(*********************************************************************************) (* Cameleon *) (* *) (* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *) (* *) (* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *) (* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *) (* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *) (* License, or any later version. *) (* *) (* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *) (* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *) (* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *) (* 02111-1307 USA *) (* *) (* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************) (** This module contains the gui functions of Configwin.*) open Configwin_types let modifiers_to_string m = let rec iter m s = match m with [] -> s | c :: m -> iter m (( match c with `CONTROL -> "" | `SHIFT -> "" | `LOCK -> "" | `MOD1 -> "" | `MOD2 -> "" | `MOD3 -> "" | `MOD4 -> "" | `MOD5 -> "" | _ -> raise Not_found ) ^ s) in iter m "" class type widget = object method box : GObj.widget method apply : unit -> unit end let debug = false let dbg s = if debug then Minilib.log s else () (** This class builds a frame with a clist and two buttons : one to add items and one to remove the selected items. The class takes in parameter a function used to add items and a string list ref which is used to store the content of the clist. At last, a title for the frame is also in parameter, so that each instance of the class creates a frame. *) class ['a] list_selection_box (listref : 'a list ref) titles_opt help_opt f_edit_opt f_strings f_color (eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool) add_function title editable (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "list_selection_box" in let wev = GBin.event_box () in let wf = GBin.frame ~label: title ~packing: wev#add () in let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: wf#add () in (* the scroll window and the clist *) let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true) () in let wlist = match titles_opt with None -> GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE ~titles_show: false ~packing: wscroll#add () | Some l -> GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE ~titles: l ~titles_show: true ~packing: wscroll#add () in let _ = match help_opt with None -> () | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce in (* the vbox for the buttons *) let vbox_buttons = GPack.vbox () in let _ = if editable then let _ = hbox#pack ~expand: false vbox_buttons#coerce in () else () in let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: wb_add" in let wb_add = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mAdd ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2) () in let wb_edit = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mEdit () in let _ = match f_edit_opt with None -> () | Some _ -> vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 wb_edit#coerce in let wb_up = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mUp ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2) () in let wb_remove = GButton.button ~label: Configwin_messages.mRemove ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2) () in let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: object(self)" in object (self) (** the list of selected rows *) val mutable list_select = [] (** This method returns the frame created. *) method box = wev method update l = (* set the new list in the provided listref *) listref := l; (* insert the elements in the clist *) wlist#freeze (); wlist#clear (); List.iter (fun ele -> ignore (wlist#append (f_strings ele)); match f_color ele with None -> () | Some c -> try wlist#set_row ~foreground: (`NAME c) (wlist#rows - 1) with _ -> () ) !listref; (match titles_opt with None -> wlist#columns_autosize () | Some _ -> GToolbox.autosize_clist wlist); wlist#thaw (); (* the list of selectd elements is now empty *) list_select <- [] (** Move up the selected rows. *) method up_selected = let rec iter n selrows l = match selrows with [] -> (l, []) | m :: qrows -> match l with [] -> ([],[]) | [_] -> (l,[]) | e1 :: e2 :: q when m = n + 1 -> let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) qrows (e1 :: q) in (e2 :: newl, n :: newrows) | e1 :: q -> let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) selrows q in (e1 :: newl, newrows) in let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in let new_list, new_rows = iter 0 sorted_select !listref in self#update new_list; List.iter (fun n -> wlist#select n 0) new_rows (** Make the user edit the first selected row. *) method edit_selected f_edit = let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in match sorted_select with [] -> () | n :: _ -> try let ele = List.nth !listref n in let ele2 = f_edit ele in let rec iter m = function [] -> [] | e :: q -> if n = m then ele2 :: q else e :: (iter (m+1) q) in self#update (iter 0 !listref); wlist#select n 0 with Not_found -> () initializer (** create the functions called when the buttons are clicked *) let f_add () = (* get the files to add with the function provided *) let l = add_function () in (* remove from the list the ones which are already in the listref, using the eq predicate *) let l2 = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun ele -> if List.exists (eq ele) acc then acc else acc @ [ele]) !listref l in self#update l2 in let f_remove () = (* remove the selected items from the listref and the clist *) let rec iter n = function [] -> [] | h :: q -> if List.mem n list_select then iter (n+1) q else h :: (iter (n+1) q) in let new_list = iter 0 !listref in self#update new_list in let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_add" in (* connect the functions to the buttons *) ignore (wb_add#connect#clicked ~callback:f_add); let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_remove" in ignore (wb_remove#connect#clicked ~callback:f_remove); let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_up" in ignore (wb_up#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> self#up_selected)); ( match f_edit_opt with None -> () | Some f -> let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_edit" in ignore (wb_edit#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> self#edit_selected f)) ); (* connect the selection and deselection of items in the clist *) let f_select ~row ~column ~event = try list_select <- row :: list_select with Failure _ -> () in let f_unselect ~row ~column ~event = try let new_list_select = List.filter (fun n -> n <> row) list_select in list_select <- new_list_select with Failure _ -> () in (* connect the select and deselect events *) let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting select_row" in ignore(wlist#connect#select_row ~callback:f_select); let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting unselect_row" in ignore(wlist#connect#unselect_row ~callback:f_unselect); (* initialize the clist with the listref *) self#update !listref end;; (** This class is used to build a box for a string parameter.*) class string_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "string_param_box" in let hbox = GPack.hbox () in let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.string_label ~packing: wev#add () in let we = GEdit.entry ~editable: param.string_editable ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.string_expand ~padding: 2) () in let _ = match param.string_help with None -> () | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce in let _ = we#set_text (param.string_to_string param.string_value) in object (self) (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *) method box = hbox#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = let new_value = param.string_of_string we#text in if new_value <> param.string_value then let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in param.string_value <- new_value else () end ;; (** This class is used to build a box for a combo parameter.*) class combo_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "combo_param_box" in let hbox = GPack.hbox () in let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.combo_label ~packing: wev#add () in let _ = match param.combo_help with None -> () | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce in let get_value = if not param.combo_new_allowed then let wc = GEdit.combo_box_text ~strings: param.combo_choices ?active:(let rec aux i = function |[] -> None |h::_ when h = param.combo_value -> Some i |_::t -> aux (succ i) t in aux 0 param.combo_choices) ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.combo_expand ~padding: 2) () in fun () -> match GEdit.text_combo_get_active wc with |None -> "" |Some s -> s else let (wc,_) = GEdit.combo_box_entry_text ~strings: param.combo_choices ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.combo_expand ~padding: 2) () in let _ = wc#entry#set_editable param.combo_editable in let _ = wc#entry#set_text param.combo_value in fun () -> wc#entry#text in object (self) (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *) method box = hbox#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = let new_value = get_value () in if new_value <> param.combo_value then let _ = param.combo_f_apply new_value in param.combo_value <- new_value else () end ;; (** Class used to pack a custom box. *) class custom_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "custom_param_box" in let top = match param.custom_framed with None -> param.custom_box#coerce | Some l -> let wf = GBin.frame ~label: l () in wf#add param.custom_box#coerce; wf#coerce in object (self) method box = top method apply = param.custom_f_apply () end (** This class is used to build a box for a text parameter.*) class text_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "text_param_box" in let wf = GBin.frame ~label: param.string_label ~height: 100 () in let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: wf#add () in let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~packing: wev#add () in let wview = GText.view ~editable: param.string_editable ~packing: wscroll#add () in let _ = match param.string_help with None -> () | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce in let _ = dbg "text_param_box: buffer creation" in let buffer = GText.buffer () in let _ = wview#set_buffer buffer in let _ = buffer#insert (param.string_to_string param.string_value) in let _ = dbg "text_param_box: object(self)" in object (self) val wview = wview (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *) method box = wf#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = let v = param.string_of_string (buffer#get_text ()) in if v <> param.string_value then ( dbg "apply new value !"; let _ = param.string_f_apply v in param.string_value <- v ) else () end ;; (** This class is used to build a box for a boolean parameter.*) class bool_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "bool_param_box" in let wchk = GButton.check_button ~label: param.bool_label () in let _ = match param.bool_help with None -> () | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wchk#coerce in let _ = wchk#set_active param.bool_value in let _ = wchk#misc#set_sensitive param.bool_editable in object (self) (** This method returns the check button ready to be packed. *) method box = wchk#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = let new_value = wchk#active in if new_value <> param.bool_value then let _ = param.bool_f_apply new_value in param.bool_value <- new_value else () end ;; class modifiers_param_box param = let hbox = GPack.hbox () in let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding: 2) () in let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.md_label ~packing: wev#add () in let value = ref param.md_value in let _ = List.map (fun modifier -> let but = GButton.toggle_button ~label:(modifiers_to_string [modifier]) ~active:(List.mem modifier param.md_value) ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in ignore (but#connect#toggled ~callback:(fun _ -> if but#active then value := modifier::!value else value := List.filter ((<>) modifier) !value))) param.md_allow in let _ = match param.md_help with None -> () | Some help -> let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy); tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help in object (self) (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *) method box = hbox#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = let new_value = !value in if new_value <> param.md_value then let _ = param.md_f_apply new_value in param.md_value <- new_value else () end ;; (** This class is used to build a box for a parameter whose values are a list.*) class ['a] list_param_box (param : 'a list_param) (tt:GData.tooltips) = let _ = dbg "list_param_box" in let listref = ref param.list_value in let frame_selection = new list_selection_box listref param.list_titles param.list_help param.list_f_edit param.list_strings param.list_color param.list_eq param.list_f_add param.list_label param.list_editable tt in object (self) (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *) method box = frame_selection#box#coerce (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *) method apply = param.list_f_apply !listref ; param.list_value <- !listref end ;; (** This class creates a configuration box from a configuration structure *) class configuration_box (tt : GData.tooltips) conf_struct = let main_box = GPack.hbox () in let columns = new GTree.column_list in let icon_col = columns#add GtkStock.conv in let label_col = columns#add Gobject.Data.string in let box_col = columns#add Gobject.Data.caml in let () = columns#lock () in let pane = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~packing:main_box#add () in (* Tree view part *) let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`NEVER ~packing:pane#pack1 () in let tree = GTree.tree_store columns in let view = GTree.view ~model:tree ~headers_visible:false ~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport () in let selection = view#selection in let _ = selection#set_mode `SINGLE in let menu_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:pane#pack2 () in let renderer = (GTree.cell_renderer_pixbuf [], ["stock-id", icon_col]) in let col = GTree.view_column ~renderer () in let _ = view#append_column col in let renderer = (GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", label_col]) in let col = GTree.view_column ~renderer () in let _ = view#append_column col in let make_param (main_box : #GPack.box) = function | String_param p -> let box = new string_param_box p tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in box | Combo_param p -> let box = new combo_param_box p tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in box | Text_param p -> let box = new text_param_box p tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in box | Bool_param p -> let box = new bool_param_box p tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in box | List_param f -> let box = f tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in box | Custom_param p -> let box = new custom_param_box p tt in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in box | Modifiers_param p -> let box = new modifiers_param_box p in let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in box in let set_icon iter = function | None -> () | Some icon -> tree#set ~row:iter ~column:icon_col icon in (* Populate the tree *) let rec make_tree iter conf_struct = (* box is not shown at first *) let box = GPack.vbox ~packing:(menu_box#pack ~expand:true) ~show:false () in let new_iter = match iter with | None -> tree#append () | Some parent -> tree#append ~parent () in match conf_struct with | Section (label, icon, param_list) -> let params = List.map (make_param box) param_list in let widget = object method box = box#coerce method apply () = List.iter (fun param -> param#apply) params end in let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:label_col label in let () = set_icon new_iter icon in let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:box_col widget in () | Section_list (label, icon, struct_list) -> let widget = object (* Section_list does not contain any effect widget, so we do not have to apply anything. *) method apply () = () method box = box#coerce end in let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:label_col label in let () = set_icon new_iter icon in let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:box_col widget in List.iter (make_tree (Some new_iter)) struct_list in let () = List.iter (make_tree None) conf_struct in (* Dealing with signals *) let current_prop : widget option ref = ref None in let select_iter iter = let () = match !current_prop with | None -> () | Some box -> box#box#misc#hide () in let box = tree#get ~row:iter ~column:box_col in let () = box#box#misc#show () in current_prop := Some box in let when_selected () = let rows = selection#get_selected_rows in match rows with | [] -> () | row :: _ -> let iter = tree#get_iter row in select_iter iter in (* Focus on a box when selected *) let _ = selection#connect#changed ~callback:when_selected in let _ = match tree#get_iter_first with | None -> () | Some iter -> select_iter iter in object method box = main_box method apply = let foreach _ iter = let widget = tree#get ~row:iter ~column:box_col in widget#apply(); false in tree#foreach foreach end (** This function takes a configuration structure list and creates a window to configure the various parameters. *) let edit ?(with_apply=true) ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) title ?width ?height conf_struct = let dialog = GWindow.dialog ~position:`CENTER ~modal: true ~title: title ?height ?width () in let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in let config_box = new configuration_box tooltips conf_struct in let _ = dialog#vbox#add config_box#box#coerce in if with_apply then dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mApply `APPLY; dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mOk `OK; dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mCancel `CANCEL; let destroy () = tooltips#destroy () ; dialog#destroy (); in let rec iter rep = try match dialog#run () with | `APPLY -> config_box#apply; iter Return_apply | `OK -> config_box#apply; destroy (); Return_ok | _ -> destroy (); rep with Failure s -> GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" s; iter rep | e -> GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" (Printexc.to_string e); iter rep in iter Return_cancel let edit_string l s = match GToolbox.input_string ~title: l ~text: s Configwin_messages.mValue with None -> s | Some s2 -> s2 (** Create a string param. *) let string ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v = String_param { string_label = label ; string_help = help ; string_value = v ; string_editable = editable ; string_f_apply = f ; string_expand = expand ; string_to_string = (fun x -> x) ; string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ; } (** Create a bool param. *) let bool ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v = Bool_param { bool_label = label ; bool_help = help ; bool_value = v ; bool_editable = editable ; bool_f_apply = f ; } (** Create a list param. *) let list ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun (_:'a list) -> ())) ?(eq=Pervasives.(=)) ?(edit:('a -> 'a) option) ?(add=(fun () -> ([] : 'a list))) ?titles ?(color=(fun (_:'a) -> (None : string option))) label (f_strings : 'a -> string list) v = List_param (fun tt -> new list_param_box { list_label = label ; list_help = help ; list_value = v ; list_editable = editable ; list_titles = titles; list_eq = eq ; list_strings = f_strings ; list_color = color ; list_f_edit = edit ; list_f_add = add ; list_f_apply = f ; } tt ) (** Create a strings param. *) let strings ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) ?(eq=Pervasives.(=)) ?(add=(fun () -> [])) label v = list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~edit: (edit_string label) ~add label (fun s -> [s]) v (** Create a combo param. *) let combo ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) ?(new_allowed=false) ?(blank_allowed=false) label choices v = Combo_param { combo_label = label ; combo_help = help ; combo_value = v ; combo_editable = editable ; combo_choices = choices ; combo_new_allowed = new_allowed ; combo_blank_allowed = blank_allowed ; combo_f_apply = f ; combo_expand = expand ; } let modifiers ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(allow=[`CONTROL;`SHIFT;`LOCK;`MOD1;`MOD2;`MOD3;`MOD4;`MOD5]) ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v = Modifiers_param { md_label = label ; md_help = help ; md_value = v ; md_editable = editable ; md_f_apply = f ; md_expand = expand ; md_allow = allow ; } (** Create a custom param.*) let custom ?label box f expand = Custom_param { custom_box = box ; custom_f_apply = f ; custom_expand = expand ; custom_framed = label ; }