(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* symbol_interpretation *) let scope_map = ref Stringmap.empty let empty_scope = { notations = Stringmap.empty; delimiters = None } let default_scope = "core_scope" let type_scope = "type_scope" let _ = Stringmap.add default_scope empty_scope !scope_map let _ = Stringmap.add type_scope empty_scope !scope_map (**********************************************************************) (* The global stack of scopes *) let scope_stack = ref [default_scope;type_scope] let current_scopes () = !scope_stack (* TODO: push nat_scope, z_scope, ... in scopes summary *) (**********************************************************************) (* Operations on scopes *) let declare_scope scope = try let _ = Stringmap.find scope !scope_map in () with Not_found -> (* Options.if_verbose message ("Creating scope "^scope);*) scope_map := Stringmap.add scope empty_scope !scope_map let find_scope scope = try Stringmap.find scope !scope_map with Not_found -> error ("Scope "^scope^" is not declared") let check_scope sc = let _ = find_scope sc in () (**********************************************************************) (* Delimiters *) let delimiters_map = ref Stringmap.empty let declare_delimiters scope key = let sc = find_scope scope in if sc.delimiters <> None && Options.is_verbose () then begin let old = out_some sc.delimiters in Options.if_verbose warning ("Overwritting previous delimiter key "^old^" in scope "^scope) end; let sc = { sc with delimiters = Some key } in scope_map := Stringmap.add scope sc !scope_map; if Stringmap.mem key !delimiters_map then begin let oldsc = Stringmap.find key !delimiters_map in Options.if_verbose warning ("Hidding binding of key "^key^" to "^oldsc) end; delimiters_map := Stringmap.add key scope !delimiters_map let find_delimiters_scope loc key = try Stringmap.find key !delimiters_map with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc, "find_delimiters", str ("Unknown scope delimiting key "^key)) (* Uninterpretation tables *) type interp_rule = | NotationRule of scope_name * notation | SynDefRule of kernel_name (* We define keys for rawterm and aconstr to split the syntax entries according to the key of the pattern (adapted from Chet Murthy by HH) *) type key = | RefKey of global_reference | Oth (* Scopes table : interpretation -> scope_name *) let notations_key_table = ref Gmapl.empty let numeral_key_table = Hashtbl.create 7 let rawconstr_key = function | RApp (_,RRef (_,ref),_) -> RefKey ref | RRef (_,ref) -> RefKey ref | _ -> Oth let aconstr_key = function | AApp (ARef ref,args) -> RefKey ref, Some (List.length args) | ARef ref -> RefKey ref, Some 0 | _ -> Oth, None let pattern_key = function | PatCstr (_,cstr,_,_) -> RefKey (ConstructRef cstr) | _ -> Oth (**********************************************************************) (* Interpreting numbers (not in summary because functional objects) *) type num_interpreter = (loc -> bigint -> rawconstr) * (loc -> bigint -> name -> cases_pattern) option type num_uninterpreter = rawconstr list * (rawconstr -> bigint option) * (cases_pattern -> bigint option) option type required_module = string list let numeral_interpreter_tab = (Hashtbl.create 7 : (scope_name,required_module*num_interpreter) Hashtbl.t) let declare_numeral_interpreter sc dir interp (patl,uninterp,uninterpc) = declare_scope sc; Hashtbl.add numeral_interpreter_tab sc (dir,interp); List.iter (fun pat -> Hashtbl.add numeral_key_table (rawconstr_key pat) (sc,uninterp,uninterpc)) patl let check_required_module loc sc d = let d' = List.map id_of_string d in let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in if not (Library.library_is_loaded dir) then user_err_loc (loc,"numeral_interpreter", str ("Cannot interpret numbers in "^sc^" without requiring first module " ^(list_last d))) let lookup_numeral_interpreter loc sc = let (dir,interpreter) = Hashtbl.find numeral_interpreter_tab sc in check_required_module loc sc dir; interpreter (* Look if some notation or numeral printer in [scope] can be used in the scope stack [scopes], and if yes, using delimiters or not *) let find_with_delimiters scope = match (Stringmap.find scope !scope_map).delimiters with | Some key -> Some (Some scope, Some key) | None -> None let rec find_without_delimiters find ntn_scope = function | scope :: scopes -> (* Is the expected ntn/numpr attached to the most recently open scope? *) if scope = ntn_scope then Some (None,None) else (* If the most recently open scope has a notation/numeral printer but not the expected one then we need delimiters *) if find scope then find_with_delimiters ntn_scope else find_without_delimiters find ntn_scope scopes | [] -> (* Can we switch to [scope]? Yes if it has defined delimiters *) find_with_delimiters ntn_scope (* The mapping between notations and their interpretation *) let declare_notation_interpretation ntn scope pat prec df = let sc = find_scope scope in if Stringmap.mem ntn sc.notations && Options.is_verbose () then warning ("Notation "^ntn^" is already used in scope "^scope); let sc = { sc with notations = Stringmap.add ntn (pat,(prec,df)) sc.notations } in scope_map := Stringmap.add scope sc !scope_map let declare_uninterpretation rule (metas,c as pat) = let (key,n) = aconstr_key c in notations_key_table := Gmapl.add key (rule,pat,n) !notations_key_table let rec find_interpretation f = function | scope::scopes -> (try f (find_scope scope) with Not_found -> find_interpretation f scopes) | [] -> raise Not_found let rec interp_notation ntn scopes = let f scope = fst (Stringmap.find ntn scope.notations) in try find_interpretation f scopes with Not_found -> anomaly ("Unknown interpretation for notation "^ntn) let uninterp_notations c = Gmapl.find (rawconstr_key c) !notations_key_table let availability_of_notation (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes = let f scope = Stringmap.mem ntn (Stringmap.find scope !scope_map).notations in find_without_delimiters f ntn_scope scopes let rec interp_numeral loc n = function | scope :: scopes -> (try fst (lookup_numeral_interpreter loc scope) loc n with Not_found -> interp_numeral loc n scopes) | [] -> user_err_loc (loc,"interp_numeral", str "No interpretation for numeral " ++ pr_bigint n) let rec interp_numeral_as_pattern loc n name = function | scope :: scopes -> (try match snd (lookup_numeral_interpreter loc scope) with | None -> raise Not_found | Some g -> g loc n name with Not_found -> interp_numeral_as_pattern loc n name scopes) | [] -> user_err_loc (loc,"interp_numeral_as_pattern", str "No interpretation for numeral " ++ pr_bigint n) let uninterp_numeral c = try let (sc,numpr,_) = Hashtbl.find numeral_key_table (rawconstr_key c) in match numpr c with | None -> raise No_match | Some n -> (sc,n) with Not_found -> raise No_match let uninterp_cases_numeral c = try match Hashtbl.find numeral_key_table (pattern_key c) with | (_,_,None) -> raise No_match | (sc,_,Some numpr) -> match numpr c with | None -> raise No_match | Some n -> (sc,n) with Not_found -> raise No_match let availability_of_numeral printer_scope scopes = let f scope = Hashtbl.mem numeral_interpreter_tab scope in option_app snd (find_without_delimiters f printer_scope scopes) (* Miscellaneous *) let exists_notation_in_scope scope prec ntn r = try let sc = Stringmap.find scope !scope_map in let (r',(prec',_)) = Stringmap.find ntn sc.notations in r' = r & prec = prec' with Not_found -> false let exists_notation_prec prec nt sc = try fst (snd (Stringmap.find nt sc.notations)) = prec with Not_found -> false let exists_notation prec nt = Stringmap.fold (fun scn sc b -> b or exists_notation_prec prec nt sc) !scope_map false (* Exportation of scopes *) let cache_scope (_,sc) = check_scope sc; scope_stack := sc :: !scope_stack let subst_scope (_,subst,sc) = sc open Libobject let (inScope,outScope) = declare_object {(default_object "SCOPE") with cache_function = cache_scope; open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_scope o); subst_function = subst_scope; classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } let open_scope sc = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScope sc) (* Special scopes associated to arguments of a global reference *) let arguments_scope = ref Refmap.empty let cache_arguments_scope (_,(r,scl)) = List.iter (option_iter check_scope) scl; arguments_scope := Refmap.add r scl !arguments_scope let subst_arguments_scope (_,subst,(r,scl)) = (subst_global subst r,scl) let (inArgumentsScope,outArgumentsScope) = declare_object {(default_object "ARGUMENTS-SCOPE") with cache_function = cache_arguments_scope; open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_arguments_scope o); subst_function = subst_arguments_scope; classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } let declare_arguments_scope r scl = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inArgumentsScope (r,scl)) let find_arguments_scope r = try Refmap.find r !arguments_scope with Not_found -> [] (* Printing *) let pr_delimiters_info = function | None -> str "No delimiters" | Some key -> str "Delimiting key is " ++ str key let rec rawconstr_of_aconstr () x = map_aconstr_with_binders_loc dummy_loc (fun id () -> (id,())) rawconstr_of_aconstr () x let pr_notation_info prraw ntn c = str "\"" ++ str ntn ++ str "\" := " ++ prraw (rawconstr_of_aconstr () c) let pr_named_scope prraw scope sc = str "Scope " ++ str scope ++ fnl () ++ pr_delimiters_info sc.delimiters ++ fnl () ++ Stringmap.fold (fun ntn ((_,r),(_,df)) strm -> pr_notation_info prraw df r ++ fnl () ++ strm) sc.notations (mt ()) let pr_scope prraw scope = pr_named_scope prraw scope (find_scope scope) let pr_scopes prraw = Stringmap.fold (fun scope sc strm -> pr_named_scope prraw scope sc ++ fnl () ++ strm) !scope_map (mt ()) (**********************************************************************) (* Mapping notations to concrete syntax *) type unparsing_rule = unparsing list * precedence (* Concrete syntax for symbolic-extension table *) let printing_rules = ref (Stringmap.empty : unparsing_rule Stringmap.t) let declare_notation_printing_rule ntn unpl = printing_rules := Stringmap.add ntn unpl !printing_rules let find_notation_printing_rule ntn = try Stringmap.find ntn !printing_rules with Not_found -> anomaly ("No printing rule found for "^ntn) (**********************************************************************) (* Synchronisation with reset *) let freeze () = (!scope_map, !scope_stack, !arguments_scope, !delimiters_map, !notations_key_table, !printing_rules) let unfreeze (scm,scs,asc,dlm,fkm,pprules) = scope_map := scm; scope_stack := scs; delimiters_map := dlm; arguments_scope := asc; notations_key_table := fkm; printing_rules := pprules let init () = (* scope_map := Stringmap.empty; scope_stack := Stringmap.empty arguments_scope := Refmap.empty *) delimiters_map := Stringmap.empty; notations_key_table := Gmapl.empty; printing_rules := Stringmap.empty let _ = declare_summary "symbols" { freeze_function = freeze; unfreeze_function = unfreeze; init_function = init; survive_section = false }