(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit method clear : unit -> unit method set_goals : Interface.goals option -> unit method set_evars : Interface.evar list option -> unit method width : int end (* tag is the tag to be hooked, item is the item covered by this tag, make_menu * * is the template for building menu if needed, sel_cb is the callback if * there * * is a selection o said menu, hover_cb is the callback when there is only * * hovering *) let hook_tag_cb tag menu_content sel_cb hover_cb = ignore (tag#connect#event ~callback: (fun ~origin evt it -> let iter = new GText.iter it in let start = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some tag) in let stop = iter#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some tag) in match GdkEvent.get_type evt with | `BUTTON_PRESS -> let ev = GdkEvent.Button.cast evt in if (GdkEvent.Button.button ev) <> 3 then false else begin let ctxt_menu = GMenu.menu () in let factory = new GMenu.factory ctxt_menu in List.iter (fun (text,cmd) -> ignore (factory#add_item text ~callback:(sel_cb cmd))) menu_content; ctxt_menu#popup ~button:3 ~time:(GdkEvent.Button.time ev); true end | `MOTION_NOTIFY -> hover_cb start stop; false | _ -> false)) let mode_tactic sel_cb (proof : #GText.view_skel) goals hints = match goals with | [] -> assert false | { Interface.goal_hyp = hyps; Interface.goal_ccl = cur_goal; } :: rem_goals -> let on_hover sel_start sel_stop = proof#buffer#remove_tag ~start:proof#buffer#start_iter ~stop:sel_start Tags.Proof.highlight; proof#buffer#remove_tag ~start:sel_stop ~stop:proof#buffer#end_iter Tags.Proof.highlight; proof#buffer#apply_tag ~start:sel_start ~stop:sel_stop Tags.Proof.highlight in let goals_cnt = List.length rem_goals + 1 in let head_str = Printf.sprintf "%d subgoal%s\n" goals_cnt (if 1 < goals_cnt then "s" else "") in let goal_str index total = Printf.sprintf "______________________________________(%d/%d)\n" index total in (* Insert current goal and its hypotheses *) let hyps_hints, goal_hints = match hints with | None -> [], [] | Some (hl, h) -> (hl, h) in let rec insert_hyp hints hs = match hs with | [] -> () | hyp :: hs -> let tags, rem_hints = match hints with | [] -> [], [] | hint :: hints -> let tag = proof#buffer#create_tag [] in let () = hook_tag_cb tag hint sel_cb on_hover in [tag], hints in let () = insert_xml ~tags proof#buffer hyp in proof#buffer#insert "\n"; insert_hyp rem_hints hs in let () = proof#buffer#insert head_str in let () = insert_hyp hyps_hints hyps in let () = let tags = Tags.Proof.goal :: if goal_hints <> [] then let tag = proof#buffer#create_tag [] in let () = hook_tag_cb tag goal_hints sel_cb on_hover in [tag] else [] in proof#buffer#insert (goal_str 1 goals_cnt); insert_xml proof#buffer cur_goal; proof#buffer#insert "\n" in (* Insert remaining goals (no hypotheses) *) let fold_goal i _ { Interface.goal_ccl = g } = proof#buffer#insert (goal_str i goals_cnt); insert_xml proof#buffer g; proof#buffer#insert "\n" in let () = Util.List.fold_left_i fold_goal 2 () rem_goals in ignore(proof#buffer#place_cursor ~where:(proof#buffer#end_iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Proof.goal))); ignore(proof#scroll_to_mark ~use_align:true ~yalign:0.95 `INSERT) let rec flatten = function | [] -> [] | (lg, rg) :: l -> let inner = flatten l in List.rev_append lg inner @ rg let display mode (view : #GText.view_skel) goals hints evars = let () = view#buffer#set_text "" in match goals with | None -> () (* No proof in progress *) | Some { Interface.fg_goals = []; bg_goals = bg; shelved_goals; given_up_goals; } -> let bg = flatten (List.rev bg) in let evars = match evars with None -> [] | Some evs -> evs in begin match (bg, shelved_goals,given_up_goals, evars) with | [], [], [], [] -> view#buffer#insert "No more subgoals." | [], [], [], _ :: _ -> (* A proof has been finished, but not concluded *) view#buffer#insert "No more subgoals, but there are non-instantiated existential variables:\n\n"; let iter evar = let msg = Printf.sprintf "%s\n" evar.Interface.evar_info in view#buffer#insert msg in List.iter iter evars; view#buffer#insert "\nYou can use Grab Existential Variables." | [], [], _, _ -> (* The proof is finished, with the exception of given up goals. *) view#buffer#insert "No more subgoals, but there are some goals you gave up:\n\n"; let iter goal = insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl; view#buffer#insert "\n" in List.iter iter given_up_goals; view#buffer#insert "\nYou need to go back and solve them." | [], _, _, _ -> (* All the goals have been resolved but those on the shelf. *) view#buffer#insert "All the remaining goals are on the shelf:\n\n"; let iter goal = insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl; view#buffer#insert "\n" in List.iter iter shelved_goals | _, _, _, _ -> (* No foreground proofs, but still unfocused ones *) let total = List.length bg in let goal_str index = Printf.sprintf "______________________________________(%d/%d)\n" index total in view#buffer#insert "This subproof is complete, but there are some unfocused goals:\n\n"; let iter i goal = let () = view#buffer#insert (goal_str (succ i)) in insert_xml view#buffer goal.Interface.goal_ccl; view#buffer#insert "\n" in List.iteri iter bg end | Some { Interface.fg_goals = fg } -> mode view fg hints let proof_view () = let buffer = GSourceView2.source_buffer ~highlight_matching_brackets:true ~tag_table:Tags.Proof.table () in let text_buffer = new GText.buffer buffer#as_buffer in let view = GSourceView2.source_view ~source_buffer:buffer ~editable:false ~wrap_mode:`WORD () in let () = Gtk_parsing.fix_double_click view in let default_clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary in let _ = buffer#add_selection_clipboard default_clipboard in let cb clr = view#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `NAME clr] in let _ = background_color#connect#changed cb in let _ = view#misc#connect#realize (fun () -> cb background_color#get) in let cb ft = view#misc#modify_font (Pango.Font.from_string ft) in stick text_font view cb; object inherit GObj.widget view#as_widget val mutable goals = None val mutable evars = None method buffer = text_buffer method clear () = buffer#set_text "" method set_goals gls = goals <- gls method set_evars evs = evars <- evs method refresh () = let dummy _ () = () in display (mode_tactic dummy) (view :> GText.view_skel) goals None evars method width = Ideutils.textview_width (view :> GText.view_skel) end (* ignore (proof_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb); *)