(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Id.Pred.empty | Some [] -> Id.Pred.full | Some l -> List.fold_left (fun table lid -> declare_generalizable_ident table lid) table l let cache_generalizable_type (_,(local,cmd)) = generalizable_table := add_generalizable cmd !generalizable_table let load_generalizable_type _ (_,(local,cmd)) = generalizable_table := add_generalizable cmd !generalizable_table let in_generalizable : bool * Id.t Loc.located list option -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "GENERALIZED-IDENT") with load_function = load_generalizable_type; cache_function = cache_generalizable_type; classify_function = (fun (local, _ as obj) -> if local then Dispose else Keep obj) } let declare_generalizable local gen = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_generalizable (local, gen)) let find_generalizable_ident id = Id.Pred.mem (root_of_id id) !generalizable_table let ids_of_list l = List.fold_right Id.Set.add l Id.Set.empty let is_global id = try ignore (Nametab.locate_extended (qualid_of_ident id)); true with Not_found -> false let is_named id env = try ignore (Environ.lookup_named id env); true with Not_found -> false let is_freevar ids env x = not (Id.Set.mem x ids || is_named x env || is_global x) (* Auxiliary functions for the inference of implicitly quantified variables. *) let ungeneralizable loc id = user_err ?loc ~hdr:"Generalization" (str "Unbound and ungeneralizable variable " ++ pr_id id) let free_vars_of_constr_expr c ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) l = let found loc id bdvars l = if Id.List.mem id l then l else if is_freevar bdvars (Global.env ()) id then if find_generalizable_ident id then id :: l else ungeneralizable loc id else l in let rec aux bdvars l c = match CAst.(c.v) with | CRef (Ident (loc,id),_) -> found loc id bdvars l | CNotation ("{ _ : _ | _ }", ({ CAst.v = CRef (Ident (_, id),_) } :: _, [], [])) when not (Id.Set.mem id bdvars) -> Topconstr.fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Id.Set.add a l) aux (Id.Set.add id bdvars) l c | _ -> Topconstr.fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Id.Set.add a l) aux bdvars l c in aux bound l c let ids_of_names l = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match snd x with Name na -> na :: acc | Anonymous -> acc) [] l let free_vars_of_binders ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) l (binders : local_binder_expr list) = let rec aux bdvars l c = match c with ((CLocalAssum (n, _, c)) :: tl) -> let bound = ids_of_names n in let l' = free_vars_of_constr_expr c ~bound:bdvars l in aux (Id.Set.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l' tl | ((CLocalDef (n, c, t)) :: tl) -> let bound = match snd n with Anonymous -> [] | Name n -> [n] in let l' = free_vars_of_constr_expr c ~bound:bdvars l in let l'' = Option.fold_left (fun l t -> free_vars_of_constr_expr t ~bound:bdvars l) l' t in aux (Id.Set.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l'' tl | CLocalPattern _ :: tl -> assert false | [] -> bdvars, l in aux bound l binders let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) ?(allowed=Id.Set.empty) = let rec vars bound vs t = match t with | { loc; CAst.v = GVar id } -> if is_freevar bound (Global.env ()) id then if Id.List.mem_assoc_sym id vs then vs else (Loc.tag ?loc id) :: vs else vs | c -> Glob_ops.fold_glob_constr_with_binders Id.Set.add vars bound vs c in fun rt -> let vars = List.rev (vars bound [] rt) in List.iter (fun (loc, id) -> if not (Id.Set.mem id allowed || find_generalizable_ident id) then ungeneralizable loc id) vars; vars let rec make_fresh ids env x = if is_freevar ids env x then x else make_fresh ids env (Nameops.increment_subscript x) let next_name_away_from na avoid = match na with | Anonymous -> make_fresh avoid (Global.env ()) (Id.of_string "anon") | Name id -> make_fresh avoid (Global.env ()) id let combine_params avoid fn applied needed = let named, applied = List.partition (function (t, Some (loc, ExplByName id)) -> let is_id (_, decl) = match RelDecl.get_name decl with | Name id' -> Id.equal id id' | Anonymous -> false in if not (List.exists is_id needed) then user_err ?loc (str "Wrong argument name: " ++ Nameops.pr_id id); true | _ -> false) applied in let named = List.map (fun x -> match x with (t, Some (loc, ExplByName id)) -> id, t | _ -> assert false) named in let is_unset (_, decl) = match decl with | LocalAssum _ -> true | LocalDef _ -> false in let needed = List.filter is_unset needed in let rec aux ids avoid app need = match app, need with [], [] -> List.rev ids, avoid | app, (_, (LocalAssum (Name id, _) | LocalDef (Name id, _, _))) :: need when Id.List.mem_assoc id named -> aux (Id.List.assoc id named :: ids) avoid app need | (x, None) :: app, (None, (LocalAssum (Name id, _) | LocalDef (Name id, _, _))) :: need -> aux (x :: ids) avoid app need | _, (Some cl, _ as d) :: need -> let t', avoid' = fn avoid d in aux (t' :: ids) avoid' app need | x :: app, (None, _) :: need -> aux (fst x :: ids) avoid app need | [], (None, _ as decl) :: need -> let t', avoid' = fn avoid decl in aux (t' :: ids) avoid' app need | (x,_) :: _, [] -> user_err ?loc:(Constrexpr_ops.constr_loc x) (str "Typeclass does not expect more arguments") in aux [] avoid applied needed let combine_params_freevar = fun avoid (_, decl) -> let id' = next_name_away_from (RelDecl.get_name decl) avoid in (CAst.make @@ CRef (Ident (Loc.tag id'),None), Id.Set.add id' avoid) let destClassApp cl = let open CAst in let loc = cl.loc in match cl.v with | CApp ((None, { v = CRef (ref, inst) }), l) -> Loc.tag ?loc (ref, List.map fst l, inst) | CAppExpl ((None, ref, inst), l) -> Loc.tag ?loc (ref, l, inst) | CRef (ref, inst) -> Loc.tag ?loc:(loc_of_reference ref) (ref, [], inst) | _ -> raise Not_found let destClassAppExpl cl = let open CAst in let loc = cl.loc in match cl.v with | CApp ((None, { v = CRef (ref, inst) } ), l) -> Loc.tag ?loc (ref, l, inst) | CRef (ref, inst) -> Loc.tag ?loc:(loc_of_reference ref) (ref, [], inst) | _ -> raise Not_found let implicit_application env ?(allow_partial=true) f ty = let is_class = try let (_, (r, _, _) as clapp) = destClassAppExpl ty in let (loc, qid) = qualid_of_reference r in let gr = Nametab.locate qid in if Typeclasses.is_class gr then Some (clapp, gr) else None with Not_found -> None in match is_class with | None -> ty, env | Some ((loc, (id, par, inst)), gr) -> let avoid = Id.Set.union env (ids_of_list (free_vars_of_constr_expr ty ~bound:env [])) in let c, avoid = let c = class_info gr in let (ci, rd) = c.cl_context in if not allow_partial then begin let opt_succ x n = match x with | None -> succ n | Some _ -> n in let applen = List.fold_left (fun acc (x, y) -> opt_succ y acc) 0 par in let needlen = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> opt_succ x acc) 0 ci in if not (Int.equal needlen applen) then Typeclasses_errors.mismatched_ctx_inst (Global.env ()) Parameters (List.map fst par) rd end; let pars = List.rev (List.combine ci rd) in let args, avoid = combine_params avoid f par pars in CAst.make ?loc @@ CAppExpl ((None, id, inst), args), avoid in c, avoid let implicits_of_glob_constr ?(with_products=true) l = let add_impl i na bk l = match bk with | Implicit -> let name = match na with | Name id -> Some id | Anonymous -> None in (ExplByPos (i, name), (true, true, true)) :: l | _ -> l in let rec aux i { loc; CAst.v = c } = let abs na bk b = add_impl i na bk (aux (succ i) b) in match c with | GProd (na, bk, t, b) -> if with_products then abs na bk b else let () = match bk with | Implicit -> Feedback.msg_warning (strbrk "Ignoring implicit status of product binder " ++ pr_name na ++ strbrk " and following binders") | _ -> () in [] | GLambda (na, bk, t, b) -> abs na bk b | GLetIn (na, b, t, c) -> aux i b | GRec (fix_kind, nas, args, tys, bds) -> let nb = match fix_kind with |GFix (_, n) -> n | GCoFix n -> n in List.fold_left_i (fun i l (na,bk,_,_) -> add_impl i na bk l) i (aux (List.length args.(nb) + i) bds.(nb)) args.(nb) | _ -> [] in aux 1 l