(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (identifier located) list option -> unit val ids_of_list : identifier list -> Idset.t val destClassApp : constr_expr -> loc * reference * constr_expr list val destClassAppExpl : constr_expr -> loc * reference * (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list (* Fragile, should be used only for construction a set of identifiers to avoid *) val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> ?bound:Idset.t -> identifier list -> identifier list val free_vars_of_binders : ?bound:Idset.t -> Names.identifier list -> local_binder list -> Idset.t * Names.identifier list (* Returns the free ids in left-to-right order with the location of their first occurence *) val free_vars_of_rawconstr : ?bound:Idset.t -> rawconstr -> (Names.identifier * loc) list val make_fresh : Names.Idset.t -> Environ.env -> identifier -> identifier val implicits_of_rawterm : Rawterm.rawconstr -> (Topconstr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list val combine_params_freevar : Names.Idset.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * (Names.name * Term.constr option * Term.types) -> Topconstr.constr_expr * Names.Idset.t val implicit_application : Idset.t -> ?allow_partial:bool -> (Names.Idset.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * (Names.name * Term.constr option * Term.types) -> Topconstr.constr_expr * Names.Idset.t) -> constr_expr -> constr_expr * Idset.t