(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | IntArgType, IntArgType -> true | IntOrVarArgType, IntOrVarArgType -> true | StringArgType, StringArgType -> true | PreIdentArgType, PreIdentArgType -> true | IntroPatternArgType, IntroPatternArgType -> true | IdentArgType b1, IdentArgType b2 -> (b1 : bool) == b2 | VarArgType, VarArgType -> true | RefArgType, RefArgType -> true | SortArgType, SortArgType -> true | ConstrArgType, ConstrArgType -> true | ConstrMayEvalArgType, ConstrMayEvalArgType -> true | QuantHypArgType, QuantHypArgType -> true | OpenConstrArgType b1, OpenConstrArgType b2 -> (b1 : bool) == b2 | ConstrWithBindingsArgType, ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> true | BindingsArgType, BindingsArgType -> true | RedExprArgType, RedExprArgType -> true | List0ArgType arg1, List0ArgType arg2 -> argument_type_eq arg1 arg2 | List1ArgType arg1, List1ArgType arg2 -> argument_type_eq arg1 arg2 | OptArgType arg1, OptArgType arg2 -> argument_type_eq arg1 arg2 | PairArgType (arg1l, arg1r), PairArgType (arg2l, arg2r) -> argument_type_eq arg1l arg2l && argument_type_eq arg1r arg2r | ExtraArgType s1, ExtraArgType s2 -> CString.equal s1 s2 | _ -> false let loc_of_or_by_notation f = function | AN c -> f c | ByNotation (loc,s,_) -> loc type glob_constr_and_expr = glob_constr * constr_expr option type open_constr_expr = unit * constr_expr type open_glob_constr = unit * glob_constr_and_expr type glob_constr_pattern_and_expr = glob_constr_and_expr * Pattern.constr_pattern (* Dynamics but tagged by a type expression *) type 'a generic_argument = argument_type * Obj.t type rlevel type glevel type tlevel let rawwit_bool = BoolArgType let globwit_bool = BoolArgType let wit_bool = BoolArgType let rawwit_int = IntArgType let globwit_int = IntArgType let wit_int = IntArgType let rawwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType let globwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType let wit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType let rawwit_string = StringArgType let globwit_string = StringArgType let wit_string = StringArgType let rawwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType let globwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType let wit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType let rawwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType let globwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType let wit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType let rawwit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b let globwit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b let wit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b let rawwit_ident = rawwit_ident_gen true let globwit_ident = globwit_ident_gen true let wit_ident = wit_ident_gen true let rawwit_pattern_ident = rawwit_ident_gen false let globwit_pattern_ident = globwit_ident_gen false let wit_pattern_ident = wit_ident_gen false let rawwit_var = VarArgType let globwit_var = VarArgType let wit_var = VarArgType let rawwit_ref = RefArgType let globwit_ref = RefArgType let wit_ref = RefArgType let rawwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType let globwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType let wit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType let rawwit_sort = SortArgType let globwit_sort = SortArgType let wit_sort = SortArgType let rawwit_constr = ConstrArgType let globwit_constr = ConstrArgType let wit_constr = ConstrArgType let rawwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType let globwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType let wit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType let rawwit_open_constr_gen b = OpenConstrArgType b let globwit_open_constr_gen b = OpenConstrArgType b let wit_open_constr_gen b = OpenConstrArgType b let rawwit_open_constr = rawwit_open_constr_gen false let globwit_open_constr = globwit_open_constr_gen false let wit_open_constr = wit_open_constr_gen false let rawwit_casted_open_constr = rawwit_open_constr_gen true let globwit_casted_open_constr = globwit_open_constr_gen true let wit_casted_open_constr = wit_open_constr_gen true let rawwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType let globwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType let wit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType let rawwit_bindings = BindingsArgType let globwit_bindings = BindingsArgType let wit_bindings = BindingsArgType let rawwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType let globwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType let wit_red_expr = RedExprArgType let wit_list0 t = List0ArgType t let wit_list1 t = List1ArgType t let wit_opt t = OptArgType t let wit_pair t1 t2 = PairArgType (t1,t2) let in_gen t o = (t,Obj.repr o) let out_gen t (t',o) = if argument_type_eq t t' then Obj.magic o else failwith "out_gen" let genarg_tag (s,_) = s let fold_list0 f = function | (List0ArgType t, l) -> List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0" let fold_list1 f = function | (List1ArgType t, l) -> List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1" let fold_opt f a = function | (OptArgType t, l) -> (match Obj.magic l with | None -> a | Some x -> f (in_gen t x)) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a opt" let fold_pair f = function | (PairArgType (t1,t2), l) -> let (x1,x2) = Obj.magic l in f (in_gen t1 x1) (in_gen t2 x2) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair" let app_list0 f = function | (List0ArgType t as u, l) -> let o = Obj.magic l in (u, Obj.repr (List.map (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o)) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0" let app_list1 f = function | (List1ArgType t as u, l) -> let o = Obj.magic l in (u, Obj.repr (List.map (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o)) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1" let app_opt f = function | (OptArgType t as u, l) -> let o = Obj.magic l in (u, Obj.repr (Option.map (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o)) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not an opt" let app_pair f1 f2 = function | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) -> let (o1,o2) = Obj.magic l in let o1 = out_gen t1 (f1 (in_gen t1 o1)) in let o2 = out_gen t2 (f2 (in_gen t2 o2)) in (u, Obj.repr (o1,o2)) | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair" let unquote x = x type an_arg_of_this_type = Obj.t let in_generic t x = (t, Obj.repr x) let dyntab = ref ([] : (string * glevel generic_argument option) list) type ('a,'b) abstract_argument_type = argument_type let create_arg v s = if List.mem_assoc s !dyntab then Errors.anomaly ("Genarg.create: already declared generic argument " ^ s); let t = ExtraArgType s in dyntab := (s,Option.map (in_gen t) v) :: !dyntab; (t,t,t) let exists_argtype s = List.mem_assoc s !dyntab let default_empty_argtype_value s = List.assoc s !dyntab let default_empty_value t = let rec aux = function | List0ArgType _ -> Some (in_gen t []) | OptArgType _ -> Some (in_gen t None) | PairArgType(t1,t2) -> (match aux t1, aux t2 with | Some (_,v1), Some (_,v2) -> Some (in_gen t (v1,v2)) | _ -> None) | ExtraArgType s -> default_empty_argtype_value s | _ -> None in match aux t with | Some v -> Some (out_gen t v) | None -> None