(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Filename.concat (Option.default "" (Glib.get_home_dir ())) ".coqiderc" let loaded_accel_file = try get_config_file "coqide.keys" with Not_found -> Filename.concat (Option.default "" (Glib.get_home_dir ())) ".coqide.keys" let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) = match m with | `MOD1 -> "" | `MOD2 -> "" | `MOD3 -> "" | `MOD4 -> "" | `MOD5 -> "" | `CONTROL -> "" | `SHIFT -> "" | `HYPER -> "" | `META -> "" | `RELEASE -> "" | `SUPER -> "" | `BUTTON1| `BUTTON2| `BUTTON3| `BUTTON4| `BUTTON5| `LOCK -> "" let mod_list_to_str l = List.fold_left (fun s m -> (mod_to_str m)^s) "" l let str_to_mod_list s = snd (GtkData.AccelGroup.parse s) type project_behavior = Ignore_args | Append_args | Subst_args let string_of_project_behavior = function |Ignore_args -> "ignored" |Append_args -> "appended to arguments" |Subst_args -> "taken instead of arguments" let project_behavior_of_string s = if s = "taken instead of arguments" then Subst_args else if s = "appended to arguments" then Append_args else Ignore_args type inputenc = Elocale | Eutf8 | Emanual of string let string_of_inputenc = function |Elocale -> "LOCALE" |Eutf8 -> "UTF-8" |Emanual s -> s let inputenc_of_string s = (if s = "UTF-8" then Eutf8 else if s = "LOCALE" then Elocale else Emanual s) (** Hooks *) let refresh_style_hook = ref (fun () -> ()) let refresh_editor_hook = ref (fun () -> ()) let refresh_toolbar_hook = ref (fun () -> ()) let contextual_menus_on_goal_hook = ref (fun x -> ()) let resize_window_hook = ref (fun () -> ()) let refresh_tabs_hook = ref (fun () -> ()) type pref = { mutable cmd_coqtop : string option; mutable cmd_coqc : string; mutable cmd_make : string; mutable cmd_coqmakefile : string; mutable cmd_coqdoc : string; mutable source_language : string; mutable source_style : string; mutable global_auto_revert : bool; mutable global_auto_revert_delay : int; mutable auto_save : bool; mutable auto_save_delay : int; mutable auto_save_name : string * string; mutable read_project : project_behavior; mutable project_file_name : string; mutable encoding : inputenc; mutable automatic_tactics : string list; mutable cmd_print : string; mutable modifier_for_navigation : string; mutable modifier_for_templates : string; mutable modifier_for_tactics : string; mutable modifier_for_display : string; mutable modifiers_valid : string; mutable cmd_browse : string; mutable cmd_editor : string; mutable text_font : Pango.font_description; mutable doc_url : string; mutable library_url : string; mutable show_toolbar : bool; mutable contextual_menus_on_goal : bool; mutable window_width : int; mutable window_height :int; mutable query_window_width : int; mutable query_window_height : int; (* mutable use_utf8_notation : bool; *) mutable auto_complete : bool; mutable stop_before : bool; mutable reset_on_tab_switch : bool; mutable vertical_tabs : bool; mutable opposite_tabs : bool; mutable background_color : string; mutable processing_color : string; mutable processed_color : string; mutable dynamic_word_wrap : bool; mutable show_line_number : bool; mutable auto_indent : bool; mutable show_spaces : bool; mutable show_right_margin : bool; mutable spaces_instead_of_tabs : bool; mutable tab_length : int; mutable highlight_current_line : bool; } let use_default_doc_url = "(automatic)" let current = { cmd_coqtop = None; cmd_coqc = "coqc"; cmd_make = "make"; cmd_coqmakefile = "coq_makefile -o makefile *.v"; cmd_coqdoc = "coqdoc -q -g"; cmd_print = "lpr"; global_auto_revert = false; global_auto_revert_delay = 10000; auto_save = true; auto_save_delay = 10000; auto_save_name = "#","#"; source_language = "coq"; source_style = "coq_style"; read_project = Ignore_args; project_file_name = "_CoqProject"; encoding = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then Eutf8 else Elocale; automatic_tactics = ["trivial"; "tauto"; "auto"; "omega"; "auto with *"; "intuition" ]; modifier_for_navigation = ""; modifier_for_templates = ""; modifier_for_tactics = ""; modifier_for_display = ""; modifiers_valid = ""; cmd_browse = Flags.browser_cmd_fmt; cmd_editor = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then "NOTEPAD %s" else "emacs %s"; (* text_font = Pango.Font.from_string "sans 12";*) text_font = Pango.Font.from_string (match Coq_config.gtk_platform with |`QUARTZ -> "Arial Unicode MS 11" |_ -> "Monospace 10"); doc_url = Coq_config.wwwrefman; library_url = Coq_config.wwwstdlib; show_toolbar = true; contextual_menus_on_goal = true; window_width = 800; window_height = 600; query_window_width = 600; query_window_height = 400; (* use_utf8_notation = false; *) auto_complete = false; stop_before = true; reset_on_tab_switch = false; vertical_tabs = false; opposite_tabs = false; background_color = "cornsilk"; processed_color = "light green"; processing_color = "light blue"; dynamic_word_wrap = false; show_line_number = false; auto_indent = false; show_spaces = true; show_right_margin = false; spaces_instead_of_tabs = true; tab_length = 2; highlight_current_line = false; } let save_pref () = if not (Sys.file_exists (Minilib.coqide_config_home ())) then Unix.mkdir (Minilib.coqide_config_home ()) 0o700; let () = try GtkData.AccelMap.save accel_file with _ -> () in let p = current in let add = Util.Stringmap.add in let (++) x f = f x in Util.Stringmap.empty ++ add "cmd_coqtop" (match p.cmd_coqtop with | None -> [] | Some v-> [v]) ++ add "cmd_coqc" [p.cmd_coqc] ++ add "cmd_make" [p.cmd_make] ++ add "cmd_coqmakefile" [p.cmd_coqmakefile] ++ add "cmd_coqdoc" [p.cmd_coqdoc] ++ add "source_language" [p.source_language] ++ add "source_style" [p.source_style] ++ add "global_auto_revert" [string_of_bool p.global_auto_revert] ++ add "global_auto_revert_delay" [string_of_int p.global_auto_revert_delay] ++ add "auto_save" [string_of_bool p.auto_save] ++ add "auto_save_delay" [string_of_int p.auto_save_delay] ++ add "auto_save_name" [fst p.auto_save_name; snd p.auto_save_name] ++ add "project_options" [string_of_project_behavior p.read_project] ++ add "project_file_name" [p.project_file_name] ++ add "encoding" [string_of_inputenc p.encoding] ++ add "automatic_tactics" p.automatic_tactics ++ add "cmd_print" [p.cmd_print] ++ add "modifier_for_navigation" [p.modifier_for_navigation] ++ add "modifier_for_templates" [p.modifier_for_templates] ++ add "modifier_for_tactics" [p.modifier_for_tactics] ++ add "modifier_for_display" [p.modifier_for_display] ++ add "modifiers_valid" [p.modifiers_valid] ++ add "cmd_browse" [p.cmd_browse] ++ add "cmd_editor" [p.cmd_editor] ++ add "text_font" [Pango.Font.to_string p.text_font] ++ add "doc_url" [p.doc_url] ++ add "library_url" [p.library_url] ++ add "show_toolbar" [string_of_bool p.show_toolbar] ++ add "contextual_menus_on_goal" [string_of_bool p.contextual_menus_on_goal] ++ add "window_height" [string_of_int p.window_height] ++ add "window_width" [string_of_int p.window_width] ++ add "query_window_height" [string_of_int p.query_window_height] ++ add "query_window_width" [string_of_int p.query_window_width] ++ add "auto_complete" [string_of_bool p.auto_complete] ++ add "stop_before" [string_of_bool p.stop_before] ++ add "reset_on_tab_switch" [string_of_bool p.reset_on_tab_switch] ++ add "vertical_tabs" [string_of_bool p.vertical_tabs] ++ add "opposite_tabs" [string_of_bool p.opposite_tabs] ++ add "background_color" [p.background_color] ++ add "processing_color" [p.processing_color] ++ add "processed_color" [p.processed_color] ++ add "dynamic_word_wrap" [string_of_bool p.dynamic_word_wrap] ++ add "show_line_number" [string_of_bool p.show_line_number] ++ add "auto_indent" [string_of_bool p.auto_indent] ++ add "show_spaces" [string_of_bool p.show_spaces] ++ add "show_right_margin" [string_of_bool p.show_right_margin] ++ add "spaces_instead_of_tabs" [string_of_bool p.spaces_instead_of_tabs] ++ add "tab_length" [string_of_int p.tab_length] ++ add "highlight_current_line" [string_of_bool p.highlight_current_line] ++ Config_lexer.print_file pref_file let load_pref () = let () = try GtkData.AccelMap.load loaded_accel_file with _ -> () in let m = Config_lexer.load_file loaded_pref_file in let np = current in let set k f = try let v = Util.Stringmap.find k m in f v with _ -> () in let set_hd k f = set k (fun v -> f (List.hd v)) in let set_bool k f = set_hd k (fun v -> f (bool_of_string v)) in let set_int k f = set_hd k (fun v -> f (int_of_string v)) in let set_pair k f = set k (function [v1;v2] -> f v1 v2 | _ -> raise Exit) in let set_command_with_pair_compat k f = set k (function [v1;v2] -> f (v1^"%s"^v2) | [v] -> f v | _ -> raise Exit) in let set_option k f = set k (fun v -> f (match v with |[] -> None |h::_ -> Some h)) in set_option "cmd_coqtop" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqtop <- v); set_hd "cmd_coqc" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqc <- v); set_hd "cmd_make" (fun v -> np.cmd_make <- v); set_hd "cmd_coqmakefile" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqmakefile <- v); set_hd "cmd_coqdoc" (fun v -> np.cmd_coqdoc <- v); set_hd "source_language" (fun v -> np.source_language <- v); set_hd "source_style" (fun v -> np.source_style <- v); set_bool "global_auto_revert" (fun v -> np.global_auto_revert <- v); set_int "global_auto_revert_delay" (fun v -> np.global_auto_revert_delay <- v); set_bool "auto_save" (fun v -> np.auto_save <- v); set_int "auto_save_delay" (fun v -> np.auto_save_delay <- v); set_pair "auto_save_name" (fun v1 v2 -> np.auto_save_name <- (v1,v2)); set_hd "encoding" (fun v -> np.encoding <- (inputenc_of_string v)); set_hd "project_options" (fun v -> np.read_project <- (project_behavior_of_string v)); set_hd "project_file_name" (fun v -> np.project_file_name <- v); set "automatic_tactics" (fun v -> np.automatic_tactics <- v); set_hd "cmd_print" (fun v -> np.cmd_print <- v); set_hd "modifier_for_navigation" (fun v -> np.modifier_for_navigation <- v); set_hd "modifier_for_templates" (fun v -> np.modifier_for_templates <- v); set_hd "modifier_for_tactics" (fun v -> np.modifier_for_tactics <- v); set_hd "modifier_for_display" (fun v -> np.modifier_for_display <- v); set_hd "modifiers_valid" (fun v -> let () = GtkData.AccelGroup.set_default_mod_mask (Some (str_to_mod_list v)) in np.modifiers_valid <- v); set_command_with_pair_compat "cmd_browse" (fun v -> np.cmd_browse <- v); set_command_with_pair_compat "cmd_editor" (fun v -> np.cmd_editor <- v); set_hd "text_font" (fun v -> np.text_font <- Pango.Font.from_string v); set_hd "doc_url" (fun v -> if not (Flags.is_standard_doc_url v) && v <> use_default_doc_url && (* Extra hack to support links to last released doc version *) v <> Coq_config.wwwcoq ^ "doc" && v <> Coq_config.wwwcoq ^ "doc/" then (* ("Warning: Non-standard URL for Coq documentation in preference file: "^v);*) np.doc_url <- v); set_hd "library_url" (fun v -> np.library_url <- v); set_bool "show_toolbar" (fun v -> np.show_toolbar <- v); set_bool "contextual_menus_on_goal" (fun v -> np.contextual_menus_on_goal <- v); set_int "window_width" (fun v -> np.window_width <- v); set_int "window_height" (fun v -> np.window_height <- v); set_int "query_window_width" (fun v -> np.query_window_width <- v); set_int "query_window_height" (fun v -> np.query_window_height <- v); set_bool "auto_complete" (fun v -> np.auto_complete <- v); set_bool "stop_before" (fun v -> np.stop_before <- v); set_bool "reset_on_tab_switch" (fun v -> np.reset_on_tab_switch <- v); set_bool "vertical_tabs" (fun v -> np.vertical_tabs <- v); set_bool "opposite_tabs" (fun v -> np.opposite_tabs <- v); set_hd "background_color" (fun v -> np.background_color <- v); set_hd "processing_color" (fun v -> np.processing_color <- v); set_hd "processed_color" (fun v -> np.processed_color <- v); set_bool "dynamic_word_wrap" (fun v -> np.dynamic_word_wrap <- v); set_bool "show_line_number" (fun v -> np.show_line_number <- v); set_bool "auto_indent" (fun v -> np.auto_indent <- v); set_bool "show_spaces" (fun v -> np.show_spaces <- v); set_bool "show_right_margin" (fun v -> np.show_right_margin <- v); set_bool "spaces_instead_of_tabs" (fun v -> np.spaces_instead_of_tabs <- v); set_int "tab_length" (fun v -> np.tab_length <- v); set_bool "highlight_current_line" (fun v -> np.highlight_current_line <- v); () let configure ?(apply=(fun () -> ())) () = let cmd_coqtop = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_coqtop <- if s = "AUTO" then None else Some s) " coqtop" (match current.cmd_coqtop with |None -> "AUTO" | Some x -> x) in let cmd_coqc = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_coqc <- s) " coqc" current.cmd_coqc in let cmd_make = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_make <- s) " make" current.cmd_make in let cmd_coqmakefile = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_coqmakefile <- s) "coqmakefile" current.cmd_coqmakefile in let cmd_coqdoc = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_coqdoc <- s) " coqdoc" current.cmd_coqdoc in let cmd_print = string ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_print <- s) " Print ps" current.cmd_print in let config_font = let box = GPack.hbox () in let w = GMisc.font_selection () in w#set_preview_text "Goal (∃n : nat, n ≤ 0)∧(∀x,y,z, x∈y⋃z↔x∈y∨x∈z)."; box#pack ~expand:true w#coerce; ignore (w#misc#connect#realize ~callback:(fun () -> w#set_font_name (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font))); custom ~label:"Fonts for text" box (fun () -> let fd = w#font_name in current.text_font <- (Pango.Font.from_string fd) ; (* Format.printf "in config_font: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font); *) !refresh_editor_hook ()) true in let config_color = let box = GPack.vbox () in let table = GPack.table ~row_spacings:5 ~col_spacings:5 ~border_width:2 ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true) () in let background_label = GMisc.label ~text:"Background color" ~packing:(table#attach ~expand:`X ~left:0 ~top:0) () in let processed_label = GMisc.label ~text:"Background color of processed text" ~packing:(table#attach ~expand:`X ~left:0 ~top:1) () in let processing_label = GMisc.label ~text:"Background color of text being processed" ~packing:(table#attach ~expand:`X ~left:0 ~top:2) () in let () = background_label#set_xalign 0. in let () = processed_label#set_xalign 0. in let () = processing_label#set_xalign 0. in let background_button = GButton.color_button ~color:(Tags.color_of_string (current.background_color)) ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in let processed_button = GButton.color_button ~color:(Tags.get_processed_color ()) ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:1) () in let processing_button = GButton.color_button ~color:(Tags.get_processing_color ()) ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:2) () in let reset_button = GButton.button ~label:"Reset" ~packing:box#pack () in let reset_cb () = background_button#set_color (Tags.color_of_string "cornsilk"); processing_button#set_color (Tags.color_of_string "light blue"); processed_button#set_color (Tags.color_of_string "light green"); in let _ = reset_button#connect#clicked ~callback:reset_cb in let label = "Color configuration" in let callback () = current.background_color <- Tags.string_of_color background_button#color; current.processing_color <- Tags.string_of_color processing_button#color; current.processed_color <- Tags.string_of_color processed_button#color; !refresh_editor_hook (); Tags.set_processing_color processing_button#color; Tags.set_processed_color processed_button#color in custom ~label box callback true in let config_editor = let label = "Editor configuration" in let box = GPack.vbox () in let table = GPack.table ~row_spacings:5 ~col_spacings:5 ~border_width:2 ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true) () in let row = ref 0 in let gen_button text active = let button = GButton.check_button ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:!row) () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text ~xalign:0. ~packing:(table#attach ~expand:`X ~left:1 ~top:!row) () in let () = incr row in let () = button#set_active active in button in let wrap = gen_button "Dynamic word wrap" current.dynamic_word_wrap in let line = gen_button "Show line number" current.show_line_number in let auto_indent = gen_button "Auto indentation" current.auto_indent in let auto_complete = gen_button "Auto completion" current.auto_complete in let show_spaces = gen_button "Show spaces" current.show_spaces in let show_right_margin = gen_button "Show right margin" current.show_right_margin in let spaces_instead_of_tabs = gen_button "Insert spaces instead of tabs" current.spaces_instead_of_tabs in let highlight_current_line = gen_button "Highlight current line" current.highlight_current_line in (* let lbox = GPack.hbox ~packing:box#pack () in *) (* let _ = GMisc.label ~text:"Tab width" *) (* ~xalign:0. *) (* ~packing:(lbox#pack ~expand:true) () *) (* in *) (* let tab_width = GEdit.spin_button *) (* ~digits:0 ~packing:lbox#pack () *) (* in *) let callback () = current.dynamic_word_wrap <- wrap#active; current.show_line_number <- line#active; current.auto_indent <- auto_indent#active; current.show_spaces <- show_spaces#active; current.show_right_margin <- show_right_margin#active; current.spaces_instead_of_tabs <- spaces_instead_of_tabs#active; current.highlight_current_line <- highlight_current_line#active; current.auto_complete <- auto_complete#active; (* current.tab_length <- tab_width#value_as_int; *) !refresh_editor_hook () in custom ~label box callback true in (* let show_toolbar = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.show_toolbar <- s; !show_toolbar s) "Show toolbar" current.show_toolbar in let window_height = string ~f:(fun s -> current.window_height <- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 600); !resize_window (); ) "Window height" (string_of_int current.window_height) in let window_width = string ~f:(fun s -> current.window_width <- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 800)) "Window width" (string_of_int current.window_width) in *) (* let use_utf8_notation = bool ~f:(fun b -> current.use_utf8_notation <- b; ) "Use Unicode Notation: " current.use_utf8_notation in *) (* let config_appearance = [show_toolbar; window_width; window_height] in *) let global_auto_revert = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.global_auto_revert <- s) "Enable global auto revert" current.global_auto_revert in let global_auto_revert_delay = string ~f:(fun s -> current.global_auto_revert_delay <- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000)) "Global auto revert delay (ms)" (string_of_int current.global_auto_revert_delay) in let auto_save = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.auto_save <- s) "Enable auto save" current.auto_save in let auto_save_delay = string ~f:(fun s -> current.auto_save_delay <- (try int_of_string s with _ -> 10000)) "Auto save delay (ms)" (string_of_int current.auto_save_delay) in let stop_before = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.stop_before <- s) "Stop interpreting before the current point" current.stop_before in let reset_on_tab_switch = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.reset_on_tab_switch <- s) "Reset coqtop on tab switch" current.reset_on_tab_switch in let vertical_tabs = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.vertical_tabs <- s; !refresh_tabs_hook ()) "Vertical tabs" current.vertical_tabs in let opposite_tabs = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.opposite_tabs <- s; !refresh_tabs_hook ()) "Tabs on opposite side" current.opposite_tabs in let encodings = combo "File charset encoding " ~f:(fun s -> current.encoding <- (inputenc_of_string s)) ~new_allowed: true ("UTF-8"::"LOCALE":: match current.encoding with |Emanual s -> [s] |_ -> [] ) (string_of_inputenc current.encoding) in let source_style = let f s = current.source_style <- s; !refresh_style_hook () in combo "Highlighting style:" ~f ~new_allowed:false style_manager#style_scheme_ids current.source_style in let read_project = combo "Project file options are" ~f:(fun s -> current.read_project <- project_behavior_of_string s) ~editable:false [string_of_project_behavior Subst_args; string_of_project_behavior Append_args; string_of_project_behavior Ignore_args] (string_of_project_behavior current.read_project) in let project_file_name = string "Default name for project file" ~f:(fun s -> current.project_file_name <- s) current.project_file_name in let help_string = "restart to apply" in let the_valid_mod = str_to_mod_list current.modifiers_valid in let modifier_for_tactics = modifiers ~allow:the_valid_mod ~f:(fun l -> current.modifier_for_tactics <- mod_list_to_str l) ~help:help_string "Modifiers for Tactics Menu" (str_to_mod_list current.modifier_for_tactics) in let modifier_for_templates = modifiers ~allow:the_valid_mod ~f:(fun l -> current.modifier_for_templates <- mod_list_to_str l) ~help:help_string "Modifiers for Templates Menu" (str_to_mod_list current.modifier_for_templates) in let modifier_for_navigation = modifiers ~allow:the_valid_mod ~f:(fun l -> current.modifier_for_navigation <- mod_list_to_str l) ~help:help_string "Modifiers for Navigation Menu" (str_to_mod_list current.modifier_for_navigation) in let modifier_for_display = modifiers ~allow:the_valid_mod ~f:(fun l -> current.modifier_for_display <- mod_list_to_str l) ~help:help_string "Modifiers for View Menu" (str_to_mod_list current.modifier_for_display) in let modifiers_valid = modifiers ~f:(fun l -> let () = GtkData.AccelGroup.set_default_mod_mask (Some l) in current.modifiers_valid <- mod_list_to_str l) "Allowed modifiers" the_valid_mod in let cmd_editor = let predefined = [ "emacs %s"; "vi %s"; "NOTEPAD %s" ] in combo ~help:"(%s for file name)" "External editor" ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_editor <- s) ~new_allowed: true (predefined@[if List.mem current.cmd_editor predefined then "" else current.cmd_editor]) current.cmd_editor in let cmd_browse = let predefined = [ Coq_config.browser; "netscape -remote \"openURL(%s)\""; "mozilla -remote \"openURL(%s)\""; "firefox -remote \"openURL(%s,new-windows)\" || firefox %s &"; "seamonkey -remote \"openURL(%s)\" || seamonkey %s &" ] in combo ~help:"(%s for url)" "Browser" ~f:(fun s -> current.cmd_browse <- s) ~new_allowed: true (predefined@[if List.mem current.cmd_browse predefined then "" else current.cmd_browse]) current.cmd_browse in let doc_url = let predefined = [ "file://"^(List.fold_left Filename.concat (Coq_config.docdir) ["html";"refman";""]); Coq_config.wwwrefman; use_default_doc_url ] in combo "Manual URL" ~f:(fun s -> current.doc_url <- s) ~new_allowed: true (predefined@[if List.mem current.doc_url predefined then "" else current.doc_url]) current.doc_url in let library_url = let predefined = [ "file://"^(List.fold_left Filename.concat (Coq_config.docdir) ["html";"stdlib";""]); Coq_config.wwwstdlib ] in combo "Library URL" ~f:(fun s -> current.library_url <- s) ~new_allowed: true (predefined@[if List.mem current.library_url predefined then "" else current.library_url]) current.library_url in let automatic_tactics = strings ~f:(fun l -> current.automatic_tactics <- l) ~add:(fun () -> [""]) "Wizard tactics to try in order" current.automatic_tactics in let contextual_menus_on_goal = bool ~f:(fun s -> current.contextual_menus_on_goal <- s; !contextual_menus_on_goal_hook s) "Contextual menus on goal" current.contextual_menus_on_goal in let misc = [contextual_menus_on_goal;stop_before;reset_on_tab_switch; vertical_tabs;opposite_tabs] in (* ATTENTION !!!!! L'onglet Fonts doit etre en premier pour eviter un bug !!!! (shame on Benjamin) *) let cmds = [Section("Fonts", Some `SELECT_FONT, [config_font]); Section("Colors", Some `SELECT_COLOR, [config_color; source_style]); Section("Editor", Some `EDIT, [config_editor]); Section("Files", Some `DIRECTORY, [global_auto_revert;global_auto_revert_delay; auto_save; auto_save_delay; (* auto_save_name*) encodings; ]); Section("Project", Some (`STOCK "gtk-page-setup"), [project_file_name;read_project; ]); (* Section("Appearance", config_appearance); *) Section("Externals", None, [cmd_coqtop;cmd_coqc;cmd_make;cmd_coqmakefile; cmd_coqdoc; cmd_print;cmd_editor;cmd_browse;doc_url;library_url]); Section("Tactics Wizard", None, [automatic_tactics]); Section("Shortcuts", Some `PREFERENCES, [modifiers_valid; modifier_for_tactics; modifier_for_templates; modifier_for_display; modifier_for_navigation]); Section("Misc", Some `ADD, misc)] in (* Format.printf "before edit: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font); *) let x = edit ~apply "Customizations" cmds in (* Format.printf "after edit: current.text_font = %s@." (Pango.Font.to_string current.text_font); *) match x with | Return_apply | Return_ok -> save_pref () | Return_cancel -> ()