(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* notebook#misc#set_size_request ~height:200 ()) in let _ = frame#connect#detached ~callback:(fun _ -> notebook#misc#set_size_request ~width:600 ~height:500 (); notebook#misc#grab_focus ()) in object(self) val frame = frame val notebook = notebook (* We need access to coqops in order to place queries in the proper document stint. This should remove access from this module to the low-level Coq one. *) val coqops = coqops method pack_in (f : GObj.widget -> unit) = f frame#coerce val mutable new_page : GObj.widget = (GMisc.label ())#coerce val mutable views = [] method private new_page_maker = let page = notebook#append_page (GMisc.label ~text:"No query" ())#coerce in let page = notebook#get_nth_page page in let b = GButton.button () in b#add (Ideutils.stock_to_widget ~size:(`CUSTOM(12,12)) `NEW); ignore(b#connect#clicked ~callback:self#new_query); notebook#set_page ~tab_label:b#coerce page; new_page <- page method new_query ?command ?term () = self#new_query_aux ?command ?term () method private new_query_aux ?command ?term ?(grab_now=true) () = let frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`NONE () in ignore(notebook#insert_page ~pos:(notebook#page_num new_page) frame#coerce); let new_tab_lbl text = let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in ignore(GMisc.label ~width:100 ~ellipsize:`END ~text ~packing:hbox#pack()); let b = GButton.button ~packing:hbox#pack () in ignore(b#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> views <- List.filter (fun (f,_,_) -> f#get_oid <> frame#coerce#get_oid) views; notebook#remove_page (notebook#page_num frame#coerce))); b#add (Ideutils.stock_to_widget ~size:(`CUSTOM(12,10)) `CLOSE); hbox#coerce in notebook#set_page ~tab_label:(new_tab_lbl "New query") frame#coerce; notebook#goto_page (notebook#page_num frame#coerce); let vbox = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:frame#add () in let combo, entry, ok_b = let bar = GButton.toolbar ~style:`ICONS ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:false) () in let bar_add ~expand w = let item = GButton.tool_item ~expand () in item#add w#coerce; bar#insert item in let combo, _ = GEdit.combo_box_entry_text ~strings:Coq_commands.state_preserving () in combo#entry#set_text "Search"; let entry = GEdit.entry () in entry#misc#set_can_default true; let ok_b = GButton.button () in ok_b#add (Ideutils.stock_to_widget `OK); bar_add ~expand:false combo; bar_add ~expand:true entry; bar_add ~expand:false ok_b; combo, entry, ok_b in let r_bin = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:(vbox#pack ~fill:true ~expand:true) () in let result = GText.view ~packing:r_bin#add () in views <- (frame#coerce, result, combo#entry) :: views; let cb clr = result#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `NAME clr] in let _ = background_color#connect#changed ~callback:cb in let _ = result#misc#connect#realize ~callback:(fun () -> cb background_color#get) in let cb ft = result#misc#modify_font (Pango.Font.from_string ft) in stick text_font result cb; result#misc#set_can_focus true; (* false causes problems for selection *) result#set_editable false; let callback () = let com = combo#entry#text in let arg = entry#text in if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^ *$") (com^arg) 0 then () else let phrase = if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "\\. *$") com 0 then com else com ^ " " ^ arg ^" . " in let process = (* We need to adapt this to route_id and redirect to the result buffer below *) coqops#raw_coq_query phrase (* Coq.bind (Coq.query (phrase,sid)) (function | Interface.Fail (_,l,str) -> let width = Ideutils.textview_width result in Ideutils.insert_xml result#buffer (Richpp.richpp_of_pp width str); notebook#set_page ~tab_label:(new_tab_lbl "Error") frame#coerce; Coq.return () | Interface.Good res -> result#buffer#insert res; notebook#set_page ~tab_label:(new_tab_lbl arg) frame#coerce; Coq.return ()) *) in result#buffer#set_text ("Result for command " ^ phrase ^ ":\n"); Coq.try_grab coqtop process ignore in ignore (combo#entry#connect#activate ~callback); ignore (ok_b#connect#clicked ~callback); begin match command with | None -> () | Some c -> combo#entry#set_text c end; begin match term with | None -> () | Some t -> entry#set_text t end; combo#entry#misc#grab_focus (); if grab_now then entry#misc#grab_default (); ignore (entry#connect#activate ~callback); ignore (combo#entry#connect#activate ~callback); ignore (combo#entry#event#connect#key_press ~callback:(fun ev -> if GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev = GdkKeysyms._Tab then (entry#misc#grab_focus ();true) else false)) method show = frame#show; let cur_page = notebook#get_nth_page notebook#current_page in let _, _, e = List.find (fun (p,_,_) -> p#get_oid == cur_page#get_oid) views in e#misc#grab_focus () method hide = frame#hide method visible = frame#visible method private refresh_color clr = let clr = Tags.color_of_string clr in let iter (_,view,_) = view#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr] in List.iter iter views initializer self#new_page_maker; self#new_query_aux ~grab_now:false (); frame#misc#hide (); let _ = background_color#connect#changed ~callback:self#refresh_color in self#refresh_color background_color#get; ignore(notebook#event#connect#key_press ~callback:(fun ev -> if GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev = GdkKeysyms._Escape then (self#hide; true) else false )); end