(*i $Id$ i*) (*i*) open Names open Univ open Term open Sign (*i*) (* This module defines the types of global declarations. This includes global constants/axioms and mutual inductive definitions *) (*s Constants (internal representation) (Definition/Axiom) *) type constant_body = { const_kind : path_kind; const_body : constr option; const_type : types; const_hyps : named_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *) const_constraints : constraints; mutable const_opaque : bool } val is_defined : constant_body -> bool val is_opaque : constant_body -> bool (*s Global and local constant declaration. *) type constant_entry = { const_entry_body : constr; const_entry_type : constr option } type local_entry = | LocalDef of constr | LocalAssum of constr (*s Inductive types (internal representation). *) type recarg = | Param of int | Norec | Mrec of int | Imbr of inductive_path * (recarg list) (* [mind_typename] is the name of the inductive; [mind_arity] is the arity generalized over global parameters; [mind_lc] is the list of types of constructors generalized over global parameters and relative to the global context enriched with the arities of the inductives *) type one_inductive_body = { mind_consnames : identifier array; mind_typename : identifier; mind_nf_lc : types array; (* constrs and arity with pre-expanded ccl *) mind_nf_arity : types; mind_user_lc : types array option; mind_user_arity : types option; mind_sort : sorts; mind_nrealargs : int; mind_kelim : sorts list; mind_listrec : (recarg list) array; mind_finite : bool; mind_nparams : int } type mutual_inductive_body = { mind_kind : path_kind; mind_ntypes : int; mind_hyps : named_context; mind_packets : one_inductive_body array; mind_constraints : constraints; mind_singl : constr option } val mind_type_finite : mutual_inductive_body -> int -> bool val mind_user_lc : one_inductive_body -> types array val mind_user_arity : one_inductive_body -> types val mind_nth_type_packet : mutual_inductive_body -> int -> one_inductive_body val mind_arities_context : mutual_inductive_body -> rel_declaration list (*s Declaration of inductive types. *) type one_inductive_entry = { mind_entry_nparams : int; mind_entry_params : (identifier * local_entry) list; mind_entry_typename : identifier; mind_entry_arity : constr; mind_entry_consnames : identifier list; mind_entry_lc : constr list } type mutual_inductive_entry = { mind_entry_finite : bool; mind_entry_inds : one_inductive_entry list }