(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr (** Constructs a Variable *) val mkVar : Id.t -> constr (** Constructs an patvar named "?n" *) val mkMeta : metavariable -> constr (** Constructs an existential variable *) type existential = existential_key * constr array val mkEvar : existential -> constr (** Construct a sort *) val mkSort : Sorts.t -> types val mkProp : types val mkSet : types val mkType : Univ.universe -> types (** This defines the strategy to use for verifiying a Cast *) type cast_kind = VMcast | NATIVEcast | DEFAULTcast | REVERTcast (** Constructs the term [t1::t2], i.e. the term t{_ 1} casted with the type t{_ 2} (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1). *) val mkCast : constr * cast_kind * constr -> constr (** Constructs the product [(x:t1)t2] *) val mkProd : Name.t * types * types -> types (** Constructs the abstraction \[x:t{_ 1}\]t{_ 2} *) val mkLambda : Name.t * types * constr -> constr (** Constructs the product [let x = t1 : t2 in t3] *) val mkLetIn : Name.t * constr * types * constr -> constr (** [mkApp (f,[| t_1; ...; t_n |]] constructs the application {% $(f~t_1~\dots~t_n)$ %}. *) val mkApp : constr * constr array -> constr (** Constructs a constant The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *) val mkConst : constant -> constr (** Inductive types *) (** Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *) val mkInd : inductive -> constr (** Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn. The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *) val mkConstruct : constructor -> constr (** Constructs a destructor of inductive type. [mkCase ci p c ac] stand for match [c] as [x] in [I args] return [p] with [ac] presented as describe in [ci]. [p] stucture is [fun args x -> "return clause"] [ac]{^ ith} element is ith constructor case presented as {e lambda construct_args (without params). case_term } *) val mkCase : case_info * constr * constr * constr array -> constr (** If [recindxs = [|i1,...in|]] [funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]] [typarray = [|t1,...tn|]] [bodies = [|b1,.....bn|]] then [mkFix ((recindxs,i), funnames, typarray, bodies) ] constructs the {% $ %}i{% $ %}th function of the block (counting from 0) [Fixpoint f1 [ctx1] = b1 with f2 [ctx2] = b2 ... with fn [ctxn] = bn.] where the length of the {% $ %}j{% $ %}th context is {% $ %}ij{% $ %}. *) type rec_declaration = Name.t array * types array * constr array type fixpoint = (int array * int) * rec_declaration val mkFix : fixpoint -> constr (** If [funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]] [typarray = [|t1,...tn|]] [bodies = [b1,.....bn]] then [mkCoFix (i, (funnames, typarray, bodies))] constructs the ith function of the block [CoFixpoint f1 = b1 with f2 = b2 ... with fn = bn.] *) type cofixpoint = int * rec_declaration val mkCoFix : cofixpoint -> constr (** {6 Concrete type for making pattern-matching. } *) (** [constr array] is an instance matching definitional [named_context] in the same order (i.e. last argument first) *) type 'constr pexistential = existential_key * 'constr array type ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration = Name.t array * 'types array * 'constr array type ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint = (int array * int) * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration type ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint = int * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_term = | Rel of int | Var of Id.t | Meta of metavariable | Evar of 'constr pexistential | Sort of Sorts.t | Cast of 'constr * cast_kind * 'types | Prod of Name.t * 'types * 'types | Lambda of Name.t * 'types * 'constr | LetIn of Name.t * 'constr * 'types * 'constr | App of 'constr * 'constr array | Const of constant | Ind of inductive | Construct of constructor | Case of case_info * 'constr * 'constr * 'constr array | Fix of ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint | CoFix of ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint (** User view of [constr]. For [App], it is ensured there is at least one argument and the function is not itself an applicative term *) val kind : constr -> (constr, types) kind_of_term (** [equal a b] is true if [a] equals [b] modulo alpha, casts, and application grouping *) val equal : constr -> constr -> bool (** Total ordering compatible with [equal] *) val compare : constr -> constr -> int (** {6 Functionals working on the immediate subterm of a construction } *) (** [fold f acc c] folds [f] on the immediate subterms of [c] starting from [acc] and proceeding from left to right according to the usual representation of the constructions; it is not recursive *) val fold : ('a -> constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> constr -> 'a (** [map f c] maps [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified *) val map : (constr -> constr) -> constr -> constr (** [map_with_binders g f n c] maps [f n] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified *) val map_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> constr -> constr (** [iter f c] iters [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified *) val iter : (constr -> unit) -> constr -> unit (** [iter_with_binders g f n c] iters [f n] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is not specified *) val iter_with_binders : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> unit) -> 'a -> constr -> unit (** [compare_head f c1 c2] compare [c1] and [c2] using [f] to compare the immediate subterms of [c1] of [c2] if needed; Cast's, binders name and Cases annotations are not taken into account *) val compare_head : (constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> bool (** {6 Hashconsing} *) val hash : constr -> int val case_info_hash : case_info -> int (*********************************************************************) val hcons : constr -> constr (**************************************) type values