(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ] let modify_opers replfun (constl,indl,cstrl) = let rec substrec c = let c' = map_constr substrec c in match kind_of_term c' with | Case (ci,p,t,br) -> (try match List.assoc ci.ci_ind indl with | DO_ABSTRACT (ind,abs_vars) -> let n' = Array.length abs_vars + ci.ci_npar in let ci' = { ci with ci_ind = ind; ci_npar = n' } in mkCase (ci',p,t,br) | _ -> raise Not_found with | Not_found -> c') | Ind spi -> (try (match List.assoc spi indl with | NOT_OCCUR -> failure () | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) -> mkApp (mkInd oper', abs_vars) | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false) with | Not_found -> c') | Construct spi -> (try (match List.assoc spi cstrl with | NOT_OCCUR -> failure () | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) -> mkApp (mkConstruct oper', abs_vars) | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false) with | Not_found -> c') | Const sp -> (try (match List.assoc sp constl with | NOT_OCCUR -> failure () | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) -> mkApp (mkConst oper', abs_vars) | DO_REPLACE cb -> substrec (replfun (sp,cb))) with | Not_found -> c') | _ -> c' in if (constl,indl,cstrl) = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else substrec let expmod_constr modlist c = let simpfun = if modlist = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else nf_betaiota in let expfun (sp,cb) = if cb.const_opaque then errorlabstrm "expmod_constr" [< 'sTR"Cannot unfold the value of "; 'sTR(string_of_path sp); 'sPC; 'sTR"You cannot declare local lemmas as being opaque"; 'sPC; 'sTR"and then require that theorems which use them"; 'sPC; 'sTR"be transparent" >]; match cb.const_body with | Some body -> body | None -> assert false in let c' = modify_opers expfun modlist c in match kind_of_term c' with | Cast (value,typ) -> mkCast (simpfun value,simpfun typ) | _ -> simpfun c' let expmod_type modlist c = type_app (expmod_constr modlist) c let abstract_constant ids_to_abs hyps (body,typ) = let abstract_once ((hyps,body,typ) as sofar) id = match hyps with | (hyp,c,t as decl)::rest when hyp = id -> let body' = option_app (mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn decl) body in let typ' = mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn decl typ in (rest, body', typ') | _ -> sofar in let (_,body',typ') = List.fold_left abstract_once (hyps,body,typ) ids_to_abs in (body',typ') let cook_constant env r = let cb = r.d_from in let typ = expmod_type r.d_modlist cb.const_type in let body = option_app (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) cb.const_body in let hyps = Sign.fold_named_context (fun d ctxt -> Sign.add_named_decl (map_named_declaration (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) d) ctxt) cb.const_hyps ~init:empty_named_context in let body,typ = abstract_constant r.d_abstract hyps (body,typ) in (body, typ, cb.const_constraints, cb.const_opaque)