(* $Id$ *) open Util open Pp open Term open Names open Environ open Instantiate open Univ open Evd let stats = ref false let share = ref true (* Profiling *) let beta = ref 0 let delta = ref 0 let letin = ref 0 let evar = ref 0 let iota = ref 0 let prune = ref 0 let reset () = beta := 0; delta := 0; letin := 0; evar := 0; iota := 0; prune := 0 let stop() = mSGNL [< 'sTR"[Reds: beta=";'iNT !beta; 'sTR" delta="; 'iNT !delta; 'sTR" letin="; 'iNT !letin; 'sTR" evar="; 'iNT !evar; 'sTR" iota="; 'iNT !iota; 'sTR" prune="; 'iNT !prune; 'sTR"]" >] (* [r_const=(true,cl)] means all constants but those in [cl] *) (* [r_const=(false,cl)] means only those in [cl] *) type reds = { r_beta : bool; r_const : bool * section_path list; r_letin : bool; r_evar : bool; r_iota : bool } let betadeltaiota_red = { r_beta = true; r_const = true,[]; r_letin = true; r_evar = true; r_iota = true } let betaiota_red = { r_beta = true; r_const = false,[]; r_letin = false; r_evar = false; r_iota = true } let beta_red = { r_beta = true; r_const = false,[]; r_letin = false; r_evar = false; r_iota = false } let no_red = { r_beta = false; r_const = false,[]; r_letin = false; r_evar = false; r_iota = false } let betaiotaletin_red = { r_beta = true; r_const = false,[]; r_letin = true; r_evar = false; r_iota = true } let unfold_red sp = { r_beta = true; r_const = false,[sp]; r_letin = false; r_evar = false; r_iota = true } (* Sets of reduction kinds. Main rule: delta implies all consts (both global (= by section_path) and local (= by Rel or Var)), all evars, and letin's. Rem: reduction of a Rel/Var bound to a term is Delta, but reduction of a LetIn expression is Letin reduction *) type red_kind = BETA | DELTA | LETIN | EVAR | IOTA | CONST of section_path list | CONSTBUT of section_path list let rec red_add red = function | BETA -> { red with r_beta = true } | DELTA -> if snd red.r_const <> [] then error "Conflict in the reduction flags"; { red with r_const = true,[]; r_letin = true; r_evar = true } | CONST cl -> if fst red.r_const then error "Conflict in the reduction flags"; { red with r_const = false, list_union cl (snd red.r_const) } | CONSTBUT cl -> if not (fst red.r_const) & snd red.r_const <> [] then error "Conflict in the reduction flags"; { red with r_const = true, list_union cl (snd red.r_const); r_letin = true; r_evar = true } | IOTA -> { red with r_iota = true } | EVAR -> { red with r_evar = true } | LETIN -> { red with r_letin = true } let incr_cnt red cnt = if red then begin if !stats then incr cnt; true end else false let red_local_const red = fst red.r_const (* to know if a redex is allowed, only a subset of red_kind is used ... *) let red_set red = function | BETA -> incr_cnt red.r_beta beta | CONST [sp] -> let (b,l) = red.r_const in let c = List.mem sp l in incr_cnt ((b & not c) or (c & not b)) delta | LETIN -> incr_cnt red.r_letin letin | EVAR -> incr_cnt red.r_letin evar | IOTA -> incr_cnt red.r_iota iota | DELTA -> fst red.r_const (* Used for Rel/Var defined in context *) (* Not for internal use *) | CONST _ | CONSTBUT _ -> failwith "not implemented" (* specification of the reduction function *) type red_mode = UNIFORM | SIMPL | WITHBACK type flags = red_mode * reds (* (UNIFORM,r) == r-reduce in any context * (SIMPL,r) == bdi-reduce under cases or fix, r otherwise (like hnf does) * (WITHBACK,r) == internal use: means we are under a case or in rec. arg. of * fix *) (* Examples *) let no_flag = (UNIFORM,no_red) let beta = (UNIFORM,beta_red) let betaiota = (UNIFORM,betaiota_red) let betadeltaiota = (UNIFORM,betadeltaiota_red) let hnf_flags = (SIMPL,betaiotaletin_red) let unfold_flags sp = (UNIFORM, unfold_red sp) let flags_under = function | (SIMPL,r) -> (WITHBACK,r) | fl -> fl (* Reductions allowed in "normal" circumstances: reduce only what is * specified by r *) let red_top (_,r) rk = red_set r rk (* Sometimes, we may want to perform a bdi reduction, to generate new redexes. * Typically: in the Simpl reduction, terms in recursive position of a fixpoint * are bdi-reduced, even if r is weaker. * * It is important to keep in mind that when we talk of "normal" or * "head normal" forms, it always refer to the reduction specified by r, * whatever the term context. *) let red_under (md,r) rk = match md with | WITHBACK -> true | _ -> red_set r rk (* (bounded) explicit substitutions of type 'a *) type 'a subs = | ESID of int (* ESID(n) = %n END bounded identity *) | CONS of 'a * 'a subs (* CONS(t,S) = (S.t) parallel substitution *) | SHIFT of int * 'a subs (* SHIFT(n,S) = (^n o S) terms in S are relocated *) (* with n vars *) | LIFT of int * 'a subs (* LIFT(n,S) = (%n S) stands for ((^n o S).n...1) *) (* operations of subs: collapses constructors when possible. * Needn't be recursive if we always use these functions *) let subs_cons(x,s) = CONS(x,s) let subs_liftn n = function | ESID p -> ESID (p+n) (* bounded identity lifted extends by p *) | LIFT (p,lenv) -> LIFT (p+n, lenv) | lenv -> LIFT (n,lenv) let subs_lift a = subs_liftn 1 a let subs_shft = function | (0, s) -> s | (n, SHIFT (k,s1)) -> SHIFT (k+n, s1) | (n, s) -> SHIFT (n,s) (* Expands de Bruijn k in the explicit substitution subs * lams accumulates de shifts to perform when retrieving the i-th value * the rules used are the following: * * [id]k --> k * [S.t]1 --> t * [S.t]k --> [S](k-1) if k > 1 * [^n o S] k --> [^n]([S]k) * [(%n S)] k --> k if k <= n * [(%n S)] k --> [^n]([S](k-n)) * * the result is (Inr (k+lams,p)) when the variable is just relocated * where p is None if the variable points insider subs and Some(k) if the * variable points k bindings beyond subs. *) let rec exp_rel lams k subs = match (k,subs) with | (1, CONS (def,_)) -> Inl(lams,def) | (_, CONS (_,l)) -> exp_rel lams (pred k) l | (_, LIFT (n,_)) when k<=n -> Inr(lams+k,None) | (_, LIFT (n,l)) -> exp_rel (n+lams) (k-n) l | (_, SHIFT (n,s)) -> exp_rel (n+lams) k s | (_, ESID n) when k<=n -> Inr(lams+k,None) | (_, ESID n) -> Inr(lams+k,Some (k-n)) let expand_rel k subs = exp_rel 0 k subs (* Flags of reduction and cache of constants: 'a is a type that may be * mapped to constr. 'a infos implements a cache for constants and * abstractions, storing a representation (of type 'a) of the body of * this constant or abstraction. * * i_evc is the set of constraints for existential variables * * i_tab is the cache table of the results * * i_repr is the function to get the representation from the current * state of the cache and the body of the constant. The result * is stored in the table. * * i_rels = (4,[(1,c);(3,d)]) means there are 4 free rel variables * and only those with index 1 and 3 have bodies which are c and d resp. * * i_vars is the list of _defined_ named variables. * * ref_value_cache searchs in the tab, otherwise uses i_repr to * compute the result and store it in the table. If the constant can't * be unfolded, returns None, but does not store this failure. * This * doesn't take the RESET into account. You mustn't keep such a table * after a Reset. * This type is not exported. Only its two * instantiations (cbv or lazy) are. *) type table_key = | ConstBinding of constant | EvarBinding of existential | VarBinding of identifier | FarRelBinding of int type ('a, 'b) infos = { i_flags : flags; i_repr : ('a, 'b) infos -> constr -> 'a; i_env : env; i_evc : 'b evar_map; i_rels : int * (int * constr) list; i_vars : (identifier * constr) list; i_tab : (table_key, 'a) Hashtbl.t } let ref_value_cache info ref = try Some (Hashtbl.find info.i_tab ref) with Not_found -> try let body = match ref with | FarRelBinding n -> let (s,l) = info.i_rels in lift n (List.assoc (s-n) l) | VarBinding id -> List.assoc id info.i_vars | EvarBinding evc -> existential_value info.i_evc evc | ConstBinding cst -> constant_value info.i_env cst in let v = info.i_repr info body in Hashtbl.add info.i_tab ref v; Some v with | Not_found (* List.assoc *) | NotInstantiatedEvar (* Evar *) | NotEvaluableConst _ (* Const *) -> None let make_constr_ref n = function | FarRelBinding p -> mkRel (n+p) | VarBinding id -> mkVar id | EvarBinding evc -> mkEvar evc | ConstBinding cst -> mkConst cst let defined_vars flags env = if red_local_const (snd flags) then fold_var_context (fun env (id,b,t) e -> match b with | None -> e | Some body -> (id, body)::e) env [] else [] let defined_rels flags env = if red_local_const (snd flags) then fold_rel_context (fun env (id,b,t) (i,subs) -> match b with | None -> (i+1, subs) | Some body -> (i+1, (i,body) :: subs)) env (0,[]) else (0,[]) let infos_under infos = { infos with i_flags = flags_under infos.i_flags } (**** Call by value reduction ****) (* The type of terms with closure. The meaning of the constructors and * the invariants of this datatype are the following: * VAL(k,c) represents the constr c with a delayed shift of k. c must be * in normal form and neutral (i.e. not a lambda, a construct or a * (co)fix, because they may produce redexes by applying them, * or putting them in a case) * LAM(x,a,b,S) is the term [S]([x:a]b). the substitution is propagated * only when the abstraction is applied, and then we use the rule * ([S]([x:a]b) c) --> [S.c]b * This corresponds to the usual strategy of weak reduction * FIXP(op,bd,S,args) is the fixpoint (Fix or Cofix) of bodies bd under * the substitution S, and then applied to args. Here again, * weak reduction. * CONSTR(n,(sp,i),vars,args) is the n-th constructor of the i-th * inductive type sp. * * Note that any term has not an equivalent in cbv_value: for example, * a product (x:A)B must be in normal form because only VAL may * represent it, and the argument of VAL is always in normal * form. This remark precludes coding a head reduction with these * functions. Anyway, does it make sense to head reduce with a * call-by-value strategy ? *) type cbv_value = | VAL of int * constr | LAM of name * constr * constr * cbv_value subs | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list | CONSTR of int * (section_path * int) * cbv_value array * cbv_value list (* les vars pourraient etre des constr, cela permet de retarder les lift: utile ?? *) (* relocation of a value; used when a value stored in a context is expanded * in a larger context. e.g. [%k (S.t)](k+1) --> [^k]t (t is shifted of k) *) let rec shift_value n = function | VAL (k,v) -> VAL ((k+n),v) | LAM (x,a,b,s) -> LAM (x,a,b,subs_shft (n,s)) | FIXP (fix,s,args) -> FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), List.map (shift_value n) args) | COFIXP (cofix,s,args) -> COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), List.map (shift_value n) args) | CONSTR (i,spi,vars,args) -> CONSTR (i, spi, Array.map (shift_value n) vars, List.map (shift_value n) args) (* Contracts a fixpoint: given a fixpoint and a substitution, * returns the corresponding fixpoint body, and the substitution in which * it should be evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies * (S, (fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1})) * -> (S. [S]F0 . [S]F1 ... . [S]Fn-1, Ti) *) let contract_fixp env ((reci,i),(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, []) in let n = Array.length bds in let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs = if i=n then subs else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs)) in subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i) let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, []) in let n = Array.length bds in let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs = if i=n then subs else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs)) in subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i) (* type of terms with a hole. This hole can appear only under App or Case. * TOP means the term is considered without context * APP(l,stk) means the term is applied to l, and then we have the context st * this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM. * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before the function. * CASE(t,br,pat,S,stk) means the term is in a case (which is himself in stk * t is the type of the case and br are the branches, all of them under * the subs S, pat is information on the patterns of the Case * (Weak reduction: we propagate the sub only when the selected branch * is determined) * * Important remark: the APPs should be collapsed: * (APP (l,(APP ...))) forbidden *) type stack = | TOP | APP of cbv_value list * stack | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * stack (* Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! *) let stack_app appl stack = match (appl, stack) with | ([], _) -> stack | (_, APP(args,stk)) -> APP(appl@args,stk) | _ -> APP(appl, stack) (* Tests if we are in a case (modulo some applications) *) let under_case_stack = function | (CASE _ | APP(_,CASE _)) -> true | _ -> false (* Tells if the reduction rk is allowed by flags under a given stack. * The stack is useful when flags is (SIMPL,r) because in that case, * we perform bdi-reduction under the Case, or r-reduction otherwise *) let red_allowed flags stack rk = if under_case_stack stack then red_under flags rk else red_top flags rk let red_allowed_ref flags stack = function | FarRelBinding _ | VarBinding _ -> red_allowed flags stack DELTA | EvarBinding _ -> red_allowed flags stack EVAR | ConstBinding (sp,_) -> red_allowed flags stack (CONST [sp]) (* Transfer application lists from a value to the stack * useful because fixpoints may be totally applied in several times *) let strip_appl head stack = match head with | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack_app app stack) | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack_app app stack) | CONSTR (i,spi,vars,app) -> (CONSTR(i,spi,vars,[]), stack_app app stack) | _ -> (head, stack) (* Invariant: if the result of norm_head is CONSTR or (CO)FIXP, its last * argument is []. * Because we must put all the applied terms in the stack. *) let reduce_const_body redfun v stk = if under_case_stack stk then strip_appl (redfun v) stk else strip_appl v stk (* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. A reduction function is given as argument *) let rec check_app_constr redfun = function | ([], _) -> false | ((CONSTR _)::_, 0) -> true | (t::_, 0) -> (* TODO: partager ce calcul *) (match redfun t with | CONSTR _ -> true | _ -> false) | (_::l, n) -> check_app_constr redfun (l,(pred n)) let fixp_reducible redfun flgs ((reci,i),_) stk = if red_allowed flgs stk IOTA then match stk with (* !!! for Acc_rec: reci.(i) = -2 *) | APP(appl,_) -> reci.(i) >=0 & check_app_constr redfun (appl, reci.(i)) | _ -> false else false let cofixp_reducible redfun flgs _ stk = if red_allowed flgs stk IOTA then match stk with | (CASE _ | APP(_,CASE _)) -> true | _ -> false else false let mindsp_nparams env sp = let mib = lookup_mind sp env in mib.Declarations.mind_nparams (* The main recursive functions * * Go under applications and cases (pushed in the stack), expand head * constants or substitued de Bruijn, and try to make appear a * constructor, a lambda or a fixp in the head. If not, it is a value * and is completely computed here. The head redexes are NOT reduced: * the function returns the pair of a cbv_value and its stack. * * Invariant: if the result of norm_head is CONSTR or (CO)FIXP, it last * argument is []. Because we must put all the applied terms in the * stack. *) let rec norm_head info env t stack = (* no reduction under binders *) match kind_of_term t with (* stack grows (remove casts) *) | IsApp (head,args) -> (* Applied terms are normalized immediately; they could be computed when getting out of the stack *) let nargs = Array.map (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) args in norm_head info env head (stack_app (Array.to_list nargs) stack) | IsMutCase (ci,p,c,v) -> norm_head info env c (CASE(p,v,ci,env,stack)) | IsCast (ct,_) -> norm_head info env ct stack (* constants, axioms * the first pattern is CRUCIAL, n=0 happens very often: * when reducing closed terms, n is always 0 *) | IsRel i -> (match expand_rel i env with | Inl (0,v) -> reduce_const_body (cbv_norm_more info env) v stack | Inl (n,v) -> reduce_const_body (cbv_norm_more info env) (shift_value n v) stack | Inr (n,None) -> (VAL(0, mkRel n), stack) | Inr (n,Some p) -> norm_head_ref (n-p) info env stack (FarRelBinding p)) | IsVar id -> norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (VarBinding id) | IsConst (sp,vars) -> let normt = (sp,Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) vars) in norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (ConstBinding normt) | IsEvar (n,vars) -> let normt = (n,Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) vars) in norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (EvarBinding normt) | IsLetIn (x, b, t, c) -> if red_allowed info.i_flags stack LETIN then let b = cbv_stack_term info TOP env b in norm_head info (subs_cons (b,env)) c stack else let normt = mkLetIn (x, cbv_norm_term info env b, cbv_norm_term info env t, cbv_norm_term info (subs_lift env) c) in (VAL(0,normt), stack) (* Considérer une coupure commutative ? *) (* non-neutral cases *) | IsLambda (x,a,b) -> (LAM(x,a,b,env), stack) | IsFix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack) | IsCoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack) | IsMutConstruct ((spi,i),vars) -> (CONSTR(i,spi, Array.map (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) vars,[]), stack) (* neutral cases *) | (IsSort _ | IsMeta _ | IsXtra _ ) -> (VAL(0, t), stack) | IsMutInd (sp,vars) -> (VAL(0, mkMutInd (sp, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) vars)), stack) | IsProd (x,t,c) -> (VAL(0, mkProd (x, cbv_norm_term info env t, cbv_norm_term info (subs_lift env) c)), stack) and norm_head_ref k info env stack normt = if red_allowed_ref info.i_flags stack normt then match ref_value_cache info normt with | Some body -> reduce_const_body (cbv_norm_more info env) (shift_value k body) stack | None -> (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt), stack) else (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt), stack) (* cbv_stack_term performs weak reduction on constr t under the subs * env, with context stack, i.e. ([env]t stack). First computes weak * head normal form of t and checks if a redex appears with the stack. * If so, recursive call to reach the real head normal form. If not, * we build a value. *) and cbv_stack_term info stack env t = match norm_head info env t stack with (* a lambda meets an application -> BETA *) | (LAM (x,a,b,env), APP (arg::args, stk)) when red_allowed info.i_flags stk BETA -> let subs = subs_cons (arg,env) in cbv_stack_term info (stack_app args stk) subs b (* a Fix applied enough -> IOTA *) | (FIXP(fix,env,_), stk) when fixp_reducible (cbv_norm_more info env) info.i_flags fix stk -> let (envf,redfix) = contract_fixp env fix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix (* constructor guard satisfied or Cofix in a Case -> IOTA *) | (COFIXP(cofix,env,_), stk) when cofixp_reducible (cbv_norm_more info env) info.i_flags cofix stk-> let (envf,redfix) = contract_cofixp env cofix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix (* constructor in a Case -> IOTA (use red_under because we know there is a Case) *) | (CONSTR(n,(sp,_),_,_), APP(args,CASE(_,br,_,env,stk))) when red_under info.i_flags IOTA -> let nparams = mindsp_nparams info.i_env sp in let real_args = snd (list_chop nparams args) in cbv_stack_term info (stack_app real_args stk) env br.(n-1) (* constructor of arity 0 in a Case -> IOTA ( " " )*) | (CONSTR(n,_,_,_), CASE(_,br,_,env,stk)) when red_under info.i_flags IOTA -> cbv_stack_term info stk env br.(n-1) (* may be reduced later by application *) | (head, TOP) -> head | (FIXP(fix,env,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> FIXP(fix,env,appl) | (COFIXP(cofix,env,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> COFIXP(cofix,env,appl) | (CONSTR(n,spi,vars,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> CONSTR(n,spi,vars,appl) (* definitely a value *) | (head,stk) -> VAL(0,apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info head) stk) (* if we are in SIMPL mode, maybe v isn't reduced enough *) and cbv_norm_more info env v = match (v, info.i_flags) with | (VAL(k,t), ((SIMPL|WITHBACK),_)) -> cbv_stack_term (infos_under info) TOP (subs_shft (k,env)) t | _ -> v (* When we are sure t will never produce a redex with its stack, we * normalize (even under binders) the applied terms and we build the * final term *) and apply_stack info t = function | TOP -> t | APP (args,st) -> apply_stack info (applistc t (List.map (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st | CASE (ty,br,ci,env,st) -> apply_stack info (mkMutCase (ci, cbv_norm_term info env ty, t, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) br)) st (* performs the reduction on a constr, and returns a constr *) and cbv_norm_term info env t = (* reduction under binders *) cbv_norm_value info (cbv_stack_term info TOP env t) (* reduction of a cbv_value to a constr *) and cbv_norm_value info = function (* reduction under binders *) | VAL (n,v) -> lift n v | LAM (x,a,b,env) -> mkLambda (x, cbv_norm_term info env a, cbv_norm_term info (subs_lift env) b) | FIXP ((lij,(lty,lna,bds)),env,args) -> applistc (mkFix (lij, (Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, lna, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds))) (List.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | COFIXP ((j,(lty,lna,bds)),env,args) -> applistc (mkCoFix (j, (Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, lna, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds))) (List.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | CONSTR (n,spi,vars,args) -> applistc (mkMutConstruct ((spi,n), Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) vars)) (List.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) type 'a cbv_infos = (cbv_value, 'a) infos (* constant bodies are normalized at the first expansion *) let create_cbv_infos flgs env sigma = { i_flags = flgs; i_repr = (fun old_info c -> cbv_stack_term old_info TOP (ESID (0)) c); i_env = env; i_evc = sigma; i_rels = defined_rels flgs env; i_vars = defined_vars flgs env; i_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 } (* with profiling *) let cbv_norm infos constr = let repr_fun = cbv_stack_term infos TOP in if !stats then begin reset(); let r= cbv_norm_term infos (ESID 0) constr in stop(); r end else cbv_norm_term infos (ESID 0) constr (**** End of call by value ****) (* Lazy reduction: the one used in kernel operations *) (* type of shared terms. freeze and frterm are mutually recursive. * Clone of the Generic.term structure, but completely mutable, and * annotated with booleans (true when we noticed that the term is * normal and neutral) FLIFT is a delayed shift; allows sharing * between 2 lifted copies of a given term FFROZEN is a delayed * substitution applied to a constr *) type freeze = { mutable norm: bool; mutable term: frterm } and frterm = | FRel of int | FAtom of constr | FCast of freeze * freeze | FFlex of frreference * freeze array | FInd of inductive_path * freeze array | FConstruct of constructor_path * freeze array | FApp of freeze * freeze array | FFix of (int array * int) * (freeze array * name list * freeze array) * constr array * freeze subs | FCoFix of int * (freeze array * name list * freeze array) * constr array * freeze subs | FCases of case_info * freeze * freeze * freeze array | FLambda of name * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs | FProd of name * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs | FLetIn of name * freeze * freeze * freeze * constr * freeze subs | FLIFT of int * freeze | FFROZEN of constr * freeze subs and frreference = | FConst of section_path | FEvar of existential_key | FVar of identifier | FFarRel of int (* index in the rel_context part of _initial_ environment *) let reloc_flex r el = r (* let typed_map f t = f (body_of_type t), level_of_type t let typed_unmap f (t,s) = make_typed (f t) s *) (**) let typed_map f t = f (body_of_type t) let typed_unmap f t = make_typed_lazy (f t) (fun _ -> assert false) (**) let frterm_of v = v.term let is_val v = v.norm (* Copies v2 in v1 and returns v1. The only side effect is here! The * invariant of the reduction functions is that the interpretation of * v2 as a constr (e.g term_of_freeze below) is a reduct of the * interpretation of v1. * * The implementation without side effect, but losing sharing, * simply returns v2. *) let freeze_assign v1 v2 = if !share then begin v1.norm <- v2.norm; v1.term <- v2.term; v1 end else v2 (* lift a freeze and yields a frterm. No loss of sharing: the * resulting term takes advantage of any reduction performed in v. * i.e.: if (lift_frterm n v) yields w, reductions in w are reported * in w.term (yes: w.term, not only in w) The lifts are collapsed, * because we often insert lifts of 0. *) let rec lift_frterm n v = match v.term with | FLIFT (k,f) -> lift_frterm (k+n) f | FAtom _ as ft -> { norm = true; term = ft } (* gene: closed terms *) | _ -> { norm = v.norm; term = FLIFT (n,v) } (* lift a freeze, keep sharing, but spare records when possible (case * n=0 ... ) The difference with lift_frterm is that reductions in v * are reported only in w, and not necessarily in w.term (with * notations above). *) let lift_freeze n v = match (n, v.term) with | (0, _) | (_, FAtom _ ) -> v (* identity lift or closed term *) | _ -> lift_frterm n v let freeze env t = { norm = false; term = FFROZEN (t,env) } let freeze_vect env v = Array.map (freeze env) v let freeze_list env l = List.map (freeze env) l let freeze_rec env (tys,lna,bds) = let env' = subs_liftn (Array.length bds) env in (Array.map (freeze env) tys, lna, Array.map (freeze env') bds) (* pourrait peut-etre remplacer freeze ?! (et alors FFROZEN * deviendrait inutile) *) let rec traverse_term env t = match kind_of_term t with | IsRel i -> (match expand_rel i env with | Inl (lams,v) -> (lift_frterm lams v) | Inr (k,None) -> { norm = true; term = FRel k } | Inr (k,Some p) -> lift_frterm (k-p) { norm = false; term = FFlex (FFarRel p, [||]) }) | IsVar x -> { norm = false; term = FFlex (FVar x, [||]) } | IsMeta _ | IsSort _ | IsXtra _ -> { norm = true; term = FAtom t } | IsCast (a,b) -> { norm = false; term = FCast (traverse_term env a, traverse_term env b)} | IsApp (f,v) -> { norm = false; term = FApp (traverse_term env f, Array.map (traverse_term env) v) } | IsMutInd (sp,v) -> { norm = false; term = FInd (sp, Array.map (traverse_term env) v) } | IsMutConstruct (sp,v) -> { norm = false; term = FConstruct (sp,Array.map (traverse_term env) v)} | IsConst (sp,v) -> { norm = false; term = FFlex (FConst sp, Array.map (traverse_term env) v) } | IsEvar (sp,v) -> { norm = false; term = FFlex (FEvar sp, Array.map (traverse_term env) v) } | IsMutCase (ci,p,c,v) -> { norm = false; term = FCases (ci, traverse_term env p, traverse_term env c, Array.map (traverse_term env) v) } | IsFix (op,(tys,lna,bds)) -> let env' = subs_liftn (Array.length bds) env in { norm = false; term = FFix (op, (Array.map (traverse_term env) tys, lna, Array.map (traverse_term env') bds), bds, env) } | IsCoFix (op,(tys,lna,bds)) -> let env' = subs_liftn (Array.length bds) env in { norm = false; term = FCoFix (op, (Array.map (traverse_term env) tys, lna, Array.map (traverse_term env') bds), bds, env) } | IsLambda (n,t,c) -> { norm = false; term = FLambda (n, traverse_term env t, traverse_term (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } | IsProd (n,t,c) -> { norm = false; term = FProd (n, traverse_term env t, traverse_term (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } | IsLetIn (n,b,t,c) -> { norm = false; term = FLetIn (n, traverse_term env b, traverse_term env t, traverse_term (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } (* Back to regular terms: remove all FFROZEN, keep casts (since this * fun is not dedicated to the Calculus of Constructions). *) let rec lift_term_of_freeze lfts v = match v.term with | FRel i -> mkRel (reloc_rel i lfts) | FFlex (FVar x, v) -> assert (v=[||]); mkVar x | FFlex (FFarRel p, v) -> assert (v=[||]); mkRel (reloc_rel p lfts) | FAtom c -> c | FCast (a,b) -> mkCast (lift_term_of_freeze lfts a, lift_term_of_freeze lfts b) | FFlex (FConst op,ve) -> mkConst (op, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FFlex (FEvar op,ve) -> mkEvar (op, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FInd (op,ve) -> mkMutInd (op, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FConstruct (op,ve) -> mkMutConstruct (op, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FCases (ci,p,c,ve) -> mkMutCase (ci, lift_term_of_freeze lfts p, lift_term_of_freeze lfts c, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FFix (op,(tys,lna,bds),_,_) -> let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in mkFix (op, (Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) tys, lna, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts') bds)) | FCoFix (op,(tys,lna,bds),_,_) -> let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in mkCoFix (op, (Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) tys, lna, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts') bds)) | FApp (f,ve) -> mkApp (lift_term_of_freeze lfts f, Array.map (lift_term_of_freeze lfts) ve) | FLambda (n,t,c,_,_) -> mkLambda (n, lift_term_of_freeze lfts t, lift_term_of_freeze (el_lift lfts) c) | FProd (n,t,c,_,_) -> mkProd (n, lift_term_of_freeze lfts t, lift_term_of_freeze (el_lift lfts) c) | FLetIn (n,b,t,c,_,_) -> mkLetIn (n, lift_term_of_freeze lfts b, lift_term_of_freeze lfts t, lift_term_of_freeze (el_lift lfts) c) | FLIFT (k,a) -> lift_term_of_freeze (el_shft k lfts) a | FFROZEN (t,env) -> let unfv = freeze_assign v (traverse_term env t) in lift_term_of_freeze lfts unfv (* This function defines the correspondance between constr and freeze *) let term_of_freeze v = lift_term_of_freeze ELID v let applist_of_freeze appl = Array.to_list (Array.map term_of_freeze appl) (* fstrong applies unfreeze_fun recursively on the (freeze) term and * yields a term. Assumes that the unfreeze_fun never returns a * FFROZEN term. *) let rec fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts v = match (unfreeze_fun v).term with | FRel i -> mkRel (reloc_rel i lfts) | FFlex (FFarRel p, v) -> assert (v=[||]); mkRel (reloc_rel p lfts) | FFlex (FVar x, v) -> assert (v=[||]); mkVar x | FAtom c -> c | FCast (a,b) -> mkCast (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts a, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts b) | FFlex (FConst op,ve) -> mkConst (op, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FFlex (FEvar op,ve) -> mkEvar (op, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FInd (op,ve) -> mkMutInd (op, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FConstruct (op,ve) -> mkMutConstruct (op, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FCases (ci,p,c,ve) -> mkMutCase (ci, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts p, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts c, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FFix (op,(tys,lna,bds),_,_) -> let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in mkFix (op, (Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) tys, lna, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts') bds)) | FCoFix (op,(tys,lna,bds),_,_) -> let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in mkCoFix (op, (Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) tys, lna, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts') bds)) | FApp (f,ve) -> mkApp (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts f, Array.map (fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts) ve) | FLambda (n,t,c,_,_) -> mkLambda (n, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts t, fstrong unfreeze_fun (el_lift lfts) c) | FProd (n,t,c,_,_) -> mkProd (n, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts t, fstrong unfreeze_fun (el_lift lfts) c) | FLetIn (n,b,t,c,_,_) -> mkLetIn (n, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts b, fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts t, fstrong unfreeze_fun (el_lift lfts) c) | FLIFT (k,a) -> fstrong unfreeze_fun (el_shft k lfts) a | FFROZEN _ -> anomaly "Closure.fstrong" (* Build a freeze, which represents the substitution of arg in t * Used to constract a beta-redex: * [^depth](FLamda(S,t)) arg -> [(^depth o S).arg]t *) let rec contract_subst depth t subs arg = freeze (subs_cons (arg, subs_shft (depth,subs))) t (* Calculus of Constructions *) type fconstr = freeze (* Remove head lifts, applications and casts *) let rec strip_frterm n v stack = match v.term with | FLIFT (k,f) -> strip_frterm (k+n) f stack | FApp (f,args) -> strip_frterm n f ((Array.map (lift_freeze n) args)::stack) | FCast (f,_) -> (strip_frterm n f stack) | _ -> (n, v, Array.concat stack) let strip_freeze v = strip_frterm 0 v [] (* Same as contract_fixp, but producing a freeze *) (* does not deal with FLIFT *) let contract_fix_vect fix = let (thisbody, make_body, env, nfix) = match fix with | FFix ((reci,i),def,bds,env) -> (bds.(i), (fun j -> { norm = false; term = FFix ((reci,j),def,bds,env) }), env, Array.length bds) | FCoFix (i,def,bds,env) -> (bds.(i), (fun j -> { norm = false; term = FCoFix (j,def,bds,env) }), env, Array.length bds) | _ -> anomaly "Closure.contract_fix_vect: not a (co)fixpoint" in let rec subst_bodies_from_i i env = if i = nfix then freeze env thisbody else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, env)) in subst_bodies_from_i 0 env (* CoFix reductions are context dependent. Therefore, they cannot be shared. *) let copy_case ci p ft bl = (* Is the copy of bl necessary ?? I'd guess no HH *) { norm = false; term = FCases (ci,p,ft,Array.copy bl) } (* Check if the case argument enables iota-reduction *) type case_status = | CONSTRUCTOR of int * fconstr array | COFIX of int * int * (fconstr array * name list * fconstr array) * fconstr array * constr array * freeze subs | IRREDUCTIBLE let constr_or_cofix env v = let (lft_hd, head, appl) = strip_freeze v in match head.term with | FConstruct (((indsp,_),i),_) -> let args = snd (array_chop (mindsp_nparams env indsp) appl) in CONSTRUCTOR (i, args) | FCoFix (bnum, def, bds, env) -> COFIX (lft_hd,bnum,def,appl, bds, env) | _ -> IRREDUCTIBLE let fix_reducible env unf_fun n appl = if n < Array.length appl & n >= 0 (* e.g for Acc_rec: n = -2 *) then let v = unf_fun appl.(n) in match constr_or_cofix env v with | CONSTRUCTOR _ -> true | _ -> false else false (* unfreeze computes the weak head normal form of v (according to the * flags in info) and updates the mutable term. *) let rec unfreeze info v = freeze_assign v (whnf_frterm info v) (* weak head normal form * Sharing info: the physical location of the ouput of this function * doesn't matter (only the values of its fields do). *) and whnf_frterm info ft = if ft.norm then begin incr prune; ft end else match ft.term with | FFROZEN (t,env) -> whnf_term info env t | FLIFT (k,f) -> let uf = unfreeze info f in { norm = uf.norm; term = FLIFT(k, uf) } | FCast (f,_) -> whnf_frterm info f (* remove outer casts *) | FApp (f,appl) -> whnf_apply info f appl | FFlex (FConst sp,vars) -> if red_under info.i_flags (CONST [sp]) then let cst = (sp, Array.map term_of_freeze vars) in (match ref_value_cache info (ConstBinding cst) with | Some def -> let udef = unfreeze info def in lift_frterm 0 udef | None -> { norm = array_for_all is_val vars; term = ft.term }) else ft | FFlex (FEvar ev,vars) -> if red_under info.i_flags EVAR then let ev = (ev, Array.map term_of_freeze vars) in (match ref_value_cache info (EvarBinding ev) with | Some def -> let udef = unfreeze info def in lift_frterm 0 udef | None -> { norm = array_for_all is_val vars; term = ft.term }) else ft | FFlex (FVar id, _) as t-> if red_under info.i_flags DELTA then match ref_value_cache info (VarBinding id) with | Some def -> let udef = unfreeze info def in lift_frterm 0 udef | None -> { norm = true; term = t } else ft | FFlex (FFarRel k,_) as t -> if red_under info.i_flags DELTA then match ref_value_cache info (FarRelBinding k) with | Some def -> let udef = unfreeze info def in lift_frterm 0 udef | None -> { norm = true; term = t } else ft | FCases (ci,p,co,bl) -> if red_under info.i_flags IOTA then let c = unfreeze (infos_under info) co in (match constr_or_cofix info.i_env c with | CONSTRUCTOR (n,real_args) when n <= Array.length bl -> whnf_apply info bl.(n-1) real_args | COFIX (lft_hd,bnum,def,appl,bds,env) -> let cofix = contract_fix_vect (FCoFix (bnum,def,bds,env)) in let red_cofix = whnf_apply info (lift_freeze lft_hd cofix) appl in whnf_frterm info (copy_case ci p red_cofix bl) | _ -> { norm = is_val p & is_val co & array_for_all is_val bl; term = ft.term }) else ft | FLetIn (na,b,fd,fc,d,subs) -> let c = unfreeze info b in if red_under info.i_flags LETIN then whnf_frterm info (contract_subst 0 d subs c) else { norm = false; term = FLetIn (na,c,fd,fc,d,subs) } | FRel _ | FAtom _ -> { norm = true; term = ft.term } | FFix _ | FCoFix _ | FInd _ | FConstruct _ | FLambda _ | FProd _ -> ft (* Weak head reduction: case of the application (head appl) *) and whnf_apply info head appl = let head = unfreeze info head in if Array.length appl = 0 then head else let (lft_hd,whd,args) = strip_frterm 0 head [appl] in match whd.term with | FLambda (_,_,_,t,subs) when red_under info.i_flags BETA -> let vbody = contract_subst lft_hd t subs args.(0) in whnf_apply info vbody (array_tl args) | FFix ((reci,bnum), _, _, _) as fx when red_under info.i_flags IOTA & fix_reducible info.i_env (unfreeze (infos_under info)) reci.(bnum) args -> let fix = contract_fix_vect fx in whnf_apply info (lift_freeze lft_hd fix) args | _ -> { norm = (is_val head) & (array_for_all is_val appl); term = FApp (head, appl) } (* essayer whnf_frterm info (traverse_term env t) a la place? * serait moins lazy: traverse_term ne supprime pas les Cast a la volee, etc. *) and whnf_term info env t = match kind_of_term t with | IsRel i -> (match expand_rel i env with | Inl (lams,v) -> let uv = unfreeze info v in lift_frterm lams uv | Inr (n,None) -> { norm = true; term = FRel n } | Inr (n,Some k) -> whnf_frterm info (lift_frterm (n-k) { norm = false; term = FFlex (FFarRel k, [||]) })) | IsVar x -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FFlex (FVar x, [||]) } | IsSort _ | IsXtra _ | IsMeta _ -> {norm = true; term = FAtom t } | IsCast (c,_) -> whnf_term info env c (* remove outer casts *) | IsApp (f,ve) -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FApp (freeze env f, freeze_vect env ve)} | IsConst (op,ve) -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FFlex (FConst op, freeze_vect env ve) } | IsEvar (op,ve) -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FFlex (FEvar op, freeze_vect env ve) } | IsMutCase (ci,p,c,ve) -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FCases (ci, freeze env p, freeze env c, freeze_vect env ve)} | IsMutInd (op,v) -> { norm = (v=[||]); term = FInd (op, freeze_vect env v) } | IsMutConstruct (op,v) -> { norm = (v=[||]); term = FConstruct (op, freeze_vect env v) } | IsFix (op,(_,_,bds as def)) -> { norm = false; term = FFix (op, freeze_rec env def, bds, env) } | IsCoFix (op,(_,_,bds as def)) -> { norm = false; term = FCoFix (op, freeze_rec env def, bds, env) } | IsLambda (n,t,c) -> { norm = false; term = FLambda (n, freeze env t, freeze (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } | IsProd (n,t,c) -> { norm = false; term = FProd (n, freeze env t, freeze (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } | IsLetIn (n,b,t,c) -> whnf_frterm info { norm = false; term = FLetIn (n, freeze env b, freeze env t, freeze (subs_lift env) c, c, env) } (* parameterized norm *) let norm_val info v = if !stats then begin reset(); let r = fstrong (unfreeze info) ELID v in stop(); r end else fstrong (unfreeze info) ELID v let whd_val info v = let uv = unfreeze info v in term_of_freeze uv let inject = freeze (ESID 0) let search_frozen_value info f vars = match f with | FConst op -> ref_value_cache info (ConstBinding (op,Array.map (norm_val info) vars)) | FEvar op -> ref_value_cache info (EvarBinding (op,Array.map (norm_val info) vars)) | FVar id -> ref_value_cache info (VarBinding id) | FFarRel p -> ref_value_cache info (FarRelBinding p) (* cache of constants: the body is computed only when needed. *) type 'a clos_infos = (fconstr, 'a) infos let create_clos_infos flgs env sigma = { i_flags = flgs; i_repr = (fun old_info c -> freeze (ESID (0)) c); i_env = env; i_evc = sigma; i_rels = defined_rels flgs env; i_vars = defined_vars flgs env; i_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 } let clos_infos_env infos = infos.i_env (* Head normal form. *) let fhnf info v = let uv = unfreeze info v in strip_freeze uv let fhnf_apply infos k head appl = let v = whnf_apply infos (lift_freeze k head) appl in strip_freeze v