(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* incr size; ignore (status_context#push s)), (fun () -> decr size; status_context#pop ()), (fun () -> for i = 1 to !size do status_context#pop () done; size := 0) let flash_info = let flash_context = status#new_context ~name:"Flash" in (fun ?(delay=5000) s -> flash_context#flash ~delay s) let set_location = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready") (** A utf8 char is either a single byte (ascii char, 0xxxxxxx) or multi-byte (with a leading byte 11xxxxxx and extra bytes 10xxxxxx) *) let is_extra_byte c = ((Char.code c) lsr 6 = 2) (** For a string buffer that may contain utf8 chars, we convert a byte offset into a char offset by only counting char-starting bytes. Normally the string buffer starts with a char-starting byte (buffer produced by a [#get_text]) *) let byte_offset_to_char_offset s byte_offset = let extra_bytes = ref 0 in for i = 0 to min byte_offset (String.length s - 1) do if is_extra_byte s.[i] then incr extra_bytes done; byte_offset - !extra_bytes let glib_utf8_pos_to_offset s ~off = byte_offset_to_char_offset s off let print_id id = Minilib.log ("GOT sig id :"^(string_of_int (Obj.magic id))) let do_convert s = let from_loc () = let _,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in flash_info ("Converting from locale ("^char_set^")"); Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:char_set s in let from_manual enc = flash_info ("Converting from "^ enc); Glib.Convert.convert s ~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:enc in let s = if Glib.Utf8.validate s then (Minilib.log "Input is UTF-8"; s) else match current.encoding with |Preferences.Eutf8 | Preferences.Elocale -> from_loc () |Emanual enc -> try from_manual enc with _ -> from_loc () in Utf8_convert.f s let try_convert s = try do_convert s with _ -> "(* Fatal error: wrong encoding in input. \ Please choose a correct encoding in the preference panel.*)";; let try_export file_name s = let s = try match current.encoding with |Eutf8 -> Minilib.log "UTF-8 is enforced" ; s |Elocale -> let is_unicode,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in if is_unicode then (Minilib.log "Locale is UTF-8" ; s) else (Minilib.log ("Locale is "^char_set); Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:char_set s) |Emanual enc -> (Minilib.log ("Manual charset is "^ enc); Glib.Convert.convert_with_fallback ~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:enc s) with e -> let str = Printexc.to_string e in Minilib.log ("Error ("^str^") in transcoding: falling back to UTF-8"); s in try let oc = open_out file_name in output_string oc s; close_out oc; true with e -> Minilib.log (Printexc.to_string e);false type timer = { run : ms:int -> callback:(unit->bool) -> unit; kill : unit -> unit } let mktimer () = let timer = ref None in { run = (fun ~ms ~callback -> timer := Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms ~callback)); kill = (fun () -> match !timer with | None -> () | Some id -> (try GMain.Timeout.remove id with Glib.GError _ -> ()); timer := None) } let last_dir = ref "" let filter_all_files () = GFile.filter ~name:"All" ~patterns:["*"] () let filter_coq_files () = GFile.filter ~name:"Coq source code" ~patterns:[ "*.v"] () let select_file_for_open ~title () = let file = ref None in let file_chooser = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`OPEN ~modal:true ~title () in file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ; file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `OPEN `OPEN ; file_chooser#add_filter (filter_coq_files ()); file_chooser#add_filter (filter_all_files ()); file_chooser#set_default_response `OPEN; ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder !last_dir); begin match file_chooser#run () with | `OPEN -> begin file := file_chooser#filename; match !file with | None -> () | Some s -> last_dir := Filename.dirname s; end | `DELETE_EVENT | `CANCEL -> () end ; file_chooser#destroy (); !file let select_file_for_save ~title ?filename () = let file = ref None in let file_chooser = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE ~modal:true ~title () in file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ; file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE ; file_chooser#add_filter (filter_coq_files ()); file_chooser#add_filter (filter_all_files ()); (* this line will be used when a lablgtk >= 2.10.0 is the default on most distributions: file_chooser#set_do_overwrite_confirmation true; *) file_chooser#set_default_response `SAVE; let dir,filename = match filename with |None -> !last_dir, "" |Some f -> Filename.dirname f, Filename.basename f in ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder dir); ignore (file_chooser#set_current_name filename); begin match file_chooser#run () with | `SAVE -> begin file := file_chooser#filename; match !file with None -> () | Some s -> last_dir := Filename.dirname s; end | `DELETE_EVENT | `CANCEL -> () end ; file_chooser#destroy (); !file let find_tag_start (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) = let it = it#copy in let tag = Some tag in while not (it#begins_tag tag) && it#nocopy#backward_char do () done; it let find_tag_stop (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) = let it = it#copy in let tag = Some tag in while not (it#ends_tag tag) && it#nocopy#forward_char do () done; it let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) = (find_tag_start tag it , find_tag_stop tag it) let stock_to_widget ?(size=`BUTTON) s = let img = GMisc.image () in (match size with | `CUSTOM(width,height) -> let opb = img#misc#render_icon ~size:`BUTTON s in let pb = GdkPixbuf.create ~width ~height ~bits:(GdkPixbuf.get_bits_per_sample opb) ~has_alpha:(GdkPixbuf.get_has_alpha opb) () in GdkPixbuf.scale ~width ~height ~dest:pb opb; img#set_pixbuf pb | #Gtk.Tags.icon_size as icon_size -> img#set_stock s; img#set_icon_size icon_size); img#coerce let custom_coqtop = ref None let coqtop_path () = let file = match !custom_coqtop with | Some s -> s | None -> match current.cmd_coqtop with | Some s -> s | None -> let prog = String.copy Sys.executable_name in try let pos = String.length prog - 6 in let i = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp_string "coqide") prog pos in String.blit "coqtop" 0 prog i 6; if Sys.file_exists prog then prog else "coqtop" with Not_found -> "coqtop" in file (* In win32, when a command-line is to be executed via cmd.exe (i.e. Sys.command, Unix.open_process, ...), it cannot contain several quoted "..." zones otherwise some quotes are lost. Solution: we re-quote everything. Reference: http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html *) let requote cmd = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then "\""^cmd^"\"" else cmd let textview_width (view : #GText.view_skel) = let rect = view#visible_rect in let pixel_width = Gdk.Rectangle.width rect in let metrics = view#misc#pango_context#get_metrics () in let char_width = GPango.to_pixels metrics#approx_char_width in pixel_width / char_width type logger = Pp.message_level -> string -> unit let default_logger level message = let level = match level with | Pp.Debug _ -> `DEBUG | Pp.Info -> `INFO | Pp.Notice -> `NOTICE | Pp.Warning -> `WARNING | Pp.Error -> `ERROR in Minilib.log ~level message (** {6 File operations} *) (** A customized [stat] function. Exceptions are catched. *) type stats = MTime of float | NoSuchFile | OtherError let stat f = try MTime (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_mtime with | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT,_,_) -> NoSuchFile | _ -> OtherError (** I/O utilities Note: In a mono-thread coqide, we use the same buffer for different read operations *) let maxread = 4096 let read_string = String.create maxread let read_buffer = Buffer.create maxread (** Read the content of file [f] and add it to buffer [b]. I/O Exceptions are propagated. *) let read_file name buf = let ic = open_in name in let len = ref 0 in try while len := input ic read_string 0 maxread; !len > 0 do Buffer.add_substring buf read_string 0 !len done; close_in ic with e -> close_in ic; raise e (** Read what is available on a gtk channel. This channel should have been set as non-blocking. When there's nothing more to read, the inner loop will be exited via a GError exception concerning a EAGAIN unix error. Anyway, any other exception also stops the read. *) let io_read_all chan = Buffer.clear read_buffer; let read_once () = let len = Glib.Io.read_chars ~buf:read_string ~pos:0 ~len:maxread chan in Buffer.add_substring read_buffer read_string 0 len in begin try while true do read_once () done with Glib.GError _ -> () end; Buffer.contents read_buffer (** Run an external command asynchronously *) let run_command display finally cmd = let cin = Unix.open_process_in cmd in let fd = Unix.descr_of_in_channel cin in let () = Unix.set_nonblock fd in let io_chan = Glib.Io.channel_of_descr fd in let all_conds = [`ERR; `HUP; `IN; `NVAL; `PRI] in (* all except `OUT *) let rec has_errors = function | [] -> false | (`IN | `PRI) :: conds -> has_errors conds | e :: _ -> true in let handle_end () = finally (Unix.close_process_in cin); false in let handle_input conds = if has_errors conds then handle_end () else let s = io_read_all io_chan in if s = "" then handle_end () else (display (try_convert s); true) in ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch ~cond:all_conds ~callback:handle_input io_chan) (** Web browsing *) let browse prerr url = let com = Util.subst_command_placeholder current.cmd_browse url in let finally = function | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> prerr ("Could not execute:\n"^com^"\n"^ "check your preferences for setting a valid browser command\n") | _ -> () in run_command (fun _ -> ()) finally com let doc_url () = if current.doc_url = use_default_doc_url || current.doc_url = "" then let addr = List.fold_left Filename.concat (Coq_config.docdir) ["html";"refman";"index.html"] in if Sys.file_exists addr then "file://"^addr else Coq_config.wwwrefman else current.doc_url let url_for_keyword = let ht = Hashtbl.create 97 in lazy ( begin try let cin = try let index_urls = Filename.concat (List.find (fun x -> Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat x "index_urls.txt")) (Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ())) "index_urls.txt" in open_in index_urls with Not_found -> let doc_url = doc_url () in let n = String.length doc_url in if n > 8 && String.sub doc_url 0 7 = "file://" then open_in (String.sub doc_url 7 (n-7) ^ "index_urls.txt") else raise Exit in try while true do let s = input_line cin in try let i = String.index s ',' in let k = String.sub s 0 i in let u = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in Hashtbl.add ht k u with _ -> Minilib.log "Warning: Cannot parse documentation index file." done with End_of_file -> close_in cin with _ -> Minilib.log "Warning: Cannot find documentation index file." end; Hashtbl.find ht : string -> string) let browse_keyword prerr text = try let u = Lazy.force url_for_keyword text in browse prerr (doc_url() ^ u) with Not_found -> prerr ("No documentation found for \""^text^"\".\n")