(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mp | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl (* (* Since module components are not put in the nametab we try to locate the module prefix *) exception BadRef let lookup_qualid (modtype:bool) qid = let rec make_mp mp = function [] -> mp | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl in let rec find_module_prefix dir n = if n<0 then raise Not_found; let dir',dir'' = list_chop n dir in let id',dir''' = match dir'' with | hd::tl -> hd,tl | _ -> anomaly "This list should not be empty!" in let qid' = make_qualid dir' id' in try match Nametab.locate qid' with | ModRef mp -> mp,dir''' | _ -> raise BadRef with Not_found -> find_module_prefix dir (pred n) in try Nametab.locate qid with Not_found -> let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in let pref_mp,dir' = find_module_prefix dir (List.length dir - 1) in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp id -> MPdot (mp, label_of_id id)) pref_mp dir' in if modtype then ModTypeRef (make_ln mp (label_of_id id)) else ModRef (MPdot (mp,label_of_id id)) *) (* Search for the head of [qid] in [binders]. If found, returns the module_path/kernel_name created from the dirpath and the basename. Searches Nametab otherwise. *) let lookup_module (loc,qid) = try Nametab.locate_module qid with | Not_found -> Modops.error_not_a_module_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid) let lookup_modtype (loc,qid) = try Nametab.locate_modtype qid with | Not_found -> Modops.error_not_a_modtype_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid) let transl_with_decl env = function | CWith_Module ((_,id),qid) -> With_Module (id,lookup_module qid) | CWith_Definition ((_,id),c) -> With_Definition (id,interp_constr Evd.empty env c) let rec interp_modtype env = function | CMTEident qid -> MTEident (lookup_modtype qid) | CMTEwith (mty,decl) -> let mty = interp_modtype env mty in let decl = transl_with_decl env decl in MTEwith(mty,decl) let rec interp_modexpr env = function | CMEident qid -> MEident (lookup_module qid) | CMEapply (me1,me2) -> let me1 = interp_modexpr env me1 in let me2 = interp_modexpr env me2 in MEapply(me1,me2)