(* $Id$ *) open Util open Names open Term open Sign open Environ (* The type of mappings for existential variables *) type evar = int let new_evar = let evar_ctr = ref 0 in fun () -> incr evar_ctr; !evar_ctr type evar_body = | Evar_empty | Evar_defined of constr type 'a evar_info = { evar_concl : constr; evar_env : env; evar_body : evar_body; evar_info : 'a option } type 'a evar_map = 'a evar_info Intmap.t let empty = Intmap.empty let to_list evc = Intmap.fold (fun ev x acc -> (ev,x)::acc) evc [] let dom evc = Intmap.fold (fun ev _ acc -> ev::acc) evc [] let map evc k = Intmap.find k evc let rmv evc k = Intmap.remove k evc let remap evc k i = Intmap.add k i evc let in_dom evc k = Intmap.mem k evc let add evd ev newinfo = Intmap.add ev newinfo evd let define evd ev body = let oldinfo = map evd ev in let newinfo = { evar_concl = oldinfo.evar_concl; evar_env = oldinfo.evar_env; evar_body = Evar_defined body; evar_info = oldinfo.evar_info } in match oldinfo.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> Intmap.add ev newinfo evd | _ -> anomaly "cannot define an isevar twice" (* The list of non-instantiated existential declarations *) let non_instantiated sigma = let listev = to_list sigma in List.fold_left (fun l ((ev,evd) as d) -> if evd.evar_body = Evar_empty then (d::l) else l) [] listev let is_evar sigma ev = in_dom sigma ev let is_defined sigma ev = let info = map sigma ev in not (info.evar_body = Evar_empty) let evar_hyps ev = var_context ev.evar_env let evar_body ev = ev.evar_body let id_of_existential ev = id_of_string ("?" ^ string_of_int ev)