{ exception Lex_error of string let length = ref 0 let buff = Buffer.create 513 } rule next_phrase = parse | "(*" { incr length; incr length; skip_comment lexbuf; next_phrase lexbuf} | '"'[^'"']*'"' { let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in let ulen = Glib.Utf8.length lexeme in length := !length + ulen; Buffer.add_string buff lexeme; next_phrase lexbuf } | '.'[' ''\n''\t''\r'] { length := !length + 2; Buffer.add_string buff (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); Buffer.contents buff} | _ { let c = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in if Ideutils.is_char_start c then incr length; Buffer.add_char buff c ; next_phrase lexbuf } | eof { raise (Lex_error "Phrase should end with . followed by a separator") } and skip_comment = parse | "*)" {incr length; incr length; ()} | "(*" {incr length; incr length; skip_comment lexbuf; skip_comment lexbuf} | _ { if Ideutils.is_char_start (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) then incr length; skip_comment lexbuf} | eof { raise (Lex_error "No closing *)") } { let get lb = Buffer.reset buff; length := 0; next_phrase lb }