(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | _ -> false let universes env = env.env_stratification.env_universes let named_context env = env.env_named_context let named_context_val env = env.env_named_context,env.env_named_vals let rel_context env = env.env_rel_context let empty_context env = match env.env_rel_context, env.env_named_context with | [], [] -> true | _ -> false (* Rel context *) let lookup_rel n env = lookup_rel n env.env_rel_context let evaluable_rel n env = match lookup_rel n env with | (_,Some _,_) -> true | _ -> false let nb_rel env = env.env_nb_rel let push_rel = push_rel let push_rel_context ctxt x = Context.fold_rel_context push_rel ctxt ~init:x let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env = let ctxt = Array.map2_i (fun i na t -> (na, None, lift i t)) lna typarray in Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel assum e) env ctxt let fold_rel_context f env ~init = let rec fold_right env = match env.env_rel_context with | [] -> init | rd::rc -> let env = { env with env_rel_context = rc; env_rel_val = List.tl env.env_rel_val; env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel - 1 } in f env rd (fold_right env) in fold_right env (* Named context *) let named_context_of_val = fst let named_vals_of_val = snd (* [map_named_val f ctxt] apply [f] to the body and the type of each declarations. *** /!\ *** [f t] should be convertible with t *) let map_named_val f (ctxt,ctxtv) = let rec map ctx = match ctx with | [] -> [] | (id, body, typ) :: rem -> let body' = Option.smartmap f body in let typ' = f typ in let rem' = map rem in if body' == body && typ' == typ && rem' == rem then ctx else (id, body', typ') :: rem' in (map ctxt, ctxtv) let empty_named_context = empty_named_context let push_named = push_named let push_named_context = List.fold_right push_named let push_named_context_val = push_named_context_val let val_of_named_context ctxt = List.fold_right push_named_context_val ctxt empty_named_context_val let lookup_named id env = Context.lookup_named id env.env_named_context let lookup_named_val id (ctxt,_) = Context.lookup_named id ctxt let eq_named_context_val c1 c2 = c1 == c2 || named_context_equal (named_context_of_val c1) (named_context_of_val c2) (* A local const is evaluable if it is defined *) let named_type id env = let (_,_,t) = lookup_named id env in t let named_body id env = let (_,b,_) = lookup_named id env in b let evaluable_named id env = match named_body id env with | Some _ -> true | _ -> false let reset_with_named_context (ctxt,ctxtv) env = { env with env_named_context = ctxt; env_named_vals = ctxtv; env_rel_context = empty_rel_context; env_rel_val = []; env_nb_rel = 0 } let reset_context = reset_with_named_context empty_named_context_val let pop_rel_context n env = let ctxt = env.env_rel_context in { env with env_rel_context = List.firstn (List.length ctxt - n) ctxt; env_nb_rel = env.env_nb_rel - n } let fold_named_context f env ~init = let rec fold_right env = match env.env_named_context with | [] -> init | d::ctxt -> let env = reset_with_named_context (ctxt,List.tl env.env_named_vals) env in f env d (fold_right env) in fold_right env let fold_named_context_reverse f ~init env = Context.fold_named_context_reverse f ~init:init (named_context env) (* Universe constraints *) let add_constraints c env = if Univ.Constraint.is_empty c then env else let s = env.env_stratification in { env with env_stratification = { s with env_universes = Univ.merge_constraints c s.env_universes } } let check_constraints c env = Univ.check_constraints c env.env_stratification.env_universes let set_engagement c env = (* Unsafe *) { env with env_stratification = { env.env_stratification with env_engagement = Some c } } let push_constraints_to_env (_,univs) env = add_constraints univs env let push_context ctx env = add_constraints (Univ.UContext.constraints ctx) env let push_context_set ctx env = add_constraints (Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx) env (* Global constants *) let lookup_constant = lookup_constant let no_link_info () = ref NotLinked let add_constant_key kn cb linkinfo env = let new_constants = Cmap_env.add kn (cb,(linkinfo, ref None)) env.env_globals.env_constants in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_constants = new_constants } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } let add_constant kn cb env = add_constant_key kn cb (no_link_info ()) env let constraints_of cb u = let univs = cb.const_universes in Univ.subst_instance_constraints u (Univ.UContext.constraints univs) let map_regular_arity f = function | RegularArity a as ar -> let a' = f a in if a' == a then ar else RegularArity a' | TemplateArity _ -> assert false (* constant_type gives the type of a constant *) let constant_type env (kn,u) = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in if cb.const_polymorphic then let csts = constraints_of cb u in (map_regular_arity (subst_instance_constr u) cb.const_type, csts) else cb.const_type, Univ.Constraint.empty let constant_context env kn = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in if cb.const_polymorphic then cb.const_universes else Univ.UContext.empty type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque | IsProj exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result let constant_value env (kn,u) = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in if cb.const_proj = None then match cb.const_body with | Def l_body -> if cb.const_polymorphic then let csts = constraints_of cb u in (subst_instance_constr u (Mod_subst.force_constr l_body), csts) else Mod_subst.force_constr l_body, Univ.Constraint.empty | OpaqueDef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque) | Undef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody) else raise (NotEvaluableConst IsProj) let constant_opt_value env cst = try Some (constant_value env cst) with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None let constant_value_and_type env (kn, u) = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in if cb.const_polymorphic then let cst = constraints_of cb u in let b' = match cb.const_body with | Def l_body -> Some (subst_instance_constr u (Mod_subst.force_constr l_body)) | OpaqueDef _ -> None | Undef _ -> None in b', map_regular_arity (subst_instance_constr u) cb.const_type, cst else let b' = match cb.const_body with | Def l_body -> Some (Mod_subst.force_constr l_body) | OpaqueDef _ -> None | Undef _ -> None in b', cb.const_type, Univ.Constraint.empty (* These functions should be called under the invariant that [env] already contains the constraints corresponding to the constant application. *) (* constant_type gives the type of a constant *) let constant_type_in env (kn,u) = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in if cb.const_polymorphic then map_regular_arity (subst_instance_constr u) cb.const_type else cb.const_type let constant_value_in env (kn,u) = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in match cb.const_body with | Def l_body -> let b = Mod_subst.force_constr l_body in subst_instance_constr u b | OpaqueDef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque) | Undef _ -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody) let constant_opt_value_in env cst = try Some (constant_value_in env cst) with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None (* A global const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *) let evaluable_constant kn env = let cb = lookup_constant kn env in match cb.const_body with | Def _ -> true | OpaqueDef _ -> false | Undef _ -> false let polymorphic_constant cst env = (lookup_constant cst env).const_polymorphic let polymorphic_pconstant (cst,u) env = if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then false else polymorphic_constant cst env let template_polymorphic_constant cst env = match (lookup_constant cst env).const_type with | TemplateArity _ -> true | RegularArity _ -> false let template_polymorphic_pconstant (cst,u) env = if not (Univ.Instance.is_empty u) then false else template_polymorphic_constant cst env let lookup_projection cst env = match (lookup_constant cst env).const_proj with | Some pb -> pb | None -> anomaly (Pp.str "lookup_projection: constant is not a projection") let is_projection cst env = match (lookup_constant cst env).const_proj with | Some _ -> true | None -> false (* Mutual Inductives *) let lookup_mind = lookup_mind let polymorphic_ind (mind,i) env = (lookup_mind mind env).mind_polymorphic let polymorphic_pind (ind,u) env = if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then false else polymorphic_ind ind env let template_polymorphic_ind (mind,i) env = match (lookup_mind mind env).mind_packets.(i).mind_arity with | TemplateArity _ -> true | RegularArity _ -> false let template_polymorphic_pind (ind,u) env = if not (Univ.Instance.is_empty u) then false else template_polymorphic_ind ind env let add_mind_key kn mind_key env = let new_inds = Mindmap_env.add kn mind_key env.env_globals.env_inductives in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_inductives = new_inds } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } let add_mind kn mib env = let li = no_link_info () in add_mind_key kn (mib, li) env (* Lookup of section variables *) let lookup_constant_variables c env = let cmap = lookup_constant c env in Context.vars_of_named_context cmap.const_hyps let lookup_inductive_variables (kn,i) env = let mis = lookup_mind kn env in Context.vars_of_named_context mis.mind_hyps let lookup_constructor_variables (ind,_) env = lookup_inductive_variables ind env (* Returns the list of global variables in a term *) let vars_of_global env constr = match kind_of_term constr with Var id -> Id.Set.singleton id | Const (kn, _) -> lookup_constant_variables kn env | Ind (ind, _) -> lookup_inductive_variables ind env | Construct (cstr, _) -> lookup_constructor_variables cstr env (** FIXME: is Proj missing? *) | _ -> raise Not_found let global_vars_set env constr = let rec filtrec acc c = let acc = match kind_of_term c with | Var _ | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ -> Id.Set.union (vars_of_global env c) acc | _ -> acc in fold_constr filtrec acc c in filtrec Id.Set.empty constr (* [keep_hyps env ids] keeps the part of the section context of [env] which contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables contained in the types of the needed variables. *) let really_needed env needed = Context.fold_named_context_reverse (fun need (id,copt,t) -> if Id.Set.mem id need then let globc = match copt with | None -> Id.Set.empty | Some c -> global_vars_set env c in Id.Set.union (global_vars_set env t) (Id.Set.union globc need) else need) ~init:needed (named_context env) let keep_hyps env needed = let really_needed = really_needed env needed in Context.fold_named_context (fun (id,_,_ as d) nsign -> if Id.Set.mem id really_needed then add_named_decl d nsign else nsign) (named_context env) ~init:empty_named_context (* Modules *) let add_modtype mtb env = let mp = mtb.typ_mp in let new_modtypes = MPmap.add mp mtb env.env_globals.env_modtypes in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_modtypes = new_modtypes } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } let shallow_add_module mb env = let mp = mb.mod_mp in let new_mods = MPmap.add mp mb env.env_globals.env_modules in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_modules = new_mods } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } let lookup_module mp env = MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modules let lookup_modtype mp env = MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modtypes (*s Judgments. *) type unsafe_judgment = { uj_val : constr; uj_type : types } let make_judge v tj = { uj_val = v; uj_type = tj } let j_val j = j.uj_val let j_type j = j.uj_type type unsafe_type_judgment = { utj_val : constr; utj_type : sorts } (*s Compilation of global declaration *) let compile_constant_body = Cbytegen.compile_constant_body exception Hyp_not_found let apply_to_hyp (ctxt,vals) id f = let rec aux rtail ctxt vals = match ctxt, vals with | (idc,c,ct as d)::ctxt, v::vals -> if Id.equal idc id then (f ctxt d rtail)::ctxt, v::vals else let ctxt',vals' = aux (d::rtail) ctxt vals in d::ctxt', v::vals' | [],[] -> raise Hyp_not_found | _, _ -> assert false in aux [] ctxt vals let apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on (ctxt,vals) id f g = let rec aux ctxt vals = match ctxt,vals with | (idc,c,ct as d)::ctxt, v::vals -> if Id.equal idc id then let sign = ctxt,vals in push_named_context_val (f d sign) sign else let (ctxt,vals as sign) = aux ctxt vals in push_named_context_val (g d sign) sign | [],[] -> raise Hyp_not_found | _,_ -> assert false in aux ctxt vals let insert_after_hyp (ctxt,vals) id d check = let rec aux ctxt vals = match ctxt, vals with | (idc,c,ct)::ctxt', v::vals' -> if Id.equal idc id then begin check ctxt; push_named_context_val d (ctxt,vals) end else let ctxt,vals = aux ctxt vals in d::ctxt, v::vals | [],[] -> raise Hyp_not_found | _, _ -> assert false in aux ctxt vals (* To be used in Logic.clear_hyps *) let remove_hyps ids check_context check_value (ctxt, vals) = let rec remove_hyps ctxt vals = match ctxt, vals with | [], [] -> [], [] | d :: rctxt, (nid, v) :: rvals -> let (id, _, _) = d in let ans = remove_hyps rctxt rvals in if Id.Set.mem id ids then ans else let (rctxt', rvals') = ans in let d' = check_context d in let v' = check_value v in if d == d' && v == v' && rctxt == rctxt' && rvals == rvals' then ctxt, vals else (d' :: rctxt', (nid, v') :: rvals') | _ -> assert false in remove_hyps ctxt vals (*spiwack: the following functions assemble the pieces of the retroknowledge note that the "consistent" register function is available in the module Safetyping, Environ only synchronizes the proactive and the reactive parts*) open Retroknowledge (* lifting of the "get" functions works also for "mem"*) let retroknowledge f env = f env.retroknowledge let registered env field = retroknowledge mem env field (* spiwack: this unregistration function is not in operation yet. It should not be used *) (* this unregistration function assumes that no "constr" can hold two different places in the retroknowledge. There is no reason why it shouldn't be true, but in case someone needs it, remember to add special branches to the unregister function *) let unregister env field = match field with | KInt31 (_,Int31Type) -> (*there is only one matching kind due to the fact that Environ.env is abstract, and that the only function which add elements to the retroknowledge is Environ.register which enforces this shape *) (match kind_of_term (retroknowledge find env field) with | Ind i31t -> let i31c = mkConstructUi (i31t, 1) in {env with retroknowledge = remove (retroknowledge clear_info env i31c) field} | _ -> assert false) |_ -> {env with retroknowledge = try remove (retroknowledge clear_info env (retroknowledge find env field)) field with Not_found -> retroknowledge remove env field} (* the Environ.register function syncrhonizes the proactive and reactive retroknowledge. *) let register = (* subfunction used for static decompilation of int31 (after a vm_compute, see pretyping/vnorm.ml for more information) *) let constr_of_int31 = let nth_digit_plus_one i n = (* calculates the nth (starting with 0) digit of i and adds 1 to it (nth_digit_plus_one 1 3 = 2) *) if Int.equal (i land (1 lsl n)) 0 then 1 else 2 in fun ind -> fun digit_ind -> fun tag -> let array_of_int i = Array.init 31 (fun n -> mkConstruct (digit_ind, nth_digit_plus_one i (30-n))) in mkApp(mkConstruct(ind, 1), array_of_int tag) in (* subfunction which adds the information bound to the constructor of the int31 type to the reactive retroknowledge *) let add_int31c retroknowledge c = let rk = add_vm_constant_static_info retroknowledge c Cbytegen.compile_structured_int31 in let rk = add_vm_constant_dynamic_info rk c Cbytegen.dynamic_int31_compilation in let rk = add_native_constant_static_info rk c Nativelambda.compile_static_int31 in add_native_constant_dynamic_info rk c Nativelambda.compile_dynamic_int31 in (* subfunction which adds the compiling information of an int31 operation which has a specific vm instruction (associates it to the name of the coq definition in the reactive retroknowledge) *) let add_int31_op retroknowledge v n op prim kn = let rk = add_vm_compiling_info retroknowledge v (Cbytegen.op_compilation n op kn) in add_native_compiling_info rk v (Nativelambda.compile_prim prim kn) in let add_int31_before_match rk grp v = let rk = add_vm_before_match_info rk v Cbytegen.int31_escape_before_match in match kind_of_term (Retroknowledge.find rk (KInt31 (grp,Int31Bits))) with | Ind (i31bit_type,_) -> add_native_before_match_info rk v (Nativelambda.before_match_int31 i31bit_type) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "Int31Bits should be an inductive type") in fun env field value -> (* subfunction which shortens the (very often use) registration of binary operators to the reactive retroknowledge. *) let add_int31_binop_from_const op prim = match kind_of_term value with | Const (kn,_) -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 2 op prim kn | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be a constant") in let add_int31_unop_from_const op prim = match kind_of_term value with | Const (kn,_) -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 1 op prim kn | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be a constant") in (* subfunction which completes the function constr_of_int31 above by performing the actual retroknowledge operations *) let add_int31_decompilation_from_type rk = (* invariant : the type of bits is registered, otherwise the function would raise Not_found. The invariant is enforced in safe_typing.ml *) match field with | KInt31 (grp, Int31Type) -> (match kind_of_term (Retroknowledge.find rk (KInt31 (grp,Int31Bits))) with | Ind (i31bit_type,_) -> (match kind_of_term value with | Ind (i31t,_) -> Retroknowledge.add_vm_decompile_constant_info rk value (constr_of_int31 i31t i31bit_type) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be an inductive type")) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "Int31Bits should be an inductive type")) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "add_int31_decompilation_from_type called with an abnormal field") in {env with retroknowledge = let retroknowledge_with_reactive_info = match field with | KInt31 (grp, Int31Type) -> let i31c = match kind_of_term value with | Ind i31t -> mkConstructUi (i31t, 1) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be an inductive type") in add_int31_decompilation_from_type (add_int31_before_match (retroknowledge add_int31c env i31c) grp value) | KInt31 (_, Int31Plus) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddint31 Primitives.Int31add | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcint31 Primitives.Int31addc | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusCarryC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcarrycint31 Primitives.Int31addcarryc | KInt31 (_, Int31Minus) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubint31 Primitives.Int31sub | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubcint31 Primitives.Int31subc | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusCarryC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubcarrycint31 Primitives.Int31subcarryc | KInt31 (_, Int31Times) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulint31 Primitives.Int31mul | KInt31 (_, Int31TimesC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulcint31 Primitives.Int31mulc | KInt31 (_, Int31Div21) -> (* this is a ternary operation *) (match kind_of_term value with | Const (kn,u) -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 3 Cbytecodes.Kdiv21int31 Primitives.Int31div21 kn | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be a constant")) | KInt31 (_, Int31Div) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kdivint31 Primitives.Int31div | KInt31 (_, Int31AddMulDiv) -> (* this is a ternary operation *) (match kind_of_term value with | Const (kn,u) -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 3 Cbytecodes.Kaddmuldivint31 Primitives.Int31addmuldiv kn | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be a constant")) | KInt31 (_, Int31Compare) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kcompareint31 Primitives.Int31compare | KInt31 (_, Int31Head0) -> add_int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Khead0int31 Primitives.Int31head0 | KInt31 (_, Int31Tail0) -> add_int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ktail0int31 Primitives.Int31tail0 | KInt31 (_, Int31Lor) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klorint31 Primitives.Int31lor | KInt31 (_, Int31Land) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klandint31 Primitives.Int31land | KInt31 (_, Int31Lxor) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klxorint31 Primitives.Int31lxor | _ -> env.retroknowledge in Retroknowledge.add_field retroknowledge_with_reactive_info field value }