open Names open Cbytecodes type reloc_info = | Reloc_annot of annot_switch | Reloc_const of structured_constant | Reloc_getglobal of constant type patch = reloc_info * int (* A virer *) val subst_patch : Mod_subst.substitution -> patch -> patch type emitcodes val length : emitcodes -> int val patch_int : emitcodes -> (*pos*)int -> int -> unit type to_patch = emitcodes * (patch list) * fv val subst_to_patch : Mod_subst.substitution -> to_patch -> to_patch type body_code = | BCdefined of bool*to_patch | BCallias of constant | BCconstant type to_patch_substituted val from_val : body_code -> to_patch_substituted val force : to_patch_substituted -> body_code val is_boxed : to_patch_substituted -> bool val subst_to_patch_subst : Mod_subst.substitution -> to_patch_substituted -> to_patch_substituted val to_memory : bytecodes * bytecodes * fv -> to_patch (** init code, fun code, fv *)