open Names open Term type tag = int val id_tag : tag val iddef_tag : tag val ind_tag : tag val fix_tag : tag val switch_tag : tag val cofix_tag : tag val cofix_evaluated_tag : tag type structured_constant = | Const_sorts of sorts | Const_ind of inductive | Const_b0 of tag | Const_bn of tag * structured_constant array type reloc_table = (tag * int) array type annot_switch = {ci : case_info; rtbl : reloc_table; tailcall : bool} module Label : sig type t = int val no : t val create : unit -> t val reset_label_counter : unit -> unit end type instruction = | Klabel of Label.t | Kacc of int | Kenvacc of int | Koffsetclosure of int | Kpush | Kpop of int | Kpush_retaddr of Label.t | Kapply of int (* number of arguments *) | Kappterm of int * int (* number of arguments, slot size *) | Kreturn of int (* slot size *) | Kjump | Krestart | Kgrab of int (* number of arguments *) | Kgrabrec of int (* rec arg *) | Kclosure of Label.t * int (* label, number of free variables *) | Kclosurerec of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array (* nb fv, init, lbl types, lbl bodies *) | Kclosurecofix of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array (* nb fv, init, lbl types, lbl bodies *) | Kgetglobal of constant | Kconst of structured_constant | Kmakeblock of int * tag (* size, tag *) | Kmakeprod | Kmakeswitchblock of Label.t * Label.t * annot_switch * int | Kswitch of Label.t array * Label.t array (* consts,blocks *) | Kpushfields of int | Kfield of int | Ksetfield of int | Kstop | Ksequence of bytecodes * bytecodes (* spiwack: instructions concerning integers *) | Kbranch of Label.t (* jump to label, is it needed ? *) | Kaddint31 (* adds the int31 in the accu and the one ontop of the stack *) | Kaddcint31 (* makes the sum and keeps the carry *) | Kaddcarrycint31 (* sum +1, keeps the carry *) | Ksubint31 (* subtraction modulo *) | Ksubcint31 (* subtraction, keeps the carry *) | Ksubcarrycint31 (* subtraction -1, keeps the carry *) | Kmulint31 (* multiplication modulo *) | Kmulcint31 (* multiplication, result in two int31, for exact computation *) | Kdiv21int31 (* divides a double size integer (represented by an int31 in the accumulator and one on the top of the stack) by an int31. The result is a pair of the quotient and the rest. If the divisor is 0, it returns 0. *) | Kdivint31 (* euclidian division (returns a pair quotient,rest) *) | Kaddmuldivint31 (* generic operation for shifting and cycling. Takes 3 int31 i j and s, and returns x*2^s+y/(2^(31-s) *) | Kcompareint31 (* unsigned comparison of int31 cf COMPAREINT31 in kernel/byterun/coq_interp.c for more info *) | Khead0int31 (* Give the numbers of 0 in head of a in31*) | Ktail0int31 (* Give the numbers of 0 in tail of a in31 ie low bits *) | Kisconst of Label.t (* conditional jump *) | Kareconst of int*Label.t (* conditional jump *) | Kcompint31 (* dynamic compilation of int31 *) | Kdecompint31 (* dynamix decompilation of int31 *) (* /spiwack *) and bytecodes = instruction list type fv_elem = FVnamed of identifier | FVrel of int type fv = fv_elem array (* spiwack: this exception is expected to be raised by function expecting closed terms. *) exception NotClosed (*spiwack: both type have been moved from Cbytegen because I needed then for the retroknowledge *) type vm_env = { size : int; (* longueur de la liste [n] *) fv_rev : fv_elem list (* [fvn; ... ;fv1] *) } type comp_env = { nb_stack : int; (* nbre de variables sur la pile *) in_stack : int list; (* position dans la pile *) nb_rec : int; (* nbre de fonctions mutuellement *) (* recursives = nbr *) pos_rec : instruction list; (* instruction d'acces pour les variables *) (* de point fix ou de cofix *) offset : int; in_env : vm_env ref } val draw_instr : bytecodes -> unit val string_of_instr : bytecodes -> string (*spiwack: moved this here because I needed it for retroknowledge *) type block = | Bconstr of constr | Bstrconst of structured_constant | Bmakeblock of int * block array | Bconstruct_app of int * int * int * block array (* tag , nparams, arity *) | Bspecial of (comp_env -> block array -> int -> bytecodes -> bytecodes) * block array (* compilation function (see get_vm_constant_dynamic_info in retroknowledge.mli for more info) , argument array *)