(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 0 in if level_is `ERROR then `FATAL else if level_is `CRITICAL then `ERROR else if level_is `DEBUG then `DEBUG else if level_is `WARNING then `WARNING else if level_is `MESSAGE then `NOTICE else `INFO in let handler ~level msg = let header = "Coqide internal error: " in match log_level level with |`FATAL -> let () = GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" (header ^ msg) in Coqide.crash_save 1 |`ERROR -> GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" (header ^ msg) |`DEBUG -> Minilib.log msg |level when Sys.os_type = "Win32" -> Minilib.log ~level msg |_ -> Printf.eprintf "%s\n" msg in let catch domain = ignore (Glib.Message.set_log_handler ~domain ~levels:all_levels handler) in List.iter catch ["GLib";"Gtk";"Gdk";"Pango"] let () = catch_gtk_messages () (** System-dependent settings *) let os_specific_init () = () (** Win32 *) (* On win32, we add the directory of coqide to the PATH at launch-time (this used to be done in a .bat script). *) let set_win32_path () = Unix.putenv "PATH" (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name ^ ";" ^ (try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> "")) (* On win32, since coqide is now console-free, we re-route stdout/stderr to avoid Sys_error if someone writes to them. We write to a pipe which is never read (by default) or to a temp log file (when in debug mode). *) let reroute_stdout_stderr () = (* We anticipate a bit the argument parsing and look for -debug *) let debug = List.mem "-debug" (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in Minilib.debug := debug; let out_descr = if debug then let (name,chan) = Filename.open_temp_file "coqide_" ".log" in Coqide.logfile := Some name; Unix.descr_of_out_channel chan else snd (Unix.pipe ()) in Unix.set_close_on_exec out_descr; Unix.dup2 out_descr Unix.stdout; Unix.dup2 out_descr Unix.stderr (* We also provide specific kill and interrupt functions. *) IFDEF WIN32 THEN external win32_kill : int -> unit = "win32_kill" external win32_interrupt : int -> unit = "win32_interrupt" let () = Coq.killer := win32_kill; Coq.soft_killer := win32_kill; Coq.interrupter := win32_interrupt; set_win32_path (); reroute_stdout_stderr () END (** MacOSX *) IFDEF QUARTZ THEN let osx = GosxApplication.osxapplication () let () = let _ = osx#connect#ns_application_open_file ~callback:(fun x -> Coqide.do_load x; true) in let _ = osx#connect#ns_application_block_termination ~callback:Coqide.forbid_quit_to_save in let _ = osx#connect#ns_application_will_terminate ~callback:Coqide.close_and_quit in () let os_specific_init () = let () = GtkosxApplication.Application.set_menu_bar osx#as_osxapplication (GtkMenu.MenuShell.cast (Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde MenuBar")#as_widget) in let () = GtkosxApplication.Application.insert_app_menu_item osx#as_osxapplication (Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde MenuBar/Edit/Prefs")#as_widget 1 in let () = GtkosxApplication.Application.set_help_menu osx#as_osxapplication (Some (GtkMenu.MenuItem.cast (Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde MenuBar/Help")#as_widget)) in osx#ready () END let load_prefs () = try Preferences.load_pref () with e -> Ideutils.flash_info ("Could not load preferences ("^Printexc.to_string e^").") let () = load_prefs (); let argl = List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in let argl = Coqide.read_coqide_args argl in let files = Coq.filter_coq_opts argl in let args = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x files)) argl in Coq.check_connection args; Coqide.sup_args := args; Coqide.main files; if !Coq_config.with_geoproof then Coqide.check_for_geoproof_input (); os_specific_init (); try GMain.main (); failwith "Gtk loop ended" with e -> Minilib.log ("CoqIde unexpected error:" ^ Printexc.to_string e); Coqide.crash_save 127