(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let (id, e) = f id e in (Name id, e) | Anonymous -> Anonymous, e let map_aconstr_with_binders_loc loc g f e = function | AVar id -> RVar (loc,id) | AApp (a,args) -> RApp (loc,f e a, List.map (f e) args) | ALambda (na,ty,c) -> let na,e = name_app g e na in RLambda (loc,na,f e ty,f e c) | AProd (na,ty,c) -> let na,e = name_app g e na in RProd (loc,na,f e ty,f e c) | ALetIn (na,b,c) -> let na,e = name_app g e na in RLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e c) | ACases (tyopt,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) -> let cases_predicate_names tml = List.flatten (List.map (function | (tm,(na,None)) -> [na] | (tm,(na,Some (_,nal))) -> na::nal) tml) in (* TODO: apply g to na (in fact not used) *) let e' = List.fold_right (fun na e -> snd (name_app g e na)) (cases_predicate_names tml) e in let fold id (idl,e) = let (id,e) = g id e in (id::idl,e) in let eqnl = List.map (fun (idl,pat,rhs) -> let (idl,e) = List.fold_right fold idl ([],e) in (loc,idl,pat,f e rhs)) eqnl in RCases (loc,(option_app (f e) tyopt, ref (option_app (f e') rtntypopt)), List.map (fun (tm,(na,x)) -> (f e tm,ref (na,option_app (fun (x,y) -> (loc,x,y)) x))) tml,eqnl) | AOrderedCase (b,tyopt,tm,bv) -> ROrderedCase (loc,b,option_app (f e) tyopt,f e tm,Array.map (f e) bv,ref None) | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) -> RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,option_app (f e) po),f e b,f e c) | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> RIf (loc,f e c,(na,option_app (f e) po),f e b1,f e b2) | ACast (c,t) -> RCast (loc,f e c,f e t) | ASort x -> RSort (loc,x) | AHole x -> RHole (loc,x) | APatVar n -> RPatVar (loc,(false,n)) | ARef x -> RRef (loc,x) let rec subst_pat subst pat = match pat with | PatVar _ -> pat | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) -> let kn' = subst_kn subst kn and cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n) let rec subst_aconstr subst raw = match raw with | ARef ref -> let ref' = subst_global subst ref in if ref' == ref then raw else ARef ref' | AVar _ -> raw | AApp (r,rl) -> let r' = subst_aconstr subst r and rl' = list_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) rl in if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else AApp(r',rl') | ALambda (n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else ALambda (n,r1',r2') | AProd (n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else AProd (n,r1',r2') | ALetIn (n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else ALetIn (n,r1',r2') | ACases (ro,rtntypopt,rl,branches) -> let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ro and rtntypopt' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) rtntypopt and rl' = list_smartmap (fun (a,(n,signopt) as x) -> let a' = subst_aconstr subst a in let signopt' = option_app (fun ((indkn,i),nal as z) -> let indkn' = subst_kn subst indkn in if indkn == indkn' then z else ((indkn',i),nal)) signopt in if a' == a && signopt' == signopt then x else (a',(n,signopt'))) rl and branches' = list_smartmap (fun (idl,cpl,r as branch) -> let cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl and r' = subst_aconstr subst r in if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else (idl,cpl',r')) branches in if ro' == ro && rtntypopt == rtntypopt' & rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else ACases (ro',rtntypopt',rl',branches') | AOrderedCase (b,ro,r,ra) -> let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ro and r' = subst_aconstr subst r and ra' = array_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ra in if ro' == ro && r' == r && ra' == ra then raw else AOrderedCase (b,ro',r',ra') | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) -> let po' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) po and b' = subst_aconstr subst b and c' = subst_aconstr subst c in if po' == po && b' == b && c' == c then raw else ALetTuple (nal,(na,po'),b',c') | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> let po' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) po and b1' = subst_aconstr subst b1 and b2' = subst_aconstr subst b2 and c' = subst_aconstr subst c in if po' == po && b1' == b1 && b2' == b2 && c' == c then raw else AIf (c',(na,po'),b1',b2') | APatVar _ | ASort _ -> raw | AHole (ImplicitArg (ref,i)) -> let ref' = subst_global subst ref in if ref' == ref then raw else AHole (ImplicitArg (ref',i)) | AHole (BinderType _ | QuestionMark | CasesType | InternalHole | TomatchTypeParameter _) -> raw | ACast (r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else ACast (r1',r2') let add_name r = function | Anonymous -> () | Name id -> r := id :: !r let aconstr_of_rawconstr vars a = let found = ref [] in let bound_binders = ref [] in let rec aux = function | RVar (_,id) -> if not (List.mem id !bound_binders) then found := id::!found; AVar id | RApp (_,g,args) -> AApp (aux g, List.map aux args) | RLambda (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; ALambda (na,aux ty,aux c) | RProd (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; AProd (na,aux ty,aux c) | RLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; ALetIn (na,aux b,aux c) | RCases (_,(tyopt,rtntypopt),tml,eqnl) -> let f (_,idl,pat,rhs) = bound_binders := idl@(!bound_binders); (idl,pat,aux rhs) in ACases (option_app aux tyopt, option_app aux !rtntypopt, List.map (fun (tm,{contents = (na,x)}) -> add_name bound_binders na; option_iter (fun (_,_,nl) -> List.iter (add_name bound_binders) nl) x; (aux tm,(na,option_app (fun (_,ind,nal) -> (ind,nal)) x))) tml, List.map f eqnl) | ROrderedCase (_,b,tyopt,tm,bv,_) -> AOrderedCase (b,option_app aux tyopt,aux tm, Array.map aux bv) | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) -> ALetTuple (nal,(na,option_app aux po),aux b,aux c) | RIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> AIf (aux c,(na,option_app aux po),aux b1,aux b2) | RCast (_,c,t) -> ACast (aux c,aux t) | RSort (_,s) -> ASort s | RHole (_,w) -> AHole w | RRef (_,r) -> ARef r | RPatVar (_,(_,n)) -> APatVar n | RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _ -> error "Fixpoints, cofixpoints, existential variables and pattern-matching not \ allowed in abbreviatable expressions" in let a = aux a in let check_type x = if not (List.mem x !found or List.mem x !bound_binders) then error ((string_of_id x)^" is unbound in the right-hand-side") in List.iter check_type vars; a (* Pattern-matching rawconstr and aconstr *) let rec adjust_scopes = function | _,[] -> [] | [],a::args -> (None,a) :: adjust_scopes ([],args) | sc::scopes,a::args -> (sc,a) :: adjust_scopes (scopes,args) exception No_match let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function | (i1,i2)::_ when i1=id1 -> i2 = id2 | (i1,i2)::_ when i2=id2 -> i1 = id1 | _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl | [] -> id1 = id2 let alpha_eq_val (x,y) = x = y (* let bind_env sc sigma var v = try let vvar,_ = List.assoc var sigma in if alpha_eq_val (v,vvar) then sigma else raise No_match with Not_found -> (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *) (var,(v,sc))::sigma let rec match_ sc alp metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env sc sigma id2 r1 | RVar (_,id1), AVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma | RRef (_,r1), ARef r2 when r1 = r2 -> sigma | RPatVar (_,(_,n1)), APatVar n2 when n1=n2 -> sigma | RApp (_,f1,l1), AApp (f2,l2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 -> let sigma = match_ sc alp metas sigma f1 f2 in let l1 = match f1 with | RRef (_,ref) -> adjust_scopes (Symbols.find_arguments_scope ref,l1) | _ -> List.map (fun a -> (None,a)) l1 in List.fold_left2 (fun sigma (sc,a) b -> match_ sc alp metas sigma a b) sigma l1 l2 | RLambda (_,na1,t1,b1), ALambda (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders sc alp metas (match_type alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RProd (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders (Some Symbols.type_scope) alp metas (match_type alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders sc alp metas (match_ sc alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RCases (_,po1,tml1,eqnl1), ACases (po2,tml2,eqnl2) -> let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_type alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in let sigma = List.fold_left2 (match_ sc alp metas) sigma tml1 tml2 in List.fold_left2 (match_equations sc alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2 | ROrderedCase (_,st,po1,c1,bl1), AOrderedCase (st2,po2,c2,bl2) -> let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_type alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in array_fold_left2 (match_ sc alp metas) (match_ sc alp metas sigma c1 c2) bl1 bl2 | RCast(_,c1,t1), ACast(c2,t2) -> match_type alp metas (match_ sc alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2 | RSort (_,s1), ASort s2 when s1 = s2 -> sigma | RPatVar _, AHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match | a, AHole _ when not(Options.do_translate()) -> sigma | RHole _, AHole _ -> sigma | (RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _), _ | _,_ -> raise No_match and match_type x = match_ (Some Symbols.type_scope) x and match_binders sc alp metas sigma b1 b2 na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with | (na1,Name id2) when List.mem id2 metas -> let sigma = name_fold (fun id sigma -> bind_env None sigma id2 (RVar (dummy_loc,id))) na1 sigma in match_ sc alp metas sigma b1 b2 | (na1,na2) -> let alp = name_fold (fun id1 -> name_fold (fun id2 alp -> (id1,id2)::alp) na2) na1 alp in match_ sc alp metas sigma b1 b2 and match_equations sc alp metas sigma (_,idl1,pat1,rhs1) (idl2,pat2,rhs2) = if idl1 = idl2 & pat1 = pat2 (* Useful to reason up to alpha ?? *) then match_ sc alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2 else raise No_match *) let bind_env sigma var v = try let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in if alpha_eq_val (v,vvar) then sigma else raise No_match with Not_found -> (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *) (var,v)::sigma let rec match_ alp metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env sigma id2 r1 | RVar (_,id1), AVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma | RRef (_,r1), ARef r2 when r1 = r2 -> sigma | RPatVar (_,(_,n1)), APatVar n2 when n1=n2 -> sigma | RApp (_,f1,l1), AApp (f2,l2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 -> List.fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) (match_ alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2 | RLambda (_,na1,t1,b1), ALambda (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RProd (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) -> match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2 | RCases (_,(po1,rtno1),tml1,eqnl1), ACases (po2,rtno2,tml2,eqnl2) -> let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in (* TODO: match rtno' with their contexts *) let sigma = List.fold_left2 (fun s (tm1,_) (tm2,_) -> match_ alp metas s tm1 tm2) sigma tml1 tml2 in List.fold_left2 (match_equations alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2 | ROrderedCase (_,st,po1,c1,bl1,_), AOrderedCase (st2,po2,c2,bl2) -> let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in array_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) (match_ alp metas sigma c1 c2) bl1 bl2 | RCast(_,c1,t1), ACast(c2,t2) -> match_ alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2 | RSort (_,s1), ASort s2 when s1 = s2 -> sigma | RPatVar _, AHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match | a, AHole _ when not(Options.do_translate()) -> sigma | RHole _, AHole _ -> sigma | (RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _), _ | _,_ -> raise No_match and match_binders alp metas sigma b1 b2 na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with | (na1,Name id2) when List.mem id2 metas -> let sigma = name_fold (fun id sigma -> bind_env sigma id2 (RVar (dummy_loc,id))) na1 sigma in match_ alp metas sigma b1 b2 | (na1,na2) -> let alp = name_fold (fun id1 -> name_fold (fun id2 alp -> (id1,id2)::alp) na2) na1 alp in match_ alp metas sigma b1 b2 and match_equations alp metas sigma (_,idl1,pat1,rhs1) (idl2,pat2,rhs2) = if idl1 = idl2 & pat1 = pat2 (* Useful to reason up to alpha ?? *) then match_ alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2 else raise No_match type scope_name = string type interpretation = (identifier * (scope_name option * scope_name list)) list * aconstr let match_aconstr c (metas_scl,pat) = let subst = match_ [] (List.map fst metas_scl) [] c pat in (* Reorder canonically the substitution *) let find x subst = try List.assoc x subst with Not_found -> (* Happens for binders bound to Anonymous *) (* Find a better way to propagate Anonymous... *) RVar (dummy_loc,x) in List.map (fun (x,scl) -> (find x subst,scl)) metas_scl (**********************************************************************) (*s Concrete syntax for terms *) type notation = string type explicitation = ExplByPos of int | ExplByName of identifier type proj_flag = int option (* [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *) type cases_pattern_expr = | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list | CPatAtom of loc * reference option | CPatNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr type constr_expr = | CRef of reference | CFix of loc * identifier located * fixpoint_expr list | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofixpoint_expr list | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr | CProdN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) * (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list | CCases of loc * (constr_expr option * constr_expr option) * (constr_expr * (name * constr_expr option)) list * (loc * cases_pattern_expr list * constr_expr) list | COrderedCase of loc * case_style * constr_expr option * constr_expr * constr_expr list | CLetTuple of loc * name list * (name * constr_expr option) * constr_expr * constr_expr | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name * constr_expr option) * constr_expr * constr_expr | CHole of loc | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar) | CEvar of loc * existential_key | CSort of loc * rawsort | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_expr list | CNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr | CDynamic of loc * Dyn.t and fixpoint_expr = identifier * int * constr_expr * constr_expr and cofixpoint_expr = identifier * constr_expr * constr_expr (***********************) (* For binders parsing *) type local_binder = | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr | LocalRawAssum of name located list * constr_expr let rec local_binders_length = function | [] -> 0 | LocalRawDef _::bl -> 1 + local_binders_length bl | LocalRawAssum (idl,_)::bl -> List.length idl + local_binders_length bl (**********************************************************************) (* Functions on constr_expr *) let constr_loc = function | CRef (Ident (loc,_)) -> loc | CRef (Qualid (loc,_)) -> loc | CFix (loc,_,_) -> loc | CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> loc | CArrow (loc,_,_) -> loc | CProdN (loc,_,_) -> loc | CLambdaN (loc,_,_) -> loc | CLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc | CAppExpl (loc,_,_) -> loc | CApp (loc,_,_) -> loc | CCases (loc,_,_,_) -> loc | COrderedCase (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | CHole loc -> loc | CPatVar (loc,_) -> loc | CEvar (loc,_) -> loc | CSort (loc,_) -> loc | CCast (loc,_,_) -> loc | CNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc | CNumeral (loc,_) -> loc | CDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc | CDynamic _ -> dummy_loc let cases_pattern_loc = function | CPatAlias (loc,_,_) -> loc | CPatCstr (loc,_,_) -> loc | CPatAtom (loc,_) -> loc | CPatNumeral (loc,_) -> loc | CPatDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc let occur_var_constr_ref id = function | Ident (loc,id') -> id = id' | Qualid _ -> false let rec occur_var_constr_expr id = function | CRef r -> occur_var_constr_ref id r | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a or occur_var_constr_expr id b | CAppExpl (loc,(_,r),l) -> occur_var_constr_ref id r or List.exists (occur_var_constr_expr id) l | CApp (loc,(_,f),l) -> occur_var_constr_expr id f or List.exists (fun (a,_) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a) l | CProdN (_,l,b) -> occur_var_binders id b l | CLambdaN (_,l,b) -> occur_var_binders id b l | CLetIn (_,na,a,b) -> occur_var_binders id b [[na],a] | CCast (loc,a,b) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a or occur_var_constr_expr id b | CNotation (_,_,l) -> List.exists (occur_var_constr_expr id) l | CDelimiters (loc,_,a) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CNumeral _ | CDynamic _ -> false | CCases (loc,_,_,_) | COrderedCase (loc,_,_,_,_) | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_) | CFix (loc,_,_) | CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> Pp.warning "Capture check in multiple binders not done"; false and occur_var_binders id b = function | (idl,a)::l -> occur_var_constr_expr id a or (not (List.mem (Name id) (snd (List.split idl))) & occur_var_binders id b l) | [] -> occur_var_constr_expr id b let mkIdentC id = CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id)) let mkRefC r = CRef r let mkAppC (f,l) = CApp (dummy_loc, (None,f), List.map (fun x -> (x,None)) l) let mkCastC (a,b) = CCast (dummy_loc,a,b) let mkLambdaC (idl,a,b) = CLambdaN (dummy_loc,[idl,a],b) let mkLetInC (id,a,b) = CLetIn (dummy_loc,id,a,b) let mkProdC (idl,a,b) = CProdN (dummy_loc,[idl,a],b) (* Used in correctness and interface *) let names_of_cases_indtype t = let push_ref ids = function CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id::ids | _ -> ids in match t with (* We deal only with the regular cases *) | CApp (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun ids (a,_) -> push_ref ids a) [] l | CNotation (_,_,l) (* assume the ntn is applicative and does not instantiate the head !! *) | CAppExpl (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left push_ref [] l | _ -> [] let map_binder g e nal = List.fold_right (fun (_,na) -> name_fold g na) nal e let map_binders f g e bl = (* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [List.tl nal] *) let h (nal,t) (e,bl) = (map_binder g e nal,(nal,f e t)::bl) in List.fold_right h bl (e,[]) let map_constr_expr_with_binders f g e = function | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> CArrow (loc,f e a,f e b) | CAppExpl (loc,r,l) -> CAppExpl (loc,r,List.map (f e) l) | CApp (loc,(p,a),l) -> CApp (loc,(p,f e a),List.map (fun (a,i) -> (f e a,i)) l) | CProdN (loc,bl,b) -> let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CProdN (loc,bl,f e b) | CLambdaN (loc,bl,b) -> let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CLambdaN (loc,bl,f e b) | CLetIn (loc,na,a,b) -> CLetIn (loc,na,f e a,f (name_fold g (snd na) e) b) | CCast (loc,a,b) -> CCast (loc,f e a,f e b) | CNotation (loc,n,l) -> CNotation (loc,n,List.map (f e) l) | CDelimiters (loc,s,a) -> CDelimiters (loc,s,f e a) | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CNumeral _ | CDynamic _ | CRef _ as x -> x | CCases (loc,(po,rtnpo),a,bl) -> (* TODO: apply g on the binding variables in pat... *) let bl = List.map (fun (loc,pat,rhs) -> (loc,pat,f e rhs)) bl in let e' = List.fold_right (fun (tm,(na,indnal)) e -> option_fold_right (fun t -> let ids = names_of_cases_indtype t in List.fold_right g ids) indnal (name_fold g na e)) a e in CCases (loc,(option_app (f e) po, option_app (f e') rtnpo), List.map (fun (tm,x) -> (f e tm,x)) a,bl) | COrderedCase (loc,s,po,a,bl) -> COrderedCase (loc,s,option_app (f e) po,f e a,List.map (f e) bl) | CLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) -> let e' = List.fold_right (name_fold g) nal e in let e'' = name_fold g na e in CLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,option_app (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c) | CIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> let e' = name_fold g na e in CIf (loc,f e c,(na,option_app (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2) | CFix (loc,id,dl) -> CFix (loc,id,List.map (fun (id,n,t,d) -> (id,n,f e t,f e d)) dl) | CCoFix (loc,id,dl) -> CCoFix (loc,id,List.map (fun (id,t,d) -> (id,f e t,f e d)) dl) (* Used in constrintern *) let rec replace_vars_constr_expr l = function | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) as x -> (try CRef (Ident (loc,List.assoc id l)) with Not_found -> x) | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders replace_vars_constr_expr (fun id l -> List.remove_assoc id l) l c (**********************************************************************) (* Concrete syntax for modules and modules types *) type with_declaration_ast = | CWith_Module of identifier * qualid located | CWith_Definition of identifier * constr_expr type module_type_ast = | CMTEident of qualid located | CMTEwith of module_type_ast * with_declaration_ast type module_ast = | CMEident of qualid located | CMEapply of module_ast * module_ast