(* $Id$ *) open Names open Univ (* open Generic *) open Term open Sign (* Constant entries *) type lazy_constant_value = | Cooked of constr | Recipe of (unit -> constr) type constant_value = lazy_constant_value ref type constant_body = { const_kind : path_kind; const_body : constant_value option; const_type : types; const_hyps : named_context; const_constraints : constraints; mutable const_opaque : bool } let is_defined cb = match cb.const_body with Some _ -> true | _ -> false let is_opaque cb = cb.const_opaque let cook_constant = function | { contents = Cooked c } -> c | { contents = Recipe f } as v -> let c = f () in v := Cooked c; c type constant_entry = { const_entry_body : lazy_constant_value; const_entry_type : constr option } (* Inductive entries *) type recarg = | Param of int | Norec | Mrec of int | Imbr of inductive_path * recarg list type one_inductive_body = { mind_consnames : identifier array; mind_typename : identifier; mind_nf_lc : types array; mind_nf_arity : types; (* lc and arity as given by user if not in nf; useful e.g. for Ensemble.v *) mind_user_lc : types array option; mind_user_arity : types option; mind_sort : sorts; mind_nrealargs : int; mind_kelim : sorts list; mind_listrec : (recarg list) array; mind_finite : bool } type mutual_inductive_body = { mind_kind : path_kind; mind_ntypes : int; mind_hyps : named_context; mind_packets : one_inductive_body array; mind_constraints : constraints; mind_singl : constr option; mind_nparams : int } let mind_type_finite mib i = mib.mind_packets.(i).mind_finite let mind_user_lc mip = match mip.mind_user_lc with | None -> mip.mind_nf_lc | Some lc -> lc let mind_user_arity mip = match mip.mind_user_arity with | None -> mip.mind_nf_arity | Some a -> a (*s Declaration. *) type mutual_inductive_entry = { mind_entry_nparams : int; mind_entry_finite : bool; mind_entry_inds : (identifier * constr * identifier list * constr list) list} let mind_nth_type_packet mib n = mib.mind_packets.(n) let mind_arities_context mib = Array.to_list (Array.map (* No need to lift, arities contain no de Bruijn *) (fun mip -> (Name mip.mind_typename, None, mind_user_arity mip)) mib.mind_packets)