(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* a | b::l -> it_list_f (i+1) (f i a b) l in it_list_f (* [list_chop i l] splits [l] into two lists [(l1,l2)] such that [l1++l2=l] and [l1] has length [i]. It raises [Failure] when [i] is negative or greater than the length of [l] *) let list_chop n l = let rec chop_aux i acc = function | tl when i=0 -> (List.rev acc, tl) | h::t -> chop_aux (pred i) (h::acc) t | [] -> failwith "list_chop" in chop_aux n [] l let list_map_i f = let rec map_i_rec i = function | [] -> [] | x::l -> let v = f i x in v :: map_i_rec (i+1) l in map_i_rec let list_index x = let rec index_x n = function | y::l -> if x = y then n else index_x (succ n) l | [] -> raise Not_found in index_x 1 let list_index0 x l = list_index x l - 1 let list_filter_i p = let rec filter_i_rec i = function | [] -> [] | x::l -> let l' = filter_i_rec (succ i) l in if p i x then x::l' else l' in filter_i_rec 0 let subst_command_placeholder s t = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "%s") t s (* On win32, the home directory is probably not in $HOME, but in some other environment variable *) let home = try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> try (Sys.getenv "HOMEDRIVE")^(Sys.getenv "HOMEPATH") with Not_found -> try Sys.getenv "USERPROFILE" with Not_found -> "." let coqlib = ref "" let coqtop_path = ref ""