(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | Implicit, Implicit -> true | _ -> false let abstraction_kind_eq ak1 ak2 = match ak1, ak2 with | AbsLambda, AbsLambda -> true | AbsPi, AbsPi -> true | _ -> false let binder_kind_eq b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with | Default bk1, Default bk2 -> binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 | Generalized (bk1, ck1, b1), Generalized (bk2, ck2, b2) -> binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 && binding_kind_eq ck1 ck2 && (if b1 then b2 else not b2) | _ -> false let default_binder_kind = Default Explicit let names_of_local_assums bl = List.flatten (List.map (function CLocalAssum(l,_,_)->l|_->[]) bl) let names_of_local_binders bl = List.flatten (List.map (function CLocalAssum(l,_,_)->l|CLocalDef(l,_,_)->[l]|CLocalPattern _ -> assert false) bl) (**********************************************************************) (* Functions on constr_expr *) (* Note: redundant Numeral representations such as -0 and +0 (or different numbers of leading zeros) are considered different here. *) let prim_token_eq t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Numeral (n1,s1), Numeral (n2,s2) -> String.equal n1 n2 && s1 == s2 | String s1, String s2 -> String.equal s1 s2 | _ -> false let explicitation_eq ex1 ex2 = match ex1, ex2 with | ExplByPos (i1, id1), ExplByPos (i2, id2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Option.equal Id.equal id1 id2 | ExplByName id1, ExplByName id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2 | _ -> false let eq_located f (_, x) (_, y) = f x y let rec cases_pattern_expr_eq p1 p2 = if CAst.(p1.v == p2.v) then true else match CAst.(p1.v, p2.v) with | CPatAlias(a1,i1), CPatAlias(a2,i2) -> Id.equal i1 i2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq a1 a2 | CPatCstr(c1,a1,b1), CPatCstr(c2,a2,b2) -> eq_reference c1 c2 && Option.equal (List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq) a1 a2 && List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq b1 b2 | CPatAtom(r1), CPatAtom(r2) -> Option.equal eq_reference r1 r2 | CPatOr a1, CPatOr a2 -> List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq a1 a2 | CPatNotation (n1, s1, l1), CPatNotation (n2, s2, l2) -> String.equal n1 n2 && cases_pattern_notation_substitution_eq s1 s2 && List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq l1 l2 | CPatPrim i1, CPatPrim i2 -> prim_token_eq i1 i2 | CPatRecord l1, CPatRecord l2 -> let equal (r1, e1) (r2, e2) = eq_reference r1 r2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq e1 e2 in List.equal equal l1 l2 | CPatDelimiters(s1,e1), CPatDelimiters(s2,e2) -> String.equal s1 s2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq e1 e2 | _ -> false and cases_pattern_notation_substitution_eq (s1, n1) (s2, n2) = List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq s1 s2 && List.equal (List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq) n1 n2 let eq_universes u1 u2 = match u1, u2 with | None, None -> true | Some l, Some l' -> l = l' | _, _ -> false let rec constr_expr_eq e1 e2 = if CAst.(e1.v == e2.v) then true else match CAst.(e1.v, e2.v) with | CRef (r1,u1), CRef (r2,u2) -> eq_reference r1 r2 && eq_universes u1 u2 | CFix(id1,fl1), CFix(id2,fl2) -> eq_located Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal fix_expr_eq fl1 fl2 | CCoFix(id1,fl1), CCoFix(id2,fl2) -> eq_located Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal cofix_expr_eq fl1 fl2 | CProdN(bl1,a1), CProdN(bl2,a2) -> List.equal binder_expr_eq bl1 bl2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 | CLambdaN(bl1,a1), CLambdaN(bl2,a2) -> List.equal binder_expr_eq bl1 bl2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 | CLetIn((_,na1),a1,t1,b1), CLetIn((_,na2),a2,t2,b2) -> Name.equal na1 na2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq t1 t2 && constr_expr_eq b1 b2 | CAppExpl((proj1,r1,_),al1), CAppExpl((proj2,r2,_),al2) -> Option.equal Int.equal proj1 proj2 && eq_reference r1 r2 && List.equal constr_expr_eq al1 al2 | CApp((proj1,e1),al1), CApp((proj2,e2),al2) -> Option.equal Int.equal proj1 proj2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && List.equal args_eq al1 al2 | CRecord l1, CRecord l2 -> let field_eq (r1, e1) (r2, e2) = eq_reference r1 r2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 in List.equal field_eq l1 l2 | CCases(_,r1,a1,brl1), CCases(_,r2,a2,brl2) -> (** Don't care about the case_style *) Option.equal constr_expr_eq r1 r2 && List.equal case_expr_eq a1 a2 && List.equal branch_expr_eq brl1 brl2 | CLetTuple (n1, (m1, e1), t1, b1), CLetTuple (n2, (m2, e2), t2, b2) -> List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) m1 m2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && constr_expr_eq t1 t2 && constr_expr_eq b1 b2 | CIf (e1, (n1, r1), t1, f1), CIf (e2, (n2, r2), t2, f2) -> constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq r1 r2 && constr_expr_eq t1 t2 && constr_expr_eq f1 f2 | CHole _, CHole _ -> true | CPatVar i1, CPatVar i2 -> Id.equal i1 i2 | CEvar (id1, c1), CEvar (id2, c2) -> Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal instance_eq c1 c2 | CSort s1, CSort s2 -> Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2 | CCast(a1,(CastConv b1|CastVM b1)), CCast(a2,(CastConv b2|CastVM b2)) -> constr_expr_eq a1 a2 && constr_expr_eq b1 b2 | CCast(a1,CastCoerce), CCast(a2, CastCoerce) -> constr_expr_eq a1 a2 | CNotation(n1, s1), CNotation(n2, s2) -> String.equal n1 n2 && constr_notation_substitution_eq s1 s2 | CPrim i1, CPrim i2 -> prim_token_eq i1 i2 | CGeneralization (bk1, ak1, e1), CGeneralization (bk2, ak2, e2) -> binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 && Option.equal abstraction_kind_eq ak1 ak2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 | CDelimiters(s1,e1), CDelimiters(s2,e2) -> String.equal s1 s2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 | _ -> false and args_eq (a1,e1) (a2,e2) = Option.equal (eq_located explicitation_eq) e1 e2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 and case_expr_eq (e1, n1, p1) (e2, n2, p2) = constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && Option.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq p1 p2 and branch_expr_eq (_, (p1, e1)) (_, (p2, e2)) = List.equal (eq_located (List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq)) p1 p2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 and binder_expr_eq ((n1, _, e1) : binder_expr) (n2, _, e2) = (** Don't care about the [binder_kind] *) List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 and fix_expr_eq (id1,(j1, r1),bl1,a1,b1) (id2,(j2, r2),bl2,a2,b2) = (eq_located Id.equal id1 id2) && Option.equal (eq_located Id.equal) j1 j2 && recursion_order_expr_eq r1 r2 && List.equal local_binder_eq bl1 bl2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 && constr_expr_eq b1 b2 and cofix_expr_eq (id1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,bl2,a2,b2) = (eq_located Id.equal id1 id2) && List.equal local_binder_eq bl1 bl2 && constr_expr_eq a1 a2 && constr_expr_eq b1 b2 and recursion_order_expr_eq r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with | CStructRec, CStructRec -> true | CWfRec e1, CWfRec e2 -> constr_expr_eq e1 e2 | CMeasureRec (e1, o1), CMeasureRec (e2, o2) -> constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq o1 o2 | _ -> false and local_binder_eq l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | CLocalDef (n1, e1, t1), CLocalDef (n2, e2, t2) -> eq_located Name.equal n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq t1 t2 | CLocalAssum (n1, _, e1), CLocalAssum (n2, _, e2) -> (** Don't care about the [binder_kind] *) List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2 | _ -> false and constr_notation_substitution_eq (e1, el1, bl1) (e2, el2, bl2) = List.equal constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && List.equal (List.equal constr_expr_eq) el1 el2 && List.equal (List.equal local_binder_eq) bl1 bl2 and instance_eq (x1,c1) (x2,c2) = Id.equal x1 x2 && constr_expr_eq c1 c2 let constr_loc c = CAst.(c.loc) let cases_pattern_expr_loc cp = CAst.(cp.loc) let local_binder_loc = function | CLocalAssum ((loc,_)::_,_,t) | CLocalDef ((loc,_),t,None) -> Loc.merge_opt loc (constr_loc t) | CLocalDef ((loc,_),b,Some t) -> Loc.merge_opt loc (Loc.merge_opt (constr_loc b) (constr_loc t)) | CLocalAssum ([],_,_) -> assert false | CLocalPattern (loc,_) -> loc let local_binders_loc bll = match bll with | [] -> None | h :: l -> Loc.merge_opt (local_binder_loc h) (local_binder_loc (List.last bll)) (** Folds and maps *) (* Legacy functions *) let down_located f (_l, x) = f x let located_fold_left f x (_l, y) = f x y let is_constructor id = try Globnames.isConstructRef (Smartlocate.global_of_extended_global (Nametab.locate_extended (qualid_of_ident id))) with Not_found -> false let rec cases_pattern_fold_names f a pt = match CAst.(pt.v) with | CPatRecord l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (r, cp) -> cases_pattern_fold_names f acc cp) a l | CPatAlias (pat,id) -> f id a | CPatOr (patl) -> List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a patl | CPatCstr (_,patl1,patl2) -> List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) (Option.fold_left (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f)) a patl1) patl2 | CPatNotation (_,(patl,patll),patl') -> List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a (patl@List.flatten patll)) patl' | CPatDelimiters (_,pat) -> cases_pattern_fold_names f a pat | CPatAtom (Some (Ident (_,id))) when not (is_constructor id) -> f id a | CPatPrim _ | CPatAtom _ -> a | CPatCast ({CAst.loc},_) -> CErrors.user_err ?loc ~hdr:"cases_pattern_fold_names" (Pp.strbrk "Casts are not supported here.") let ids_of_pattern = cases_pattern_fold_names Id.Set.add Id.Set.empty let ids_of_pattern_list = List.fold_left (located_fold_left (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names Id.Set.add))) Id.Set.empty let ids_of_cases_indtype p = cases_pattern_fold_names Id.Set.add Id.Set.empty p let ids_of_cases_tomatch tms = List.fold_right (fun (_, ona, indnal) l -> Option.fold_right (fun t ids -> cases_pattern_fold_names Id.Set.add ids t) indnal (Option.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right Id.Set.add)) ona l)) tms Id.Set.empty let rec fold_constr_expr_binders g f n acc b = function | (nal,bk,t)::l -> let nal = snd (List.split nal) in let n' = List.fold_right (Name.fold_right g) nal n in f n (fold_constr_expr_binders g f n' acc b l) t | [] -> f n acc b let rec fold_local_binders g f n acc b = function | CLocalAssum (nal,bk,t)::l -> let nal = snd (List.split nal) in let n' = List.fold_right (Name.fold_right g) nal n in f n (fold_local_binders g f n' acc b l) t | CLocalDef ((_,na),c,t)::l -> Option.fold_left (f n) (f n (fold_local_binders g f (Name.fold_right g na n) acc b l) c) t | CLocalPattern (_,(pat,t))::l -> let acc = fold_local_binders g f (cases_pattern_fold_names g n pat) acc b l in Option.fold_left (f n) acc t | [] -> f n acc b let fold_constr_expr_with_binders g f n acc = CAst.with_val (function | CAppExpl ((_,_,_),l) -> List.fold_left (f n) acc l | CApp ((_,t),l) -> List.fold_left (f n) (f n acc t) (List.map fst l) | CProdN (l,b) | CLambdaN (l,b) -> fold_constr_expr_binders g f n acc b l | CLetIn (na,a,t,b) -> f (Name.fold_right g (snd na) n) (Option.fold_left (f n) (f n acc a) t) b | CCast (a,(CastConv b|CastVM b|CastNative b)) -> f n (f n acc a) b | CCast (a,CastCoerce) -> f n acc a | CNotation (_,(l,ll,bll)) -> (* The following is an approximation: we don't know exactly if an ident is binding nor to which subterms bindings apply *) let acc = List.fold_left (f n) acc (l@List.flatten ll) in List.fold_left (fun acc bl -> fold_local_binders g f n acc (CAst.make @@ CHole (None,IntroAnonymous,None)) bl) acc bll | CGeneralization (_,_,c) -> f n acc c | CDelimiters (_,a) -> f n acc a | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CPrim _ | CRef _ -> acc | CRecord l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (id, c) -> f n acc c) acc l | CCases (sty,rtnpo,al,bl) -> let ids = ids_of_cases_tomatch al in let acc = Option.fold_left (f (Id.Set.fold g ids n)) acc rtnpo in let acc = List.fold_left (f n) acc (List.map (fun (fst,_,_) -> fst) al) in List.fold_right (fun (loc,(patl,rhs)) acc -> let ids = ids_of_pattern_list patl in f (Id.Set.fold g ids n) acc rhs) bl acc | CLetTuple (nal,(ona,po),b,c) -> let n' = List.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) nal n in f (Option.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) ona n') (f n acc b) c | CIf (c,(ona,po),b1,b2) -> let acc = f n (f n (f n acc b1) b2) c in Option.fold_left (f (Option.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) ona n)) acc po | CFix (_,l) -> let n' = List.fold_right (fun ((_,id),_,_,_,_) -> g id) l n in List.fold_right (fun (_,(_,o),lb,t,c) acc -> fold_local_binders g f n' (fold_local_binders g f n acc t lb) c lb) l acc | CCoFix (_,_) -> Feedback.msg_warning (strbrk "Capture check in multiple binders not done"); acc ) let free_vars_of_constr_expr c = let rec aux bdvars l = function | { CAst.v = CRef (Ident (_,id),_) } -> if Id.List.mem id bdvars then l else Id.Set.add id l | c -> fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> a::l) aux bdvars l c in aux [] Id.Set.empty c let occur_var_constr_expr id c = Id.Set.mem id (free_vars_of_constr_expr c) (* Used in correctness and interface *) let map_binder g e nal = List.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) nal e let map_binders f g e bl = (* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [List.tl nal] *) let h (e,bl) (nal,bk,t) = (map_binder g e nal,(nal,bk,f e t)::bl) in let (e,rbl) = List.fold_left h (e,[]) bl in (e, List.rev rbl) let map_local_binders f g e bl = (* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [List.tl nal] *) let h (e,bl) = function CLocalAssum(nal,k,ty) -> (map_binder g e nal, CLocalAssum(nal,k,f e ty)::bl) | CLocalDef((loc,na),c,ty) -> (Name.fold_right g na e, CLocalDef((loc,na),f e c,Option.map (f e) ty)::bl) | CLocalPattern (loc,(pat,t)) -> let ids = ids_of_pattern pat in (Id.Set.fold g ids e, CLocalPattern (loc,(pat,Option.map (f e) t))::bl) in let (e,rbl) = List.fold_left h (e,[]) bl in (e, List.rev rbl) let map_constr_expr_with_binders g f e = CAst.map (function | CAppExpl (r,l) -> CAppExpl (r,List.map (f e) l) | CApp ((p,a),l) -> CApp ((p,f e a),List.map (fun (a,i) -> (f e a,i)) l) | CProdN (bl,b) -> let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CProdN (bl,f e b) | CLambdaN (bl,b) -> let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CLambdaN (bl,f e b) | CLetIn (na,a,t,b) -> CLetIn (na,f e a,Option.map (f e) t,f (Name.fold_right g (snd na) e) b) | CCast (a,c) -> CCast (f e a, Miscops.map_cast_type (f e) c) | CNotation (n,(l,ll,bll)) -> (* This is an approximation because we don't know what binds what *) CNotation (n,(List.map (f e) l,List.map (List.map (f e)) ll, List.map (fun bl -> snd (map_local_binders f g e bl)) bll)) | CGeneralization (b,a,c) -> CGeneralization (b,a,f e c) | CDelimiters (s,a) -> CDelimiters (s,f e a) | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CPrim _ | CRef _ as x -> x | CRecord l -> CRecord (List.map (fun (id, c) -> (id, f e c)) l) | CCases (sty,rtnpo,a,bl) -> let bl = List.map (fun (loc,(patl,rhs)) -> let ids = ids_of_pattern_list patl in (loc,(patl,f (Id.Set.fold g ids e) rhs))) bl in let ids = ids_of_cases_tomatch a in let po = Option.map (f (Id.Set.fold g ids e)) rtnpo in CCases (sty, po, List.map (fun (tm,x,y) -> f e tm,x,y) a,bl) | CLetTuple (nal,(ona,po),b,c) -> let e' = List.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) nal e in let e'' = Option.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) ona e in CLetTuple (nal,(ona,Option.map (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c) | CIf (c,(ona,po),b1,b2) -> let e' = Option.fold_right (down_located (Name.fold_right g)) ona e in CIf (f e c,(ona,Option.map (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2) | CFix (id,dl) -> CFix (id,List.map (fun (id,n,bl,t,d) -> let (e',bl') = map_local_binders f g e bl in let t' = f e' t in (* Note: fix names should be inserted before the arguments... *) let e'' = List.fold_left (fun e ((_,id),_,_,_,_) -> g id e) e' dl in let d' = f e'' d in (id,n,bl',t',d')) dl) | CCoFix (id,dl) -> CCoFix (id,List.map (fun (id,bl,t,d) -> let (e',bl') = map_local_binders f g e bl in let t' = f e' t in let e'' = List.fold_left (fun e ((_,id),_,_,_) -> g id e) e' dl in let d' = f e'' d in (id,bl',t',d')) dl) ) (* Used in constrintern *) let rec replace_vars_constr_expr l = function | { CAst.loc; v = CRef (Ident (loc_id,id),us) } as x -> (try CAst.make ?loc @@ CRef (Ident (loc_id,Id.Map.find id l),us) with Not_found -> x) | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders Id.Map.remove replace_vars_constr_expr l c (* Returns the ranges of locs of the notation that are not occupied by args *) (* and which are then occupied by proper symbols of the notation (or spaces) *) let locs_of_notation ?loc locs ntn = let unloc loc = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) loc in let (bl, el) = unloc loc in let locs = List.map unloc locs in let rec aux pos = function | [] -> if Int.equal pos el then [] else [(pos,el)] | (ba,ea)::l -> if Int.equal pos ba then aux ea l else (pos,ba)::aux ea l in aux bl (List.sort (fun l1 l2 -> fst l1 - fst l2) locs) let ntn_loc ?loc (args,argslist,binderslist) = locs_of_notation ?loc (List.map constr_loc (args@List.flatten argslist)@ List.map local_binders_loc binderslist) let patntn_loc ?loc (args,argslist) = locs_of_notation ?loc (List.map cases_pattern_expr_loc (args@List.flatten argslist)) let error_invalid_pattern_notation ?loc () = CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "Invalid notation for pattern.") (* Interpret the index of a recursion order annotation *) let split_at_annot bl na = let names = List.map snd (names_of_local_assums bl) in match na with | None -> begin match names with | [] -> CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "A fixpoint needs at least one parameter.") | _ -> ([], bl) end | Some (loc, id) -> let rec aux acc = function | CLocalAssum (bls, k, t) as x :: rest -> let test (_, na) = match na with | Name id' -> Id.equal id id' | Anonymous -> false in let l, r = List.split_when test bls in begin match r with | [] -> aux (x :: acc) rest | _ -> let ans = match l with | [] -> acc | _ -> CLocalAssum (l, k, t) :: acc in (List.rev ans, CLocalAssum (r, k, t) :: rest) end | CLocalDef ((_,na),_,_) as x :: rest -> if Name.equal (Name id) na then CErrors.user_err ?loc (Id.print id ++ str" must be a proper parameter and not a local definition.") else aux (x :: acc) rest | CLocalPattern (_,_) :: rest -> Loc.raise ?loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed after fix") | [] -> CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "No parameter named " ++ Id.print id ++ str".") in aux [] bl (** Pseudo-constructors *) let mkIdentC id = CAst.make @@ CRef (Ident (Loc.tag id),None) let mkRefC r = CAst.make @@ CRef (r,None) let mkCastC (a,k) = CAst.make @@ CCast (a,k) let mkLambdaC (idl,bk,a,b) = CAst.make @@ CLambdaN ([idl,bk,a],b) let mkLetInC (id,a,t,b) = CAst.make @@ CLetIn (id,a,t,b) let mkProdC (idl,bk,a,b) = CAst.make @@ CProdN ([idl,bk,a],b) let mkAppC (f,l) = let l = List.map (fun x -> (x,None)) l in match CAst.(f.v) with | CApp (g,l') -> CAst.make @@ CApp (g, l' @ l) | _ -> CAst.make @@ CApp ((None, f), l) let add_name_in_env env n = match snd n with | Anonymous -> env | Name id -> id :: env let fresh_var env c = Namegen.next_ident_away (Id.of_string "pat") (List.fold_left (fun accu id -> Id.Set.add id accu) (free_vars_of_constr_expr c) env) let expand_binders ?loc mkC bl c = let rec loop ?loc bl c = match bl with | [] -> ([], c) | b :: bl -> match b with | CLocalDef ((loc1,_) as n, oty, b) -> let env, c = loop ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt loc1 loc) bl c in let env = add_name_in_env env n in (env, CAst.make ?loc @@ CLetIn (n,oty,b,c)) | CLocalAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as nl, bk, t) -> let env, c = loop ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt loc1 loc) bl c in let env = List.fold_left add_name_in_env env nl in (env, mkC ?loc (nl,bk,t) c) | CLocalAssum ([],_,_) -> loop ?loc bl c | CLocalPattern (loc1, (p, ty)) -> let env, c = loop ?loc:(Loc.merge_opt loc1 loc) bl c in let ni = fresh_var env c in let id = (loc1, Name ni) in let ty = match ty with | Some ty -> ty | None -> CAst.make ?loc:loc1 @@ CHole (None, IntroAnonymous, None) in let e = CAst.make @@ CRef (Libnames.Ident (loc1, ni), None) in let c = CAst.make ?loc @@ CCases (LetPatternStyle, None, [(e,None,None)], [(Loc.tag ?loc:loc1 ([(loc1,[p])], c))]) in (ni :: env, mkC ?loc ([id],Default Explicit,ty) c) in let (_, c) = loop ?loc bl c in c let mkCProdN ?loc bll c = let mk ?loc b c = CAst.make ?loc @@ CProdN ([b],c) in expand_binders ?loc mk bll c let mkCLambdaN ?loc bll c = let mk ?loc b c = CAst.make ?loc @@ CLambdaN ([b],c) in expand_binders ?loc mk bll c let coerce_reference_to_id = function | Ident (_,id) -> id | Qualid (loc,_) -> CErrors.user_err ?loc ~hdr:"coerce_reference_to_id" (str "This expression should be a simple identifier.") let coerce_to_id = function | { CAst.v = CRef (Ident (loc,id),None) } -> (loc,id) | { CAst.loc; _ } -> CErrors.user_err ?loc ~hdr:"coerce_to_id" (str "This expression should be a simple identifier.") let coerce_to_name = function | { CAst.v = CRef (Ident (loc,id),None) } -> (loc,Name id) | { CAst.loc; CAst.v = CHole (None,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) } -> (loc,Anonymous) | { CAst.loc; _ } -> CErrors.user_err ?loc ~hdr:"coerce_to_name" (str "This expression should be a name.") let asymmetric_patterns = ref (false) let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optname = "no parameters in constructors"; Goptions.optkey = ["Asymmetric";"Patterns"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !asymmetric_patterns); Goptions.optwrite = (fun a -> asymmetric_patterns:=a); } (************************************************************************) (* Deprecated *) let abstract_constr_expr c bl = mkCLambdaN ?loc:(local_binders_loc bl) bl c let prod_constr_expr c bl = mkCProdN ?loc:(local_binders_loc bl) bl c