(*********************************************************************************) (* Cameleon *) (* *) (* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *) (* *) (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *) (* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *) (* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *) (* License, or any later version. *) (* *) (* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *) (* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *) (* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *) (* 02111-1307 USA *) (* *) (* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************) type modifier = Gdk.Tags.modifier type handler = { cond : (unit -> bool) ; cback : (unit -> unit) ; } type handler_spec = int * int * Gdk.keysym (** mods * mask * key *) let int_of_modifier = function `SHIFT -> 1 | `LOCK -> 2 | `CONTROL -> 4 | `MOD1 -> 8 | `MOD2 -> 16 | `MOD3 -> 32 | `MOD4 -> 64 | `MOD5 -> 128 | `BUTTON1 -> 256 | `BUTTON2 -> 512 | `BUTTON3 -> 1024 | `BUTTON4 -> 2048 | `BUTTON5 -> 4096 let print_modifier l = List.iter (fun m -> print_string (((function `SHIFT -> "SHIFT" | `LOCK -> "LOCK" | `CONTROL -> "CONTROL" | `MOD1 -> "MOD1" | `MOD2 -> "MOD2" | `MOD3 -> "MOD3" | `MOD4 -> "MOD4" | `MOD5 -> "MOD5" | `BUTTON1 -> "B1" | `BUTTON2 -> "B2" | `BUTTON3 -> "B3" | `BUTTON4 -> "B4" | `BUTTON5 -> "B5") m)^" ") ) l; print_newline () let int_of_modifiers l = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun m -> acc + (int_of_modifier m)) 0 l module H = struct type t = handler_spec * handler let equal (m,k) (mods, mask, key) = (k = key) && ((m land mask) = mods) let filter_with_mask mods mask key l = List.filter (fun a -> (fst a) <> (mods, mask, key)) l let find_handlers mods key l = List.map snd (List.filter (fun ((m,ma,k),_) -> equal (mods,key) (m,ma,k)) l ) end let (table : (int, H.t list ref) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 13 let key_press w ev = let key = GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev in let modifiers = GdkEvent.Key.state ev in try let (r : H.t list ref) = Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w) in let l = H.find_handlers (int_of_modifiers modifiers) key !r in match l with [] -> false | _ -> List.iter (fun h -> if h.cond () then try h.cback () with e -> Minilib.log (Printexc.to_string e) else () ) l; true with Not_found -> false let associate_key_press w = ignore ((w#event#connect#key_press ~callback: (key_press w)) : GtkSignal.id) let default_modifiers = ref ([] : modifier list) let default_mask = ref ([`MOD2 ; `MOD3 ; `MOD4 ; `MOD5 ; `LOCK] : modifier list) let set_default_modifiers l = default_modifiers := l let set_default_mask l = default_mask := l let remove_widget (w : < event : GObj.event_ops ; ..>) () = try let r = Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w) in r := [] with Not_found -> () let add1 ?(remove=false) w ?(cond=(fun () -> true)) ?(mods= !default_modifiers) ?(mask= !default_mask) k callback = let r = try Hashtbl.find table (Oo.id w) with Not_found -> let r = ref [] in Hashtbl.add table (Oo.id w) r; ignore (w#connect#destroy ~callback: (remove_widget w)); associate_key_press w; r in let n_mods = int_of_modifiers mods in let n_mask = lnot (int_of_modifiers mask) in let new_h = { cond = cond ; cback = callback } in if remove then ( let l = H.filter_with_mask n_mods n_mask k !r in r := ((n_mods, n_mask, k), new_h) :: l ) else r := ((n_mods, n_mask, k), new_h) :: !r let add w ?(cond=(fun () -> true)) ?(mods= !default_modifiers) ?(mask= !default_mask) k callback = add1 w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback let add_list w ?(cond=(fun () -> true)) ?(mods= !default_modifiers) ?(mask= !default_mask) k_list callback = List.iter (fun k -> add w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback) k_list let set w ?(cond=(fun () -> true)) ?(mods= !default_modifiers) ?(mask= !default_mask) k callback = add1 ~remove: true w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback let set_list w ?(cond=(fun () -> true)) ?(mods= !default_modifiers) ?(mask= !default_mask) k_list callback = List.iter (fun k -> set w ~cond ~mods ~mask k callback) k_list