(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (identifier * identifier) list -> glob_constr -> notation_constr (** Name of the special identifier used to encode recursive notations *) val ldots_var : identifier (** Equality of [glob_constr] (warning: only partially implemented) *) val eq_glob_constr : glob_constr -> glob_constr -> bool (** Re-interpret a notation as a [glob_constr], taking care of binders *) val glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders : Loc.t -> ('a -> name -> 'a * name) -> ('a -> notation_constr -> glob_constr) -> 'a -> notation_constr -> glob_constr val glob_constr_of_notation_constr : Loc.t -> notation_constr -> glob_constr (** [match_notation_constr] matches a [glob_constr] against a notation interpretation; raise [No_match] if the matching fails *) exception No_match val match_notation_constr : bool -> glob_constr -> interpretation -> (glob_constr * subscopes) list * (glob_constr list * subscopes) list * (glob_decl list * subscopes) list val match_notation_constr_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> interpretation -> ((cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list) * (cases_pattern list) val match_notation_constr_ind_pattern : inductive -> cases_pattern list -> interpretation -> ((cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list) * (cases_pattern list) (** Substitution of kernel names in interpretation data *) val subst_interpretation : Mod_subst.substitution -> interpretation -> interpretation val add_patterns_for_params : inductive -> cases_pattern list -> cases_pattern list