(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit) -> unit method pushed : callback:('a -> unit) -> unit end class ['a] signal () = object val mutable attached : ('a -> unit) list = [] method call (x : 'a) = let iter f = try f x with _ -> () in List.iter iter attached method connect f = attached <- f :: attached end type 'a document = { mutable stack : 'a sentence list; mutable context : ('a sentence list * 'a sentence list) option; pushed_sig : 'a signal; popped_sig : 'a signal; } let connect d = object method pushed ~callback = d.pushed_sig#connect callback method popped ~callback = d.popped_sig#connect callback end let create () = { stack = []; context = None; pushed_sig = new signal (); popped_sig = new signal (); } (* Invariant, only the tip is a allowed to have state_id = None *) let invariant l = l = [] || (List.hd l).state_id <> None let tip = function | { stack = [] } -> raise Empty | { stack = { state_id = Some id }::_ } -> id | { stack = { state_id = None }::_ } -> invalid_arg "tip" let tip_data = function | { stack = [] } -> raise Empty | { stack = { data }::_ } -> data let push d x = assert(invariant d.stack); d.stack <- { data = x; state_id = None } :: d.stack; d.pushed_sig#call x let pop = function | { stack = [] } -> raise Empty | { stack = { data }::xs } as s -> s.stack <- xs; s.popped_sig#call data; data let focus d ~cond_top:c_start ~cond_bot:c_stop = assert(invariant d.stack); if d.context <> None then invalid_arg "focus"; let rec aux (a,s,b) grab = function | [] -> invalid_arg "focus" | { state_id = Some id; data } as x :: xs when not grab -> if c_start id data then aux (a,s,b) true (x::xs) else aux (x::a,s,b) grab xs | { state_id = Some id; data } as x :: xs -> if c_stop id data then List.rev a, List.rev (x::s), xs else aux (a,x::s,b) grab xs | _ -> assert false in let a, s, b = aux ([],[],[]) false d.stack in d.stack <- s; d.context <- Some (a, b) let unfocus = function | { context = None } -> invalid_arg "unfocus" | { context = Some (a,b); stack } as d -> assert(invariant stack); d.context <- None; d.stack <- a @ stack @ b let focused { context } = context <> None let to_lists = function | { context = None; stack = s } -> [],s,[] | { context = Some (a,b); stack = s } -> a,s,b let flat f b = fun x -> f b x.state_id x.data let find d f = let a, s, b = to_lists d in ( try List.find (flat f false) a with Not_found -> try List.find (flat f true) s with Not_found -> List.find (flat f false) b ).data let find_map d f = let a, s, b = to_lists d in try CList.find_map (flat f false) a with Not_found -> try CList.find_map (flat f true) s with Not_found -> CList.find_map (flat f false) b let is_empty = function | { stack = []; context = None } -> true | _ -> false let context d = let top, _, bot = to_lists d in let pair _ x y = try Option.get x, y with Option.IsNone -> assert false in List.map (flat pair true) top, List.map (flat pair true) bot let stateid_opt_equal = Option.equal Stateid.equal let is_in_focus d id = let _, focused, _ = to_lists d in List.exists (fun { state_id } -> stateid_opt_equal state_id (Some id)) focused let print d f = let top, mid, bot = to_lists d in let open Pp in v 0 (List.fold_right (fun i acc -> acc ++ cut() ++ flat f false i) top (List.fold_right (fun i acc -> acc ++ cut() ++ flat f true i) mid (List.fold_right (fun i acc -> acc ++ cut() ++ flat f false i) bot (mt())))) let assign_tip_id d id = match d with | { stack = { state_id = None } as top :: _ } -> top.state_id <- Some id | _ -> invalid_arg "assign_tip_id" let cut_at d id = let aux (n, zone) { state_id; data } = if stateid_opt_equal state_id (Some id) then CSig.Stop (n, zone) else CSig.Cont (n + 1, data :: zone) in let n, zone = CList.fold_left_until aux (0, []) d.stack in for _i = 1 to n do ignore(pop d) done; List.rev zone let find_id d f = let top, focus, bot = to_lists d in let pred = function | { state_id = Some id; data } when f id data -> Some id | _ -> None in try CList.find_map pred top, true with Not_found -> try CList.find_map pred focus, false with Not_found -> CList.find_map pred bot, true let before_tip d = let _, focused, rest = to_lists d in match focused with | _:: { state_id = Some id } :: _ -> id, false | _:: { state_id = None } :: _ -> assert false | [] -> raise Not_found | [_] -> match rest with | { state_id = Some id } :: _ -> id, true | { state_id = None } :: _ -> assert false | [] -> raise Not_found let fold_all d a f = let top, focused, bot = to_lists d in let a = List.fold_left (fun a -> flat (f a) false) a top in let a = List.fold_left (fun a -> flat (f a) true) a focused in let a = List.fold_left (fun a -> flat (f a) false) a bot in a