(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Delete (s,i,l) | Delete (s,i,l) -> Insert (s,i,l) type source_view = [ Gtk.text_view | `sourceview ] Gtk.obj let is_substring s1 s2 = let s1 = Glib.Utf8.to_unistring s1 in let s2 = Glib.Utf8.to_unistring s2 in let break = ref true in let i = ref 0 in let len1 = Array.length s1 in let len2 = Array.length s2 in while !break && !i < len1 & !i < len2 do break := s1.(!i) = s2.(!i); incr i; done; if !break then len2 - len1 else -1 module StringOrd = struct type t = string let compare = Pervasives.compare end module Proposals = Set.Make(StringOrd) let get_completion (buffer : GText.buffer) coqtop w = let rec get_aux accu (iter : GText.iter) = match iter#forward_search w with | None -> accu | Some (start, stop) -> if starts_word start then let ne = find_word_end stop in if ne#compare stop = 0 then get_aux accu stop else let proposal = buffer#get_text ~start ~stop:ne () in get_aux (Proposals.add proposal accu) stop else get_aux accu stop in let get_semantic accu = let ans = ref accu in let flags = [Interface.Name_Pattern ("^" ^ w), true] in let query handle = match Coq.search handle flags with | Interface.Good l -> let fold accu elt = Proposals.add elt.Interface.search_answer_base_name accu in ans := (List.fold_left fold accu l) | _ -> () in Coq.try_grab coqtop query ignore; !ans in get_semantic (get_aux Proposals.empty buffer#start_iter) class script_view (tv : source_view) (ct : Coq.coqtop) = object (self) inherit GSourceView2.source_view (Gobject.unsafe_cast tv) as super val mutable history = [] val mutable redo = [] val mutable auto_complete = false val mutable auto_complete_length = 3 val mutable last_completion = (-1, "", Proposals.empty) (* this variable prevents CoqIDE from autocompleting when we have deleted something *) val mutable is_auto_completing = false val undo_lock = Mutex.create () method auto_complete = auto_complete method set_auto_complete flag = auto_complete <- flag method private dump_debug () = let iter = function | Insert (s, p, l) -> Printf.eprintf "Insert of '%s' at %d (length %d)\n" s p l | Delete (s, p, l) -> Printf.eprintf "Delete '%s' from %d (length %d)\n" s p l in if false (* !debug *) then begin Minilib.log "==========Undo Stack top============="; List.iter iter history; Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length history); Minilib.log "==========Undo Stack Bottom=========="; Minilib.log "==========Redo Stack start============="; List.iter iter redo; Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length redo); Minilib.log "==========Redo Stack End==========" end method clear_undo () = history <- []; redo <- [] method private forward () = match redo with | [] -> () | action :: h -> redo <- h; history <- neg action :: history method private backward () = match history with | [] -> () | action :: h -> history <- h; redo <- neg action :: redo method private process_action = function | [] -> false | Insert (s, p, l) :: history -> let start = self#buffer#get_iter_at_char p in let stop = start#forward_chars l in self#buffer#delete_interactive ~start ~stop () | Delete (s, p, l) :: history -> let iter = self#buffer#get_iter_at_char p in self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter s method undo () = if Mutex.try_lock undo_lock then begin Minilib.log "UNDO"; let effective = self#process_action history in if effective then self#backward (); Mutex.unlock undo_lock; effective end else (Minilib.log "UNDO DISCARDED"; true) method redo () = if Mutex.try_lock undo_lock then begin Minilib.log "REDO"; let effective = self#process_action redo in if effective then self#forward (); Mutex.unlock undo_lock; effective end else (Minilib.log "REDO DISCARDED"; true) method private handle_insert iter s = (* we're inserting, so we may autocomplete *) is_auto_completing <- true; (* Save the insert action *) if Mutex.try_lock undo_lock then begin let action = Insert (s, iter#offset, Glib.Utf8.length s) in history <- action :: history; redo <- []; self#dump_debug (); Mutex.unlock undo_lock end method private handle_delete ~start ~stop = (* disable autocomplete *) is_auto_completing <- false; (* Save the delete action *) if Mutex.try_lock undo_lock then begin let start_offset = start#offset in let stop_offset = stop#offset in let s = self#buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in let action = Delete (s, start_offset, stop_offset - start_offset) in history <- action :: history; redo <- []; self#dump_debug (); Mutex.unlock undo_lock end method private do_auto_complete () = let iter = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in Minilib.log ("Completion at offset: " ^ string_of_int iter#offset); let start = find_word_start iter in if ends_word iter#backward_char then begin let w = self#buffer#get_text ~start ~stop:iter () in if String.length w >= auto_complete_length then begin Minilib.log ("Completion of prefix: '" ^ w ^ "'"); let (off, prefix, proposals) = last_completion in let new_proposals = (* check whether we have the last request in cache *) if (start#offset = off) && (0 <= is_substring prefix w) then Proposals.filter (fun p -> 0 < is_substring w p) proposals else let ans = get_completion self#buffer ct w in let () = last_completion <- (start#offset, w, ans) in ans in let prop = try Some (Proposals.choose new_proposals) with Not_found -> None in match prop with | None -> () | Some proposal -> let suffix = let len1 = String.length proposal in let len2 = String.length w in String.sub proposal len2 (len1 - len2) in let offset = iter#offset in ignore (self#buffer#delete_selection ()); ignore (self#buffer#insert_interactive suffix); let ins = self#buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset) in let sel = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in self#buffer#select_range sel ins end end method private may_auto_complete () = if auto_complete && is_auto_completing then self#do_auto_complete () initializer (* Install undo managing *) ignore (self#buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:self#handle_insert); ignore (self#buffer#connect#delete_range ~callback:self#handle_delete); (* Install auto-completion *) ignore (self#buffer#connect#after#end_user_action ~callback:self#may_auto_complete); (* HACK: Redirect the undo/redo signals of the underlying GtkSourceView *) ignore (self#connect#undo (fun _ -> ignore (self#undo ()); GtkSignal.stop_emit())); ignore (self#connect#redo (fun _ -> ignore (self#redo ()); GtkSignal.stop_emit())); (* HACK: Redirect the move_line signal of the underlying GtkSourceView *) let move_line_marshal = GtkSignal.marshal2 Gobject.Data.boolean Gobject.Data.int "move_line_marshal" in let move_line_signal = { GtkSignal.name = "move-lines"; classe = Obj.magic 0; marshaller = move_line_marshal; } in let callback b i = let rec start_line iter = if iter#starts_line then iter else start_line iter#backward_char in let iter = start_line (self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT) in (* do we forward the signal? *) let proceed = if not b && i = 1 then iter#editable true && iter#forward_line#editable true else if not b && i = -1 then iter#editable true && iter#backward_line#editable true else false in if not proceed then GtkSignal.stop_emit () in ignore(GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:move_line_signal ~callback obj); () end let script_view ct ?(source_buffer:GSourceView2.source_buffer option) ?draw_spaces = GtkSourceView2.SourceView.make_params [] ~cont:( GtkText.View.make_params ~cont:( GContainer.pack_container ~create: (fun pl -> let w = match source_buffer with | None -> GtkSourceView2.SourceView.new_ () | Some buf -> GtkSourceView2.SourceView.new_with_buffer (Gobject.try_cast buf#as_buffer "GtkSourceBuffer") in let w = Gobject.unsafe_cast w in Gobject.set_params (Gobject.try_cast w "GtkSourceView") pl; Gaux.may (GtkSourceView2.SourceView.set_draw_spaces w) draw_spaces; ((new script_view w ct) : script_view))))