(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (push_named_decl d env, f env d e)) (named_context env) ~init:(reset_context env,init)) let fold_named_context_reverse f ~init env = Sign.fold_named_context_reverse f ~init:init (named_context env) let push_rel d = rel_context_app (add_rel_decl d) let push_rel_context ctxt x = fold_rel_context push_rel ctxt ~init:x let push_rel_assum (id,ty) = push_rel (id,None,ty) let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env = let ctxt = array_map2_i (fun i na t -> (na, type_app (lift i) t)) lna typarray in Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel_assum assum e) env ctxt let fold_rel_context f env ~init = snd (fold_rel_context (fun d (env,e) -> (push_rel d env, f env d e)) (rel_context env) ~init:(reset_rel_context env,init)) let set_universes g env = if env.env_universes == g then env else { env with env_universes = g } let add_constraints c env = if c == Constraint.empty then env else { env with env_universes = merge_constraints c env.env_universes } let add_constant sp cb env = let new_constants = Spmap.add sp cb env.env_globals.env_constants in let new_locals = (Constant,sp)::env.env_globals.env_locals in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_constants = new_constants; env_locals = new_locals } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } let add_mind sp mib env = let new_inds = Spmap.add sp mib env.env_globals.env_inductives in let new_locals = (Inductive,sp)::env.env_globals.env_locals in let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_inductives = new_inds; env_locals = new_locals } in { env with env_globals = new_globals } (* Access functions. *) let lookup_rel n env = Sign.lookup_rel n env.env_rel_context let lookup_named id env = Sign.lookup_named id env.env_named_context let lookup_constant sp env = Spmap.find sp env.env_globals.env_constants let lookup_mind sp env = Spmap.find sp env.env_globals.env_inductives (* Lookup of section variables *) let lookup_constant_variables c env = let cmap = lookup_constant c env in Sign.instance_from_named_context cmap.const_hyps let lookup_inductive_variables (sp,i) env = let mis = lookup_mind sp env in Sign.instance_from_named_context mis.mind_hyps let lookup_constructor_variables (ind,_) env = lookup_inductive_variables ind env (* Returns the list of global variables in a term *) let vars_of_global env constr = match kind_of_term constr with Var id -> [id] | Const sp -> List.map destVar (Array.to_list (lookup_constant_variables sp env)) | Ind ind -> List.map destVar (Array.to_list (lookup_inductive_variables ind env)) | Construct cstr -> List.map destVar (Array.to_list (lookup_constructor_variables cstr env)) | _ -> [] let global_vars_set env constr = let rec filtrec acc c = let vl = vars_of_global env c in let acc = List.fold_right Idset.add vl acc in fold_constr filtrec acc c in filtrec Idset.empty constr (* [keep_hyps env ids] keeps the part of the section context of [env] which contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables contained in the types of the needed variables. *) let keep_hyps env needed = let really_needed = Sign.fold_named_context_reverse (fun need (id,copt,t) -> if Idset.mem id need then let globc = match copt with | None -> Idset.empty | Some c -> global_vars_set env c in Idset.union (global_vars_set env (body_of_type t)) (Idset.union globc need) else need) ~init:needed (named_context env) in Sign.fold_named_context (fun (id,_,_ as d) nsign -> if Idset.mem id really_needed then add_named_decl d nsign else nsign) (named_context env) ~init:empty_named_context (* Constants *) let defined_constant env sp = match (lookup_constant sp env).const_body with Some _ -> true | None -> false let opaque_constant env sp = (lookup_constant sp env).const_opaque (* A global const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *) let evaluable_constant env sp = try defined_constant env sp with Not_found -> false (* A local const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *) let evaluable_named_decl env id = try match lookup_named id env with (_,Some _,_) -> true | _ -> false with Not_found -> false let evaluable_rel_decl env n = try match lookup_rel n env with (_,Some _,_) -> true | _ -> false with Not_found -> false (* constant_type gives the type of a constant *) let constant_type env sp = let cb = lookup_constant sp env in cb.const_type type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result let constant_value env sp = let cb = lookup_constant sp env in if cb.const_opaque then raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque); match cb.const_body with | Some body -> body | None -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody) let constant_opt_value env cst = try Some (constant_value env cst) with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None (*s Modules (i.e. compiled environments). *) type compiled_env = { cenv_stamped_id : compilation_unit_name; cenv_needed : compilation_unit_name list; cenv_constants : (section_path * constant_body) list; cenv_inductives : (section_path * mutual_inductive_body) list } let exported_objects env = let gl = env.env_globals in let separate (cst,ind) = function | (Constant,sp) -> (sp,Spmap.find sp gl.env_constants)::cst,ind | (Inductive,sp) -> cst,(sp,Spmap.find sp gl.env_inductives)::ind in List.fold_left separate ([],[]) gl.env_locals let export env id = let (cst,ind) = exported_objects env in { cenv_stamped_id = (id,0); cenv_needed = env.env_globals.env_imports; cenv_constants = cst; cenv_inductives = ind } let check_imports env needed = let imports = env.env_globals.env_imports in let check (id,stamp) = try let actual_stamp = List.assoc id imports in if stamp <> actual_stamp then error ("Inconsistent assumptions over module " ^(string_of_dirpath id)) with Not_found -> error ("Reference to unknown module " ^ (string_of_dirpath id)) in List.iter check needed let import_constraints g sp cst = try merge_constraints cst g with UniverseInconsistency -> error "import_constraints: Universe Inconsistency during import" let import cenv env = check_imports env cenv.cenv_needed; let add_list t = List.fold_left (fun t (sp,x) -> Spmap.add sp x t) t in let gl = env.env_globals in let new_globals = { env_constants = add_list gl.env_constants cenv.cenv_constants; env_inductives = add_list gl.env_inductives cenv.cenv_inductives; env_locals = gl.env_locals; env_imports = cenv.cenv_stamped_id :: gl.env_imports } in let g = universes env in let g = List.fold_left (fun g (sp,cb) -> import_constraints g sp cb.const_constraints) g cenv.cenv_constants in let g = List.fold_left (fun g (sp,mib) -> import_constraints g sp mib.mind_constraints) g cenv.cenv_inductives in { env with env_globals = new_globals; env_universes = g } (*s Judgments. *) type unsafe_judgment = { uj_val : constr; uj_type : types } let make_judge v tj = { uj_val = v; uj_type = tj } let j_val j = j.uj_val let j_type j = j.uj_type type unsafe_type_judgment = { utj_val : constr; utj_type : sorts }