(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* f c | ByNotation (loc,s,_) -> loc let unsafe_of_type (t : argument_type) : ('a, 'b, 'c) Genarg.genarg_type = Obj.magic t let wit_int_or_var = unsafe_of_type IntOrVarArgType let wit_intro_pattern : intro_pattern_expr located uniform_genarg_type = Genarg.make0 None "intropattern" let wit_tactic : (raw_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr) genarg_type = Genarg.make0 None "tactic" let wit_ident = unsafe_of_type IdentArgType let wit_var = unsafe_of_type VarArgType let wit_ref = Genarg.make0 None "ref" let wit_quant_hyp = unsafe_of_type QuantHypArgType let wit_genarg = unsafe_of_type GenArgType let wit_sort : (glob_sort, glob_sort, sorts) genarg_type = Genarg.make0 None "sort" let wit_constr = unsafe_of_type ConstrArgType let wit_constr_may_eval = unsafe_of_type ConstrMayEvalArgType let wit_uconstr = Genarg.make0 None "uconstr" let wit_open_constr = unsafe_of_type OpenConstrArgType let wit_constr_with_bindings = unsafe_of_type ConstrWithBindingsArgType let wit_bindings = unsafe_of_type BindingsArgType let wit_red_expr = unsafe_of_type RedExprArgType let wit_clause_dft_concl = Genarg.make0 None "clause_dft_concl" (** Register location *) let () = register_name0 wit_ref "Constrarg.wit_ref"; register_name0 wit_intro_pattern "Constrarg.wit_intro_pattern"; register_name0 wit_tactic "Constrarg.wit_tactic"; register_name0 wit_sort "Constrarg.wit_sort"; register_name0 wit_uconstr "Constrarg.wit_uconstr"; register_name0 wit_clause_dft_concl "Constrarg.wit_clause_dft_concl";