(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !syntax_table); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> syntax_table := ft); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> syntax_table := KNmap.empty) } let add_syntax_constant kn c = syntax_table := KNmap.add kn c !syntax_table let load_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),(local,pat,onlyparse)) = if Nametab.exists_cci sp then errorlabstrm "cache_syntax_constant" (pr_id (basename sp) ++ str " already exists"); add_syntax_constant kn pat; Nametab.push_syndef (Nametab.Until i) sp kn; if not onlyparse then (* Declare it to be used as long name *) Notation.declare_uninterpretation (Notation.SynDefRule kn) pat let open_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),(_,pat,onlyparse)) = Nametab.push_syndef (Nametab.Exactly i) sp kn; if not onlyparse then (* Redeclare it to be used as (short) name in case an other (distfix) notation was declared inbetween *) Notation.declare_uninterpretation (Notation.SynDefRule kn) pat let cache_syntax_constant d = load_syntax_constant 1 d let subst_syntax_constant ((sp,kn),subst,(local,pat,onlyparse)) = (local,subst_interpretation subst pat,onlyparse) let classify_syntax_constant (local,_,_ as o) = if local then Dispose else Substitute o let export_syntax_constant (local,_,_ as o) = if local then None else Some o let (in_syntax_constant, out_syntax_constant) = declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAXCONSTANT") with cache_function = cache_syntax_constant; load_function = load_syntax_constant; open_function = open_syntax_constant; subst_function = subst_syntax_constant; classify_function = classify_syntax_constant; export_function = export_syntax_constant } type syndef_interpretation = (identifier * subscopes) list * aconstr (* Coercions to the general format of notation that also supports variables bound to list of expressions *) let in_pat (ids,ac) = ((ids,[]),ac) let out_pat ((ids,idsl),ac) = assert (idsl=[]); (ids,ac) let declare_syntactic_definition local id onlyparse pat = let _ = add_leaf id (in_syntax_constant (local,in_pat pat,onlyparse)) in () let search_syntactic_definition loc kn = out_pat (KNmap.find kn !syntax_table)