(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* () | [x] -> print fmt x | x :: r -> print fmt x; print_list print fmt r type level = [ | `DEBUG | `INFO | `NOTICE | `WARNING | `ERROR | `FATAL ] (** Some excerpt of Util and similar files to avoid loading the whole module and its dependencies (and hence Compat and Camlp4) *) let debug = ref false (* On a Win32 application with no console, writing to stderr raise a Sys_error "bad file descriptor", hence the "try" below. Ideally, we should re-route message to a log file somewhere, or print in the response buffer. *) let log_pp ?(level = `DEBUG) msg = let prefix = match level with | `DEBUG -> "DEBUG" | `INFO -> "INFO" | `NOTICE -> "NOTICE" | `WARNING -> "WARNING" | `ERROR -> "ERROR" | `FATAL -> "FATAL" in if !debug then begin try Format.eprintf "[%s] @[%a@]\n%!" prefix Pp.pp_with msg with _ -> () end let log ?level str = log_pp ?level (Pp.str str) let coqify d = Filename.concat d "coq" let coqide_config_home () = coqify (Glib.get_user_config_dir ()) let coqide_data_dirs () = coqify (Glib.get_user_data_dir ()) :: List.map coqify (Glib.get_system_data_dirs ()) @ Option.List.cons Coq_config.datadir [] let coqide_config_dirs () = coqide_config_home () :: List.map coqify (Glib.get_system_config_dirs ()) @ Option.List.cons Coq_config.configdir [] let is_prefix_of pre s = let i = ref 0 in let () = while (!i < (String.length pre) && !i < (String.length s) && pre.[!i] = s.[!i]) do incr i done in !i = String.length pre