(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let x' = f sub x in if x' == x then ar else RegularArity x' | TemplateArity x -> let x' = g sub x in if x' == x then ar else TemplateArity x' let map_decl_arity f g = function | RegularArity a -> RegularArity (f a) | TemplateArity a -> TemplateArity (g a) let hcons_template_arity ar = { template_param_levels = ar.template_param_levels; (* List.smartmap (Option.smartmap Univ.hcons_univ_level) ar.template_param_levels; *) template_level = Univ.hcons_univ ar.template_level } (** {6 Constants } *) let body_of_constant cb = match cb.const_body with | Undef _ -> None | Def c -> Some (force_constr c) | OpaqueDef o -> Some (Opaqueproof.force_proof o) let constraints_of_constant cb = Univ.Constraint.union (Univ.UContext.constraints cb.const_universes) (match cb.const_body with | Undef _ -> Univ.empty_constraint | Def c -> Univ.empty_constraint | OpaqueDef o -> Univ.ContextSet.constraints (Opaqueproof.force_constraints o)) let universes_of_constant cb = match cb.const_body with | Undef _ | Def _ -> cb.const_universes | OpaqueDef o -> Univ.UContext.union cb.const_universes (Univ.ContextSet.to_context (Opaqueproof.force_constraints o)) let universes_of_polymorphic_constant cb = if cb.const_polymorphic then universes_of_constant cb else Univ.UContext.empty let constant_has_body cb = match cb.const_body with | Undef _ -> false | Def _ | OpaqueDef _ -> true let is_opaque cb = match cb.const_body with | OpaqueDef _ -> true | Undef _ | Def _ -> false (** {7 Constant substitutions } *) let subst_rel_declaration sub (id,copt,t as x) = let copt' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps sub) copt in let t' = subst_mps sub t in if copt == copt' && t == t' then x else (id,copt',t') let subst_rel_context sub = List.smartmap (subst_rel_declaration sub) let subst_template_cst_arity sub (ctx,s as arity) = let ctx' = subst_rel_context sub ctx in if ctx==ctx' then arity else (ctx',s) let subst_const_type sub arity = if is_empty_subst sub then arity else subst_mps sub arity (** No need here to check for physical equality after substitution, at least for Def due to the delayed substitution [subst_constr_subst]. *) let subst_const_def sub def = match def with | Undef _ -> def | Def c -> Def (subst_constr sub c) | OpaqueDef o -> OpaqueDef (Opaqueproof.subst_opaque sub o) let subst_const_proj sub pb = { pb with proj_ind = subst_mind sub pb.proj_ind; proj_type = subst_mps sub pb.proj_type; proj_body = subst_const_type sub pb.proj_body } let subst_const_body sub cb = assert (List.is_empty cb.const_hyps); (* we're outside sections *) if is_empty_subst sub then cb else let body' = subst_const_def sub cb.const_body in let type' = subst_decl_arity subst_const_type subst_template_cst_arity sub cb.const_type in let proj' = Option.smartmap (subst_const_proj sub) cb.const_proj in if body' == cb.const_body && type' == cb.const_type && proj' == cb.const_proj then cb else { const_hyps = []; const_body = body'; const_type = type'; const_proj = proj'; const_body_code = Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch_subst sub cb.const_body_code; const_polymorphic = cb.const_polymorphic; const_universes = cb.const_universes; const_inline_code = cb.const_inline_code } (** {7 Hash-consing of constants } *) (** This hash-consing is currently quite partial : we only share internal fields (e.g. constr), and not the records themselves. But would it really bring substantial gains ? *) let hcons_rel_decl ((n,oc,t) as d) = let n' = Names.Name.hcons n and oc' = Option.smartmap Term.hcons_constr oc and t' = Term.hcons_types t in if n' == n && oc' == oc && t' == t then d else (n',oc',t') let hcons_rel_context l = List.smartmap hcons_rel_decl l let hcons_regular_const_arity t = Term.hcons_constr t let hcons_template_const_arity (ctx, ar) = (hcons_rel_context ctx, hcons_template_arity ar) let hcons_const_type = map_decl_arity hcons_regular_const_arity hcons_template_const_arity let hcons_const_def = function | Undef inl -> Undef inl | Def l_constr -> let constr = force_constr l_constr in Def (from_val (Term.hcons_constr constr)) | OpaqueDef _ as x -> x (* hashconsed when turned indirect *) let hcons_const_body cb = { cb with const_body = hcons_const_def cb.const_body; const_type = hcons_const_type cb.const_type; const_universes = Univ.hcons_universe_context cb.const_universes } (** {6 Inductive types } *) let eq_recarg r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with | Norec, Norec -> true | Mrec i1, Mrec i2 -> Names.eq_ind i1 i2 | Imbr i1, Imbr i2 -> Names.eq_ind i1 i2 | _ -> false let subst_recarg sub r = match r with | Norec -> r | Mrec (kn,i) -> let kn' = subst_mind sub kn in if kn==kn' then r else Mrec (kn',i) | Imbr (kn,i) -> let kn' = subst_mind sub kn in if kn==kn' then r else Imbr (kn',i) let mk_norec = Rtree.mk_node Norec [||] let mk_paths r recargs = Rtree.mk_node r (Array.map (fun l -> Rtree.mk_node Norec (Array.of_list l)) recargs) let dest_recarg p = fst (Rtree.dest_node p) (* dest_subterms returns the sizes of each argument of each constructor of an inductive object of size [p]. This should never be done for Norec, because the number of sons does not correspond to the number of constructors. *) let dest_subterms p = let (ra,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in assert (match ra with Norec -> false | _ -> true); Array.map (fun t -> Array.to_list (snd (Rtree.dest_node t))) cstrs let recarg_length p j = let (_,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in Array.length (snd (Rtree.dest_node cstrs.(j-1))) let subst_wf_paths sub p = Rtree.smartmap (subst_recarg sub) p (** {7 Substitution of inductive declarations } *) let subst_regular_ind_arity sub s = let uar' = subst_mps sub s.mind_user_arity in if uar' == s.mind_user_arity then s else { mind_user_arity = uar'; mind_sort = s.mind_sort } let subst_template_ind_arity sub s = s (* FIXME records *) let subst_ind_arity = subst_decl_arity subst_regular_ind_arity subst_template_ind_arity let subst_mind_packet sub mbp = { mind_consnames = mbp.mind_consnames; mind_consnrealdecls = mbp.mind_consnrealdecls; mind_consnrealargs = mbp.mind_consnrealargs; mind_typename = mbp.mind_typename; mind_nf_lc = Array.smartmap (subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_nf_lc; mind_arity_ctxt = subst_rel_context sub mbp.mind_arity_ctxt; mind_arity = subst_ind_arity sub mbp.mind_arity; mind_user_lc = Array.smartmap (subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_user_lc; mind_nrealargs = mbp.mind_nrealargs; mind_nrealargs_ctxt = mbp.mind_nrealargs_ctxt; mind_kelim = mbp.mind_kelim; mind_recargs = subst_wf_paths sub mbp.mind_recargs (*wf_paths*); mind_nb_constant = mbp.mind_nb_constant; mind_nb_args = mbp.mind_nb_args; mind_reloc_tbl = mbp.mind_reloc_tbl } let subst_mind_body sub mib = { mind_record = mib.mind_record ; mind_finite = mib.mind_finite ; mind_ntypes = mib.mind_ntypes ; mind_hyps = (match mib.mind_hyps with [] -> [] | _ -> assert false); mind_nparams = mib.mind_nparams; mind_nparams_rec = mib.mind_nparams_rec; mind_params_ctxt = Context.map_rel_context (subst_mps sub) mib.mind_params_ctxt; mind_packets = Array.smartmap (subst_mind_packet sub) mib.mind_packets ; mind_polymorphic = mib.mind_polymorphic; mind_universes = mib.mind_universes; mind_private = mib.mind_private } (** {6 Hash-consing of inductive declarations } *) let hcons_regular_ind_arity a = { mind_user_arity = Term.hcons_constr a.mind_user_arity; mind_sort = Term.hcons_sorts a.mind_sort } (** Just as for constants, this hash-consing is quite partial *) let hcons_ind_arity = map_decl_arity hcons_regular_ind_arity hcons_template_arity (** Substitution of inductive declarations *) let hcons_mind_packet oib = let user = Array.smartmap Term.hcons_types oib.mind_user_lc in let nf = Array.smartmap Term.hcons_types oib.mind_nf_lc in (* Special optim : merge [mind_user_lc] and [mind_nf_lc] if possible *) let nf = if Array.equal (==) user nf then user else nf in { oib with mind_typename = Names.Id.hcons oib.mind_typename; mind_arity_ctxt = hcons_rel_context oib.mind_arity_ctxt; mind_arity = hcons_ind_arity oib.mind_arity; mind_consnames = Array.smartmap Names.Id.hcons oib.mind_consnames; mind_user_lc = user; mind_nf_lc = nf } let hcons_mind mib = { mib with mind_packets = Array.smartmap hcons_mind_packet mib.mind_packets; mind_params_ctxt = hcons_rel_context mib.mind_params_ctxt; mind_universes = Univ.hcons_universe_context mib.mind_universes } (** {6 Stm machinery } *) let join_constant_body cb = match cb.const_body with | OpaqueDef o -> Opaqueproof.join_opaque o | _ -> () let string_of_side_effect = function | SEsubproof (c,_) -> Names.string_of_con c | SEscheme (cl,_) -> String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (_,c,_) -> Names.string_of_con c) cl) type side_effects = side_effect list let no_seff = ([] : side_effects) let iter_side_effects f l = List.iter f (List.rev l) let fold_side_effects f a l = List.fold_left f a l let uniquize_side_effects l = List.rev (CList.uniquize (List.rev l)) let union_side_effects l1 l2 = l1 @ l2 let flatten_side_effects l = List.flatten l let side_effects_of_list l = l let cons_side_effects x l = x :: l let side_effects_is_empty = List.is_empty