open Names open Cinstr exception TooLargeInductive of Pp.t val lambda_of_constr : optimize:bool -> Pre_env.env -> Constr.t -> lambda val decompose_Llam : lambda -> Name.t array * lambda val get_alias : Pre_env.env -> Constant.t -> Constant.t val compile_prim : int -> Cbytecodes.instruction -> Constr.pconstant -> bool -> lambda array -> lambda (** spiwack: this function contains the information needed to perform the static compilation of int31 (trying and obtaining a 31-bit integer in processor representation at compile time) *) val compile_structured_int31 : bool -> Constr.t array -> lambda (** this function contains the information needed to perform the dynamic compilation of int31 (trying and obtaining a 31-bit integer in processor representation at runtime when it failed at compile time *) val dynamic_int31_compilation : bool -> lambda array -> lambda (*spiwack: compiling function to insert dynamic decompilation before matching integers (in case they are in processor representation) *) val int31_escape_before_match : bool -> lambda -> lambda