(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 1 then "s" else "" in str "Expecting " ++ int n1 ++ str " pattern" ++ str s ++ str " but found " ++ int n2 let explain_bad_explicitation_number n po = match n with | ExplByPos n -> let s = match po with | None -> str "a regular argument" | Some p -> int p in str "Bad explicitation number: found " ++ int n ++ str" but was expecting " ++ s | ExplByName id -> let s = match po with | None -> str "a regular argument" | Some p -> (*pr_id (name_of_position p) in*) failwith "" in str "Bad explicitation name: found " ++ pr_id id ++ str" but was expecting " ++ s let explain_internalisation_error = function | VariableCapture id -> explain_variable_capture id | WrongExplicitImplicit -> explain_wrong_explicit_implicit | NegativeMetavariable -> explain_negative_metavariable | NotAConstructor ref -> explain_not_a_constructor ref | UnboundFixName (iscofix,id) -> explain_unbound_fix_name iscofix id | NonLinearPattern id -> explain_non_linear_pattern id | BadPatternsNumber (n1,n2) -> explain_bad_patterns_number n1 n2 | BadExplicitationNumber (n,po) -> explain_bad_explicitation_number n po let error_unbound_patvar loc n = user_err_loc (loc,"glob_qualid_or_patvar", str "?" ++ pr_patvar n ++ str " is unbound") let error_bad_inductive_type loc = user_err_loc (loc,"",str "This should be an inductive type applied to names or \"_\"") (**********************************************************************) (* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *) let add_glob loc ref = (*i let sp = Nametab.sp_of_global (Global.env ()) ref in let dir,_ = repr_path sp in let rec find_module d = try let qid = let dir,id = split_dirpath d in make_qualid dir id in let _ = Nametab.locate_loaded_library qid in d with Not_found -> find_module (dirpath_prefix d) in let s = string_of_dirpath (find_module dir) in i*) let sp = Nametab.sp_of_global ref in let id = let _,id = repr_path sp in string_of_id id in let dp = string_of_dirpath (Lib.library_part ref) in dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s.%s\n" (fst loc) dp id) let loc_of_notation f loc args ntn = if args=[] or ntn.[0] <> '_' then fst loc else snd (f (List.hd args)) let ntn_loc = loc_of_notation constr_loc let patntn_loc = loc_of_notation cases_pattern_loc let dump_notation_location = let token_number = ref 0 in let last_pos = ref 0 in fun pos ntn ((path,df),sc) -> let rec next growing = let (bp,_ as loc) = Lexer.location_function !token_number in if growing then if bp >= pos then loc else (incr token_number;next true) else if bp = pos then loc else if bp > pos then (decr token_number;next false) else (incr token_number;next true) in let loc = next (pos >= !last_pos) in last_pos := pos; let path = string_of_dirpath path in let sc = match sc with Some sc -> " "^sc | None -> "" in dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s \"%s\"%s\n" (fst loc) path df sc) (**********************************************************************) (* Remembering the parsing scope of variables in notations *) let make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) = option_cons scopt scopes let set_var_scope loc id (_,scopt,scopes) (_,_,varscopes,_,_) = try let idscopes = List.assoc id varscopes in if !idscopes <> None & make_current_scope (out_some !idscopes) <> make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) then user_err_loc (loc,"set_var_scope", pr_id id ++ str " already occurs in a different scope") else idscopes := Some (scopt,scopes) with Not_found -> (* if not (Options.do_translate ()) then error ("Could not globalize " ^ (string_of_id id)) *) if_verbose warning ("Could not globalize " ^ (string_of_id id)) (**********************************************************************) (* Discriminating between bound variables and global references *) (* [vars1] is a set of name to avoid (used for the tactic language); [vars2] is the set of global variables, env is the set of variables abstracted until this point *) let intern_var (env,_,_) ((vars1,unbndltacvars),vars2,_,_,impls) loc id = (* Is [id] an inductive type potentially with implicit *) try let l,impl = List.assoc id impls in let l = List.map (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) l in RVar (loc,id), impl, [], (if !Options.v7 & !interning_grammar then [] else l) with Not_found -> (* Is [id] bound in current env or ltac vars bound to constr *) if Idset.mem id env or List.mem id vars1 then RVar (loc,id), [], [], [] else (* Is [id] bound to a free name in ltac (this is an ltac error message) *) try match List.assoc id unbndltacvars with | None -> user_err_loc (loc,"intern_var", pr_id id ++ str " ist not bound to a term") | Some id0 -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id0 with Not_found -> (* Is [id] a section variable *) let _ = Sign.lookup_named id vars2 in (* Car Fixpoint met les fns définies temporairement comme vars de sect *) let imps, args_scopes = try let ref = VarRef id in implicits_of_global ref, find_arguments_scope ref with _ -> [], [] in RRef (loc, VarRef id), imps, args_scopes, [] (* Is it a global reference or a syntactic definition? *) let intern_qualid loc qid = try match Nametab.extended_locate qid with | TrueGlobal ref -> if !dump then add_glob loc ref; RRef (loc, ref), implicits_of_global ref, find_arguments_scope ref, [] | SyntacticDef sp -> (Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp),[],[],[] with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid let intern_inductive r = let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in try match Nametab.extended_locate qid with | TrueGlobal (IndRef ind) -> ind, [] | TrueGlobal _ -> raise Not_found | SyntacticDef sp -> (match Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp with | RApp (_,RRef(_,IndRef ind),l) when List.for_all (function RHole _ -> true | _ -> false) l -> (ind, List.map (fun _ -> Anonymous) l) | _ -> raise Not_found) with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid let intern_reference env lvar = function | Qualid (loc, qid) -> intern_qualid loc qid | Ident (loc, id) -> (* For old ast syntax compatibility *) if (string_of_id id).[0] = '$' then RVar (loc,id),[],[],[] else (* End old ast syntax compatibility *) (* Pour traduction des implicites d'inductifs et points-fixes *) try RVar (loc,id), List.assoc id !temporary_implicits_in, [], [] with Not_found -> (* Fin pour traduction *) try intern_var env lvar loc id with Not_found -> try intern_qualid loc (make_short_qualid id) with e -> (* Extra allowance for grammars *) if !interning_grammar then begin set_var_scope loc id env lvar; RVar (loc,id), [], [], [] end else raise e let interp_reference vars r = let (r,_,_,_) = intern_reference (Idset.empty,None,[]) (vars,[],[],[],[]) r in r let apply_scope_env (ids,_,scopes as env) = function | [] -> (ids,None,scopes), [] | sc::scl -> (ids,sc,scopes), scl let rec adjust_scopes env scopes = function | [] -> [] | a::args -> let (enva,scopes) = apply_scope_env env scopes in enva :: adjust_scopes env scopes args let rec simple_adjust_scopes = function | _,[] -> [] | [],_::args -> None :: simple_adjust_scopes ([],args) | sc::scopes,_::args -> sc :: simple_adjust_scopes (scopes,args) (**********************************************************************) (* Cases *) (* Check linearity of pattern-matching *) let rec has_duplicate = function | [] -> None | x::l -> if List.mem x l then (Some x) else has_duplicate l let loc_of_lhs lhs = join_loc (cases_pattern_loc (List.hd lhs)) (cases_pattern_loc (list_last lhs)) let check_linearity lhs ids = match has_duplicate ids with | Some id -> raise (InternalisationError (loc_of_lhs lhs,NonLinearPattern id)) | None -> () (* Warns if some pattern variable starts with uppercase *) let check_uppercase loc ids = (* A quoi ça sert ? Pour l'extraction vers ML ? Maintenant elle est externe let is_uppercase_var v = match (string_of_id v).[0] with 'A'..'Z' -> true | _ -> false in let warning_uppercase loc uplid = let vars = h 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id uplid) in let (s1,s2) = if List.length uplid = 1 then (" ","s ") else ("s "," ") in warn (str ("the variable"^s1) ++ vars ++ str (" start"^s2^"with an upper case letter in pattern")) in let uplid = List.filter is_uppercase_var ids in if uplid <> [] then warning_uppercase loc uplid *) () (* Match the number of pattern against the number of matched args *) let check_number_of_pattern loc n l = let p = List.length l in if n<>p then raise (InternalisationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p))) (* Manage multiple aliases *) (* [merge_aliases] returns the sets of all aliases encountered at this point and a substitution mapping extra aliases to the first one *) let merge_aliases (ids,subst as aliases) id = ids@[id], if ids=[] then subst else (id, List.hd ids)::subst let alias_of = function | ([],_) -> Anonymous | (id::_,_) -> Name id let message_redundant_alias (id1,id2) = if_verbose warning ("Alias variable "^(string_of_id id1)^" is merged with "^(string_of_id id2)) (* Expanding notations *) let subst_cases_pattern loc aliases intern subst scopes a = let rec aux aliases = function | AVar id -> begin (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *) (* of the notations *) try let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in intern (subscopes@scopes) ([],[]) scopt a with Not_found -> anomaly "Unbound pattern notation variable" (* (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *) if aliases <> ([],[]) then anomaly "Pattern notation without constructors"; [[id],[]], PatVar (loc,Name id) *) end | ARef (ConstructRef c) -> [aliases], PatCstr (loc,c, [], alias_of aliases) | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef (ind,_ as c)),args) -> let nparams = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in let _,args = list_chop nparams args in let (idsl,pl) = List.split (List.map (aux ([],[])) args) in aliases::List.flatten idsl, PatCstr (loc,c,pl,alias_of aliases) | t -> user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Invalid notation for pattern") in aux aliases a (* Differentiating between constructors and matching variables *) type pattern_qualid_kind = | ConstrPat of (constructor * cases_pattern list) | VarPat of identifier let rec patt_of_rawterm loc cstr = match cstr with | RRef (_,(ConstructRef c as x)) -> if !dump then add_glob loc x; (c,[]) | RApp (_,RApp(_,h,l1),l2) -> patt_of_rawterm loc (RApp(loc,h,l1@l2)) | RApp (_,RRef(_,(ConstructRef c as x)),pl) -> if !dump then add_glob loc x; let (_,mib) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) (fst c) in let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in let (params,args) = if List.length pl <= npar then (pl,[]) else list_chop npar pl in (* All parameters must be _ *) List.iter (function RHole _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) params; let pl' = List.map (fun c -> let (c,pl) = patt_of_rawterm loc c in PatCstr(loc,c,pl,Anonymous)) args in (c,pl') | _ -> raise Not_found let find_constructor ref = let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in let gref = try extended_locate qid with Not_found -> raise (InternalisationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref)) in match gref with | SyntacticDef sp -> let sdef = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp in patt_of_rawterm loc sdef | TrueGlobal r -> let rec unf = function | ConstRef cst -> let v = Environ.constant_value (Global.env()) cst in unf (reference_of_constr v) | ConstructRef c -> if !dump then add_glob loc r; c, [] | _ -> raise Not_found in unf r let find_pattern_variable = function | Ident (loc,id) -> id | Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalisationError(loc,NotAConstructor x)) let maybe_constructor ref = try ConstrPat (find_constructor ref) with (* patt var does not exists globally *) | InternalisationError _ -> VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref) (* patt var also exists globally but does not satisfy preconditions *) | (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) -> warn (str "pattern " ++ pr_reference ref ++ str " is understood as a pattern variable"); VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref) let rec intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases tmp_scope = function | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> let aliases' = merge_aliases aliases id in intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases' tmp_scope p | CPatCstr (loc, head, pl) -> let c,pl0 = find_constructor head in let argscs = simple_adjust_scopes (find_arguments_scope (ConstructRef c), pl) in let (idsl,pl') = List.split (List.map2 (intern_cases_pattern scopes ([],[])) argscs pl) in (aliases::(List.flatten idsl), PatCstr (loc,c,pl0@pl',alias_of aliases)) | CPatNotation (loc,"- _",[CPatNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)]) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in ([aliases], Symbols.interp_numeral_as_pattern loc (Bignat.NEG p) (alias_of aliases) scopes) | CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",[a]) -> intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases tmp_scope a | CPatNotation (loc, ntn, args) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in let ((ids,c),df) = Symbols.interp_notation ntn scopes in if !dump then dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc args ntn) ntn df; let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids args in subst_cases_pattern loc aliases intern_cases_pattern subst scopes c | CPatNumeral (loc, n) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in ([aliases], Symbols.interp_numeral_as_pattern loc n (alias_of aliases) scopes) | CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) -> intern_cases_pattern (find_delimiters_scope loc key::scopes) aliases None e | CPatAtom (loc, Some head) -> (match maybe_constructor head with | ConstrPat (c,args) -> ([aliases], PatCstr (loc,c,args,alias_of aliases)) | VarPat id -> let aliases = merge_aliases aliases id in ([aliases], PatVar (loc,alias_of aliases))) | CPatAtom (loc, None) -> ([aliases], PatVar (loc,alias_of aliases)) (**********************************************************************) (* Fix and CoFix *) let rec intern_fix = function | [] -> ([],[],[],[]) | (fi, n, c, t)::rest-> let (lf,ln,lc,lt) = intern_fix rest in (fi::lf, n::ln, c::lc, t::lt) let rec intern_cofix = function | [] -> ([],[],[]) | (fi, c, t)::rest -> let (lf,lc,lt) = intern_cofix rest in (fi::lf, c::lc, t::lt) (**********************************************************************) (* Utilities for binders *) let check_capture loc ty = function | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty -> raise (InternalisationError (loc,VariableCapture id)) | _ -> () let locate_if_isevar loc na = function | RHole _ -> (try match na with | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id | Anonymous -> raise Not_found with Not_found -> RHole (loc, BinderType na)) | x -> x let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,indnames,_) = if List.mem id indnames then errorlabstrm "" (str "A parameter or name of an inductive type " ++ pr_id id ++ str " must not be used as a bound variable in the type \ of its constructor") let push_name_env lvar (ids,tmpsc,scopes as env) = function | Anonymous -> env | Name id -> check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar; (Idset.add id ids,tmpsc,scopes) (**********************************************************************) (* Utilities for application *) let merge_impargs l args = List.fold_right (fun a l -> match a with | (_,Some (_,(ExplByName id as x))) when List.exists (function (_,Some (_,y)) -> x=y | _ -> false) args -> l | _ -> a::l) l args let check_projection isproj nargs r = match (r,isproj) with | RRef (loc, ref), Some nth -> (try let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams ref in if nargs < nth then user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Projection has not enough parameters"); with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"",pr_global_env Idset.empty ref ++ str " is not a registered projection")) | _, Some _ -> user_err_loc (loc_of_rawconstr r, "", str "Not a projection") | _, None -> () let set_hole_implicit i = function | RRef (loc,r) -> (loc,ImplicitArg (r,i)) | RVar (loc,id) -> (loc,ImplicitArg (VarRef id,i)) | _ -> anomaly "Only refs have implicits" let exists_implicit_name id = List.exists (fun imp -> is_status_implicit imp & id = name_of_implicit imp) let extract_explicit_arg imps args = let rec aux = function | [] -> [],[] | (a,e)::l -> let (eargs,rargs) = aux l in match e with | None -> (eargs,a::rargs) | Some (loc,pos) -> let id = match pos with | ExplByName id -> if not (exists_implicit_name id imps) then user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Wrong argument name: " ++ pr_id id); if List.mem_assoc id eargs then user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Argument name " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs more than once"); id | ExplByPos p -> let id = try let imp = List.nth imps (p-1) in if not (is_status_implicit imp) then failwith "imp"; name_of_implicit imp with Failure _ (* "nth" | "imp" *) -> user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Wrong argument position: " ++ int p) in if List.mem_assoc id eargs then user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Argument at position " ++ int p ++ str " is mentioned more than once"); id in ((id,(loc,a))::eargs,rargs) in aux args (**********************************************************************) (* Syntax extensions *) let coerce_to_id = function | CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id | c -> user_err_loc (constr_loc c, "subst_rawconstr", str"This expression should be a simple identifier") let traverse_binder subst id (ids,tmpsc,scopes as env) = let id = try coerce_to_id (fst (List.assoc id subst)) with Not_found -> id in id,(Idset.add id ids,tmpsc,scopes) type ameta_scope = | RefArg of (global_reference * int) list | TypeArg let rec subst_rawconstr loc interp subst (ids,_,scopes as env) = function | AVar id -> begin (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *) (* of the notations *) try let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in interp (ids,scopt,subscopes@scopes) a with Not_found -> (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *) RVar (loc,id) end | t -> rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (traverse_binder subst) (subst_rawconstr loc interp subst) (ids,None,scopes) t let set_type_scope (ids,tmp_scope,scopes) = (ids,Some Symbols.type_scope,scopes) let reset_tmp_scope (ids,tmp_scope,scopes) = (ids,None,scopes) (**********************************************************************) (* Main loop *) let internalise sigma env allow_soapp lvar c = let rec intern (ids,tmp_scope,scopes as env) = function | CRef ref as x -> let (c,imp,subscopes,l) = intern_reference env lvar ref in (match intern_impargs c env imp subscopes l with | [] -> c | l -> RApp (constr_loc x, c, l)) | CFix (loc, (locid,iddef), ldecl) -> let (lf,ln,lc,lt) = intern_fix ldecl in let n = try (list_index iddef lf) -1 with Not_found -> raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (false,iddef))) in let ids' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids in let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (intern (ids',None,scopes)) lt) in let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (intern_type env) lc) in RRec (loc,RFix (Array.of_list ln,n), Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl) | CCoFix (loc, (locid,iddef), ldecl) -> let (lf,lc,lt) = intern_cofix ldecl in let n = try (list_index iddef lf) -1 with Not_found -> raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (true,iddef))) in let ids' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids in let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (intern (ids',None,scopes)) lt) in let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (intern_type env) lc) in RRec (loc,RCoFix n, Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl) | CArrow (loc,c1,c2) -> RProd (loc, Anonymous, intern_type env c1, intern_type env c2) | CProdN (loc,[],c2) -> intern_type env c2 | CProdN (loc,(nal,ty)::bll,c2) -> iterate_prod loc env ty (CProdN (loc, bll, c2)) nal | CLambdaN (loc,[],c2) -> intern env c2 | CLambdaN (loc,(nal,ty)::bll,c2) -> iterate_lam loc (reset_tmp_scope env) ty (CLambdaN (loc, bll, c2)) nal | CLetIn (loc,(_,na),c1,c2) -> RLetIn (loc, na, intern (reset_tmp_scope env) c1, intern (push_name_env lvar env na) c2) | CNotation (loc,"- _",[CNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)]) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in Symbols.interp_numeral loc (Bignat.NEG p) scopes | CNotation (_,"( _ )",[a]) -> intern env a | CNotation (loc,ntn,args) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in let ((ids,c),df) = Symbols.interp_notation ntn scopes in if !dump then dump_notation_location (ntn_loc loc args ntn) ntn df; let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids args in subst_rawconstr loc intern subst env c | CNumeral (loc, n) -> let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in Symbols.interp_numeral loc n scopes | CDelimiters (loc, key, e) -> intern (ids,None,find_delimiters_scope loc key::scopes) e | CAppExpl (loc, (isproj,ref), args) -> let (f,_,args_scopes,_) = intern_reference env lvar ref in check_projection isproj (List.length args) f; RApp (loc, f, intern_args env args_scopes args) | CApp (loc, (isproj,f), args) -> let isproj,f,args = match f with (* Compact notations like "t.(f args') args" *) | CApp (_,(Some _,f), args') when isproj=None -> isproj,f,args'@args (* Don't compact "(f args') args" to resolve implicits separately *) | _ -> isproj,f,args in let (c, impargs, args_scopes, l) = match f with | CRef ref -> intern_reference env lvar ref | _ -> (intern env f, [], [], []) in let args = intern_impargs c env impargs args_scopes (merge_impargs l args) in check_projection isproj (List.length args) c; (match c with (* Now compact "(f args') args" *) | RApp (loc', f', args') -> RApp (join_loc loc' loc, f',args'@args) | _ -> RApp (loc, c, args)) | CCases (loc, (po,rtnpo), tms, eqns) -> let tms,rtnids = List.fold_right (fun (tm,indnalo) (inds,ids) -> let tm' = intern env tm in let typ,ids = intern_return_type env indnalo tm' ids in (tm',ref typ)::inds,ids) tms ([],ids) in let rtnpo = option_app (intern_type (rtnids,tmp_scope,scopes)) rtnpo in RCases (loc, (option_app (intern_type env) po, ref rtnpo), tms, List.map (intern_eqn (List.length tms) env) eqns) | COrderedCase (loc, tag, po, c, cl) -> let env = reset_tmp_scope env in ROrderedCase (loc, tag, option_app (intern_type env) po, intern env c, Array.of_list (List.map (intern env) cl),ref None) | CLetTuple (loc, nal, (na,po), b, c) -> let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in RLetTuple (loc, nal, (na, option_app (intern_type (push_name_env lvar env' na)) po), intern env' b, intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env nal) c) | CIf (loc, c, (na,po), b1, b2) -> let env = reset_tmp_scope env in RIf (loc, intern env c, (na, option_app (intern_type (push_name_env lvar env na)) po), intern env b1, intern env b2) | CHole loc -> RHole (loc, QuestionMark) | CPatVar (loc, n) when allow_soapp -> RPatVar (loc, n) | CPatVar (loc, (false,n)) when Options.do_translate () -> RVar (loc, n) | CPatVar (loc, (false,n as x)) -> if List.mem n (fst (let (a,_,_,_,_) = lvar in a)) & !Options.v7 then RVar (loc, n) else error_unbound_patvar loc n | CPatVar (loc, _) -> raise (InternalisationError (loc,NegativeMetavariable)) | CEvar (loc, n) -> REvar (loc, n, None) | CSort (loc, s) -> RSort(loc,s) | CCast (loc, c1, c2) -> RCast (loc,intern env c1,intern_type env c2) | CDynamic (loc,d) -> RDynamic (loc,d) and intern_type (ids,_,scopes) = intern (ids,Some Symbols.type_scope,scopes) and intern_eqn n (ids,tmp_scope,scopes as env) (loc,lhs,rhs) = let (idsl_substl_list,pl) = List.split (List.map (intern_cases_pattern scopes ([],[]) None) lhs) in let idsl, substl = List.split (List.flatten idsl_substl_list) in let eqn_ids = List.flatten idsl in let subst = List.flatten substl in (* Linearity implies the order in ids is irrelevant *) check_linearity lhs eqn_ids; check_uppercase loc eqn_ids; check_number_of_pattern loc n pl; let rhs = replace_vars_constr_expr subst rhs in List.iter message_redundant_alias subst; let env_ids = List.fold_right Idset.add eqn_ids ids in (loc, eqn_ids,pl,intern (env_ids,tmp_scope,scopes) rhs) and intern_return_type (vars,_,scopes as env) (na,t) tm ids = let ids,typ = match t with | Some t -> let tids = names_of_cases_indtype t in let tids = List.fold_right Idset.add tids Idset.empty in let t = intern_type (tids,None,scopes) t in begin match t with | RRef (loc,IndRef ind) -> ids,Some (loc,ind,[]) | RApp (loc,RRef (_,IndRef ind),l) -> let nal = List.map (function | RHole _ -> Anonymous | RVar (_,id) -> Name id | c -> user_err_loc (loc_of_rawconstr c,"",str "Not a name")) l in List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) nal ids, Some (loc,ind,nal) | _ -> error_bad_inductive_type (loc_of_rawconstr t) end | None -> ids, None in let na = match tm, na with | RVar (_,id), None when Idset.mem id vars & not !Options.v7 -> Name id | _, None -> Anonymous | _, Some na -> na in (na,typ), name_fold Idset.add na ids and iterate_prod loc2 env ty body = function | (loc1,na)::nal -> if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na; let body = iterate_prod loc2 (push_name_env lvar env na) ty body nal in let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in RProd (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, ty, body) | [] -> intern_type env body and iterate_lam loc2 env ty body = function | (loc1,na)::nal -> if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na; let body = iterate_lam loc2 (push_name_env lvar env na) ty body nal in let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in RLambda (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, ty, body) | [] -> intern env body and intern_impargs c env l subscopes args = let eargs, rargs = extract_explicit_arg l args in let rec aux n impl subscopes eargs rargs = let (enva,subscopes') = apply_scope_env env subscopes in match (impl,rargs) with | (imp::impl', rargs) when is_status_implicit imp -> begin try let id = name_of_implicit imp in let (_,a) = List.assoc id eargs in let eargs' = List.remove_assoc id eargs in intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs' rargs with Not_found -> if rargs=[] & eargs=[] & not (List.for_all is_status_implicit impl') then (* Less regular arguments than expected: don't complete *) (* with implicit arguments *) [] else RHole (set_hole_implicit n c) :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs rargs end | (imp::impl', a::rargs') -> intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs rargs' | (imp::impl', []) -> if eargs <> [] then (let (id,(loc,_)) = List.hd eargs in user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Not enough non implicit arguments to accept the argument bound to " ++ pr_id id)); [] | ([], rargs) -> assert (eargs = []); intern_args env subscopes rargs in aux 1 l subscopes eargs rargs and intern_args env subscopes = function | [] -> [] | a::args -> let (enva,subscopes) = apply_scope_env env subscopes in (intern enva a) :: (intern_args env subscopes args) in try intern env c with InternalisationError (loc,e) -> user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalisation_error e) (**************************************************************************) (* Functions to translate constr_expr into rawconstr *) (**************************************************************************) let extract_ids env = List.fold_right Idset.add (Termops.ids_of_rel_context (Environ.rel_context env)) Idset.empty let interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits isarity sigma env (indpars,impls) allow_soapp ltacvar c = let tmp_scope = if isarity then Some Symbols.type_scope else None in internalise sigma (extract_ids env, tmp_scope,[]) allow_soapp (ltacvar,Environ.named_context env, [], indpars, impls) c let interp_rawconstr_gen isarity sigma env allow_soapp ltacvar c = interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits isarity sigma env ([],[]) allow_soapp ltacvar c let interp_rawconstr sigma env c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false ([],[]) c let interp_rawtype sigma env c = interp_rawconstr_gen true sigma env false ([],[]) c let interp_rawtype_with_implicits sigma env impls c = interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits true sigma env impls false ([],[]) c let interp_rawconstr_with_implicits env vars impls c = interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits false Evd.empty env ([],impls) false (vars,[]) c (* (* The same as interp_rawconstr but with a list of variables which must not be globalized *) let interp_rawconstr_wo_glob sigma env lvar c = interp_rawconstr_gen sigma env [] (Some []) lvar c *) (*********************************************************************) (* Functions to parse and interpret constructions *) let interp_constr sigma env c = understand sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) let interp_openconstr sigma env c = understand_gen_tcc sigma env [] None (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) let interp_casted_openconstr sigma env c typ = understand_gen_tcc sigma env [] (Some typ) (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) let interp_type sigma env c = understand_type sigma env (interp_rawtype sigma env c) let interp_binder sigma env na t = let t = interp_rawtype sigma env t in understand_type sigma env (locate_if_isevar (loc_of_rawconstr t) na t) let interp_type_with_implicits sigma env impls c = understand_type sigma env (interp_rawtype_with_implicits sigma env impls c) let judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c = understand_judgment sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) let type_judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c = understand_type_judgment sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) (* To retype a list of key*constr with undefined key *) let retype_list sigma env lst = List.fold_right (fun (x,csr) a -> try (x,Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma csr)::a with | Anomaly _ -> a) lst [] (* List.map (fun (x,csr) -> (x,Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma csr)) lst*) type ltac_sign = identifier list * (identifier * identifier option) list type ltac_env = (identifier * Term.constr) list * (identifier * identifier option) list (* Interprets a constr according to two lists *) (* of instantiations (variables and metas) *) (* Note: typ is retyped *) let interp_constr_gen sigma env (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c exptyp = let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false (List.map fst ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c in let typs = retype_list sigma env ltacvars in understand_gen sigma env typs exptyp c (*Interprets a casted constr according to two lists of instantiations (variables and metas)*) let interp_openconstr_gen sigma env (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c exptyp = let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false (List.map fst ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c in let typs = retype_list sigma env ltacvars in understand_gen_tcc sigma env typs exptyp c let interp_casted_constr sigma env c typ = understand_gen sigma env [] (Some typ) (interp_rawconstr sigma env c) let interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env ltacvar c = let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env true (ltacvar,[]) c in pattern_of_rawconstr c let interp_constrpattern sigma env c = interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env [] c let interp_aconstr impls vars a = let env = Global.env () in (* [vl] is intended to remember the scope of the free variables of [a] *) let vl = List.map (fun id -> (id,ref None)) vars in let c = for_grammar (internalise Evd.empty (extract_ids env, None, []) false (([],[]),Environ.named_context env,vl,[],impls)) a in (* Translate and check that [c] has all its free variables bound in [vars] *) let a = aconstr_of_rawconstr vars c in (* Returns [a] and the ordered list of variables with their scopes *) (* Variables occurring in binders have no relevant scope since bound *) List.map (fun (id,r) -> (id,match !r with None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l)) vl, a (**********************************************************************) (* Locating reference, possibly via an abbreviation *) let locate_reference qid = match Nametab.extended_locate qid with | TrueGlobal ref -> ref | SyntacticDef kn -> match Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition dummy_loc kn with | Rawterm.RRef (_,ref) -> ref | _ -> raise Not_found let is_global id = try let _ = locate_reference (make_short_qualid id) in true with Not_found -> false let global_reference id = constr_of_reference (locate_reference (make_short_qualid id)) let construct_reference ctx id = try Term.mkVar (let _ = Sign.lookup_named id ctx in id) with Not_found -> global_reference id let global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id = constr_of_reference (Nametab.absolute_reference (Libnames.make_path dir id))