(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Tags.Script.processed | Unsafe -> Tags.Script.unjustified class type analyzed_views= object val mutable act_id : GtkSignal.id option val mutable deact_id : GtkSignal.id option val input_buffer : GText.buffer val input_view : Undo.undoable_view val last_array : string array val mutable last_index : bool val message_buffer : GText.buffer val message_view : GText.view val proof_buffer : GText.buffer val proof_view : GText.view val cmd_stack : ide_info Stack.t val mycoqtop : Coq.coqtop ref val mutable is_active : bool val mutable read_only : bool val mutable filename : string option val mutable stats : Unix.stats option val mutable detached_views : GWindow.window list method without_auto_complete : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b method set_auto_complete : bool -> unit method kill_detached_views : unit -> unit method add_detached_view : GWindow.window -> unit method remove_detached_view : GWindow.window -> unit method filename : string option method stats : Unix.stats option method update_stats : unit method revert : unit method auto_save : unit method save : string -> bool method save_as : string -> bool method read_only : bool method set_read_only : bool -> unit method is_active : bool method activate : unit -> unit method active_keypress_handler : GdkEvent.Key.t -> bool method backtrack_to : GText.iter -> unit method backtrack_to_no_lock : GText.iter -> unit method clear_message : unit method disconnected_keypress_handler : GdkEvent.Key.t -> bool method find_phrase_starting_at : GText.iter -> (GText.iter * GText.iter) option method get_insert : GText.iter method get_start_of_input : GText.iter method go_to_insert : unit method indent_current_line : unit method go_to_next_occ_of_cur_word : unit method go_to_prev_occ_of_cur_word : unit method insert_command : string -> string -> unit method tactic_wizard : string list -> unit method insert_message : string -> unit method process_next_phrase : bool -> unit method process_until_iter_or_error : GText.iter -> unit method process_until_end_or_error : unit method recenter_insert : unit method reset_initial : unit method force_reset_initial : unit method set_message : string -> unit method show_goals : unit method show_goals_full : unit method undo_last_step : unit method help_for_keyword : unit -> unit method complete_at_offset : int -> bool end type viewable_script = {script : Undo.undoable_view; tab_label : GMisc.label; mutable filename : string; mutable encoding : string; proof_view : GText.view; message_view : GText.view; analyzed_view : analyzed_views; toplvl : Coq.coqtop ref; command : Command_windows.command_window; } let kill_session s = s.analyzed_view#kill_detached_views (); Coq.kill_coqtop !(s.toplvl) let build_session s = let session_paned = GPack.paned `VERTICAL () in let eval_paned = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~border_width:5 ~packing:(session_paned#pack1 ~shrink:false ~resize:true) () in let script_frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:eval_paned#add1 () in let script_scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:script_frame#add () in let state_paned = GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~packing:eval_paned#add2 () in let proof_frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:state_paned#add1 () in let proof_scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:proof_frame#add () in let message_frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:state_paned#add2 () in let message_scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:message_frame#add () in let session_tab = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in let img = GMisc.image ~icon_size:`SMALL_TOOLBAR ~packing:session_tab#pack () in let _ = s.script#buffer#connect#modified_changed ~callback:(fun () -> if s.script#buffer#modified then img#set_stock `SAVE else img#set_stock `YES) in let _ = eval_paned#misc#connect#size_allocate ~callback: (let old_paned_width = ref 2 in let old_paned_height = ref 2 in (fun {Gtk.width=paned_width;Gtk.height=paned_height} -> if !old_paned_width <> paned_width || !old_paned_height <> paned_height then ( eval_paned#set_position (eval_paned#position * paned_width / !old_paned_width); state_paned#set_position (state_paned#position * paned_height / !old_paned_height); old_paned_width := paned_width; old_paned_height := paned_height; ))) in session_paned#pack2 ~shrink:false ~resize:false (s.command#frame#coerce); script_scroll#add s.script#coerce; proof_scroll#add s.proof_view#coerce; message_scroll#add s.message_view#coerce; session_tab#pack s.tab_label#coerce; img#set_stock `YES; eval_paned#set_position 1; state_paned#set_position 1; (Some session_tab#coerce,None,session_paned#coerce) let session_notebook = Typed_notebook.create build_session kill_session ~border_width:2 ~show_border:false ~scrollable:true () let cb = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary let last_cb_content = ref "" let update_notebook_pos () = let pos = match !current.vertical_tabs, !current.opposite_tabs with | false, false -> `TOP | false, true -> `BOTTOM | true , false -> `LEFT | true , true -> `RIGHT in session_notebook#set_tab_pos pos let to_do_on_page_switch = ref [] (** * Coqide's handling of signals *) (** We ignore Ctrl-C, and for most of the other catchable signals we launch an emergency save of opened files and then exit *) let signals_to_crash = [Sys.sigabrt; Sys.sigalrm; Sys.sigfpe; Sys.sighup; Sys.sigill; Sys.sigpipe; Sys.sigquit; (* Sys.sigsegv; Sys.sigterm;*) Sys.sigusr2] let crash_save i = (* ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK signals_to_crash);*) Minilib.safe_prerr_endline "Trying to save all buffers in .crashcoqide files"; let count = ref 0 in List.iter (function {script=view; analyzed_view = av } -> (let filename = match av#filename with | None -> incr count; "Unnamed_coqscript_"^(string_of_int !count)^".crashcoqide" | Some f -> f^".crashcoqide" in try if try_export filename (view#buffer#get_text ()) then Minilib.safe_prerr_endline ("Saved "^filename) else Minilib.safe_prerr_endline ("Could not save "^filename) with _ -> Minilib.safe_prerr_endline ("Could not save "^filename)) ) session_notebook#pages; Minilib.safe_prerr_endline "Done. Please report."; if i <> 127 then exit i let ignore_break () = List.iter (fun i -> try Sys.set_signal i (Sys.Signal_handle crash_save) with _ -> prerr_endline "Signal ignored (normal if Win32)") signals_to_crash; Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore (** * Locks *) (* Locking machinery for Coq kernel *) let coq_computing = Mutex.create () (* To prevent Coq from interrupting during undoing...*) let coq_may_stop = Mutex.create () (* To prevent a force_reset_initial during a force_reset_initial *) let resetting = Mutex.create () exception RestartCoqtop exception Unsuccessful let force_reset_initial () = prerr_endline "Reset Initial"; session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view#force_reset_initial let break () = prerr_endline "User break received"; Coq.break_coqtop !(session_notebook#current_term.toplvl) let do_if_not_computing text f x = let threaded_task () = if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then begin prerr_endline "Getting lock"; List.iter (fun elt -> try f elt with | RestartCoqtop -> elt.analyzed_view#reset_initial | Sys_error str -> elt.analyzed_view#reset_initial; elt.analyzed_view#set_message ("Unable to communicate with coqtop, restarting coqtop.\n"^ "Error was: "^str) | e -> Mutex.unlock coq_computing; elt.analyzed_view#set_message ("Unknown error, please report:\n"^(Printexc.to_string e))) x; prerr_endline "Releasing lock"; Mutex.unlock coq_computing; end else prerr_endline "Discarded order (computations are ongoing)" in prerr_endline ("Launching thread " ^ text); ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback: (fun () -> if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then (Mutex.unlock coq_computing; false) else (pbar#pulse (); true))); ignore (Thread.create threaded_task ()) let warning msg = GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Warning" ~icon:(let img = GMisc.image () in img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING; img#set_icon_size `DIALOG; img#coerce) msg let remove_current_view_page () = let do_remove () = let c = session_notebook#current_page in session_notebook#remove_page c in let current = session_notebook#current_term in if not current.script#buffer#modified then do_remove () else match GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Close" ~buttons:["Save Buffer and Close"; "Close without Saving"; "Don't Close"] ~default:0 ~icon:(let img = GMisc.image () in img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING; img#set_icon_size `DIALOG; img#coerce) "This buffer has unsaved modifications" with | 1 -> begin match current.analyzed_view#filename with | None -> begin match select_file_for_save ~title:"Save file" () with | None -> () | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved") ; do_remove () end else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)") end | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save f then begin flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved") ; do_remove () end else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)") end | 2 -> do_remove () | _ -> () module Opt = Coq.PrintOpt let print_items = [ ([Opt.implicit],"Display implicit arguments","Display _implicit arguments", "i",false); ([Opt.coercions],"Display coercions","Display _coercions","c",false); ([Opt.raw_matching],"Display raw matching expressions", "Display raw _matching expressions","m",true); ([Opt.notations],"Display notations","Display _notations","n",true); ([Opt.all_basic],"Display all basic low-level contents", "Display _all basic low-level contents","a",false); ([Opt.existential],"Display existential variable instances", "Display _existential variable instances","e",false); ([Opt.universes],"Display universe levels","Display _universe levels", "u",false); ([Opt.all_basic;Opt.existential;Opt.universes], "Display all low-level contents", "Display all _low-level contents","l",false) ] let setopts ct opts v = List.fold_left (fun acc o -> match Coq.PrintOpt.set ct o v with | Ide_intf.Good () -> acc | Ide_intf.Fail lstr -> Ide_intf.Fail lstr ) (Ide_intf.Good ()) opts (* Reset this to None on page change ! *) let (last_completion:(string*int*int*bool) option ref) = ref None let () = to_do_on_page_switch := (fun i -> last_completion := None)::!to_do_on_page_switch let rec complete input_buffer w (offset:int) = match !last_completion with | Some (lw,loffset,lpos,backward) when lw=w && loffset=offset -> begin let iter = input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET lpos) in if backward then match complete_backward w iter with | None -> last_completion := Some (lw,loffset, (find_word_end (input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET loffset)))#offset , false); None | Some (ss,start,stop) as result -> last_completion := Some (w,offset,ss#offset,true); result else match complete_forward w iter with | None -> last_completion := None; None | Some (ss,start,stop) as result -> last_completion := Some (w,offset,ss#offset,false); result end | _ -> begin match complete_backward w (input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset)) with | None -> last_completion := Some (w,offset,(find_word_end (input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset)))#offset,false); complete input_buffer w offset | Some (ss,start,stop) as result -> last_completion := Some (w,offset,ss#offset,true); result end let get_current_word () = match session_notebook#current_term,cb#text with | {script=script; analyzed_view=av;},None -> prerr_endline "None selected"; let it = av#get_insert in let start = find_word_start it in let stop = find_word_end start in script#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:start; script#buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:stop; script#buffer#get_text ~slice:true ~start ~stop () | _,Some t -> prerr_endline "Some selected"; prerr_endline t; t let input_channel b ic = let buf = String.create 1024 and len = ref 0 in while len := input ic buf 0 1024; !len > 0 do Buffer.add_substring b buf 0 !len done let with_file handler name ~f = try let ic = open_in_gen [Open_rdonly;Open_creat] 0o644 name in try f ic; close_in ic with e -> close_in ic; raise e with Sys_error s -> handler s (* For find_phrase_starting_at *) exception Stop of int let tag_of_sort = function | Coq_lex.Comment -> Tags.Script.comment | Coq_lex.Keyword -> Tags.Script.kwd | Coq_lex.Declaration -> Tags.Script.decl | Coq_lex.ProofDeclaration -> Tags.Script.proof_decl | Coq_lex.Qed -> Tags.Script.qed | Coq_lex.String -> failwith "No tag" let apply_tag (buffer:GText.buffer) orig off_conv from upto sort = try let tag = tag_of_sort sort in let start = orig#forward_chars (off_conv from) in let stop = orig#forward_chars (off_conv upto) in buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop tag with _ -> () let remove_tags (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto = List.iter (buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto) [ Tags.Script.comment; Tags.Script.kwd; Tags.Script.decl; Tags.Script.proof_decl; Tags.Script.qed ] (** Cut a part of the buffer in sentences and tag them. May raise [Coq_lex.Unterminated] when the zone ends with an unterminated sentence. *) let split_slice_lax (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto = remove_tags buffer from upto; buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto Tags.Script.sentence; let slice = buffer#get_text ~start:from ~stop:upto () in let rec split_substring str = let off_conv = byte_offset_to_char_offset str in let slice_len = String.length str in let end_off = Coq_lex.delimit_sentence (apply_tag buffer from off_conv) str in let start = from#forward_chars (off_conv end_off) in let stop = start#forward_char in buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.sentence; let next = end_off + 1 in if next < slice_len then begin ignore (from#nocopy#forward_chars (off_conv next)); split_substring (String.sub str next (slice_len - next)) end in split_substring slice (** Searching forward and backward a position fulfilling some condition *) let rec forward_search cond (iter:GText.iter) = if iter#is_end || cond iter then iter else forward_search cond iter#forward_char let rec backward_search cond (iter:GText.iter) = if iter#is_start || cond iter then iter else backward_search cond iter#backward_char let is_sentence_end s = s#has_tag Tags.Script.sentence let is_char s c = s#char = Char.code c (** Search backward the first character of a sentence, starting at [iter] and going at most up to [soi] (meant to be the end of the locked zone). Raise [Not_found] when no proper sentence start has been found, in particular when the final "." of the locked zone is followed by a non-blank character outside the locked zone. This non-blank character will be signaled as erroneous in [tag_on_insert] below. *) let grab_sentence_start (iter:GText.iter) soi = let cond iter = if iter#compare soi < 0 then raise Not_found; let prev = iter#backward_char in is_sentence_end prev && (not (is_char prev '.') || List.exists (is_char iter) [' ';'\n';'\r';'\t']) in backward_search cond iter (** Search forward the first character immediately after a sentence end *) let rec grab_sentence_stop (start:GText.iter) = (forward_search is_sentence_end start)#forward_char (** Search forward the first character immediately after a "." sentence end (and not just a "{" or "}" or comment end *) let rec grab_ending_dot (start:GText.iter) = let is_ending_dot s = is_sentence_end s && s#char = Char.code '.' in (forward_search is_ending_dot start)#forward_char (** Retag a zone that has been edited *) let tag_on_insert = (* possible race condition here : editing two buffers with a timedelta smaller * than 1.5s might break the error recovery mechanism. *) let skip_last = ref (ref true) in (* ref to the mutable flag created on last call *) fun buffer -> try (* the start of the non-locked zone *) let soi = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") in (* the inserted zone is between [prev_insert] and [insert] *) let insert = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let prev_insert = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "prev_insert") in (* [prev_insert] is normally always before [insert] even when deleting. Let's check this nonetheless *) let prev_insert = if insert#compare prev_insert < 0 then insert else prev_insert in let start = grab_sentence_start prev_insert soi in (** The status of "{" "}" as sentence delimiters is too fragile. We retag up to the next "." instead. *) let stop = grab_ending_dot insert in let skip_curr = ref true in (* shall the callback be skipped ? by default yes*) (!skip_last) := true; (* skip the previously created callback *) skip_last := skip_curr; try split_slice_lax buffer start stop with Coq_lex.Unterminated -> skip_curr := false; let callback () = if not !skip_curr then begin try split_slice_lax buffer start buffer#end_iter with Coq_lex.Unterminated -> () end; false in ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:1500 ~callback) with Not_found -> let err_pos = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") in buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:err_pos ~stop:err_pos#forward_char let force_retag buffer = try split_slice_lax buffer buffer#start_iter buffer#end_iter with Coq_lex.Unterminated -> () let toggle_proof_visibility (buffer:GText.buffer) (cursor:GText.iter) = (* move back twice if not into proof_decl, * once if into proof_decl and back_char into_proof_decl, * don't move if into proof_decl and back_char not into proof_decl *) if not (cursor#has_tag Tags.Script.proof_decl) then ignore (cursor#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.proof_decl)); if cursor#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.proof_decl then ignore (cursor#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.proof_decl)); let decl_start = cursor in let prf_end = decl_start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.qed) in let decl_end = grab_ending_dot decl_start in let prf_end = grab_ending_dot prf_end in let prf_end = prf_end#forward_char in if decl_start#has_tag Tags.Script.folded then ( buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_start ~stop:decl_end Tags.Script.folded; buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_end ~stop:prf_end Tags.Script.hidden) else ( buffer#apply_tag ~start:decl_start ~stop:decl_end Tags.Script.folded; buffer#apply_tag ~start:decl_end ~stop:prf_end Tags.Script.hidden) (** The arguments that will be passed to coqtop. No quoting here, since no /bin/sh when using create_process instead of open_process. *) let custom_project_files = ref [] let sup_args = ref [] class analyzed_view (_script:Undo.undoable_view) (_pv:GText.view) (_mv:GText.view) _cs _ct _fn = object(self) val input_view = _script val input_buffer = _script#buffer val proof_view = _pv val proof_buffer = _pv#buffer val message_view = _mv val message_buffer = _mv#buffer val cmd_stack = _cs val mycoqtop = _ct val mutable is_active = false val mutable read_only = false val mutable filename = _fn val mutable stats = None val mutable last_modification_time = 0. val mutable last_auto_save_time = 0. val mutable detached_views = [] val mutable find_forward_instead_of_backward = false val mutable auto_complete_on = !current.auto_complete val hidden_proofs = Hashtbl.create 32 method private toggle_auto_complete = auto_complete_on <- not auto_complete_on method set_auto_complete t = auto_complete_on <- t method without_auto_complete : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = fun f x -> let old = auto_complete_on in self#set_auto_complete false; let y = f x in self#set_auto_complete old; y method add_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) = detached_views <- w::detached_views method remove_detached_view (w:GWindow.window) = detached_views <- List.filter (fun e -> w#misc#get_oid<>e#misc#get_oid) detached_views method kill_detached_views () = List.iter (fun w -> w#destroy ()) detached_views; detached_views <- [] method filename = filename method stats = stats method update_stats = match filename with | Some f -> stats <- my_stat f | _ -> () method revert = match filename with | Some f -> begin let do_revert () = begin push_info "Reverting buffer"; try if is_active then self#force_reset_initial; let b = Buffer.create 1024 in with_file flash_info f ~f:(input_channel b); let s = try_convert (Buffer.contents b) in input_buffer#set_text s; self#update_stats; input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:input_buffer#start_iter; input_buffer#set_modified false; pop_info (); flash_info "Buffer reverted"; force_retag input_buffer; with _ -> pop_info (); flash_info "Warning: could not revert buffer"; end in if input_buffer#modified then match (GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Modified buffer changed on disk" ~buttons:["Revert from File"; "Overwrite File"; "Disable Auto Revert"] ~default:0 ~icon:(stock_to_widget `DIALOG_WARNING) "Some unsaved buffers changed on disk" ) with 1 -> do_revert () | 2 -> if self#save f then flash_info "Overwritten" else flash_info "Could not overwrite file" | _ -> prerr_endline "Auto revert set to false"; !current.global_auto_revert <- false; disconnect_revert_timer () else do_revert () end | None -> () method save f = if try_export f (input_buffer#get_text ()) then begin filename <- Some f; input_buffer#set_modified false; stats <- my_stat f; (match self#auto_save_name with | None -> () | Some fn -> try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ()); true end else false method private auto_save_name = match filename with | None -> None | Some f -> let dir = Filename.dirname f in let base = (fst !current.auto_save_name) ^ (Filename.basename f) ^ (snd !current.auto_save_name) in Some (Filename.concat dir base) method private need_auto_save = input_buffer#modified && last_modification_time > last_auto_save_time method auto_save = if self#need_auto_save then begin match self#auto_save_name with | None -> () | Some fn -> try last_auto_save_time <- Unix.time(); prerr_endline ("Autosave time : "^(string_of_float (Unix.time()))); if try_export fn (input_buffer#get_text ()) then begin flash_info ~delay:1000 "Autosaved" end else warning ("Autosave failed (check if " ^ fn ^ " is writable)") with _ -> warning ("Autosave: unexpected error while writing "^fn) end method save_as f = if Sys.file_exists f then match (GToolbox.question_box ~title:"File exists on disk" ~buttons:["Overwrite"; "Cancel";] ~default:1 ~icon: (let img = GMisc.image () in img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING; img#set_icon_size `DIALOG; img#coerce) ("File "^f^" already exists") ) with 1 -> self#save f | _ -> false else self#save f method set_read_only b = read_only<-b method read_only = read_only method is_active = is_active method insert_message s = message_buffer#insert s; message_view#misc#draw None method set_message s = message_buffer#set_text s; message_view#misc#draw None method clear_message = message_buffer#set_text "" val mutable last_index = true val last_array = [|"";""|] method get_start_of_input = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") method get_insert = get_insert input_buffer method recenter_insert = (* BUG : to investigate further: FIXED : Never call GMain.* in thread ! PLUS : GTK BUG ??? Cannot be called from a thread... ADDITION: using sync instead of async causes deadlock...*) ignore (GtkThread.async ( input_view#scroll_to_mark ~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25) `INSERT) method indent_current_line = let get_nb_space it = let it = it#copy in let nb_sep = ref 0 in let continue = ref true in while !continue do if it#char = space then begin incr nb_sep; if not it#nocopy#forward_char then continue := false; end else continue := false done; !nb_sep in let previous_line = self#get_insert in if previous_line#nocopy#backward_line then begin let previous_line_spaces = get_nb_space previous_line in let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in let current_line_spaces = get_nb_space current_line_start in if input_buffer#delete_interactive ~start:current_line_start ~stop:(current_line_start#forward_chars current_line_spaces) () then let current_line_start = self#get_insert#set_line_offset 0 in input_buffer#insert ~iter:current_line_start (String.make previous_line_spaces ' ') end method go_to_next_occ_of_cur_word = let cv = session_notebook#current_term in let av = cv.analyzed_view in let b = (cv.script)#buffer in let start = find_word_start (av#get_insert) in let stop = find_word_end start in let text = b#get_text ~start ~stop () in match stop#forward_search text with | None -> () | Some(start, _) -> (b#place_cursor start; self#recenter_insert) method go_to_prev_occ_of_cur_word = let cv = session_notebook#current_term in let av = cv.analyzed_view in let b = (cv.script)#buffer in let start = find_word_start (av#get_insert) in let stop = find_word_end start in let text = b#get_text ~start ~stop () in match start#backward_search text with | None -> () | Some(start, _) -> (b#place_cursor start; self#recenter_insert) val mutable full_goal_done = true method show_goals_full = if not full_goal_done then proof_view#buffer#set_text ""; begin let menu_callback = if !current.contextual_menus_on_goal then (fun s () -> ignore (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true true false ("progress "^s) s)) else (fun _ _ -> ()) in try match Coq.goals !mycoqtop with | Ide_intf.Fail (l,str) -> self#set_message ("Error in coqtop :\n"^str) | Ide_intf.Good goals -> Ideproof.display (Ideproof.mode_tactic menu_callback) proof_view goals with | e -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e) end method show_goals = self#show_goals_full method private send_to_coq ct verbose phrase show_output show_error localize = let display_output msg = self#insert_message (if show_output then msg else "") in let display_error (loc,s) = if show_error then begin if not (Glib.Utf8.validate s) then flash_info "This error is so nasty that I can't even display it." else begin self#insert_message s; message_view#misc#draw None; if localize then (match loc with | None -> () | Some (start,stop) -> let convert_pos = byte_offset_to_char_offset phrase in let start = convert_pos start in let stop = convert_pos stop in let i = self#get_start_of_input in let starti = i#forward_chars start in let stopi = i#forward_chars stop in input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:starti ~stop:stopi; input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:starti) end end in try full_goal_done <- false; prerr_endline "Send_to_coq starting now"; (* It's important here to work with [ct] and not [!mycoqtop], otherwise we could miss a restart of coqtop and continue sending it orders. *) match Coq.interp ct ~verbose phrase with | Ide_intf.Fail (l,str) -> sync display_error (l,str); None | Ide_intf.Good msg -> sync display_output msg; Some Safe (* TODO: Restore someday the access to Decl_mode.get_damon_flag, and also detect the use of admit, and then return Unsafe *) with | End_of_file -> (* Coqtop has died, let's trigger a reset_initial. *) raise RestartCoqtop | e -> sync display_error (None, Printexc.to_string e); None method find_phrase_starting_at (start:GText.iter) = try let start = grab_sentence_start start self#get_start_of_input in let stop = grab_sentence_stop start in if is_sentence_end stop#backward_char then Some (start,stop) else None with Not_found -> None method complete_at_offset (offset:int) = prerr_endline ("Completion at offset : " ^ string_of_int offset); let it () = input_buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET offset) in let iit = it () in let start = find_word_start iit in if ends_word iit then let w = input_buffer#get_text ~start ~stop:iit () in if String.length w <> 0 then begin prerr_endline ("Completion of prefix : '" ^ w^"'"); match complete input_buffer w start#offset with | None -> false | Some (ss,start,stop) -> let completion = input_buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in ignore (input_buffer#delete_selection ()); ignore (input_buffer#insert_interactive completion); input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:(it())#backward_char; true end else false else false method private process_one_phrase ct verbosely display_goals do_highlight = let get_next_phrase () = self#clear_message; prerr_endline "process_one_phrase starting now"; if do_highlight then begin push_info "Coq is computing"; input_view#set_editable false; end; match self#find_phrase_starting_at self#get_start_of_input with | None -> if do_highlight then begin input_view#set_editable true; pop_info (); end; None | Some(start,stop) -> prerr_endline "process_one_phrase : to_process highlight"; if do_highlight then begin input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop; prerr_endline "process_one_phrase : to_process applied"; end; prerr_endline "process_one_phrase : getting phrase"; Some((start,stop),start#get_slice ~stop) in let remove_tag (start,stop) = if do_highlight then begin input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop; input_view#set_editable true; pop_info (); end in let mark_processed safe (start,stop) = let b = input_buffer in b#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input"); b#apply_tag (safety_tag safe) ~start ~stop; if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then begin b#place_cursor ~where:stop; self#recenter_insert end; let ide_payload = { start = `MARK (b#create_mark start); stop = `MARK (b#create_mark stop); } in Stack.push ide_payload cmd_stack; if display_goals then self#show_goals; remove_tag (start,stop) in match sync get_next_phrase () with | None -> raise Unsuccessful | Some ((_,stop) as loc,phrase) -> if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.comment then sync mark_processed Safe loc else try match self#send_to_coq ct verbosely phrase true true true with | Some safe -> sync mark_processed safe loc | None -> sync remove_tag loc; raise Unsuccessful with | RestartCoqtop -> sync remove_tag loc; raise RestartCoqtop method process_next_phrase verbosely = try self#process_one_phrase !mycoqtop verbosely true true with Unsuccessful -> () method private insert_this_phrase_on_success show_output show_msg localize coqphrase insertphrase = let mark_processed safe = let stop = self#get_start_of_input in if stop#starts_line then input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop insertphrase else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop ("\n"^insertphrase); let start = self#get_start_of_input in input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input"); input_buffer#apply_tag (safety_tag safe) ~start ~stop; if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:stop; let ide_payload = { start = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start); stop = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop); } in Stack.push ide_payload cmd_stack; self#show_goals; (*Auto insert save on success... try (match Coq.get_current_goals () with | [] -> (match self#send_to_coq "Save.\n" true true true with | Some ast -> begin let stop = self#get_start_of_input in if stop#starts_line then input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "Save.\n" else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop "\nSave.\n"; let start = self#get_start_of_input in input_buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME"start_of_input"); input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop; if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then input_buffer#place_cursor stop; let start_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark start) in let end_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (input_buffer#create_mark stop) in push_phrase reset_info start_of_phrase_mark end_of_phrase_mark ast end | None -> ()) | _ -> ()) with _ -> ()*) in match self#send_to_coq !mycoqtop false coqphrase show_output show_msg localize with | Some safe -> sync mark_processed safe; true | None -> sync (fun _ -> self#insert_message ("Unsuccessfully tried: "^coqphrase)) (); false method process_until_iter_or_error stop = let stop' = `OFFSET stop#offset in let start = self#get_start_of_input#copy in let start' = `OFFSET start#offset in sync (fun _ -> input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop; input_view#set_editable false) (); push_info "Coq is computing"; let get_current () = if !current.stop_before then match self#find_phrase_starting_at self#get_start_of_input with | None -> self#get_start_of_input | Some (_, stop2) -> stop2 else begin self#get_start_of_input end in let unlock () = sync (fun _ -> self#show_goals; (* Start and stop might be invalid if an eol was added at eof *) let start = input_buffer#get_iter start' in let stop = input_buffer#get_iter stop' in input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop; input_view#set_editable true) () in (* All the [process_one_phrase] below should be done with the same [ct] instead of accessing multiple time [mycoqtop]. Otherwise a restart of coqtop could go unnoticed, and the new coqtop could receive strange things. *) let ct = !mycoqtop in (try while stop#compare (get_current()) >= 0 do self#process_one_phrase ct false false false done with | Unsuccessful -> () | RestartCoqtop -> unlock (); raise RestartCoqtop); unlock (); pop_info() method process_until_end_or_error = self#process_until_iter_or_error input_buffer#end_iter method reset_initial = mycoqtop := Coq.respawn_coqtop !mycoqtop; sync (fun () -> Stack.iter (function inf -> let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.start in let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.stop in input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input"); input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop; input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop; input_buffer#delete_mark inf.start; input_buffer#delete_mark inf.stop; ) cmd_stack; Stack.clear cmd_stack; self#clear_message) () method force_reset_initial = (* Do nothing if a force_reset_initial is already ongoing *) if Mutex.try_lock resetting then begin Coq.kill_coqtop !mycoqtop; (* If a computation is ongoing, an exception will trigger the reset_initial in do_if_not_computing, not here. *) if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then begin self#reset_initial; Mutex.unlock coq_computing end; Mutex.unlock resetting end (* Internal method for dialoging with coqtop about a backtrack. The ide's cmd_stack has already been cleared up to the desired point. The [finish] function is used to handle minor differences between [go_to_insert] and [undo_last_step] *) method private do_backtrack finish n = (* pop n more commands if coqtop has said so (e.g. for undoing a proof) *) let rec n_pop n = if n = 0 then () else let phrase = Stack.pop cmd_stack in let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark phrase.stop in if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.comment then n_pop n else n_pop (pred n) in match Coq.rewind !mycoqtop n with | Ide_intf.Good n -> n_pop n; sync (fun _ -> let start = if Stack.is_empty cmd_stack then input_buffer#start_iter else input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (Stack.top cmd_stack).stop in let stop = self#get_start_of_input in input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop; input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop; input_buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input"); self#show_goals; self#clear_message; finish start) () | Ide_intf.Fail (l,str) -> sync self#set_message ("Error while backtracking :\n" ^ str ^ "\n" ^ "CoqIDE and coqtop may be out of sync, you may want to use Restart.") (* backtrack Coq to the phrase preceding iterator [i] *) method backtrack_to_no_lock i = prerr_endline "Backtracking_to iter starts now."; full_goal_done <- false; (* pop Coq commands until we reach iterator [i] *) let rec n_step n = if Stack.is_empty cmd_stack then n else let phrase = Stack.top cmd_stack in let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark phrase.stop in if i#compare stop >= 0 then n else begin ignore (Stack.pop cmd_stack); if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.comment then n_step n else n_step (succ n) end in begin try self#do_backtrack (fun _ -> ()) (n_step 0); (* We may have backtracked too much: let's replay *) self#process_until_iter_or_error i with _ -> push_info ("WARNING: undo failed badly.\n" ^ "Coq might be in an inconsistent state.\n" ^ "Please restart and report."); end method backtrack_to i = if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then (push_info "Undoing..."; self#backtrack_to_no_lock i; Mutex.unlock coq_may_stop; pop_info ()) else prerr_endline "backtrack_to : discarded (lock is busy)" method go_to_insert = let point = self#get_insert in if point#compare self#get_start_of_input>=0 then self#process_until_iter_or_error point else self#backtrack_to point method undo_last_step = full_goal_done <- false; if Mutex.try_lock coq_may_stop then (push_info "Undoing last step..."; (try let phrase = Stack.pop cmd_stack in let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark phrase.stop in let count = if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.comment then 0 else 1 in let finish where = input_buffer#place_cursor ~where; self#recenter_insert; in self#do_backtrack finish count with Stack.Empty -> () ); pop_info (); Mutex.unlock coq_may_stop) else prerr_endline "undo_last_step discarded" method insert_command cp ip = async(fun _ -> self#clear_message)(); ignore (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false cp ip) method tactic_wizard l = async(fun _ -> self#clear_message)(); ignore (List.exists (fun p -> self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false ("progress "^p^".\n") (p^".\n")) l) method active_keypress_handler k = let state = GdkEvent.Key.state k in begin match state with | l when List.mem `MOD1 l -> let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in if GdkKeysyms._Return=k then ignore( if (input_buffer#insert_interactive "\n") then begin let i= self#get_insert#backward_word_start in prerr_endline "active_kp_hf: Placing cursor"; self#process_until_iter_or_error i end); true | l when List.mem `CONTROL l -> let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in if GdkKeysyms._Break=k then break (); false | l -> if GdkEvent.Key.keyval k = GdkKeysyms._Tab then begin prerr_endline "active_kp_handler for Tab"; self#indent_current_line; true end else false end method disconnected_keypress_handler k = match GdkEvent.Key.state k with | l when List.mem `CONTROL l -> let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in if GdkKeysyms._c=k then break (); false | l -> false val mutable deact_id = None val mutable act_id = None method activate () = if not is_active then begin is_active <- true; act_id <- Some (input_view#event#connect#key_press ~callback:self#active_keypress_handler); prerr_endline "CONNECTED active : "; print_id (match act_id with Some x -> x | None -> assert false); match filename with | None -> () | Some f -> let dir = Filename.dirname f in let ct = !mycoqtop in match Coq.inloadpath ct dir with | Ide_intf.Fail (_,str) -> self#set_message ("Could not determine lodpath, this might lead to problems:\n"^str) | Ide_intf.Good true -> () | Ide_intf.Good false -> let cmd = Printf.sprintf "Add LoadPath \"%s\". " dir in match Coq.interp ct cmd with | Ide_intf.Fail (l,str) -> self#set_message ("Couln't add loadpath:\n"^str) | Ide_intf.Good _ -> () end method private electric_paren tag = let oparen_code = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar "(" ~pos:(ref 0) in let cparen_code = Glib.Utf8.to_unichar ")" ~pos:(ref 0) in ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback: (fun it x -> input_buffer#remove_tag ~start:input_buffer#start_iter ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter tag; if x = "" then () else match x.[String.length x - 1] with | ')' -> let hit = self#get_insert in let count = ref 0 in if hit#nocopy#backward_find_char (fun c -> if c = oparen_code && !count = 0 then true else if c = cparen_code then (incr count;false) else if c = oparen_code then (decr count;false) else false ) then begin prerr_endline "Found matching parenthesis"; input_buffer#apply_tag tag ~start:hit ~stop:hit#forward_char end else () | _ -> ()) ) method help_for_keyword () = browse_keyword (self#insert_message) (get_current_word ()) (** NB: Events during text edition: - [begin_user_action] - [insert_text] (or [delete_range] when deleting) - [changed] - [end_user_action] When pasting a text containing tags (e.g. the sentence terminators), there is actually many [insert_text] and [changed]. For instance, for "a. b.": - [begin_user_action] - [insert_text] (for "a") - [changed] - [insert_text] (for ".") - [changed] - [apply_tag] (for the tag of ".") - [insert_text] (for " b") - [changed] - [insert_text] (for ".") - [changed] - [apply_tag] (for the tag of ".") - [end_user_action] Since these copy-pasted tags may interact badly with the retag mechanism, we now don't monitor the "changed" event, but rather the "begin_user_action" and "end_user_action". We begin by setting a mark at the initial cursor point. At the end, the zone between the mark and the cursor is to be untagged and then retagged. *) initializer ignore (message_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:(fun it s -> ignore (message_view#scroll_to_mark ~use_align:false ~within_margin:0.49 `INSERT))); ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:(fun it s -> if (it#compare self#get_start_of_input)<0 then GtkSignal.stop_emit (); if String.length s > 1 then (prerr_endline "insert_text: Placing cursor";input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:it))); ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#apply_tag ~callback:(fun tag ~start ~stop -> if (start#compare self#get_start_of_input)>=0 then begin input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop; input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop end ) ); ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#insert_text ~callback:(fun it s -> if auto_complete_on && String.length s = 1 && s <> " " && s <> "\n" then let v = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in let has_completed = v#complete_at_offset ((input_view#buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#offset) in if has_completed then input_buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:(input_buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#forward_char; ) ); ignore (input_buffer#connect#begin_user_action ~callback:(fun () -> let here = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in input_buffer#move_mark (`NAME "prev_insert") here ) ); ignore (input_buffer#connect#end_user_action ~callback:(fun () -> last_modification_time <- Unix.time (); let r = input_view#visible_rect in let stop = input_view#get_iter_at_location ~x:(Gdk.Rectangle.x r + Gdk.Rectangle.width r) ~y:(Gdk.Rectangle.y r + Gdk.Rectangle.height r) in input_buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:self#get_start_of_input ~stop; tag_on_insert input_buffer ) ); ignore (input_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb); ignore (proof_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb); ignore (message_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb); self#electric_paren Tags.Script.paren; ignore (input_buffer#connect#after#mark_set ~callback:(fun it (m:Gtk.text_mark) -> !set_location (Printf.sprintf "Line: %5d Char: %3d" (self#get_insert#line + 1) (self#get_insert#line_offset + 1)); match GtkText.Mark.get_name m with | Some "insert" -> input_buffer#remove_tag ~start:input_buffer#start_iter ~stop:input_buffer#end_iter Tags.Script.paren; | Some s -> prerr_endline (s^" moved") | None -> () ) ); ignore (input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:(fun it s -> prerr_endline "Should recenter ?"; if String.contains s '\n' then begin prerr_endline "Should recenter : yes"; self#recenter_insert end)); end let last_make = ref "";; let last_make_index = ref 0;; let search_compile_error_regexp = Str.regexp "File \"\\([^\"]+\\)\", line \\([0-9]+\\), characters \\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)";; let search_next_error () = let _ = Str.search_forward search_compile_error_regexp !last_make !last_make_index in let f = Str.matched_group 1 !last_make and l = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 !last_make) and b = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 3 !last_make) and e = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 4 !last_make) and msg_index = Str.match_beginning () in last_make_index := Str.group_end 4; (f,l,b,e, String.sub !last_make msg_index (String.length !last_make - msg_index)) (**********************************************************************) (* session creation and primitive handling *) (**********************************************************************) let create_session file = let script = Undo.undoable_view ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Script.table ()) ~wrap_mode:`NONE () in let proof = GText.view ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Proof.table ()) ~editable:false ~wrap_mode:`CHAR () in let message = GText.view ~buffer:(GText.buffer ~tag_table:Tags.Message.table ()) ~editable:false ~wrap_mode:`WORD () in let basename = GMisc.label ~text:(match file with |None -> "*scratch*" |Some f -> (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename f)) ) () in let stack = Stack.create () in let coqtop_args = match file with |None -> !sup_args |Some the_file -> match !current.read_project with |Ignore_args -> !sup_args |Append_args -> (Project_file.args_from_project the_file !custom_project_files !current.project_file_name) @(!sup_args) |Subst_args -> Project_file.args_from_project the_file !custom_project_files !current.project_file_name in let ct = ref (Coq.spawn_coqtop coqtop_args) in let command = new Command_windows.command_window !ct current in let legacy_av = new analyzed_view script proof message stack ct file in let () = legacy_av#update_stats in let _ = script#buffer#create_mark ~name:"start_of_input" script#buffer#start_iter in let _ = script#buffer#create_mark ~name:"prev_insert" script#buffer#start_iter in let _ = proof#buffer#create_mark ~name:"end_of_conclusion" proof#buffer#start_iter in let _ = GtkBase.Widget.add_events proof#as_widget [`ENTER_NOTIFY;`POINTER_MOTION] in let _ = List.map (fun (opts,_,_,_,dflt) -> setopts !ct opts dflt) print_items in let _ = legacy_av#activate () in let _ = proof#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback: (fun e -> let win = match proof#get_window `WIDGET with | None -> assert false | Some w -> w in let x,y = Gdk.Window.get_pointer_location win in let b_x,b_y = proof#window_to_buffer_coords ~tag:`WIDGET ~x ~y in let it = proof#get_iter_at_location ~x:b_x ~y:b_y in let tags = it#tags in List.iter (fun t -> ignore (GtkText.Tag.event t#as_tag proof#as_widget e it#as_iter)) tags; false) in script#misc#set_name "ScriptWindow"; script#buffer#place_cursor ~where:(script#buffer#start_iter); proof#misc#set_can_focus true; message#misc#set_can_focus true; script#misc#modify_font !current.text_font; proof#misc#modify_font !current.text_font; message#misc#modify_font !current.text_font; { tab_label=basename; filename=begin match file with None -> "" |Some f -> f end; script=script; proof_view=proof; message_view=message; analyzed_view=legacy_av; encoding=""; toplvl=ct; command=command } (* XXX - to be used later let load_session session filename encs = session.encoding <- List.find (IdeIO.load filename session.script#buffer) encs; session.tab_label#set_text (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename filename)); session.filename <- filename; session.script#buffer#set_modified false let save_session session filename encs = session.encoding <- List.find (IdeIO.save session.script#buffer filename) encs; session.tab_label#set_text (Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename filename)); session.filename <- filename; session.script#buffer#set_modified false let init_session session = session.script#buffer#set_modified false; session.script#clear_undo; session.script#buffer#place_cursor session.script#buffer#start_iter *) (*********************************************************************) (* functions called by the user interface *) (*********************************************************************) (* XXX - to be used later let do_open session filename = try load_session session filename ["UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"]; init_session session; ignore (session_notebook#append_term session) with _ -> () let do_save session = try if session.script#buffer#modified then save_session session session.filename [session.encoding] with _ -> () let choose_open = let last_filename = ref "" in fun session -> let open_dialog = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`OPEN ~title:"Open file" ~modal:true () in let enc_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"File encoding" ~packing:(open_dialog#vbox#pack ~fill:false) () in let enc_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:(String.concat " " ["UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"]) ~packing:enc_frame#add () in let error_dialog = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`ERROR ~modal:true ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message:"Invalid encoding, please indicate the encoding to use." () in let open_response = function | `OPEN -> begin match open_dialog#filename with | Some fn -> begin try load_session session fn (Util.split_string_at ' ' enc_entry#text); session.analyzed_view <- Some (new analyzed_view session); init_session session; session_notebook#goto_page (session_notebook#append_term session); last_filename := fn with | Not_found -> open_dialog#misc#hide (); error_dialog#show () | _ -> error_dialog#set_markup "Unknown error while loading file, aborting."; open_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy () end | None -> () end | `DELETE_EVENT -> open_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy () in let _ = open_dialog#connect#response open_response in let _ = error_dialog#connect#response (fun x -> error_dialog#misc#hide (); open_dialog#show ()) in let filter_any = GFile.filter ~name:"Any" ~patterns:["*"] () in let filter_coq = GFile.filter ~name:"Coq source" ~patterns:["*.v"] () in open_dialog#add_select_button_stock `OPEN `OPEN; open_dialog#add_button_stock `CANCEL `DELETE_EVENT; open_dialog#add_filter filter_any; open_dialog#add_filter filter_coq; ignore(open_dialog#set_filename !last_filename); open_dialog#show () let choose_save session = let save_dialog = GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE ~title:"Save file" ~modal:true () in let enc_frame = GBin.frame ~label:"File encoding" ~packing:(save_dialog#vbox#pack ~fill:false) () in let enc_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:(String.concat " " [session.encoding;"UTF-8";"ISO-8859-1";"ISO-8859-15"]) ~packing:enc_frame#add () in let error_dialog = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`ERROR ~modal:true ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message:"Invalid encoding, please indicate the encoding to use." () in let save_response = function | `SAVE -> begin match save_dialog#filename with | Some fn -> begin try save_session session fn (Util.split_string_at ' ' enc_entry#text) with | Not_found -> save_dialog#misc#hide (); error_dialog#show () | _ -> error_dialog#set_markup "Unknown error while saving file, aborting."; save_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy () end | None -> () end | `DELETE_EVENT -> save_dialog#destroy (); error_dialog#destroy () in let _ = save_dialog#connect#response save_response in let _ = error_dialog#connect#response (fun x -> error_dialog#misc#hide (); save_dialog#show ()) in let filter_any = GFile.filter ~name:"Any" ~patterns:["*"] () in let filter_coq = GFile.filter ~name:"Coq source" ~patterns:["*.v"] () in save_dialog#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE; save_dialog#add_button_stock `CANCEL `DELETE_EVENT; save_dialog#add_filter filter_any; save_dialog#add_filter filter_coq; ignore(save_dialog#set_filename session.filename); save_dialog#show () *) (* Nota: using && here has the advantage of working both under win32 and unix. If someday we want the main command to be tried even if the "cd" has failed, then we should use " ; " under unix but " & " under win32 (cf. #2363). *) let local_cd file = "cd " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.dirname file) ^ " && " let do_print session = let av = session.analyzed_view in match av#filename with |None -> flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name" |Some f_name -> begin let cmd = local_cd f_name ^ !current.cmd_coqdoc ^ " -ps " ^ Filename.quote (Filename.basename f_name) ^ " | " ^ !current.cmd_print in let print_window = GWindow.window ~title:"Print" ~modal:true ~position:`CENTER ~wm_class:"CoqIDE" ~wm_name: "CoqIDE" () in let vbox_print = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10 ~packing:print_window#add () in let _ = GMisc.label ~justify:`LEFT ~text:"Print using the following command:" ~packing:vbox_print#add () in let print_entry = GEdit.entry ~text:cmd ~editable:true ~width_chars:80 ~packing:vbox_print#add () in let hbox_print = GPack.hbox ~spacing:10 ~packing:vbox_print#add () in let print_cancel_button = GButton.button ~stock:`CANCEL ~label:"Cancel" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in let print_button = GButton.button ~stock:`PRINT ~label:"Print" ~packing:hbox_print#add () in let callback_print () = let cmd = print_entry#text in let s,_ = run_command av#insert_message cmd in flash_info (cmd ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed"); print_window#destroy () in ignore (print_cancel_button#connect#clicked ~callback:print_window#destroy) ; ignore (print_button#connect#clicked ~callback:callback_print); print_window#misc#show () end let load_file handler f = let f = absolute_filename f in try prerr_endline "Loading file starts"; let is_f = Minilib.same_file f in if not (Minilib.list_fold_left_i (fun i found x -> if found then found else let {analyzed_view=av} = x in (match av#filename with | None -> false | Some fn -> if is_f fn then (session_notebook#goto_page i; true) else false)) 0 false session_notebook#pages) then begin prerr_endline "Loading: must open"; let b = Buffer.create 1024 in prerr_endline "Loading: get raw content"; with_file handler f ~f:(input_channel b); prerr_endline "Loading: convert content"; let s = do_convert (Buffer.contents b) in prerr_endline "Loading: create view"; let session = create_session (Some f) in prerr_endline "Loading: adding view"; let index = session_notebook#append_term session in let av = session.analyzed_view in prerr_endline "Loading: stats"; av#update_stats; let input_buffer = session.script#buffer in prerr_endline "Loading: fill buffer"; input_buffer#set_text s; input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:input_buffer#start_iter; force_retag input_buffer; prerr_endline ("Loading: switch to view "^ string_of_int index); session_notebook#goto_page index; prerr_endline "Loading: highlight"; input_buffer#set_modified false; prerr_endline "Loading: clear undo"; session.script#clear_undo; prerr_endline "Loading: success" end with | e -> handler ("Load failed: "^(Printexc.to_string e)) let do_load = load_file flash_info let saveall_f () = List.iter (function | {script = view ; analyzed_view = av} -> begin match av#filename with | None -> () | Some f -> ignore (av#save f) end ) session_notebook#pages let forbid_quit_to_save () = begin try save_pref() with e -> flash_info "Cannot save preferences" end; (if List.exists (function | {script=view} -> view#buffer#modified ) session_notebook#pages then match (GToolbox.question_box ~title:"Quit" ~buttons:["Save Named Buffers and Quit"; "Quit without Saving"; "Don't Quit"] ~default:0 ~icon: (let img = GMisc.image () in img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING; img#set_icon_size `DIALOG; img#coerce) "There are unsaved buffers" ) with 1 -> saveall_f () ; false | 2 -> false | _ -> true else false)|| (let wait_window = GWindow.window ~modal:true ~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde" ~kind:`POPUP ~title:"Terminating coqtops" () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text:"Terminating coqtops processes, please wait ..." ~packing:wait_window#add () in let warning_window = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`WARNING ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.yes_no ~message: ("Some coqtops processes are still running.\n" ^ "If you quit CoqIDE right now, you may have to kill them manually.\n" ^ "Do you want to wait for those processes to terminate ?") () in let () = List.iter (fun _ -> session_notebook#remove_page 0) session_notebook#pages in let nb_try=ref (0) in let () = wait_window#show () in let () = while (Coq.coqtop_zombies () <> 0)&&(!nb_try <= 50) do incr nb_try; Thread.delay 0.1 ; done in if (!nb_try = 50) then begin wait_window#misc#hide (); match warning_window#run () with | `YES -> warning_window#misc#hide (); true | `NO | `DELETE_EVENT -> false end else false) let main files = (* Statup preferences *) begin try load_pref () with e -> flash_info ("Could not load preferences ("^Printexc.to_string e^")."); end; (* Main window *) let w = GWindow.window ~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde" ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height ~title:"CoqIde" () in (try let icon_image = lib_ide_file "coq.png" in let icon = GdkPixbuf.from_file icon_image in w#set_icon (Some icon) with _ -> ()); let vbox = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:w#add () in let new_f _ = match select_file_for_save ~title:"Create file" () with | None -> () | Some f -> do_load f in let load_f _ = match select_file_for_open ~title:"Load file" () with | None -> () | Some f -> do_load f in let save_f _ = let current = session_notebook#current_term in try (match current.analyzed_view#filename with | None -> begin match select_file_for_save ~title:"Save file" () with | None -> () | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f); flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved") end else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)") end | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save f then flash_info ("File " ^ f ^ " saved") else warning ("Save Failed (check if " ^ f ^ " is writable)") ) with | e -> warning "Save: unexpected error" in let saveas_f _ = let current = session_notebook#current_term in try (match current.analyzed_view#filename with | None -> begin match select_file_for_save ~title:"Save file as" () with | None -> () | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f); flash_info "Saved" end else flash_info "Save Failed" end | Some f -> begin match select_file_for_save ~dir:(ref (Filename.dirname f)) ~filename:(Filename.basename f) ~title:"Save file as" () with | None -> () | Some f -> if current.analyzed_view#save_as f then begin current.tab_label#set_text (Filename.basename f); flash_info "Saved" end else flash_info "Save Failed" end); with e -> flash_info "Save Failed" in let revert_f {analyzed_view = av} = (try match av#filename,av#stats with | Some f,Some stats -> let new_stats = Unix.stat f in if new_stats.Unix.st_mtime > stats.Unix.st_mtime then av#revert | Some _, None -> av#revert | _ -> () with _ -> av#revert) in let export_f kind _ = let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in match av#filename with | None -> flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name" | Some f -> let basef = Filename.basename f in let output = let basef_we = try Filename.chop_extension basef with _ -> basef in match kind with | "latex" -> basef_we ^ ".tex" | "dvi" | "ps" | "pdf" | "html" -> basef_we ^ "." ^ kind | _ -> assert false in let cmd = local_cd f ^ !current.cmd_coqdoc ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^ (Filename.quote output) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote basef) in let s,_ = run_command av#insert_message cmd in flash_info (cmd ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed") in let quit_f _ = if not (forbid_quit_to_save ()) then exit 0 in let get_active_view_for_cp () = let has_sel (i0,i1) = i0#compare i1 <> 0 in let current = session_notebook#current_term in if has_sel current.script#buffer#selection_bounds then current.script#as_view else if has_sel current.proof_view#buffer#selection_bounds then current.proof_view#as_view else current.message_view#as_view in (* let toggle_auto_complete_i = edit_f#add_check_item "_Auto Completion" ~active:!current.auto_complete ~callback: in *) (* auto_complete := (fun b -> match session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view with | Some av -> av#set_auto_complete b | None -> ()); *) (* begin of find/replace mechanism *) let last_found = ref None in let search_backward = ref false in let find_w = GWindow.window (* ~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde" *) (* ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true *) (* ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height *) ~position:`CENTER ~title:"CoqIde search/replace" () in let find_box = GPack.table ~columns:3 ~rows:5 ~col_spacings:10 ~row_spacings:10 ~border_width:10 ~homogeneous:false ~packing:find_w#add () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text:"Find:" ~xalign:1.0 ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:0 ~fill:`X) () in let find_entry = GEdit.entry ~editable: true ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:0 ~expand:`X) () in let _ = GMisc.label ~text:"Replace with:" ~xalign:1.0 ~packing:(find_box#attach ~left:0 ~top:1 ~fill:`X) () in let replace_entry = GEdit.entry ~editable: true ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:1 ~expand:`X) () in (* let _ = GButton.check_button ~label:"case sensitive" ~active:true ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:2) () in *) let find_backwards_check = GButton.check_button ~label:"search backwards" ~active:!search_backward ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:1 ~top:3) () in let close_find_button = GButton.button ~label:"Close" ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:2 ~top:2) () in let replace_find_button = GButton.button ~label:"Replace and find" ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:2 ~top:1) () in let find_again_button = GButton.button ~label:"_Find again" ~packing: (find_box#attach ~left:2 ~top:0) () in let last_find () = let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in let b = v#buffer in let start,stop = match !last_found with | None -> let i = b#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in (i,i) | Some(start,stop) -> let start = b#get_iter_at_mark start and stop = b#get_iter_at_mark stop in b#remove_tag Tags.Script.found ~start ~stop; last_found:=None; start,stop in (v,b,start,stop) in let do_replace () = let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in let b = v#buffer in match !last_found with | None -> () | Some(start,stop) -> let start = b#get_iter_at_mark start and stop = b#get_iter_at_mark stop in b#delete ~start ~stop; b#insert ~iter:start replace_entry#text; last_found:=None in let find_from (v : Undo.undoable_view) (b : GText.buffer) (starti : GText.iter) text = prerr_endline ("Searching for " ^ text); match (if !search_backward then starti#backward_search text else starti#forward_search text) with | None -> () | Some(start,stop) -> b#apply_tag Tags.Script.found ~start ~stop; let start = `MARK (b#create_mark start) and stop = `MARK (b#create_mark stop) in v#scroll_to_mark ~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25 stop; last_found := Some(start,stop) in let do_find () = let (v,b,starti,_) = last_find () in find_from v b starti find_entry#text in let do_replace_find () = do_replace(); do_find() in let close_find () = let (v,b,_,stop) = last_find () in b#place_cursor ~where:stop; find_w#misc#hide(); v#coerce#misc#grab_focus() in to_do_on_page_switch := (fun i -> if find_w#misc#visible then close_find()):: !to_do_on_page_switch; let find_again () = let (v,b,start,_) = last_find () in let start = if !search_backward then start#backward_chars 1 else start#forward_chars 1 in find_from v b start find_entry#text in let click_on_backward () = search_backward := not !search_backward in let key_find ev = let s = GdkEvent.Key.state ev and k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev in if k = GdkKeysyms._Escape then begin let (v,b,_,stop) = last_find () in find_w#misc#hide(); v#coerce#misc#grab_focus(); true end else if k = GdkKeysyms._Escape then begin close_find(); true end else if k = GdkKeysyms._Return || List.mem `CONTROL s && k = GdkKeysyms._f then begin find_again (); true end else if List.mem `CONTROL s && k = GdkKeysyms._b then begin find_backwards_check#set_active (not !search_backward); true end else false (* to let default callback execute *) in let find_f ~backward () = let save_dir = !search_backward in search_backward := backward; find_w#show (); find_w#present (); find_entry#misc#grab_focus (); search_backward := save_dir in let _ = find_again_button#connect#clicked find_again in let _ = close_find_button#connect#clicked close_find in let _ = replace_find_button#connect#clicked do_replace_find in let _ = find_backwards_check#connect#clicked click_on_backward in let _ = find_entry#connect#changed do_find in let _ = find_entry#event#connect#key_press ~callback:key_find in let _ = find_w#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> find_w#misc#hide(); true) in (* let search_if = edit_f#add_item "Search _forward" ~key:GdkKeysyms._greater in let search_ib = edit_f#add_item "Search _backward" ~key:GdkKeysyms._less in *) (* let complete_i = edit_f#add_item "_Complete" ~key:GdkKeysyms._comma ~callback: (do_if_not_computing (fun b -> let v = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in v#complete_at_offset ((v#view#buffer#get_iter `SEL_BOUND)#offset) )) in complete_i#misc#set_state `INSENSITIVE; *) (* end of find/replace mechanism *) (* begin Preferences *) let reset_revert_timer () = disconnect_revert_timer (); if !current.global_auto_revert then revert_timer := Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.global_auto_revert_delay ~callback: (fun () -> do_if_not_computing "revert" (sync revert_f) session_notebook#pages; true)) in reset_revert_timer (); (* to enable statup preferences timer *) (* XXX *) let auto_save_f {analyzed_view = av} = (try av#auto_save with _ -> ()) in let reset_auto_save_timer () = disconnect_auto_save_timer (); if !current.auto_save then auto_save_timer := Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:!current.auto_save_delay ~callback: (fun () -> do_if_not_computing "autosave" (sync auto_save_f) session_notebook#pages; true)) in reset_auto_save_timer (); (* to enable statup preferences timer *) (* end Preferences *) let do_or_activate f () = do_if_not_computing "do_or_activate" (fun current -> let av = current.analyzed_view in ignore (f av); pop_info (); push_info (match Coq.status !(current.toplvl) with | Ide_intf.Fail (l,str) -> "Oops, problem while fetching coq status." | Ide_intf.Good str -> str) ) [session_notebook#current_term] in let do_if_active f _ = do_if_not_computing "do_if_active" (fun sess -> ignore (f sess.analyzed_view)) [session_notebook#current_term] in let match_callback _ = let w = get_current_word () in let cur_ct = !(session_notebook#current_term.toplvl) in try match Coq.mkcases cur_ct w with | Ide_intf.Fail _ -> raise Not_found | Ide_intf.Good cases -> let print_branch c l = Format.fprintf c " | @[%a@]=> _@\n" (print_list (fun c s -> Format.fprintf c "%s@ " s)) l in let b = Buffer.create 1024 in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in Format.fprintf fmt "@[match var with@\n%aend@]@." (print_list print_branch) cases; let s = Buffer.contents b in prerr_endline s; let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in ignore (view#buffer#delete_selection ()); let m = view#buffer#create_mark (view#buffer#get_iter `INSERT) in if view#buffer#insert_interactive s then let i = view#buffer#get_iter (`MARK m) in let _ = i#nocopy#forward_chars 9 in view#buffer#place_cursor ~where:i; view#buffer#move_mark ~where:(i#backward_chars 3) `SEL_BOUND with Not_found -> flash_info "Not an inductive type" in (* External command callback *) let compile_f _ = let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in save_f (); match av#filename with | None -> flash_info "Active buffer has no name" | Some f -> let cmd = !current.cmd_coqc ^ " -I " ^ (Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f)) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote f) in let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled") else begin flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile"); av#process_until_end_or_error; av#insert_message "Compilation output:\n"; av#insert_message res end in let make_f _ = let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in match av#filename with | None -> flash_info "Cannot make: this buffer has no name" | Some f -> let cmd = local_cd f ^ !current.cmd_make in (* save_f (); *) av#insert_message "Command output:\n"; let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in last_make := res; last_make_index := 0; flash_info (!current.cmd_make ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed") in let next_error _ = try let file,line,start,stop,error_msg = search_next_error () in do_load file; let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in let input_buffer = v.script#buffer in (* let init = input_buffer#start_iter in let i = init#forward_lines (line-1) in *) (* let convert_pos = byte_offset_to_char_offset phrase in let start = convert_pos start in let stop = convert_pos stop in *) (* let starti = i#forward_chars start in let stopi = i#forward_chars stop in *) let starti = input_buffer#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) start in let stopi = input_buffer#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) stop in input_buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:starti ~stop:stopi; input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:starti; av#set_message error_msg; v.script#misc#grab_focus () with Not_found -> last_make_index := 0; let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in av#set_message "No more errors.\n" in let coq_makefile_f _ = let v = session_notebook#current_term in let av = v.analyzed_view in match av#filename with | None -> flash_info "Cannot make makefile: this buffer has no name" | Some f -> let cmd = local_cd f ^ !current.cmd_coqmakefile in let s,res = run_command av#insert_message cmd in flash_info (!current.cmd_coqmakefile ^ if s = Unix.WEXITED 0 then " succeeded" else " failed") in let file_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"File" () in let export_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Export" () in let edit_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Edit" () in let navigation_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Navigation" () in let tactics_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Tactics" () in let templates_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Templates" () in let queries_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Queries" () in let display_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Display" () in let compile_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Compile" () in let windows_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Windows" () in let help_actions = GAction.action_group ~name:"Help" () in let add_gen_actions menu_name act_grp l = let no_under = Minilib.string_map (fun x -> if x = '_' then '-' else x) in let add_simple_template menu_name act_grp text = let text' = let l = String.length text - 1 in if String.get text l = '.' then text ^"\n" else text ^" " in GAction.add_action (menu_name^" "^(no_under text)) ~label:text ~callback:(fun _ -> let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in ignore (view#buffer#insert_interactive text')) act_grp in List.iter (function | [] -> () | [s] -> add_simple_template menu_name act_grp s | s::_ as ll -> let label = "_@..." in label.[1] <- s.[0]; GAction.add_action (menu_name^" "^(String.make 1 s.[0])) ~label act_grp; List.iter (add_simple_template menu_name act_grp) ll ) l in let tactic_shortcut s sc = GAction.add_action s ~label:("_"^s) ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_tactics^sc) ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#insert_command ("progress "^s^".\n") (s^".\n"))) in let query_shortcut s accel = GAction.add_action s ~label:("_"^s) ?accel ~callback:(fun _ -> let term = get_current_word () in session_notebook#current_term.command#new_command ~command:s ~term ()) in let add_complex_template (name, label, text, offset, len, key) = (* Templates/Lemma *) let callback _ = let {script = view } = session_notebook#current_term in if view#buffer#insert_interactive text then begin let iter = view#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in ignore (iter#nocopy#backward_chars offset); view#buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:iter; ignore (iter#nocopy#backward_chars len); view#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:iter; end in match key with |Some ac -> GAction.add_action name ~label ~callback ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_templates^ac) |None -> GAction.add_action name ~label ~callback ?accel:None in GAction.add_actions file_actions [ GAction.add_action "File" ~label:"_File"; GAction.add_action "New" ~callback:new_f ~stock:`NEW; GAction.add_action "Open" ~callback:load_f ~stock:`OPEN; GAction.add_action "Save" ~callback:save_f ~stock:`SAVE ~tooltip:"Save current buffer"; GAction.add_action "Save as" ~label:"S_ave as" ~callback:saveas_f ~stock:`SAVE_AS; GAction.add_action "Save all" ~label:"Sa_ve all" ~callback:(fun _ -> saveall_f ()); GAction.add_action "Revert all buffers" ~label:"_Revert all buffers" ~callback:(fun _ -> List.iter revert_f session_notebook#pages) ~stock:`REVERT_TO_SAVED; GAction.add_action "Close buffer" ~label:"_Close buffer" ~callback:(fun _ -> remove_current_view_page ()) ~stock:`CLOSE ~tooltip:"Close current buffer"; GAction.add_action "Print..." ~label:"_Print..." ~callback:(fun _ -> do_print session_notebook#current_term) ~stock:`PRINT ~accel:"p"; GAction.add_action "Rehighlight" ~label:"Reh_ighlight" ~accel:"l" ~callback:(fun _ -> force_retag session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer; session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view#recenter_insert) ~stock:`REFRESH; GAction.add_action "Quit" ~callback:quit_f ~stock:`QUIT; ]; GAction.add_actions export_actions [ GAction.add_action "Export to" ~label:"E_xport to"; GAction.add_action "Html" ~label:"_Html" ~callback:(export_f "html"); GAction.add_action "Latex" ~label:"_LaTeX" ~callback:(export_f "latex"); GAction.add_action "Dvi" ~label:"_Dvi" ~callback:(export_f "dvi"); GAction.add_action "Pdf" ~label:"_Pdf" ~callback:(export_f "pdf"); GAction.add_action "Ps" ~label:"_Ps" ~callback:(export_f "ps"); ]; GAction.add_actions edit_actions [ GAction.add_action "Edit" ~label:"_Edit"; GAction.add_action "Undo" ~accel:"u" ~callback:(fun _ -> do_if_not_computing "undo" (fun sess -> ignore (sess.analyzed_view#without_auto_complete (fun () -> session_notebook#current_term.script#undo) ())) [session_notebook#current_term]) ~stock:`UNDO; GAction.add_action "Clear Undo Stack" ~label:"_Clear Undo Stack" ~callback:(fun _ -> ignore session_notebook#current_term.script#clear_undo); GAction.add_action "Cut" ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.emit_unit (get_active_view_for_cp ()) ~sgn:GtkText.View.S.cut_clipboard ) ~stock:`CUT; GAction.add_action "Copy" ~callback:(fun _ -> GtkSignal.emit_unit (get_active_view_for_cp ()) ~sgn:GtkText.View.S.copy_clipboard) ~stock:`COPY; GAction.add_action "Paste" ~callback:(fun _ -> try GtkSignal.emit_unit session_notebook#current_term.script#as_view ~sgn:GtkText.View.S.paste_clipboard with _ -> prerr_endline "EMIT PASTE FAILED") ~stock:`PASTE; GAction.add_action "Find in buffer" ~label:"_Find in buffer" ~callback:(fun _ -> find_f ~backward:false ()) ~stock:`FIND; GAction.add_action "Find backwards" ~label:"Find _backwards" ~callback:(fun _ -> find_f ~backward:true ()) ~accel:"b"; GAction.add_action "Complete Word" ~label:"Complete Word" ~callback:(fun _ -> ignore ( let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in av#complete_at_offset (av#get_insert)#offset )) ~accel:"slash"; GAction.add_action "External editor" ~label:"External editor" ~callback:(fun _ -> let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in match av#filename with | None -> warning "Call to external editor available only on named files" | Some f -> save_f (); let com = Minilib.subst_command_placeholder !current.cmd_editor (Filename.quote f) in let _ = run_command av#insert_message com in av#revert) ~stock:`EDIT; GAction.add_action "Preferences" ~callback:(fun _ -> begin try configure ~apply:update_notebook_pos () with _ -> flash_info "Cannot save preferences" end; reset_revert_timer ()) ~stock:`PREFERENCES; (* GAction.add_action "Save preferences" ~label:"_Save preferences" ~callback:(fun _ -> save_pref ()); *) ]; GAction.add_actions navigation_actions [ GAction.add_action "Navigation" ~label:"_Navigation"; GAction.add_action "Forward" ~label:"_Forward" ~stock:`GO_DOWN ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#process_next_phrase true) ()) ~tooltip:"Forward one command" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"Down"); GAction.add_action "Backward" ~label:"_Backward" ~stock:`GO_UP ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#undo_last_step) ()) ~tooltip:"Backward one command" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"Up"); GAction.add_action "Go to" ~label:"_Go to" ~stock:`JUMP_TO ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#go_to_insert) ()) ~tooltip:"Go to cursor" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"Right"); GAction.add_action "Start" ~label:"_Start" ~stock:`GOTO_TOP ~callback:(fun _ -> force_reset_initial ()) ~tooltip:"Restart coq" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"Home"); GAction.add_action "End" ~label:"_End" ~stock:`GOTO_BOTTOM ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#process_until_end_or_error) ()) ~tooltip:"Go to end" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"End"); GAction.add_action "Interrupt" ~label:"_Interrupt" ~stock:`STOP ~callback:(fun _ -> break ()) ~tooltip:"Interrupt computations" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"Break"); GAction.add_action "Hide" ~label:"_Hide" ~stock:`MISSING_IMAGE ~callback:(fun _ -> let sess = session_notebook#current_term in toggle_proof_visibility sess.script#buffer sess.analyzed_view#get_insert) ~tooltip:"Hide proof" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"h"); GAction.add_action "Previous" ~label:"_Previous" ~stock:`GO_BACK ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#go_to_prev_occ_of_cur_word) ()) ~tooltip:"Previous occurence" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"less"); GAction.add_action "Next" ~label:"_Next" ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ~callback:(fun _ -> do_or_activate (fun a -> a#go_to_next_occ_of_cur_word) ()) ~tooltip:"Next occurence" ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_navigation^"greater"); ]; GAction.add_actions tactics_actions [ GAction.add_action "Try Tactics" ~label:"_Try Tactics"; GAction.add_action "Wizard" ~tooltip:"Proof Wizard" ~label:"" ~stock:`DIALOG_INFO ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#tactic_wizard !current.automatic_tactics)) ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_tactics^"dollar"); tactic_shortcut "auto" "a"; tactic_shortcut "auto with *" "asterisk"; tactic_shortcut "eauto" "e"; tactic_shortcut "eauto with *" "ampersand"; tactic_shortcut "intuition" "i"; tactic_shortcut "omega" "o"; tactic_shortcut "simpl" "s"; tactic_shortcut "tauto" "p"; tactic_shortcut "trivial" "v"; ]; add_gen_actions "Tactic" tactics_actions Coq_commands.tactics; GAction.add_actions templates_actions [ GAction.add_action "Templates" ~label:"Te_mplates"; add_complex_template ("Lemma", "_Lemma __", "Lemma new_lemma : .\nIdeproof.\n\nSave.\n", 19, 9, Some "L"); add_complex_template ("Theorem", "_Theorem __", "Theorem new_theorem : .\nIdeproof.\n\nSave.\n", 19, 11, Some "T"); add_complex_template ("Definition", "_Definition __", "Definition ident := .\n", 6, 5, Some "D"); add_complex_template ("Inductive", "_Inductive __", "Inductive ident : :=\n | : .\n", 14, 5, Some "I"); add_complex_template ("Fixpoint", "_Fixpoint __", "Fixpoint ident (_ : _) {struct _} : _ :=\n.\n", 29, 5, Some "F"); add_complex_template ("Scheme", "_Scheme __", "Scheme new_scheme := Induction for _ Sort _\ \nwith _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n",61,10, Some "S"); GAction.add_action "match" ~label:"match ..." ~callback:match_callback ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_templates^"C"); ]; add_gen_actions "Template" templates_actions Coq_commands.commands; GAction.add_actions queries_actions [ GAction.add_action "Queries" ~label:"_Queries"; query_shortcut "SearchAbout" (Some "F2"); query_shortcut "Check" (Some "F3"); query_shortcut "Print" (Some "F4"); query_shortcut "About" (Some "F5"); query_shortcut "Locate" None; query_shortcut "Whelp Locate" None; ]; GAction.add_action "Display" ~label:"_Display" display_actions; List.iter (fun (opts,name,label,key,dflt) -> GAction.add_toggle_action name ~active:dflt ~label ~accel:(!current.modifier_for_display^key) ~callback:(fun v -> do_or_activate (fun a -> ignore (setopts !(session_notebook#current_term.toplvl) opts v#get_active); a#show_goals) ()) display_actions) print_items; GAction.add_actions compile_actions [ GAction.add_action "Compile" ~label:"_Compile"; GAction.add_action "Compile buffer" ~label:"_Compile buffer" ~callback:compile_f; GAction.add_action "Make" ~label:"_Make" ~callback:make_f ~accel:"F6"; GAction.add_action "Next error" ~label:"_Next error" ~callback:next_error ~accel:"F7"; GAction.add_action "Make makefile" ~label:"Make makefile" ~callback:coq_makefile_f; ]; GAction.add_actions windows_actions [ GAction.add_action "Windows" ~label:"_Windows"; GAction.add_toggle_action "Show/Hide Query Pane" ~label:"Show/Hide _Query Pane" ~callback:(fun _ -> let ccw = session_notebook#current_term.command in if ccw#frame#misc#visible then ccw#frame#misc#hide () else ccw#frame#misc#show ()) ~accel:"Escape"; GAction.add_toggle_action "Show/Hide Toolbar" ~label:"Show/Hide _Toolbar" ~active:(!current.show_toolbar) ~callback: (fun _ -> !current.show_toolbar <- not !current.show_toolbar; !show_toolbar !current.show_toolbar); GAction.add_action "Detach View" ~label:"Detach _View" ~callback:(fun _ -> do_if_not_computing "detach view" (function {script=v;analyzed_view=av} -> let w = GWindow.window ~show:true ~width:(!current.window_width*2/3) ~height:(!current.window_height*2/3) ~position:`CENTER ~title:(match av#filename with | None -> "*Unnamed*" | Some f -> f) () in let sb = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing:w#add () in let nv = GText.view ~buffer:v#buffer ~packing:sb#add () in nv#misc#modify_font !current.text_font; ignore (w#connect#destroy ~callback: (fun () -> av#remove_detached_view w)); av#add_detached_view w) [session_notebook#current_term]); ]; GAction.add_actions help_actions [ GAction.add_action "Help" ~label:"_Help"; GAction.add_action "Browse Coq Manual" ~label:"Browse Coq _Manual" ~callback:(fun _ -> let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in browse av#insert_message (doc_url ())); GAction.add_action "Browse Coq Library" ~label:"Browse Coq _Library" ~callback:(fun _ -> let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in browse av#insert_message !current.library_url); GAction.add_action "Help for keyword" ~label:"Help for _keyword" ~callback:(fun _ -> let av = session_notebook#current_term.analyzed_view in av#help_for_keyword ()) ~stock:`HELP; GAction.add_action "About Coq" ~label:"_About" ~stock:`ABOUT; ]; Coqide_ui.init (); Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group file_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group export_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group edit_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group navigation_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group tactics_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group templates_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group queries_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group display_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group compile_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group windows_actions 0; Coqide_ui.ui_m#insert_action_group help_actions 0; w#add_accel_group Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_accel_group ; if Coq_config.gtk_platform <> `QUARTZ then vbox#pack (Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde MenuBar"); let tbar = GtkButton.Toolbar.cast ((Coqide_ui.ui_m#get_widget "/CoqIde ToolBar")#as_widget) in let () = GtkButton.Toolbar.set ~orientation:`HORIZONTAL ~style:`ICONS ~tooltips:true tbar in let toolbar = new GObj.widget tbar in vbox#pack toolbar; show_toolbar := (fun b -> if b then toolbar#misc#show () else toolbar#misc#hide ()); ignore (w#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> quit_f (); true)); (* The vertical Separator between Scripts and Goals *) vbox#pack ~expand:true session_notebook#coerce; update_notebook_pos (); let nb = session_notebook in let lower_hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:vbox#pack () in lower_hbox#pack ~expand:true status#coerce; let search_lbl = GMisc.label ~text:"Search:" ~show:false ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in let search_history = ref [] in let (search_input,_) = GEdit.combo_box_entry_text ~strings:!search_history ~show:false ~packing:(lower_hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in let ready_to_wrap_search = ref false in let start_of_search = ref None in let start_of_found = ref None in let end_of_found = ref None in let search_forward = ref true in let matched_word = ref None in let memo_search () = matched_word := Some search_input#entry#text in let end_search () = prerr_endline "End Search"; memo_search (); let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:(v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT); v#coerce#misc#grab_focus (); search_input#entry#set_text ""; search_lbl#misc#hide (); search_input#misc#hide () in let end_search_focus_out () = prerr_endline "End Search(focus out)"; memo_search (); let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:(v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT); search_input#entry#set_text ""; search_lbl#misc#hide (); search_input#misc#hide () in ignore (search_input#entry#connect#activate ~callback:end_search); ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_press ~callback:(fun k -> let kv = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in if kv = GdkKeysyms._Right || kv = GdkKeysyms._Up || kv = GdkKeysyms._Left || (kv = GdkKeysyms._g && (List.mem `CONTROL (GdkEvent.Key.state k))) then end_search (); false)); ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#focus_out ~callback:(fun _ -> end_search_focus_out (); false)); to_do_on_page_switch := (fun i -> start_of_search := None; ready_to_wrap_search:=false)::!to_do_on_page_switch; (* TODO : make it work !!! *) let rec search_f () = search_lbl#misc#show (); search_input#misc#show (); prerr_endline "search_f called"; if !start_of_search = None then begin (* A full new search is starting *) start_of_search := Some (session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#create_mark (session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)); start_of_found := !start_of_search; end_of_found := !start_of_search; matched_word := Some ""; end; let txt = search_input#entry#text in let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in let iit = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND and insert_iter = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in prerr_endline ("SELBOUND="^(string_of_int iit#offset)); prerr_endline ("INSERT="^(string_of_int insert_iter#offset)); (match if !search_forward then iit#forward_search txt else let npi = iit#forward_chars (Glib.Utf8.length txt) in match (npi#offset = (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#offset), (let t = iit#get_text ~stop:npi in flash_info (t^"\n"^txt); t = txt) with | true,true -> (flash_info "T,T";iit#backward_search txt) | false,true -> flash_info "F,T";Some (iit,npi) | _,false -> (iit#backward_search txt) with | None -> if !ready_to_wrap_search then begin ready_to_wrap_search := false; flash_info "Search wrapped"; v#buffer#place_cursor ~where:(if !search_forward then v#buffer#start_iter else v#buffer#end_iter); search_f () end else begin if !search_forward then flash_info "Search at end" else flash_info "Search at start"; ready_to_wrap_search := true end | Some (start,stop) -> prerr_endline "search: before moving marks"; prerr_endline ("SELBOUND="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND)#offset)); prerr_endline ("INSERT="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#offset)); v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:start; v#buffer#move_mark `INSERT ~where:stop; prerr_endline "search: after moving marks"; prerr_endline ("SELBOUND="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `SEL_BOUND)#offset)); prerr_endline ("INSERT="^(string_of_int (v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#offset)); v#scroll_to_mark `SEL_BOUND ) in ignore (search_input#entry#event#connect#key_release ~callback: (fun ev -> if GdkEvent.Key.keyval ev = GdkKeysyms._Escape then begin let v = session_notebook#current_term.script in (match !start_of_search with | None -> prerr_endline "search_key_rel: Placing sel_bound"; v#buffer#move_mark `SEL_BOUND ~where:(v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT) | Some mk -> let it = v#buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK mk) in prerr_endline "search_key_rel: Placing cursor"; v#buffer#place_cursor ~where:it; start_of_search := None ); search_input#entry#set_text ""; v#coerce#misc#grab_focus (); end; false )); ignore (search_input#entry#connect#changed ~callback:search_f); push_info "Ready"; (* Location display *) let l = GMisc.label ~text:"Line: 1 Char: 1" ~packing:lower_hbox#pack () in l#coerce#misc#set_name "location"; set_location := l#set_text; (* Progress Bar *) lower_hbox#pack pbar#coerce; pbar#set_text "CoqIde started"; (* XXX *) change_font := (fun fd -> List.iter (fun {script=view; proof_view=prf_v; message_view=msg_v} -> view#misc#modify_font fd; prf_v#misc#modify_font fd; msg_v#misc#modify_font fd ) session_notebook#pages; ); let about_full_string = "\nCoq is developed by the Coq Development Team\ \n(INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS)\ \nWeb site: " ^ Coq_config.wwwcoq ^ "\nFeature wish or bug report: http://coq.inria.fr/bugs/\ \n\ \nCredits for CoqIDE, the Integrated Development Environment for Coq:\ \n\ \nMain author : Benjamin Monate\ \nContributors : Jean-Christophe Filliâtre\ \n Pierre Letouzey, Claude Marché\ \n Bruno Barras, Pierre Corbineau\ \n Julien Narboux, Hugo Herbelin, ... \ \n\ \nVersion information\ \n-------------------\ \n" in let initial_about (b:GText.buffer) = let initial_string = "Welcome to CoqIDE, an Integrated Development Environment for Coq\n" in let coq_version = Coq.short_version () in b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n"; if Glib.Utf8.validate ("You are running " ^ coq_version) then b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter ("You are running " ^ coq_version); if Glib.Utf8.validate initial_string then b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter initial_string; (try let image = lib_ide_file "coq.png" in let startup_image = GdkPixbuf.from_file image in b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n"; b#insert_pixbuf ~iter:b#start_iter ~pixbuf:startup_image; b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n\t\t " with _ -> ()) in let about (b:GText.buffer) = (try let image = lib_ide_file "coq.png" in let startup_image = GdkPixbuf.from_file image in b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n"; b#insert_pixbuf ~iter:b#start_iter ~pixbuf:startup_image; b#insert ~iter:b#start_iter "\n\n\t\t " with _ -> ()); if Glib.Utf8.validate about_full_string then b#insert about_full_string; let coq_version = Coq.version () in if Glib.Utf8.validate coq_version then b#insert coq_version in (* Remove default pango menu for textviews *) w#show (); ignore ((help_actions#get_action "About Coq")#connect#activate ~callback:(fun _ -> let prf_v = session_notebook#current_term.proof_view in prf_v#buffer#set_text ""; about prf_v#buffer)); (* *) resize_window := (fun () -> w#resize ~width:!current.window_width ~height:!current.window_height); ignore(nb#connect#switch_page ~callback: (fun i -> prerr_endline ("switch_page: starts " ^ string_of_int i); List.iter (function f -> f i) !to_do_on_page_switch; prerr_endline "switch_page: success") ); if List.length files >=1 then begin List.iter (fun f -> if Sys.file_exists f then do_load f else let f = if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then f else f^".v" in load_file (fun s -> print_endline s; exit 1) f) files; session_notebook#goto_page 0; end else begin let session = create_session None in let index = session_notebook#append_term session in session_notebook#goto_page index; end; initial_about session_notebook#current_term.proof_view#buffer; !show_toolbar !current.show_toolbar; session_notebook#current_term.script#misc#grab_focus ();; (* This function check every half of second if GeoProof has send something on his private clipboard *) let rec check_for_geoproof_input () = let cb_Dr = GData.clipboard (Gdk.Atom.intern "_GeoProof") in while true do Thread.delay 0.1; let s = cb_Dr#text in (match s with Some s -> if s <> "Ack" then session_notebook#current_term.script#buffer#insert (s^"\n"); cb_Dr#set_text "Ack" | None -> () ); (* cb_Dr#clear does not work so i use : *) (* cb_Dr#set_text "Ack" *) done (** By default, the coqtop we try to launch is exactly the current coqide full name, with the last occurrence of "coqide" replaced by "coqtop". This should correctly handle the ".opt", ".byte", ".exe" situations. If the replacement fails, we default to "coqtop", hoping it's somewhere in the path. Note that the -coqtop option to coqide allows to override this default coqtop path *) let default_coqtop_path () = let prog = Sys.executable_name in try let pos = String.length prog - 6 in let i = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp_string "coqide") prog pos in String.blit "coqtop" 0 prog i 6; prog with _ -> "coqtop" let read_coqide_args argv = let rec filter_coqtop coqtop project_files out = function | "-coqtop" :: prog :: args -> if coqtop = "" then filter_coqtop prog project_files out args else (output_string stderr "Error: multiple -coqtop options"; exit 1) | "-debug" :: args -> Ideutils.debug := true; filter_coqtop coqtop project_files ("-debug"::out) args | "-f" :: file :: args -> filter_coqtop coqtop ((Minilib.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname file), Project_file.read_project_file file) :: project_files) out args | "-f" :: [] -> output_string stderr "Error: missing project file name"; exit 1 | arg::args -> filter_coqtop coqtop project_files (arg::out) args | [] -> ((if coqtop = "" then default_coqtop_path () else coqtop), List.rev project_files,List.rev out) in let coqtop,project_files,argv = filter_coqtop "" [] [] argv in Minilib.coqtop_path := coqtop; custom_project_files := project_files; argv let process_argv argv = try let continue,filtered = Coq.filter_coq_opts (List.tl argv) in if not continue then (List.iter Minilib.safe_prerr_endline filtered; exit 0); let opts = List.filter (fun arg -> String.get arg 0 == '-') filtered in if opts <> [] then (Minilib.safe_prerr_endline ("Illegal option: "^List.hd opts); exit 1); filtered with _ -> (Minilib.safe_prerr_endline "coqtop choked on one of your option"; exit 1)