expected_type | REVERTcast -> default_conv ~l2r:true CUMUL env ct expected_type | NATIVEcast -> let sigma = Nativelambda.empty_evars in native_conv CUMUL sigma env ct expected_type with NotConvertible -> error_actual_type env (make_judge c ct) expected_type (* Inductive types. *) (* The type is parametric over the uniform parameters whose conclusion is in Type; to enforce the internal constraints between the parameters and the instances of Type occurring in the type of the constructors, we use the level variables _statically_ assigned to the conclusions of the parameters as mediators: e.g. if a parameter has conclusion Type(alpha), static constraints of the form alpha<=v exist between alpha and the Type's occurring in the constructor types; when the parameters is finally instantiated by a term of conclusion Type(u), then the constraints u<=alpha is computed in the App case of execute; from this constraints, the expected dynamic constraints of the form u<=v are enforced *) let judge_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env (ind,u as indu) args = let (mib,mip) as spec = lookup_mind_specif env ind in check_hyps_inclusion env mkIndU indu mib.mind_hyps; let t,cst = Inductive.constrained_type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env (spec,u) args in check_constraints cst env; t let judge_of_inductive env (ind,u as indu) = let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in check_hyps_inclusion env mkIndU indu mib.mind_hyps; let t,cst = Inductive.constrained_type_of_inductive env ((mib,mip),u) in check_constraints cst env; t (* Constructors. *) let judge_of_constructor env (c,u as cu) = let _ = let ((kn,_),_) = c in let mib = lookup_mind kn env in check_hyps_inclusion env mkConstructU cu mib.mind_hyps in let specif = lookup_mind_specif env (inductive_of_constructor c) in let t,cst = constrained_type_of_constructor cu specif in let () = check_constraints cst env in t (* Case. *) let check_branch_types env (ind,u) c ct lft explft = try conv_leq_vecti env lft explft with NotConvertibleVect i -> error_ill_formed_branch env c ((ind,i+1),u) lft.(i) explft.(i) | Invalid_argument _ -> error_number_branches env (make_judge c ct) (Array.length explft) let judge_of_case env ci p pt c ct lf lft = let (pind, _ as indspec) = try find_rectype env ct with Not_found -> error_case_not_inductive env (make_judge c ct) in let _ = check_case_info env pind ci in let (bty,rslty) = type_case_branches env indspec (make_judge p pt) c in let () = check_branch_types env pind c ct lft bty in rslty let judge_of_projection env p c ct = let pb = lookup_projection p env in let (ind,u), args = try find_rectype env ct with Not_found -> error_case_not_inductive env (make_judge c ct) in assert(eq_mind pb.proj_ind (fst ind)); let ty = Vars.subst_instance_constr u pb.Declarations.proj_type in substl (c :: List.rev args) ty (* Fixpoints. *) (* Checks the type of a general (co)fixpoint, i.e. without checking *) (* the specific guard condition. *) let type_fixpoint env lna lar vdef vdeft = let lt = Array.length vdeft in assert (Int.equal (Array.length lar) lt); try conv_leq_vecti env vdeft (Array.map (fun ty -> lift lt ty) lar) with NotConvertibleVect i -> error_ill_typed_rec_body env i lna (make_judgev vdef vdeft) lar (************************************************************************) (************************************************************************) (* The typing machine. *) (* ATTENTION : faudra faire le typage du contexte des Const, Ind et Constructsi un jour cela devient des constructions arbitraires et non plus des variables *) let rec execute ~chkguard env cstr = match kind_of_term cstr with (* Atomic terms *) | Sort (Prop c) -> judge_of_prop_contents c | Sort (Type u) -> judge_of_type u | Rel n -> judge_of_relative env n | Var id -> judge_of_variable env id | Const c -> judge_of_constant env c | Proj (p, c) -> let ct = execute ~chkguard env c in judge_of_projection env p c ct (* Lambda calculus operators *) | App (f,args) -> let argst = execute_array ~chkguard env args in let ft = match kind_of_term f with | Ind ind when Environ.template_polymorphic_pind ind env -> (* Template sort-polymorphism of inductive types *) let args = Array.map (fun t -> lazy t) argst in judge_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env ind args | Const cst when Environ.template_polymorphic_pconstant cst env -> (* Template sort-polymorphism of constants *) let args = Array.map (fun t -> lazy t) argst in judge_of_constant_knowing_parameters env cst args | _ -> (* Full or no sort-polymorphism *) execute ~chkguard env f in judge_of_apply env f ft args argst | Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> let _ = execute_is_type env c1 in let env1 = push_rel (name,None,c1) env in let c2t = execute ~chkguard env1 c2 in judge_of_abstraction env name c1 c2t | Prod (name,c1,c2) -> let vars = execute_is_type ~chkguard env c1 in let env1 = push_rel (name,None,c1) env in let vars' = execute_is_type ~chkguard env1 c2 in judge_of_product env name vars vars' | LetIn (name,c1,c2,c3) -> let c1t = execute ~chkguard env c1 in let _c2s = execute_is_type env c2 in let _ = judge_of_cast env c1 c1t DEFAULTcast c2 in let env1 = push_rel (name,Some c1,c2) env in let c3t = execute ~chkguard env1 c3 in subst1 c1 c3t | Cast (c,k,t) -> let ct = execute ~chkguard env c in let _ts = execute_type env t in let _ = judge_of_cast env c ct k t in t (* Inductive types *) | Ind ind -> judge_of_inductive env ind | Construct c -> judge_of_constructor env c | Case (ci,p,c,lf) -> let ct = execute ~chkguard env c in let pt = execute ~chkguard env p in let lft = execute_array ~chkguard env lf in judge_of_case env ci p pt c ct lf lft | Fix ((vn,i as vni),recdef) -> let (fix_ty,recdef') = execute_recdef ~chkguard env recdef i in let fix = (vni,recdef') in check_fix env ~chk:chkguard fix; fix_ty | CoFix (i,recdef) -> let (fix_ty,recdef') = execute_recdef ~chkguard env recdef i in let cofix = (i,recdef') in check_cofix env ~chk:chkguard cofix; fix_ty (* Partial proofs: unsupported by the kernel *) | Meta _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "the kernel does not support metavariables") | Evar _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "the kernel does not support existential variables") and execute_is_type ~chkguard env constr = let t = execute ~chkguard env constr in check_type env constr t and execute_type ~chkguard env constr = let t = execute ~chkguard env constr in type_judgment env constr t and execute_recdef ~chkguard env (names,lar,vdef) i = let lart = execute_array ~chkguard env lar in let lara = Array.map2 (assumption_of_judgment env) lar lart in let env1 = push_rec_types (names,lara,vdef) env in let vdeft = execute_array ~chkguard env1 vdef in let () = type_fixpoint env1 names lara vdef vdeft in (lara.(i),(names,lara,vdef)) and execute_array ~chkguard env = Array.map (execute ~chkguard env) (* Derived functions *) let infer ~chkguard env constr = let t = execute ~chkguard env constr in make_judge constr t let infer = if Flags.profile then let infer_key = Profile.declare_profile "Fast_infer" in Profile.profile3 infer_key (fun a b c -> infer ~chkguard:a b c) else (fun a b c -> infer ~chkguard:a b c) (* Restores the labels of [infer] lost to profiling. *) let infer ~chkguard env t = infer chkguard env t let infer_type ~chkguard env constr = execute_type ~chkguard env constr let infer_v ~chkguard env cv = let jv = execute_array ~chkguard env cv in make_judgev cv jv