(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* e | Some sc -> CDelimiters (dummy_loc,sc,e) let insert_pat_delimiters loc p = function | None -> p | Some sc -> CPatDelimiters (loc,sc,p) let insert_pat_alias loc p = function | Anonymous -> p | Name id -> CPatAlias (loc,p,id) (**********************************************************************) (* conversion of references *) let ids_of_ctxt ctxt = Array.to_list (Array.map (function c -> match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> id | _ -> error "arbitrary substitution of references not implemented") ctxt) let idopt_of_name = function | Name id -> Some id | Anonymous -> None let extern_evar loc n = (* msgerrnl (str "Warning: existential variable turned into meta-variable during externalization"); CPatVar (loc,(false,make_ident "META" (Some n))) *) CEvar (loc,n) let rawdebug = ref false let raw_string_of_ref = function | ConstRef kn -> "CONST("^(string_of_con kn)^")" | IndRef (kn,i) -> "IND("^(string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int i)^")" | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> "CONSTRUCT("^ (string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int i)^","^(string_of_int j)^")" | VarRef id -> "SECVAR("^(string_of_id id)^")" let short_string_of_ref = function | VarRef id -> string_of_id id | ConstRef cst -> string_of_label (pi3 (repr_con cst)) | IndRef (kn,0) -> string_of_label (pi3 (repr_kn kn)) | IndRef (kn,i) -> "IND("^string_of_label (pi3 (repr_kn kn))^(string_of_int i)^")" | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> "CONSTRUCT("^ string_of_label (pi3 (repr_kn kn))^","^(string_of_int i)^","^(string_of_int j)^")" let extern_reference loc vars r = try Qualid (loc,shortest_qualid_of_global vars r) with Not_found -> (* happens in debugger *) let f = if !rawdebug then raw_string_of_ref else short_string_of_ref in Ident (loc,id_of_string (f r)) (************************************************************************) (* Equality up to location (useful for translator v8) *) let rec check_same_pattern p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with | CPatAlias(_,a1,i1), CPatAlias(_,a2,i2) when i1=i2 -> check_same_pattern a1 a2 | CPatCstr(_,c1,a1), CPatCstr(_,c2,a2) when c1=c2 -> List.iter2 check_same_pattern a1 a2 | CPatAtom(_,r1), CPatAtom(_,r2) when r1=r2 -> () | CPatPrim(_,i1), CPatPrim(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> () | CPatDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CPatDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 -> check_same_pattern e1 e2 | _ -> failwith "not same pattern" let check_same_ref r1 r2 = match r1,r2 with | Qualid(_,q1), Qualid(_,q2) when q1=q2 -> () | Ident(_,i1), Ident(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> () | _ -> failwith "not same ref" let rec check_same_type ty1 ty2 = match ty1, ty2 with | CRef r1, CRef r2 -> check_same_ref r1 r2 | CFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 -> List.iter2 (fun (id1,i1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,i2,bl2,a2,b2) -> if id1<>id2 || i1<>i2 then failwith "not same fix"; check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2; check_same_type a1 a2; check_same_type b1 b2) fl1 fl2 | CCoFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CCoFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 -> List.iter2 (fun (id1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,bl2,a2,b2) -> if id1<>id2 then failwith "not same fix"; check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2; check_same_type a1 a2; check_same_type b1 b2) fl1 fl2 | CArrow(_,a1,b1), CArrow(_,a2,b2) -> check_same_type a1 a2; check_same_type b1 b2 | CProdN(_,bl1,a1), CProdN(_,bl2,a2) -> List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2; check_same_type a1 a2 | CLambdaN(_,bl1,a1), CLambdaN(_,bl2,a2) -> List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2; check_same_type a1 a2 | CLetIn(_,(_,na1),a1,b1), CLetIn(_,(_,na2),a2,b2) when na1=na2 -> check_same_type a1 a2; check_same_type b1 b2 | CAppExpl(_,r1,al1), CAppExpl(_,r2,al2) when r1=r2 -> List.iter2 check_same_type al1 al2 | CApp(_,(_,e1),al1), CApp(_,(_,e2),al2) -> check_same_type e1 e2; List.iter2 (fun (a1,e1) (a2,e2) -> if e1<>e2 then failwith "not same expl"; check_same_type a1 a2) al1 al2 | CCases(_,_,a1,brl1), CCases(_,_,a2,brl2) -> List.iter2 (fun (tm1,_) (tm2,_) -> check_same_type tm1 tm2) a1 a2; List.iter2 (fun (_,pl1,r1) (_,pl2,r2) -> List.iter2 (List.iter2 check_same_pattern) pl1 pl2; check_same_type r1 r2) brl1 brl2 | CHole _, CHole _ -> () | CPatVar(_,i1), CPatVar(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> () | CSort(_,s1), CSort(_,s2) when s1=s2 -> () | CCast(_,a1,_,b1), CCast(_,a2,_,b2) -> check_same_type a1 a2; check_same_type b1 b2 | CNotation(_,n1,e1), CNotation(_,n2,e2) when n1=n2 -> List.iter2 check_same_type e1 e2 | CPrim(_,i1), CPrim(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> () | CDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 -> check_same_type e1 e2 | _ when ty1=ty2 -> () | _ -> failwith "not same type" and check_same_binder (nal1,e1) (nal2,e2) = List.iter2 (fun (_,na1) (_,na2) -> if na1<>na2 then failwith "not same name") nal1 nal2; check_same_type e1 e2 and check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2 = List.iter2 (fun b1 b2 -> match b1,b2 with LocalRawAssum(nal1,ty1), LocalRawAssum(nal2,ty2) -> check_same_binder (nal1,ty1) (nal2,ty2) | LocalRawDef(na1,def1), LocalRawDef(na2,def2) -> check_same_binder ([na1],def1) ([na2],def2) | _ -> failwith "not same binder") bl1 bl2 let same c d = try check_same_type c d; true with _ -> false (* Idem for rawconstr *) let option_iter2 f o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with Some o1, Some o2 -> f o1 o2 | None, None -> () | _ -> failwith "option" let array_iter2 f v1 v2 = List.iter2 f (Array.to_list v1) (Array.to_list v2) let rec same_patt p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with PatVar(_,na1), PatVar(_,na2) -> if na1<>na2 then failwith "PatVar" | PatCstr(_,c1,pl1,al1), PatCstr(_,c2,pl2,al2) -> if c1<>c2 || al1 <> al2 then failwith "PatCstr"; List.iter2 same_patt pl1 pl2 | _ -> failwith "same_patt" let rec same_raw c d = match c,d with | RRef(_,gr1), RRef(_,gr2) -> if gr1<>gr2 then failwith "RRef" | RVar(_,id1), RVar(_,id2) -> if id1<>id2 then failwith "RVar" | REvar(_,e1,a1), REvar(_,e2,a2) -> if e1 <> e2 then failwith "REvar"; option_iter2(List.iter2 same_raw) a1 a2 | RPatVar(_,pv1), RPatVar(_,pv2) -> if pv1<>pv2 then failwith "RPatVar" | RApp(_,f1,a1), RApp(_,f2,a2) -> List.iter2 same_raw (f1::a1) (f2::a2) | RLambda(_,na1,t1,m1), RLambda(_,na2,t2,m2) -> if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RLambda"; same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2 | RProd(_,na1,t1,m1), RProd(_,na2,t2,m2) -> if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RProd"; same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2 | RLetIn(_,na1,t1,m1), RLetIn(_,na2,t2,m2) -> if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RLetIn"; same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2 | RCases(_,_,c1,b1), RCases(_,_,c2,b2) -> List.iter2 (fun (t1,(al1,oind1)) (t2,(al2,oind2)) -> same_raw t1 t2; if al1 <> al2 then failwith "RCases"; option_iter2(fun (_,i1,_,nl1) (_,i2,_,nl2) -> if i1<>i2 || nl1 <> nl2 then failwith "RCases") oind1 oind2) c1 c2; List.iter2 (fun (_,_,pl1,b1) (_,_,pl2,b2) -> List.iter2 same_patt pl1 pl2; same_raw b1 b2) b1 b2 | RLetTuple(_,nl1,_,b1,c1), RLetTuple(_,nl2,_,b2,c2) -> if nl1<>nl2 then failwith "RLetTuple"; same_raw b1 b2; same_raw c1 c2 | RIf(_,b1,_,t1,e1),RIf(_,b2,_,t2,e2) -> same_raw b1 b2; same_raw t1 t2; same_raw e1 e2 | RRec(_,fk1,na1,bl1,ty1,def1), RRec(_,fk2,na2,bl2,ty2,def2) -> if fk1 <> fk2 || na1 <> na2 then failwith "RRec"; array_iter2 (List.iter2 (fun (na1,bd1,ty1) (na2,bd2,ty2) -> if na1<>na2 then failwith "RRec"; option_iter2 same_raw bd1 bd2; same_raw ty1 ty2)) bl1 bl2; array_iter2 same_raw ty1 ty2; array_iter2 same_raw def1 def2 | RSort(_,s1), RSort(_,s2) -> if s1<>s2 then failwith "RSort" | RHole _, _ -> () | _, RHole _ -> () | RCast(_,c1,_,_),r2 -> same_raw c1 r2 | r1, RCast(_,c2,_,_) -> same_raw r1 c2 | RDynamic(_,d1), RDynamic(_,d2) -> if d1<>d2 then failwith"RDynamic" | _ -> failwith "same_raw" let same_rawconstr c d = try same_raw c d; true with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> false (**********************************************************************) (* mapping patterns to cases_pattern_expr *) let has_curly_brackets ntn = String.length ntn >= 6 & (String.sub ntn 0 6 = "{ _ } " or String.sub ntn (String.length ntn - 6) 6 = " { _ }" or string_string_contains ntn " { _ } ") let rec wildcards ntn n = if n = String.length ntn then [] else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] = '_' then n::l else l and spaces ntn n = if n = String.length ntn then [] else if ntn.[n] = ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1) let expand_curly_brackets loc mknot ntn l = let ntn' = ref ntn in let rec expand_ntn i = function | [] -> [] | a::l -> let a' = let p = List.nth (wildcards !ntn' 0) i - 2 in if p>=0 & p+5 <= String.length !ntn' & String.sub !ntn' p 5 = "{ _ }" then begin ntn' := String.sub !ntn' 0 p ^ "_" ^ String.sub !ntn' (p+5) (String.length !ntn' -p-5); mknot (loc,"{ _ }",[a]) end else a in a' :: expand_ntn (i+1) l in let l = expand_ntn 0 l in (* side effect *) mknot (loc,!ntn',l) let destPrim = function CPrim(_,t) -> Some t | _ -> None let destPatPrim = function CPatPrim(_,t) -> Some t | _ -> None let make_notation_gen loc ntn mknot mkprim destprim l = if has_curly_brackets ntn then expand_curly_brackets loc mknot ntn l else match ntn,List.map destprim l with (* Special case to avoid writing "- 3" for e.g. (Zopp 3) *) | "- _", [Some (Numeral p)] when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p -> mknot (loc,ntn,[mknot (loc,"( _ )",l)]) | _ -> match decompose_notation_key ntn, l with | [Terminal "-"; Terminal x], [] -> (try mkprim (loc, Numeral (Bigint.neg (Bigint.of_string x))) with _ -> mknot (loc,ntn,[])) | [Terminal x], [] -> (try mkprim (loc, Numeral (Bigint.of_string x)) with _ -> mknot (loc,ntn,[])) | _ -> mknot (loc,ntn,l) let make_notation loc ntn l = make_notation_gen loc ntn (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CNotation (loc,ntn,l)) (fun (loc,p) -> CPrim (loc,p)) destPrim l let make_pat_notation loc ntn l = make_notation_gen loc ntn (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CPatNotation (loc,ntn,l)) (fun (loc,p) -> CPatPrim (loc,p)) destPatPrim l let bind_env sigma var v = try let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in if v=vvar then sigma else raise No_match with Not_found -> (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *) (var,v)::sigma let rec match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env sigma id2 r1 | PatVar (_,Anonymous), AHole _ -> sigma | a, AHole _ -> sigma | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),args1,Anonymous), _ -> let nparams = (fst (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in let l2 = match a2 with | ARef (ConstructRef r2) when r1 = r2 -> [] | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef r2),l2) when r1 = r2 -> l2 | _ -> raise No_match in if List.length l2 <> nparams + List.length args1 then raise No_match else let (p2,args2) = list_chop nparams l2 in (* All parameters must be _ *) List.iter (function AHole _ -> () | _ -> raise No_match) p2; List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern metas) sigma args1 args2 | _ -> raise No_match let match_aconstr_cases_pattern c (metas_scl,pat) = let subst = match_cases_pattern (List.map fst metas_scl) [] c pat in (* Reorder canonically the substitution *) let find x subst = try List.assoc x subst with Not_found -> anomaly "match_aconstr_cases_pattern" in List.map (fun (x,scl) -> (find x subst,scl)) metas_scl (* Better to use extern_rawconstr composed with injection/retraction ?? *) let rec extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopes:local_scopes) vars pat = try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; let (na,sc,p) = uninterp_prim_token_cases_pattern pat in match availability_of_prim_token sc scopes with | None -> raise No_match | Some key -> let loc = cases_pattern_loc pat in insert_pat_alias loc (insert_pat_delimiters loc (CPatPrim(loc,p)) key) na with No_match -> try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; extern_symbol_pattern scopes vars pat (uninterp_cases_pattern_notations pat) with No_match -> match pat with | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CPatAtom (loc,Some (Ident (loc,id))) | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> CPatAtom (loc, None) | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,na) -> let args = List.map (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in let p = CPatCstr (loc,extern_reference loc vars (ConstructRef cstrsp),args) in insert_pat_alias loc p na and extern_symbol_pattern (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function | [] -> raise No_match | (keyrule,pat,n as _rule)::rules -> try (* Check the number of arguments expected by the notation *) let loc = match t,n with | PatCstr (_,f,l,_), Some n when List.length l > n -> raise No_match | PatCstr (loc,_,_,_),_ -> loc | PatVar (loc,_),_ -> loc in (* Try matching ... *) let subst = match_aconstr_cases_pattern t pat in (* Try availability of interpretation ... *) match keyrule with | NotationRule (sc,ntn) -> (match availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) allscopes with (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *) | None -> raise No_match (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *) | Some (scopt,key) -> let scopes' = option_cons scopt scopes in let l = List.map (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) -> extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopt,scl@scopes') vars c) subst in insert_pat_delimiters loc (make_pat_notation loc ntn l) key) | SynDefRule kn -> let qid = shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn in CPatAtom (loc,Some (Qualid (loc, qid))) with No_match -> extern_symbol_pattern allscopes vars t rules let extern_cases_pattern vars p = extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (None,[]) vars p (**********************************************************************) (* Externalising applications *) let occur_name na aty = match na with | Name id -> occur_var_constr_expr id aty | Anonymous -> false let is_projection nargs = function | Some r when not !Options.raw_print & !print_projections -> (try let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams r + 1 in if n <= nargs then Some n else None with Not_found -> None) | _ -> None let is_hole = function CHole _ -> true | _ -> false let is_significant_implicit a impl tail = not (is_hole a) or (tail = [] & not (List.for_all is_status_implicit impl)) (* Implicit args indexes are in ascending order *) (* inctx is useful only if there is a last argument to be deduced from ctxt *) let explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,f) args = let n = List.length args in let rec exprec q = function | a::args, imp::impl when is_status_implicit imp -> let tail = exprec (q+1) (args,impl) in let visible = !Options.raw_print or (!print_implicits & !print_implicits_explicit_args) or (is_significant_implicit a impl tail & (not (is_inferable_implicit inctx n imp))) in if visible then (a,Some (dummy_loc, ExplByName (name_of_implicit imp))) :: tail else tail | a::args, _::impl -> (a,None) :: exprec (q+1) (args,impl) | args, [] -> List.map (fun a -> (a,None)) args (*In case of polymorphism*) | [], _ -> [] in match is_projection (List.length args) cf with | Some i as ip -> if impl <> [] & is_status_implicit (List.nth impl (i-1)) then let f' = match f with CRef f -> f | _ -> assert false in CAppExpl (loc,(ip,f'),args) else let (args1,args2) = list_chop i args in let (impl1,impl2) = if impl=[] then [],[] else list_chop i impl in let args1 = exprec 1 (args1,impl1) in let args2 = exprec (i+1) (args2,impl2) in CApp (loc,(Some (List.length args1),f),args1@args2) | None -> let args = exprec 1 (args,impl) in if args = [] then f else CApp (loc, (None, f), args) let extern_global loc impl f = if impl <> [] & List.for_all is_status_implicit impl then CAppExpl (loc, (None, f), []) else CRef f let extern_app loc inctx impl (cf,f) args = if args = [] (* maybe caused by a hidden coercion *) then extern_global loc impl f else if ((!Options.raw_print or (!print_implicits & not !print_implicits_explicit_args)) & List.exists is_status_implicit impl) then CAppExpl (loc, (is_projection (List.length args) cf, f), args) else explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,CRef f) args let rec extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes = match args with | [] -> [] | a::args -> let argscopes, subscopes = match subscopes with | [] -> (None,scopes), [] | scopt::subscopes -> (scopt,scopes), subscopes in extern argscopes env a :: extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes let rec remove_coercions inctx = function | RApp (loc,RRef (_,r),args) as c when inctx & not (!Options.raw_print or !print_coercions) -> (try match Classops.hide_coercion r with | Some n when n < List.length args -> (* We skip a coercion *) let l = list_skipn n args in let (a,l) = match l with a::l -> (a,l) | [] -> assert false in let (a,l) = (* Recursively remove the head coercions *) match remove_coercions inctx a with | RApp (_,a,l') -> a,l'@l | a -> a,l in if l = [] then a else (* Recursively remove coercions in arguments *) RApp (loc,a,List.map (remove_coercions true) l) | _ -> c with Not_found -> c) | c -> c let rec rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1 = function RRef(loc,VarRef id) when id=id0 -> RRef(loc,VarRef id1) | RVar(loc,id) when id=id0 -> RVar(loc,id1) | c -> map_rawconstr (rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1) c let rec share_fix_binders n rbl ty def = match ty,def with RProd(_,na0,t0,b), RLambda(_,na1,t1,m) -> if not(same_rawconstr t0 t1) then List.rev rbl, ty, def else let (na,b,m) = match na0, na1 with Name id0, Name id1 -> if id0=id1 then (na0,b,m) else if not (occur_rawconstr id1 b) then (na1,rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1 b,m) else if not (occur_rawconstr id0 m) then (na1,b,rename_rawconstr_var id1 id0 m) else (* vraiment pas de chance! *) failwith "share_fix_binders: capture" | Name id, Anonymous -> if not (occur_rawconstr id m) then (na0,b,m) else failwith "share_fix_binders: capture" | Anonymous, Name id -> if not (occur_rawconstr id b) then (na1,b,m) else failwith "share_fix_binders: capture" | _ -> (na1,b,m) in share_fix_binders (n-1) ((na,None,t0)::rbl) b m | _ -> List.rev rbl, ty, def (**********************************************************************) (* mapping rawterms to numerals (in presence of coercions, choose the *) (* one with no delimiter if possible) *) let extern_possible_prim_token scopes r = try let (sc,n) = uninterp_prim_token r in match availability_of_prim_token sc scopes with | None -> None | Some key -> Some (insert_delimiters (CPrim (loc_of_rawconstr r,n)) key) with No_match -> None let extern_optimal_prim_token scopes r r' = let c = extern_possible_prim_token scopes r in let c' = if r==r' then None else extern_possible_prim_token scopes r' in match c,c' with | Some n, (Some (CDelimiters _) | None) | _, Some n -> n | _ -> raise No_match (**********************************************************************) (* mapping rawterms to constr_expr *) let extern_rawsort = function | RProp _ as s -> s | RType (Some _) as s when !print_universes -> s | RType _ -> RType None let rec extern inctx scopes vars r = let r' = remove_coercions inctx r in try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; extern_optimal_prim_token scopes r r' with No_match -> try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; extern_symbol scopes vars r' (uninterp_notations r') with No_match -> match r' with | RRef (loc,ref) -> extern_global loc (implicits_of_global ref) (extern_reference loc vars ref) | RVar (loc,id) -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)) | REvar (loc,n,None) when !print_meta_as_hole -> CHole loc | REvar (loc,n,_) -> (* we drop args *) extern_evar loc n | RPatVar (loc,n) -> if !print_meta_as_hole then CHole loc else CPatVar (loc,n) | RApp (loc,f,args) -> (match f with | RRef (rloc,ref) -> let subscopes = find_arguments_scope ref in let args = extern_args (extern true) (snd scopes) vars args subscopes in extern_app loc inctx (implicits_of_global ref) (Some ref,extern_reference rloc vars ref) args | _ -> explicitize loc inctx [] (None,sub_extern false scopes vars f) (List.map (sub_extern true scopes vars) args)) | RProd (loc,Anonymous,t,c) -> (* Anonymous product are never factorized *) CArrow (loc,extern_typ scopes vars t, extern_typ scopes vars c) | RLetIn (loc,na,t,c) -> CLetIn (loc,(loc,na),sub_extern false scopes vars t, extern inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) c) | RProd (loc,na,t,c) -> let t = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in let (idl,c) = factorize_prod scopes (add_vname vars na) t c in CProdN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,t],c) | RLambda (loc,na,t,c) -> let t = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in let (idl,c) = factorize_lambda inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) t c in CLambdaN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,t],c) | RCases (loc,rtntypopt,tml,eqns) -> let vars' = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) (cases_predicate_names tml) vars in let rtntypopt' = option_map (extern_typ scopes vars') rtntypopt in let tml = List.map (fun (tm,(na,x)) -> let na' = match na,tm with Anonymous, RVar (_,id) when rtntypopt<>None & occur_rawconstr id (out_some rtntypopt) -> Some Anonymous | Anonymous, _ -> None | Name id, RVar (_,id') when id=id' -> None | Name _, _ -> Some na in (sub_extern false scopes vars tm, (na',option_map (fun (loc,ind,n,nal) -> let params = list_tabulate (fun _ -> RHole (dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole)) n in let args = List.map (function | Anonymous -> RHole (dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole) | Name id -> RVar (dummy_loc,id)) nal in let t = RApp (dummy_loc,RRef (dummy_loc,IndRef ind),params@args) in (extern_typ scopes vars t)) x))) tml in let eqns = List.map (extern_eqn (rtntypopt<>None) scopes vars) eqns in CCases (loc,rtntypopt',tml,eqns) | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,typopt),tm,b) -> CLetTuple (loc,nal, (option_map (fun _ -> na) typopt, option_map (extern_typ scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt), sub_extern false scopes vars tm, extern false scopes (List.fold_left add_vname vars nal) b) | RIf (loc,c,(na,typopt),b1,b2) -> CIf (loc,sub_extern false scopes vars c, (option_map (fun _ -> na) typopt, option_map (extern_typ scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt), sub_extern false scopes vars b1, sub_extern false scopes vars b2) | RRec (loc,fk,idv,blv,tyv,bv) -> let vars' = Array.fold_right Idset.add idv vars in (match fk with | RFix (nv,n) -> let listdecl = Array.mapi (fun i fi -> let (bl,ty,def) = blv.(i), tyv.(i), bv.(i) in let (ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars bl in let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in let n, ro = fst nv.(i), extern_recursion_order scopes vars (snd nv.(i)) in (fi, (n, ro), bl, extern_typ scopes vars0 ty, extern false scopes vars1 def)) idv in CFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl) | RCoFix n -> let listdecl = Array.mapi (fun i fi -> let (ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars blv.(i) in let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in (fi,bl,extern_typ scopes vars0 tyv.(i), sub_extern false scopes vars1 bv.(i))) idv in CCoFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl)) | RSort (loc,s) -> CSort (loc,extern_rawsort s) | RHole (loc,e) -> CHole loc | RCast (loc,c,k,t) -> CCast (loc,sub_extern true scopes vars c,k,extern_typ scopes vars t) | RDynamic (loc,d) -> CDynamic (loc,d) and extern_typ (_,scopes) = extern true (Some Notation.type_scope,scopes) and sub_extern inctx (_,scopes) = extern inctx (None,scopes) and factorize_prod scopes vars aty c = try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; ([],extern_symbol scopes vars c (uninterp_notations c)) with No_match -> match c with | RProd (loc,(Name id as na),ty,c) when same aty (extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty)) & not (occur_var_constr_expr id aty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *) -> let (nal,c) = factorize_prod scopes (Idset.add id vars) aty c in ((loc,Name id)::nal,c) | c -> ([],extern_typ scopes vars c) and factorize_lambda inctx scopes vars aty c = try if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match; ([],extern_symbol scopes vars c (uninterp_notations c)) with No_match -> match c with | RLambda (loc,na,ty,c) when same aty (extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty)) & not (occur_name na aty) (* To avoid na in ty' escapes scope *) -> let (nal,c) = factorize_lambda inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) aty c in ((loc,na)::nal,c) | c -> ([],sub_extern inctx scopes vars c) and extern_local_binder scopes vars = function [] -> ([],[]) | (na,Some bd,ty)::l -> let (ids,l) = extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l in (na::ids, LocalRawDef((dummy_loc,na), extern false scopes vars bd) :: l) | (na,None,ty)::l -> let ty = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty) in (match extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l with (ids,LocalRawAssum(nal,ty')::l) when same ty ty' & match na with Name id -> not (occur_var_constr_expr id ty') | _ -> true -> (na::ids, LocalRawAssum((dummy_loc,na)::nal,ty')::l) | (ids,l) -> (na::ids, LocalRawAssum([(dummy_loc,na)],ty) :: l)) and extern_eqn inctx scopes vars (loc,ids,pl,c) = (loc,[List.map (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) pl], extern inctx scopes vars c) and extern_symbol (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function | [] -> raise No_match | (keyrule,pat,n as _rule)::rules -> let loc = Rawterm.loc_of_rawconstr t in try (* Adjusts to the number of arguments expected by the notation *) let (t,args) = match t,n with | RApp (_,f,args), Some n when List.length args > n -> let args1, args2 = list_chop n args in RApp (dummy_loc,f,args1), args2 | _ -> t,[] in (* Try matching ... *) let subst = match_aconstr t pat in (* Try availability of interpretation ... *) let e = match keyrule with | NotationRule (sc,ntn) -> (match availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) allscopes with (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *) | None -> raise No_match (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *) | Some (scopt,key) -> let scopes' = option_cons scopt scopes in let l = List.map (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) -> extern (* assuming no overloading: *) true (scopt,scl@scopes') vars c) subst in insert_delimiters (make_notation loc ntn l) key) | SynDefRule kn -> CRef (Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn)) in if args = [] then e else (* TODO: compute scopt for the extra args, in case, head is a ref *) explicitize loc false [] (None,e) (List.map (extern true allscopes vars) args) with No_match -> extern_symbol allscopes vars t rules and extern_recursion_order scopes vars = function RStructRec -> CStructRec | RWfRec c -> CWfRec (extern true scopes vars c) | RMeasureRec c -> CMeasureRec (extern true scopes vars c) let extern_rawconstr vars c = extern false (None,[]) vars c let extern_rawtype vars c = extern_typ (None,[]) vars c (******************************************************************) (* Main translation function from constr -> constr_expr *) let loc = dummy_loc (* for constr and pattern, locations are lost *) let extern_constr_gen at_top scopt env t = let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_context env else [] in let r = Detyping.detype at_top avoid (names_of_rel_context env) t in let vars = vars_of_env env in extern (not at_top) (scopt,[]) vars r let extern_constr_in_scope at_top scope env t = extern_constr_gen at_top (Some scope) env t let extern_constr at_top env t = extern_constr_gen at_top None env t let extern_type at_top env t = let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_context env else [] in let r = Detyping.detype at_top avoid (names_of_rel_context env) t in extern_rawtype (vars_of_env env) r let extern_sort s = extern_rawsort (detype_sort s) (******************************************************************) (* Main translation function from pattern -> constr_expr *) let it_destPLambda n c = let rec aux n nal c = if n=0 then (nal,c) else match c with | PLambda (na,_,c) -> aux (n-1) (na::nal) c | _ -> anomaly "it_destPLambda" in aux n [] c let rec raw_of_pat env = function | PRef ref -> RRef (loc,ref) | PVar id -> RVar (loc,id) | PEvar (n,l) -> REvar (loc,n,Some (array_map_to_list (raw_of_pat env) l)) | PRel n -> let id = try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly "rawconstr_of_pattern: index to an anonymous variable" with Not_found -> id_of_string ("[REL "^(string_of_int n)^"]") in RVar (loc,id) | PMeta None -> RHole (loc,Evd.InternalHole) | PMeta (Some n) -> RPatVar (loc,(false,n)) | PApp (f,args) -> RApp (loc,raw_of_pat env f,array_map_to_list (raw_of_pat env) args) | PSoApp (n,args) -> RApp (loc,RPatVar (loc,(true,n)), List.map (raw_of_pat env) args) | PProd (na,t,c) -> RProd (loc,na,raw_of_pat env t,raw_of_pat (na::env) c) | PLetIn (na,t,c) -> RLetIn (loc,na,raw_of_pat env t, raw_of_pat (na::env) c) | PLambda (na,t,c) -> RLambda (loc,na,raw_of_pat env t, raw_of_pat (na::env) c) | PIf (c,b1,b2) -> RIf (loc, raw_of_pat env c, (Anonymous,None), raw_of_pat env b1, raw_of_pat env b2) | PCase ((LetStyle,[|n|],ind,None),PMeta None,tm,[|b|]) -> let nal,b = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names n (raw_of_pat env b) in RLetTuple (loc,nal,(Anonymous,None),raw_of_pat env tm,b) | PCase ((_,cstr_nargs,indo,ind_nargs),p,tm,bv) -> let brs = Array.to_list (Array.map (raw_of_pat env) bv) in let brns = Array.to_list cstr_nargs in (* ind is None only if no branch and no return type *) let ind = out_some indo in let mat = simple_cases_matrix_of_branches ind brns brs in let indnames,rtn = if p = PMeta None then (Anonymous,None),None else let nparams,n = out_some ind_nargs in return_type_of_predicate ind nparams n (raw_of_pat env p) in RCases (loc,rtn,[raw_of_pat env tm,indnames],mat) | PFix f -> Detyping.detype false [] env (mkFix f) | PCoFix c -> Detyping.detype false [] env (mkCoFix c) | PSort s -> RSort (loc,s) and raw_of_eqns env constructs consnargsl bl = Array.to_list (array_map3 (raw_of_eqn env) constructs consnargsl bl) and raw_of_eqn env constr construct_nargs branch = let make_pat x env b ids = let avoid = List.fold_right (name_fold (fun x l -> x::l)) env [] in let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" x avoid in PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id),(Name id)::env,id::ids in let rec buildrec ids patlist env n b = if n=0 then (dummy_loc, ids, [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr, List.rev patlist,Anonymous)], raw_of_pat env b) else match b with | PLambda (x,_,b) -> let pat,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x env b ids in buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_env (n-1) b | PLetIn (x,_,b) -> let pat,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x env b ids in buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_env (n-1) b | _ -> error "Unsupported branch in case-analysis while printing pattern" in buildrec [] [] env construct_nargs branch let extern_constr_pattern env pat = extern true (None,[]) Idset.empty (raw_of_pat env pat)