(* $Id$ *) (*s Compact representation of explicit relocations. \\ [ELSHFT(l,n)] == lift of [n], then apply [lift l]. [ELLFT(n,l)] == apply [l] to de Bruijn > [n] i.e under n binders. *) type lift = | ELID | ELSHFT of lift * int | ELLFT of int * lift val el_shft : int -> lift -> lift val el_liftn : int -> lift -> lift val el_lift : lift -> lift val reloc_rel : int -> lift -> int val is_lift_id : lift -> bool (*s Explicit substitutions of type ['a]. [ESID n] = %n~END = bounded identity. [CONS(t,S)] = $S.t$ i.e. parallel substitution. [SHIFT(n,S)] = $(\uparrow n~o~S)$ i.e. terms in S are relocated with n vars. [LIFT(n,S)] = $(\%n~S)$ stands for $((\uparrow n~o~S).n...1)$. *) type 'a subs = | ESID of int | CONS of 'a * 'a subs | SHIFT of int * 'a subs | LIFT of int * 'a subs val subs_cons: 'a * 'a subs -> 'a subs val subs_shft: int * 'a subs -> 'a subs val subs_lift: 'a subs -> 'a subs val subs_liftn: int -> 'a subs -> 'a subs val subs_shift_cons: int * 'a subs * 'a -> 'a subs val expand_rel: int -> 'a subs -> (int * 'a, int * int option) Util.union val is_subs_id: 'a subs -> bool