(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* Name.t (** Return [Some value] for local-declarations and [None] for local-assumptions. *) val get_value : ('c, 't) pt -> 'c option (** Return the type of the name bound by a given declaration. *) val get_type : ('c, 't) pt -> 't (** Set the name that is bound by a given declaration. *) val set_name : Name.t -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Set the type of the bound variable in a given declaration. *) val set_type : 't -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Return [true] iff a given declaration is a local assumption. *) val is_local_assum : ('c, 't) pt -> bool (** Return [true] iff a given declaration is a local definition. *) val is_local_def : ('c, 't) pt -> bool (** Check whether any term in a given declaration satisfies a given predicate. *) val exists : ('c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Check whether all terms in a given declaration satisfy a given predicate. *) val for_all : ('c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Check whether the two given declarations are equal. *) val equal : ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Map the name bound by a given declaration. *) val map_name : (Name.t -> Name.t) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** For local assumptions, this function returns the original local assumptions. For local definitions, this function maps the value in the local definition. *) val map_value : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Map the type of the name bound by a given declaration. *) val map_type : ('t -> 't) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Map all terms in a given declaration. *) val map_constr : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt (** Perform a given action on all terms in a given declaration. *) val iter_constr : ('c -> unit) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> unit (** Reduce all terms in a given declaration to a single value. *) val fold_constr : ('c -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> 'a -> 'a val to_tuple : ('c, 't) pt -> Name.t * 'c option * 't end (** Rel-context is represented as a list of declarations. Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list. Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list. *) type ('constr, 'types) pt = ('constr, 'types) Declaration.pt list (** empty rel-context *) val empty : ('c, 't) pt (** Return a new rel-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration. *) val add : ('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Return the number of {e local declarations} in a given context. *) val length : ('c, 't) pt -> int (** Check whether given two rel-contexts are equal. *) val equal : ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Return the number of {e local assumptions} in a given rel-context. *) val nhyps : ('c, 't) pt -> int (** Return a declaration designated by a given de Bruijn index. @raise Not_found if the designated de Bruijn index outside the range. *) val lookup : int -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) Declaration.pt (** Map all terms in a given rel-context. *) val map : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt (** Perform a given action on every declaration in a given rel-context. *) val iter : ('c -> unit) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> unit (** Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Innermost declarations are processed first. *) val fold_inside : ('a -> ('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> 'a) -> init:'a -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'a (** Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value. Outermost declarations are processed first. *) val fold_outside : (('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 't) pt -> init:'a -> 'a (** Map a given rel-context to a list where each {e local assumption} is mapped to [true] and each {e local definition} is mapped to [false]. *) val to_tags : ('c, 't) pt -> bool list (** [extended_list mk n Γ] builds an instance [args] such that [Γ,Δ ⊢ args:Γ] with n = |Δ| and with the {e local definitions} of [Γ] skipped in [args] where [mk] is used to build the corresponding variables. Example: for [x:T, y:=c, z:U] and [n]=2, it gives [mk 5, mk 3]. *) val to_extended_list : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'r list (** [extended_vect n Γ] does the same, returning instead an array. *) val to_extended_vect : (int -> 'r) -> int -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'r array end (** This module represents contexts that can capture non-anonymous variables. Individual declarations are then designated by the identifiers they bind. *) module Named : sig (** Representation of {e local declarations}. *) module Declaration : sig type ('constr, 'types) pt = | LocalAssum of Id.t * 'types (** identifier, type *) | LocalDef of Id.t * 'constr * 'types (** identifier, value, type *) (** Return the identifier bound by a given declaration. *) val get_id : ('c, 't) pt -> Id.t (** Return [Some value] for local-declarations and [None] for local-assumptions. *) val get_value : ('c, 't) pt -> 'c option (** Return the type of the name bound by a given declaration. *) val get_type : ('c, 't) pt -> 't (** Set the identifier that is bound by a given declaration. *) val set_id : Id.t -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Set the type of the bound variable in a given declaration. *) val set_type : 't -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Return [true] iff a given declaration is a local assumption. *) val is_local_assum : ('c, 't) pt -> bool (** Return [true] iff a given declaration is a local definition. *) val is_local_def : ('c, 't) pt -> bool (** Check whether any term in a given declaration satisfies a given predicate. *) val exists : ('c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Check whether all terms in a given declaration satisfy a given predicate. *) val for_all : ('c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Check whether the two given declarations are equal. *) val equal : ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Map the identifier bound by a given declaration. *) val map_id : (Id.t -> Id.t) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** For local assumptions, this function returns the original local assumptions. For local definitions, this function maps the value in the local definition. *) val map_value : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Map the type of the name bound by a given declaration. *) val map_type : ('t -> 't) -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Map all terms in a given declaration. *) val map_constr : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt (** Perform a given action on all terms in a given declaration. *) val iter_constr : ('c -> unit) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> unit (** Reduce all terms in a given declaration to a single value. *) val fold_constr : ('c -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> 'a -> 'a val to_tuple : ('c, 't) pt -> Id.t * 'c option * 't val of_tuple : Id.t * 'c option * 't -> ('c, 't) pt (** Convert [Rel.Declaration.t] value to the corresponding [Named.Declaration.t] value. The function provided as the first parameter determines how to translate "names" to "ids". *) val of_rel_decl : (Name.t -> Id.t) -> ('c, 't) Rel.Declaration.pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Convert [Named.Declaration.t] value to the corresponding [Rel.Declaration.t] value. *) (* TODO: Move this function to [Rel.Declaration] module and rename it to [of_named]. *) val to_rel_decl : ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) Rel.Declaration.pt end (** Named-context is represented as a list of declarations. Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list. Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list. *) type ('constr, 'types) pt = ('constr, 'types) Declaration.pt list (** empty named-context *) val empty : ('c, 't) pt (** Return a new named-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration. *) val add : ('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) pt (** Return the number of {e local declarations} in a given named-context. *) val length : ('c, 't) pt -> int (** Return a declaration designated by an identifier of the variable bound in that declaration. @raise Not_found if the designated identifier is not bound in a given named-context. *) val lookup : Id.t -> ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) Declaration.pt (** Check whether given two named-contexts are equal. *) val equal : ('c -> 'c -> bool) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt -> bool (** Map all terms in a given named-context. *) val map : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt (** Perform a given action on every declaration in a given named-context. *) val iter : ('c -> unit) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> unit (** Reduce all terms in a given named-context to a single value. Innermost declarations are processed first. *) val fold_inside : ('a -> ('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> 'a) -> init:'a -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'a (** Reduce all terms in a given named-context to a single value. Outermost declarations are processed first. *) val fold_outside : (('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 't) pt -> init:'a -> 'a (** Return the set of all identifiers bound in a given named-context. *) val to_vars : ('c, 't) pt -> Id.Set.t (** [to_instance Ω] builds an instance [args] such that [Ω ⊢ args:Ω] where [Ω] is a named-context and with the local definitions of [Ω] skipped. Example: for [id1:T,id2:=c,id3:U], it gives [Var id1, Var id3]. All [idj] are supposed distinct. *) val to_instance : (Id.t -> 'r) -> ('c, 't) pt -> 'r list end module Compacted : sig module Declaration : sig type ('constr, 'types) pt = | LocalAssum of Id.t list * 'types | LocalDef of Id.t list * 'constr * 'types val map_constr : ('c -> 'c) -> ('c, 'c) pt -> ('c, 'c) pt val of_named_decl : ('c, 't) Named.Declaration.pt -> ('c, 't) pt val to_named_context : ('c, 't) pt -> ('c, 't) Named.pt end type ('constr, 'types) pt = ('constr, 'types) Declaration.pt list val fold : (('c, 't) Declaration.pt -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c, 't) pt -> init:'a -> 'a end