(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int -> tcode = "coq_tcode_of_code" external eval_tcode : tcode -> values array -> values = "coq_eval_tcode" (*******************) (* Linkage du code *) (*******************) (* Table des globaux *) (* [global_data] contient les valeurs des constantes globales (axiomes,definitions), les annotations des switch et les structured constant *) external global_data : unit -> values array = "get_coq_global_data" (* [realloc_global_data n] augmente de n la taille de [global_data] *) external realloc_global_data : int -> unit = "realloc_coq_global_data" let check_global_data n = if n >= Array.length (global_data()) then realloc_global_data n let num_global = ref 0 let set_global v = let n = !num_global in check_global_data n; (global_data()).(n) <- v; incr num_global; n (* table pour les structured_constant et les annotations des switchs *) let str_cst_tbl = Hashtbl.create 31 (* (structured_constant * int) Hashtbl.t*) let annot_tbl = Hashtbl.create 31 (* (annot_switch * int) Hashtbl.t *) (*************************************************************) (*** Mise a jour des valeurs des variables et des constantes *) (*************************************************************) exception NotEvaluated let key rk = match !rk with | Some k -> (*Pp.msgnl (str"found at: "++int k);*) k | _ -> raise NotEvaluated (************************) (* traduction des patch *) (* slot_for_*, calcul la valeur de l'objet, la place dans la table global, rend sa position dans la table *) let slot_for_str_cst key = try Hashtbl.find str_cst_tbl key with Not_found -> let n = set_global (val_of_str_const key) in Hashtbl.add str_cst_tbl key n; n let slot_for_annot key = try Hashtbl.find annot_tbl key with Not_found -> let n = set_global (val_of_annot_switch key) in Hashtbl.add annot_tbl key n; n let rec slot_for_getglobal env kn = let (cb,rk) = lookup_constant_key kn env in try key rk with NotEvaluated -> (* Pp.msgnl(str"not yet evaluated");*) let pos = match Cemitcodes.force cb.const_body_code with | BCdefined(code,pl,fv) -> let v = eval_to_patch env (code,pl,fv) in set_global v | BCallias kn' -> slot_for_getglobal env kn' | BCconstant -> set_global (val_of_constant kn) in (*Pp.msgnl(str"value stored at: "++int pos);*) rk := Some pos; pos and slot_for_fv env fv = match fv with | FVnamed id -> let nv = Pre_env.lookup_named_val id env in begin match !nv with | VKvalue (v,_) -> v | VKnone -> let (_, b, _) = Sign.lookup_named id env.env_named_context in let v,d = match b with | None -> (val_of_named id, Idset.empty) | Some c -> (val_of_constr env c, Environ.global_vars_set (Environ.env_of_pre_env env) c) in nv := VKvalue (v,d); v end | FVrel i -> let rv = Pre_env.lookup_rel_val i env in begin match !rv with | VKvalue (v, _) -> v | VKnone -> let (_, b, _) = lookup_rel i env.env_rel_context in let (v, d) = match b with | None -> (val_of_rel (nb_rel env - i), Idset.empty) | Some c -> let renv = env_of_rel i env in (val_of_constr renv c, Environ.global_vars_set (Environ.env_of_pre_env renv) c) in rv := VKvalue (v,d); v end and eval_to_patch env (buff,pl,fv) = (* copy code *before* patching because of nested evaluations: the code we are patching might be called (and thus "concurrently" patched) and results in wrong results. Side-effects... *) let buff = Cemitcodes.copy buff in let patch = function | Reloc_annot a, pos -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_annot a) | Reloc_const sc, pos -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_str_cst sc) | Reloc_getglobal kn, pos -> (* Pp.msgnl (str"patching global: "++str(debug_string_of_con kn));*) patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal env kn); (* Pp.msgnl (str"patch done: "++str(debug_string_of_con kn))*) in List.iter patch pl; let vm_env = Array.map (slot_for_fv env) fv in let tc = tcode_of_code buff (length buff) in (*Pp.msgnl (str"execute code");*) eval_tcode tc vm_env and val_of_constr env c = let (_,fun_code,_ as ccfv) = try compile env c with e -> print_string "can not compile \n";Format.print_flush();raise e in eval_to_patch env (to_memory ccfv) let set_transparent_const kn = () (* !?! *) let set_opaque_const kn = () (* !?! *)